Re: [whatwg] updateWithSanitizedHTML (was Re: innerStaticHTML)

2009-12-01 Thread Adam Barth
Your main point is well taken.

There are some technical reasons why tag whitelisting makes more sense
for inline content.  For example, consider the case you mentioned on
webkit-dev: @id.  Inline, @id is problematic because the ids exist in
a per-frame namespace, whereas they're harmless when the untrusted
content has an entire iframe to itself.  Of course, @id is not unique
in this respect.  For example, input type=password will likely get
autofilled by the password manager inline and @style can be used to
draw all over the page without an iframe's layout contraints.

That said, I'm not married to a design with a tag-level whitelist.  Do
you have a specific alternative in mind?


On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 7:43 PM, Maciej Stachowiak wrote:

 On Nov 30, 2009, at 6:32 PM, Adam Barth wrote:

 On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 5:43 PM, Maciej Stachowiak wrote:

 1) It seems like this API is harder to use than a sandboxed iframe. To
 it correctly, you need to determine a whitelist of safe elements and
 attributes; providing an explicit whitelist at least of tags is
 With a sandboxed iframe, as a Web developer you can just ask the browser
 turn off unsafe things and not worry about designing a security policy.
 Besides ease of use, there is also the concern that a server-side
 whitelist may be buggy, and if you apply the same whitelist on the client
 side as backup instead of doing something high level like disable
 scripting then you are less likely to benefit from defense in depth,
 you may just replicate the bug.

 I should follow up with folks in the ruby-on-rails community to see
 how they view their sanitize API.  The one person I asked had a
 positive opinion, but we should get a bigger sample size.

 For server-side sanitization, this kind of explicit API is pretty much the
 only thing you can do.

 I think updateWithSanitizedHTML has different use cases than @sandbox.
 I think the killer applications for @sandbox are advertisements and
 gadgets.  In those cases, the developer wants most of the browser's
 functionality, but wants to turn off some dangerous stuff (like
 plug-ins).  For updateWithSanitizedHTML, the killer application is
 something like blog comments, where you basically want text with some
 formatting tags (bold, italics, and maybe images depending on the

 I can imagine use cases where allowing very open-ended but script-free
 content is desirable. For example, consider a hosted blog service that wants
 to let blog authors write nearly arbitrary HTML, but without allowing
 script. @sandbox would not be a good solution for that use case. In general
 it does not seem sensible to me that the choice of tag whitelisting vs
 high-level feature whitelisting is tied to the choice of embedding content
 directly vs. creating a frame. Is there a technical reason these two choices
 have to be tied?

 2) It seems like this API loses one of the big benefits of sanitizing
 in the browser implementation. Specifically, in theory it's safe to say
 allow everything except any construct that would result in script/code
 running. You can't do that on the server side - blacklisting is not
 because you can't predict the capabilities of all browsers. But the
 can predict its own capabilities. Sandboxed iframes do allow for this.

 The benefit is that you know you're getting the right parsing.  You're
 not going to be tripped up by img/src=javascript: and friends.

 It's true, this is a benefit. However, it seems like even if you whitelist
 tags, being able to say no script at a high level

 Also, this API is useful in cases where you don't have a server to help
 sanitize your input.  One example I saw recently was a GreaseMonkey
 script that wanted to add EXIF metadata to Flickr.  Basically, the
 script grabbed the EXIF data from and added it to the
 current page.  Unfortunately, that meant I could use this GreaseMonkey
 script to XSS Flickr by adding HTML to my EXIF metadata.  Sure, there
 are other ways of solving the problem (I asked the developer to build
 the DOM in memory and use innerText), but you want something simple
 for these cases.

 If the EXIF metadata is supposed to be text-only, it seems like
 updateWithSanitizedHTML would not be easier to use than innerText, or in any
 way superior. For cases where it is actually desirable to allow some markup,
 it's not clear to me that giving explicit whitelists of what is allowed is
 the simple choice.

 I think the benefits of filtering by tag/attribute/scheme for advanced
 experts are outweighed by these two disadvantages for basic use, compared
 something simple like the original staticInnerHTML idea. Another possible
 alternative is to express how to sanitize at a higher level, using
 similar to sandboxed iframe feature strings.

 If you think of @sandbox as being optimized for rich untrusted content

Re: [whatwg] Web Workers: Worker.onmessage

2009-12-01 Thread Ian Hickson
On Wed, 11 Nov 2009, Simon Pieters wrote:
 On Wed, 11 Nov 2009 16:05:53 +0100, Simon Pieters wrote:
  Shouldn't setting onmessage on a Worker object enable the port message 
  Currently step 8 of the run a worker algorithm enables the port 
  message queue for the WorkerGlobalObjectScope side, but it is never 
  enabled when going in the other direction, if I'm reading the spec 
 Hmm. Actually, step 12 and 13 of the Worker constructor enable the port 
 message queue for both the inside and outside ports. Why does the run a 
 worker algorithm enable one of them again? Isn't it too early to enable 
 the port message queues before the worker has run and set 'onmessage'?

I suppose that if the worker is slow to start up, it could conceivably 
receive a message before the event loop exists, which would lead to poorly 
defined behaviour. I've removed the inner port opening from the 
constructor's algorithm.

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] [Web workers] An attribute describing the best number of worker to invoke in a delegation use case

2009-12-01 Thread Ian Hickson
On Wed, 11 Nov 2009, David Bruant wrote:
 This is a new proposal taking into account the feedback I recieved to 
 the [WebWorkers] About the delegation example message.
 In the delegation example of the WebWorker spec, we can see this line :
 var num_workers = 10;
 My concern is about the arbitrarity of the 10.

I agree that it's suboptimal. However, I think realistically a good 
implementation of parallel work would need some sort of dynamic 
performance tuning, continuously slowly ramping up the number of workers 
while it increases throughput, and when throughput decreases, switching to 
reducing the number of workers until throughput increases again. That 
would probably be too complicated to show in an example in the spec.

 My proposal is to add an attribute to the navigator object to write this :
 var num_workers = navigator.optimalWorkerNumber;
 var items_per_worker = 1000/num_workers; (uneven dividing can
 easily be solved)
 (the name optimalWorkerNumber is not good, but I will use it in the
 rest of this e-mail)

optimalWorkerNumber is a function of time and of the algorithm that the 
worker implements. I don't think it would solve the problem.

 This attribute have the following properties :
 - It's only dependant on the hardware, the operating system and the
 WebWorker implementation (thus, it is not dynamically computed by the
 user agent at each call and two calls in the same
 hardware//OS//WebWorker implementation have the same result).
 - In the same running conditions (same memory available, same number of
 process running concurrently...) running the same algorithm (an easy
 delegation algorithm) has a significantly better performance with
 (navigator.optimalWorkerNumber) workers than
 (navigator.optimalWorkerNumber - 1) workers
 - In the same running conditions, running the same algorithm has no
 significantly better performance with (navigator.optimalWorkerNumber +1)
 workers than (navigator.optimalWorkerNumber) workers

I do not think it is possible to satisfy all of the above conditions at 
the same time.

On Thu, 12 Nov 2009, David Bruant wrote, in response to Boris saying much 
the same as what I wrote above:

 = You're perfectly right. I reformulate the definition of running
 conditions (appearing in condition 2 and 3) as :
 same memory available, same number of process running concurrently, no
 other worker running working on the same document.

On Thu, 12 Nov 2009, Boris Zbarsky wrote:
 That doesn't help that much, unfortunately.  Most simply, consider a 
 quad-core chip and workers that are completely cpu-bound.  If there are 
 no other processes running, the optimal number of workers is 4.  If 
 there is one other process which is also completely cpu-bound running, 
 the optimal number of workers is 3 (in the sense that 4 may well not 
 satisfy your condition 3). This is really the same issue as having one 
 worker running, but it's some process not under the browser's control.
 If, on the other hand, the workers are I/O bound (esp. network I/O 
 latency bound), then the optimal number of workers can well be larger 
 than the number of cores...

On Thu, 12 Nov 2009, David Bruant wrote:

 = If you are comparing no other processes running and one other 
 process which is also completely cpu-bound running, you are not in what 
 I've called same running conditions. (because the number of concurrent 
 processes is different).

The point is that the constant can't be constant if it has to return a 
different number based on conditions outside the UA's control.

 I reformulate this way the conditions 2 and 3:
 - In blank conditions (no other processes/thread running on the CPU,
 enough memory to allocate the workers), running the same algorithm (an
 easy delegation algorithm) has significantly better performances with
 (navigator.optimalWorkerNumber) dedicated workers than with
 (navigator.optimalWorkerNumber -1) dedicated workers
 - In blank conditions, running the same algorithm has no significantly
 better performances with (navigator.optimalWorkerNumber+1) dedicated
 workers than with (navigator.optimalWorkerNumber) dedicated workers

This isn't especially useful, since blank conditions are never met by a 
running script (for one, the script is running).

 Just to remind, the purpose of this attribute is to decide, at the
 beginning of a delegation algorithm what is the optimal number of
 workers to divide the work in a way that is optimal regarding the
 hardware, the OS and the worker implementation.
 No matter the running conditions, 2 calls return the same value for the
 same hardware//OS//Worker implementation.
 The idea behind this property is that even if you start running the
 algorithm with a lot of concurrent processes, you create a number of
 workers that cannot be ran concurrently at the beginning, but you may
 use optimally the ressources later (if the other processes/threads stop
 running, what you cannot control, but can still hope that it happens

Re: [whatwg] updateWithSanitizedHTML (was Re: innerStaticHTML)

2009-12-01 Thread Kornel Lesiński

The WebKit community is considering taking up such an experimental
implementation.  Here's my current proposal for how this might work:

I would appreciate any feedback on the design.

Whitelist requires developers to know about potential risks of each  
element/property, and that's not obvious to everyone: e.g. one might  
want to allow object/embed (for harmless YouTube videos) without  
realizing that it enables XSS.

It's also non-obvious that style attribute is XSS risk (via behavior  
property). Higher-level filtering option could allow style attribute,  
and only filter out that property. Current proposal would need another  
whitelist for CSS properties.

And even whitelist for CSS properties couldn't be used to implement  
No external access policy (allow images with data: urls, allow http:  
links, but not http: images). This would be useful for webmails and  
other places where website doesn't want to allow 3rd parties tracking  

No clickjacking option might be useful as well.

regards, Kornel Lesiński

Re: [whatwg] figureimg* caption

2009-12-01 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Philip Jägenstedt wrote:

As currently speced, the proper usage of figure is:

ddimg src=bunny.jpg alt=A Bunny/dd
dtThe Cutest Animal/dt

Apart from all that has been said about legacy parsing, leaking style in
IE, etc I would (perhaps not be the first to) add:

1. It seems quite easy to confuse or mistype dd/dt. Without guessing how
often authors will get it wrong, I think everyone agrees that (all else
equal) a syntax which is harder to confuse/mistype is better.

Yes, I expect we'll see a lot of authors get them reversed, using the dd 
for the caption if they want the caption below the content.  This is 
likely to occur since existing authors have already learned that dt 
comes before dd when used within a dl, and because old habbits die hard, 
they're likely to repeat the pattern within figure.

2. Only the caption needs to be marked up, the content is implicitly
everything else. While some content may need a wrapping element for
styling, e.g. img usually does not.

3. Aesthetics. (My eyes are bleeding, but I can't speak for anyone else's.)

Some additional reasons why using dt/dd in figure is a bad solution:

The simplest workaround presented so far to solve the styling issue in 
IE is basically to do this:

div class=figure
ddimg src=image alt=.../dd

And then rather than style the figure itself, give some style to the div 
because some styles don't work properly when applied to the figure. 
This effectively makes the figure element itself entirely useless, 
especially given that all browsers lack support for it.

It would be far easier for authors to just stick with this entirely hack 
free alternative that doesn't use the new elements:

div class=figure
  img src=image alt=...
  p class=captionCaption/p

At least until browsers actually implement support for figure and 
IE6/7's market share becomes negligible.  It will take a couple of years 
for those events to occur, and there's no need to rush into using the 
new elements yet.

The main difficulty with coming up with something better seems to have
been finding a name for an element which isn't already taken. If that's
the only issue, why not just take some inspiration from time pubdate
and use an attribute instead?

img src=bunny.jpg alt=A Bunny
p captionThe Cutest Animal/p

I was the first one to suggest that on IRC a while ago, but I'm not 
convinced it's a good idea.  Although it's certainly better than using 

See IRC logs here.

The original idea for using the attribute was that it could apply to a 
wide range of elements, like p, div, etc.  But that makes it difficult 
for browsers to provide sensible default styling for captions, since it 
requires carefully overriding existing defaults for so many other elements.

To some extent, it even makes it difficult for authors to provide 
reasonable styles if they can't guarantee which elements content writers 
will choose for their caption.  Imagine designing a CMS template with 
some default styles for figure and caption, the CSS in the template 
would have to deal with so many possible element choices just for the 
caption, it'll be difficult to get it right and test everything.

Limiting the caption attribute to just the p element, or just div or 
something, might help, but I'd still expect authors to end up using it 
on other elements anyway.

There are only 2 sensible options for element choices: legend or 
introducing a new element.  Using dt/dd is *not* and was never a 
sensible choice for figure, and the idea must be dropped.

Since Hixie is adamant that introducing a new element for the caption 
isn't going to happen, and I've yet to find a way to convince him 
otherwise, that leaves us with legend.

Although legend has it's own styling issues in browsers, these will 
eventually be resolved in a couple of years.  Therefore, the best 
solution is to revert the spec back to using legend for figure, but 
strongly discourage authors from using these new elements yet, until the 
implementation issues are resolved.

Lachlan Hunt - Opera Software

Re: [whatwg] figureimg* caption

2009-12-01 Thread Nikita Popov

The original idea for using the attribute was that it could apply to a 
wide range of elements, like p, div, etc.  But that makes it difficult 
for browsers to provide sensible default styling for captions, since 
it requires carefully overriding existing defaults for so many other 

To some extent, it even makes it difficult for authors to provide 
reasonable styles if they can't guarantee which elements content 
writers will choose for their caption.  Imagine designing a CMS 
template with some default styles for figure and caption, the CSS in 
the template would have to deal with so many possible element choices 
just for the caption, it'll be difficult to get it right and test 

This does make sense. Would be really hard, for sure.
There are only 2 sensible options for element choices: legend or 
introducing a new element.  Using dt/dd is *not* and was never a 
sensible choice for figure, and the idea must be dropped.
As caption and legend have much too many backwards compatibility issues, 
the only possible solution is either a new element or dropping the whole 
figure-thing. The second thing should really be taken into account. 
Better no syntax than bad syntax :)

What tag-titles could be used to mark the captions up? I thought of 
desc or description (first is better). Does not seem to be taken, 
but I don't know whether it is as intuitive. (But I as a German, who 
can't speak English very well, would search for html5 image 
description next after html5 caption.)

MfG Nikita Popov

Re: [whatwg] figureimg* caption

2009-12-01 Thread Tab Atkins Jr.
On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 7:28 AM, Lachlan Hunt wrote:
 To some extent, it even makes it difficult for authors to provide reasonable
 styles if they can't guarantee which elements content writers will choose
 for their caption.  Imagine designing a CMS template with some default
 styles for figure and caption, the CSS in the template would have to deal
 with so many possible element choices just for the caption, it'll be
 difficult to get it right and test everything.

There are a multitude of reset style sheets on the web today that
don't seem to have a problem removing virtually all default styling
from elements.  It would not be difficult to modify one to strip a
@caption element down to bare bones and then restyle as desired.


Re: [whatwg] figureimg* caption

2009-12-01 Thread Philip Jägenstedt

On Tue, 01 Dec 2009 15:33:28 +0100, Nikita Popov wrote:

There are only 2 sensible options for element choices: legend or  
introducing a new element.  Using dt/dd is *not* and was never a  
sensible choice for figure, and the idea must be dropped.
As caption and legend have much too many backwards compatibility issues,  
the only possible solution is either a new element or dropping the whole  

or a new attribute

Philip Jägenstedt
Core Developer
Opera Software

Re: [whatwg] updateWithSanitizedHTML (was Re: innerStaticHTML)

2009-12-01 Thread Adam Barth
2009/12/1 Kornel Lesiński
 The WebKit community is considering taking up such an experimental
 implementation.  Here's my current proposal for how this might work:

 I would appreciate any feedback on the design.

 Whitelist requires developers to know about potential risks of each
 element/property, and that's not obvious to everyone: e.g. one might want to
 allow object/embed (for harmless YouTube videos) without realizing that it
 enables XSS.

That's true.  It would be interesting to know how often developers
screw this up with Ruby-on-Rails' version of the API.

 It's also non-obvious that style attribute is XSS risk (via behavior
 property). Higher-level filtering option could allow style attribute, and
 only filter out that property. Current proposal would need another whitelist
 for CSS properties.

Script-in-CSS is subtle enough that it's explicitly blocked (like
javascript URLs).

 And even whitelist for CSS properties couldn't be used to implement No
 external access policy (allow images with data: urls, allow http: links,
 but not http: images). This would be useful for webmails and other places
 where website doesn't want to allow 3rd parties tracking views.

I don't think an no external access policy is worth supporting
explicitly.  If it falls out of a general design, that's great, but I
don't think the use case is compelling enough to accept the design
constraints required to support it.

 No clickjacking option might be useful as well.

I don't have a clear idea how this would work.  Did you have something
different in mind than X-Frame-Options (already supported by WebKit)?


Re: [whatwg] figureimg* caption

2009-12-01 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:

On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 7:28 AM, Lachlan  wrote:

To some extent, it even makes it difficult for authors to provide reasonable
styles if they can't guarantee which elements content writers will choose
for their caption.  Imagine designing a CMS template with some default
styles for figure and caption, the CSS in the template would have to deal
with so many possible element choices just for the caption, it'll be
difficult to get it right and test everything.

There are a multitude of reset style sheets on the web today that
don't seem to have a problem removing virtually all default styling
from elements.  It would not be difficult to modify one to strip a
@caption element down to bare bones and then restyle as desired.

Applying reset styles alone and making all elements look the same 
basically defeats the purpose of being able to use a range of different 
elements, and is very likely not what an author would ultimately want.

Reset styles are just used to give different elements a more level 
playing field for new styles, and so authors would then still have to go 
through all the elements and style them appropriately for use as a 
caption.  Plus, authors have to worry about cascading issues from other 
styles in their own stylesheets.

Say, for instance, an author had applied special styles to paragraphs in 
some special type of section:

#foo p { margin-left: 1em; }

And then a content writer puts a figure in there using p caption, but 
the CSS author failed to adequately account for figures being used in 
that section, despite doing:

p[caption] { margin: 0; }

Due to specificity, the first rule would apply regardless and the 
caption would get a potentially unwanted margin.

I know there are ways to work around the issue, such as using !important 
or finding ways to increase the specificity of the latter selector, but 
the point is that introducing unnecessary element clashes creates 
needless complexities that should be avoided.

Lachlan Hunt - Opera Software

Re: [whatwg] figureimg* caption

2009-12-01 Thread Tab Atkins Jr.
On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 9:07 AM, Lachlan Hunt wrote:
 Applying reset styles alone and making all elements look the same basically
 defeats the purpose of being able to use a range of different elements, and
 is very likely not what an author would ultimately want.

Heh, you either want consistent styling, in which case you use a
reset, or you want element-specific styling, in which you don't.
Can't have it both ways.  ^_^

 Reset styles are just used to give different elements a more level playing
 field for new styles, and so authors would then still have to go through all
 the elements and style them appropriately for use as a caption.  Plus,
 authors have to worry about cascading issues from other styles in their own

 Say, for instance, an author had applied special styles to paragraphs in
 some special type of section:

 #foo p { margin-left: 1em; }

 And then a content writer puts a figure in there using p caption, but the
 CSS author failed to adequately account for figures being used in that
 section, despite doing:

 p[caption] { margin: 0; }

 Due to specificity, the first rule would apply regardless and the caption
 would get a potentially unwanted margin.

 I know there are ways to work around the issue, such as using !important or
 finding ways to increase the specificity of the latter selector, but the
 point is that introducing unnecessary element clashes creates needless
 complexities that should be avoided.

This is a valid complaint.


Re: [whatwg] figureimg* caption

2009-12-01 Thread Kornel Lesiński

On 1 Dec 2009, at 14:33, Nikita Popov wrote:

As caption and legend have much too many backwards compatibility  

It's not bad I think. I've played a little with the live DOM viewer  
and this seems usable:

  captiondiv class=captionfoo/div/caption

caption start/end tag is completely ignored, so at lest there's no  
negative side effect. You only need another styling hook. It's not any  
worse than suggested hack for dd.

To ease transition, HTML5 might allow wrapping caption in table  
without any rows:


This gives good DOM and styling in all browsers (with createElement  
hack in IE of course).

This caption can be styled differently from real table captions using  
caption:only-child selector.

Saying that caption of table in figure is also figure's caption IMHO  
makes sense even for real tables (is there a need for doubly-captioned  

regards, Kornel

Re: [whatwg] figureimg* caption

2009-12-01 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
On Tue, 01 Dec 2009 14:28:32 +0100, Lachlan Hunt wrote:

Philip Jägenstedt wrote:

As currently speced, the proper usage of figure is:

ddimg src=bunny.jpg alt=A Bunny/dd
dtThe Cutest Animal/dt

Apart from all that has been said about legacy parsing, leaking style in
IE, etc I would (perhaps not be the first to) add:

1. It seems quite easy to confuse or mistype dd/dt. Without guessing how
often authors will get it wrong, I think everyone agrees that (all else
equal) a syntax which is harder to confuse/mistype is better.

Yes, I expect we'll see a lot of authors get them reversed, using the dd  
for the caption if they want the caption below the content.  This is  
likely to occur since existing authors have already learned that dt  
comes before dd when used within a dl, and because old habbits die hard,  
they're likely to repeat the pattern within figure.

2. Only the caption needs to be marked up, the content is implicitly
everything else. While some content may need a wrapping element for
styling, e.g. img usually does not.

3. Aesthetics. (My eyes are bleeding, but I can't speak for anyone  

Some additional reasons why using dt/dd in figure is a bad solution:

The simplest workaround presented so far to solve the styling issue in  
IE is basically to do this:

div class=figure
 ddimg src=image alt=.../dd

And then rather than style the figure itself, give some style to the div  
because some styles don't work properly when applied to the figure. This  
effectively makes the figure element itself entirely useless, especially  
given that all browsers lack support for it.

It would be far easier for authors to just stick with this entirely hack  
free alternative that doesn't use the new elements:

div class=figure
   img src=image alt=...
   p class=captionCaption/p

At least until browsers actually implement support for figure and  
IE6/7's market share becomes negligible.  It will take a couple of years  
for those events to occur, and there's no need to rush into using the  
new elements yet.

The main difficulty with coming up with something better seems to have
been finding a name for an element which isn't already taken. If that's
the only issue, why not just take some inspiration from time pubdate
and use an attribute instead?

img src=bunny.jpg alt=A Bunny
p captionThe Cutest Animal/p

I was the first one to suggest that on IRC a while ago, but I'm not  
convinced it's a good idea.  Although it's certainly better than using  

See IRC logs here.

The original idea for using the attribute was that it could apply to a  
wide range of elements, like p, div, etc.  But that makes it difficult  
for browsers to provide sensible default styling for captions, since it  
requires carefully overriding existing defaults for so many other  

You only need to provide styles for the elements you're using which  
wouldn't work with a simple generic style such as.

figure[caption] { margin-left: 1em; font-weight: bold; }

Please, no examples where this doesn't work. It's obvious, but also very  
easy to fix.

To some extent, it even makes it difficult for authors to provide  
reasonable styles if they can't guarantee which elements content writers  
will choose for their caption.  Imagine designing a CMS template with  
some default styles for figure and caption, the CSS in the template  
would have to deal with so many possible element choices just for the  
caption, it'll be difficult to get it right and test everything.

Imaginary template language:

div caption@caption@/div

Does everything you could do with a new element. Almost everyone else will  
probably get by without wrapping divs though.

Limiting the caption attribute to just the p element, or just div or  
something, might help, but I'd still expect authors to end up using it  
on other elements anyway.

There are only 2 sensible options for element choices: legend or  
introducing a new element.  Using dt/dd is *not* and was never a  
sensible choice for figure, and the idea must be dropped.

Since Hixie is adamant that introducing a new element for the caption  
isn't going to happen, and I've yet to find a way to convince him  
otherwise, that leaves us with legend.

Although legend has it's own styling issues in browsers, these will  
eventually be resolved in a couple of years.  Therefore, the best  
solution is to revert the spec back to using legend for figure, but  
strongly discourage authors from using these new elements yet, until the  
implementation issues are resolved.

If all of the ideas are rejected I agree that it would be better to drop  
figure, but I hope it won't come to that. A pointer to any parsing/styling  
issues of legend 

Re: [whatwg] figureimg* caption

2009-12-01 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
On Tue, 01 Dec 2009 16:36:08 +0100, Philip Jägenstedt  

You only need to provide styles for the elements you're using which  
wouldn't work with a simple generic style such as.

figure[caption] { margin-left: 1em; font-weight: bold; }

Please, no examples where this doesn't work. It's obvious, but also very  
easy to fix.

Sent too early... this part is about author styles. I don't think there  
should be a default browser style at all.

Philip Jägenstedt
Core Developer
Opera Software

Re: [whatwg] updateWithSanitizedHTML (was Re: innerStaticHTML)

2009-12-01 Thread Kornel Lesiński

And even whitelist for CSS properties couldn't be used to implement  
external access policy (allow images with data: urls, allow http:  
but not http: images). This would be useful for webmails and other  

where website doesn't want to allow 3rd parties tracking views.

I don't think an no external access policy is worth supporting
explicitly.  If it falls out of a general design, that's great, but I
don't think the use case is compelling enough to accept the design
constraints required to support it.

I think it is quite important for privacy. Otherwise web bugs can be  
placed and used to track every use of content in every mashup.

Most often I'd like formatted text in applications to be just text,  
_completely_ passive.

No clickjacking option might be useful as well.

I don't have a clear idea how this would work.  Did you have something
different in mind than X-Frame-Options (already supported by WebKit)?

On a second thought clickjacking is probably not the right term for  
what I have in mind, although it's a similar issue.

The problem is that content added in DOM could use styles to overlay  
web application's chrome and steal data with forms or redirect  
standard links/buttons to phising site, e.g. form action=evil  
style=position:fixed; top:0; right:0 that's positioned on top of  
website's standard login form.

Position:fixed escapes elements with  
position:relative;overflow:hidden, so AFAIK this cannot be prevented  
without removal of all position:fixed styles from untrusted content.

Such hack has been used on auction site, where auctions'  
descriptions are allowed to use CSS. In that particular case content  
should have been filtered server-side, but I imagine webmails, web- 
based feed readers and all kinds of mashups dynamically loading  
untrusted content could face similar problems, and having iframe for  
every bit of content is sometimes problematic.

regards, Kornel

Re: [whatwg] updateWithSanitizedHTML (was Re: innerStaticHTML)

2009-12-01 Thread Adam Barth
2009/12/1 Kornel Lesiński
 And even whitelist for CSS properties couldn't be used to implement No
 external access policy (allow images with data: urls, allow http: links,
 but not http: images). This would be useful for webmails and other places
 where website doesn't want to allow 3rd parties tracking views.

 I don't think an no external access policy is worth supporting
 explicitly.  If it falls out of a general design, that's great, but I
 don't think the use case is compelling enough to accept the design
 constraints required to support it.

 I think it is quite important for privacy. Otherwise web bugs can be
 placed and used to track every use of content in every mashup.

 Most often I'd like formatted text in applications to be just text,
 _completely_ passive.

I agree that it's a nice benefit of some designs, but, in my opinion,
it's not nearly as important as addressing the security issues.

More concretely, suppose you want to let folks include hyperlinks in
sanitized HTML, which I suspect many people will want to do.  You've
already lost the battle against web bugs because of DNS prefetch.

 No clickjacking option might be useful as well.

 I don't have a clear idea how this would work.  Did you have something
 different in mind than X-Frame-Options (already supported by WebKit)?

 On a second thought clickjacking is probably not the right term for what I
 have in mind, although it's a similar issue.

 The problem is that content added in DOM could use styles to overlay web
 application's chrome and steal data with forms or redirect standard
 links/buttons to phising site, e.g. form action=evil style=position:fixed;
 top:0; right:0 that's positioned on top of website's standard login form.

 Position:fixed escapes elements with position:relative;overflow:hidden, so
 AFAIK this cannot be prevented without removal of all position:fixed styles
 from untrusted content.

 Such hack has been used on auction site, where auctions'
 descriptions are allowed to use CSS. In that particular case content should
 have been filtered server-side, but I imagine webmails, web-based feed
 readers and all kinds of mashups dynamically loading untrusted content could
 face similar problems, and having iframe for every bit of content is
 sometimes problematic.

I agree that this is a threat worth addressing.  That's one reason why
an API that blocks only script is insufficient for inline use cases.
Notice that my proposal does mitigate this threat.


Re: [whatwg] figureimg* caption

2009-12-01 Thread Hugh Guiney
Is there a reason we can't reuse legend (or label)? I don't think
giving p an attribute that it can only use inside of figure is
very straightforward.

Re: [whatwg] figureimg* caption

2009-12-01 Thread Tab Atkins Jr.
On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 6:01 PM, Hugh Guiney wrote:
 Is there a reason we can't reuse legend (or label)? I don't think
 giving p an attribute that it can only use inside of figure is
 very straightforward.

Yes.  legend is documented as having rendering issues in all current
browsers if placed outside of a fieldset (for example, in some
browsers it will *generate a fieldset* around itself).  label
doesn't have appropriate keyboard accessibility when used for

The @caption proposal isn't for an attribute on p only, but rather
for an attribute on any element that is a child of a figure.  (It's
just that most of the time using a p is most appropriate.)


Re: [whatwg] [WebWorkers] Advocation to provide the DOM API to the workers

2009-12-01 Thread Ian Hickson
On Thu, 12 Nov 2009, David Bruant wrote:

 I was waiting for Firefox to stop freezing on the HTML5 spec page (it 
 freezes about one minute each time I visit the one-page version) and I 
 tried to think of a way to design this page in a way that wouldn't 
 freeze my browser.

The easiest way is to disable the scripts, which you can do by appending 
?slow-browser to the page's URL, as in:

 One good way I have found would be to cut the whole page into several 
 parts (one the server side, what is already done in the multi-page 
 version) and to launch several workers. Each worker gets one part of the 
 whole page in the background and could give it to the browsing context 
 which will append the right part at the right place.

As others have noted, the slowness turns out to not be parsing, but to be 
a bunch of scripts that are doing various things such as adding the 
sidebar annotations, setting up the dfn cross-references, and generating 
the short table of contents.

Plus, since browsers don't have thread-safe DOM implementations, we 
actually can't expose the DOM in workers. Maybe one day. :-)

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] figureimg* caption

2009-12-01 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Dec 1, 2009, at 4:08 PM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:

On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 6:01 PM, Hugh Guiney  

Is there a reason we can't reuse legend (or label)? I don't think
giving p an attribute that it can only use inside of figure is
very straightforward.

Yes.  legend is documented as having rendering issues in all current
browsers if placed outside of a fieldset (for example, in some
browsers it will *generate a fieldset* around itself).  label
doesn't have appropriate keyboard accessibility when used for

It's not just rendering issues - all current browsers produce a broken  
DOM when you include legend outside of fieldset, ranging from  
dropping the legend element entirely to creating a fieldset to doing  
the IE thing of adding void elements named legend and /legend (but  
without the usual script workaround.

I don't think keyboard accessibility is a problem for label.  
details itself can be made focusable. I believe the only technical  
issues with label are:

1) Some sites already have style rules for label based on the  
assumption that it is only ever used for form labels. So they would  
have to tweak their CSS to be able to use details. I don't think  
this argument is very strong.

2) Using label could create issues in present-day browsers if the  
label includes a form control. Specifically the label would be  
considered the label of the form control if it has no other label,  
which may not be appropriate. This is somewhat unlikely but not  
altogether impossible.

Opinions on the seriousness of these two issues vary, but I must  
concede that the dt/dd solution does not have these two specific  

BTW the current alternate proposal in the HTML Working Group is to  
replace dt/dd with a fltcap element to use as the label for both  
figure and details: 


Re: [whatwg] Interface objects in Web Workers

2009-12-01 Thread Ian Hickson
On Wed, 25 Nov 2009, Simon Pieters wrote:

 The Interface objects and constructors section says
 There must be no interface objects and constructors available in the 
 global scope of scripts whose script's global object is a 
 WorkerGlobalScope object except for the following:
 WorkerGlobalScope, WorkerLocation, Navigator, AbstractWorker, ErrorEvent 
 are not in the list. Is this intentional? If they're intended to not 
 create interface objects, it would be clearer if the IDLs had 

I've changed that section to be more precise legalese that automatically 
does the right thing.

 Should EventTarget and Event be in the list?

These are now automatically covered by the new magical text in the 
aforementioned section. (Basically I said that any interfaces relevant to 
exposed APIs are automatically to be available.)

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] createEvent() in Web Workers?

2009-12-01 Thread Ian Hickson
On Thu, 26 Nov 2009, Simon Pieters wrote:

 There's ErrorEvent.initErrorEvent, and dispatchEvent is exposed in 
 workers, but there's no createEvent (because there's no document). Are 
 there use cases for sending events in a worker? Should we expose 
 createEvent somewhere? Should we remove initErrorEvent?

I don't want to remove initErrorEvent() because that would just cause 
troubles later if we ever add createEvent().

In the meantime, though, I don't see a really compelling reason to add 
event creation to the worker API set, so I haven't changed anything there 
for now. If DOM3 Events adds constructors or whatever, it can expose them 
to Workers easily enough.

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'