[whatwg] Feedback on UndoManager spec

2011-10-26 Thread Aryeh Gregor
Things I noticed while reading through it, leaving aside editorial
nitpicks that wouldn't improve clarity:

1) I was confused at first by the fact that undo goes backward in the
history, and redo goes forward.  I would have expected that new
transactions are added to the end of the list, not the beginning.
This way the list goes forward in time instead of backward.  Is there
some specific reason for why it's the other way around?  E.g., does
this match other platforms' undo APIs?  If you keep it this way,
should you change the section title Undo: moving back in the undo
transaction history to Undo: moving forward in the undo transaction
history, and similarly for Redo: moving forward in the undo
transaction history?

2) What happens if you have an Element with the undoscope attribute
that doesn't descend from a Document?  Does undo management make any
sense in that case, or should the undoscope attribute have no effect
for detached elements?

3) It looks like there's no mention of the UA clearing old undo
entries.  If the UA is expected to remove old undo entries when the
undo history gets too long, this should be mentioned somewhere.

4) In the transact() method, step 2 is Clear all transactions or
transaction groups between before the current undo position.  Should
between be removed?

5) You use step numbers in some places, like go to step 8.  This is
risky, because if you add or remove a step from the algorithm you have
to track down all the references and change them manually, and if you
miss any your spec is incorrect.  Ian avoids this by using named
labels, and saying go to the step in this algorithm labeled 'foo'.
I avoid it by not using gotos at all and using if/while/etc. instead,
although this results in a lot of sublist indentation sometimes.

6) In the definition of redo(), you say (position is incremented by
1).  I'm pretty sure you mean decremented.

7) Where you say The item(n) method must return the nth transaction's
associated data, associated data is a link to
#transaction-associated-data, but there's nothing with that id, and
the term associated data doesn't occur elsewhere.  Maybe you should
use a tool like anolis to write your spec, so that it will make sure
links like this are correct.  If you maintain these links manually,
probably there are other similar errors.

8) I'm confused by what role transaction groups play in UndoManager.
The prose says that an UndoManager has a list of transactions and
transaction groups, but item() only returns transactions.  What
happens if the nth item is a transaction group rather than a
transaction?  Does item(n) return an array instead of a Transaction?
Similarly, the non-normative description of undo() says the
transaction or all transactions in the transaction group, but the
normative definition says just the transaction and doesn't mention
transaction groups.

Would it make more sense to say that UndoManager has a list of
transaction groups, and that some of the groups might just contain one
transaction, instead of having the list be a mix of transactions and
transaction groups?

9) In section 3.1 Mutations of DOM, you define DOM changes and DOM
State by reference to DOM 3.  It would be better if you gave explicit
lists, for clarity.  I think the only things that qualify as DOM
changes to a node are

* Changing the data of a text/comment/PI node
* Changing an attribute's name or value, for an element
* Adding or removing an attribute, for an element
* Inserting or removing a child
* Any DOM change to a child

And the DOM state of a node is its list of attributes (for elements),
its data (for text/comment/PI), and its list of children including all
their DOM state.

10) It's maybe not a big deal, but I think that you want to define
Transaction as a dictionary, not an interface, and remove the


If I understand correctly, this is what allows you to do transact()
with an object literal as its first argument.  If it were an
interface, you'd only be able to get Transaction objects by invoking
some method or attribute that returns them.  The difference doesn't
make a lot of sense in JavaScript, admittedly, and I might be

11) Any changes made to the value of the isAutomatic attribute after
the transaction had been applied should not change the type of the
transaction.  What about changing other things about it?  If I do

  var transaction = { label: x, apply: foo, unapply: bar, reapply:
baz, isAutomatic: false };
  transaction.unapply = quz;

which function is called, bar or quz?

12) Relatedly, does item() return references to Transactions, or copies?

13) The highest node affecting an automatic transaction is the
editing host of the lowest common ancestor of nodes, inside the undo
scope associated with the UndoManager to which the transaction is
added, mutated while applying the 

Re: [whatwg] Feedback on UndoManager spec

2011-10-26 Thread Ryosuke Niwa
Thanks for a great feedback!

On Wed, Oct 26, 2011 at 9:42 AM, Aryeh Gregor a...@aryeh.name wrote:

 1) I was confused at first by the fact that undo goes backward in the
 history, and redo goes forward.  I would have expected that new
 transactions are added to the end of the list, not the beginning.
 This way the list goes forward in time instead of backward.  Is there
 some specific reason for why it's the other way around?

This is so that the last transaction is always at position 0, and applying a
new transaction does not move the position. The position is non-zero only if
we have not applied any new transactions and have done undo.

E.g., does this match other platforms' undo APIs?  If you keep it this way,
 should you change the section title Undo: moving back in the undo
 transaction history to Undo: moving forward in the undo transaction
 history, and similarly for Redo: moving forward in the undo
 transaction history?

I can change that.

2) What happens if you have an Element with the undoscope attribute
 that doesn't descend from a Document?  Does undo management make any
 sense in that case, or should the undoscope attribute have no effect
 for detached elements?

This is a debatable point. On one hand, allowing a node with undoManager to
be moved to another location in DOM seems nice but on the other hand, being
able to move a node with undoManager to a different document will be
problematic. And semantically, moving undoManager makes very little sense.

3) It looks like there's no mention of the UA clearing old undo
 entries.  If the UA is expected to remove old undo entries when the
 undo history gets too long, this should be mentioned somewhere.

Yeah, I haven't put much thought into that. I'm thinking that we might need
to notify the content (e.g by firing some events) when UAs clear entries in
the undo transaction history.

4) In the transact() method, step 2 is Clear all transactions or
 transaction groups between before the current undo position.  Should
 between be removed?

Yes. The revised version is in its way.

6) In the definition of redo(), you say (position is incremented by
 1).  I'm pretty sure you mean decremented.

Yes, I have a revised version which is going to be pushed soon.

7) Where you say The item(n) method must return the nth transaction's
 associated data, associated data is a link to
 #transaction-associated-data, but there's nothing with that id, and
 the term associated data doesn't occur elsewhere.

That sentence is very out-of-date. Will update. FWIW, I do use anolis but
I've been ignoring all errors for some legacy reason.

 8) I'm confused by what role transaction groups play in UndoManager.
 The prose says that an UndoManager has a list of transactions and
 transaction groups, but item() only returns transactions.  What
 happens if the nth item is a transaction group rather than a
 transaction?  Does item(n) return an array instead of a Transaction?

It'll be an array. I should probably revise that part.

 Similarly, the non-normative description of undo() says the
 transaction or all transactions in the transaction group, but the
 normative definition says just the transaction and doesn't mention
 transaction groups.

Will revise.

Would it make more sense to say that UndoManager has a list of
 transaction groups, and that some of the groups might just contain one
 transaction, instead of having the list be a mix of transactions and
 transaction groups?

That might be a good idea actually.

9) In section 3.1 Mutations of DOM, you define DOM changes and DOM
 State by reference to DOM 3.  It would be better if you gave explicit
 lists, for clarity.  I think the only things that qualify as DOM
 changes to a node are

 * Changing the data of a text/comment/PI node
 * Changing an attribute's name or value, for an element
 * Adding or removing an attribute, for an element
 * Inserting or removing a child
 * Any DOM change to a child

Also, removing or adding document node, DOCTYPE node, etc...

And the DOM state of a node is its list of attributes (for elements),
 its data (for text/comment/PI), and its list of children including all
 their DOM state.

I'm thinking whether DOM state should also include properties on the node or

10) It's maybe not a big deal, but I think that you want to define
 Transaction as a dictionary, not an interface, and remove the


 If I understand correctly, this is what allows you to do transact()
 with an object literal as its first argument.  If it were an
 interface, you'd only be able to get Transaction objects by invoking
 some method or attribute that returns them.  The difference doesn't
 make a lot of sense in JavaScript, admittedly, and I might be

Any object can implement Transaction interface.

11) Any changes made to the value of the isAutomatic attribute after
 the transaction had been applied should not 

Re: [whatwg] Feedback on UndoManager spec

2011-10-26 Thread Aryeh Gregor
On Wed, Oct 26, 2011 at 1:13 PM, Ryosuke Niwa rn...@webkit.org wrote:
 This is so that the last transaction is always at position 0, and applying a
 new transaction does not move the position. The position is non-zero only if
 we have not applied any new transactions and have done undo.

Makes sense.

 2) What happens if you have an Element with the undoscope attribute
 that doesn't descend from a Document?  Does undo management make any
 sense in that case, or should the undoscope attribute have no effect
 for detached elements?

 This is a debatable point. On one hand, allowing a node with undoManager to
 be moved to another location in DOM seems nice but on the other hand, being
 able to move a node with undoManager to a different document will be
 problematic. And semantically, moving undoManager makes very little sense.

Well, if you do

  var span = document.createElement(span);
  span.undoScope = true;

what is the value of span.undoManager?  Per the current spec, it
should return an UndoManager that works just fine.  Is this desired,
or do you want to return null in this case?

 Yeah, I haven't put much thought into that. I'm thinking that we might need
 to notify the content (e.g by firing some events) when UAs clear entries in
 the undo transaction history.

Makes sense.

 9) In section 3.1 Mutations of DOM, you define DOM changes and DOM
 State by reference to DOM 3.  It would be better if you gave explicit
 lists, for clarity.  I think the only things that qualify as DOM
 changes to a node are

 * Changing the data of a text/comment/PI node
 * Changing an attribute's name or value, for an element
 * Adding or removing an attribute, for an element
 * Inserting or removing a child
 * Any DOM change to a child

 Also, removing or adding document node, DOCTYPE node, etc...

I don't understand what you mean here.  How can a Document node be
added or removed, since it can't be the child of anything?  If you add
or remove a doctype node, it should be a DOM change to the parent
Document because a child is added or removed, which is included in
what I said.

 I'm thinking whether DOM state should also include properties on the node or

You mean IDL properties?  We can't include all of those in DOM state.
For instance, it would be extremely unexpected if undo were to undo
changes to document.cookie.  Or did you just mean custom IDL
properties that the author added via script, not built-in IDL

 Any object can implement Transaction interface.

I don't think that's how WebIDL works, but I'm not an expert in it.

 11) Any changes made to the value of the isAutomatic attribute after
 the transaction had been applied should not change the type of the
 transaction.  What about changing other things about it?  If I do

  var transaction = { label: x, apply: foo, unapply: bar, reapply:
 baz, isAutomatic: false };
  transaction.unapply = quz;

 which function is called, bar or quz?


This should be spelled out explicitly, IMO.

 12) Relatedly, does item() return references to Transactions, or copies?

 It returns the original object passed to transact.

This should be spelled out explicitly, IMO.

 No. I did not specify that because the only requirement is that UAs restore
 DOM states.
 I specifically avoided to give any guarantee or implication as to in what
 order things are restored
 to allow optimizations.

But this doesn't define what happens in the face of manual
transactions.  Also, it's not precise even if there are no manual
transactions.  If a node is removed from the DOM and undoing restores
it, does it restore the same object or a copy?  If a copy, does it
include custom properties that the author added or not?  I suspect
you'll say that this is deliberately undefined for the sake of
performance, but it's a potential interop issue.

 15) Is the isReapply parameter to apply() needed?  The only place I
 see where it's used is if the author specifies a manual transaction
 but leaves off a reapply() method.  In that case, why not just call
 apply() with no extra parameter?  If the author wanted to have apply()
 and reapply() behave differently, they could have specified a separate
 reapply() method.

 There are good arguments made by Jonas on this topic.
 Please look at whatwg archives on this topic.

I looked at the archives and didn't see any good arguments.  As far as
I can tell, if authors wanted behavior like with the isReapply
parameter, they could easily emulate it by changing

  { apply: f }


  { apply: function() { f(true) }, reapply: function() { f(false) } }

so the extra isReapply parameter doesn't give any extra control to
authors.  It just adds a second way to do the same thing, and
complicates the API.  It would be simpler and easier to understand if
authors just had to write the extra line or two of code and specify
separate functions for apply/reapply always, instead of being able to

Re: [whatwg] UndoManager: restoring selection after undoing deletion

2011-10-26 Thread Aryeh Gregor
On Thu, Oct 20, 2011 at 3:16 AM, Ryosuke Niwa rn...@webkit.org wrote:
 However, there's no easy way for the user agent to figure out whether a
 given transaction wants to select some contents on undo or not. In fact, we
 don't even know whether we want to restore selection at all. If an automatic
 transaction was modifying non-text nodes (e.g. SVG line elements), then
 restoring selection isn't desirable at all.

I think I'm missing something: why isn't it desirable?

Re: [whatwg] Feedback on UndoManager spec

2011-10-26 Thread Ryosuke Niwa
On Wed, Oct 26, 2011 at 10:57 AM, Aryeh Gregor a...@aryeh.name wrote:

  2) What happens if you have an Element with the undoscope attribute
   that doesn't descend from a Document?  Does undo management make any
  sense in that case, or should the undoscope attribute have no effect
  for detached elements?
  This is a debatable point. On one hand, allowing a node with undoManager
  be moved to another location in DOM seems nice but on the other hand,
  able to move a node with undoManager to a different document will be
  problematic. And semantically, moving undoManager makes very little

 Well, if you do

  var span = document.createElement(span);
  span.undoScope = true;

 what is the value of span.undoManager?  Per the current spec, it
 should return an UndoManager that works just fine.  Is this desired,
 or do you want to return null in this case?

I'm not sure if we should allow that or not. I'm inclined towards not
allowing it for the sake of disallowing undoManager on a detached node.

 I'm thinking whether DOM state should also include properties on the node

 You mean IDL properties?  We can't include all of those in DOM state.
 For instance, it would be extremely unexpected if undo were to undo
 changes to document.cookie.  Or did you just mean custom IDL
 properties that the author added via script, not built-in IDL

I meant properties authors added to nodes. e.g.
span.myProperty = true;

Should span be removed by some automatic transaction, authors may expect it
to be restored on undo.

 11) Any changes made to the value of the isAutomatic attribute after
  the transaction had been applied should not change the type of the
  transaction.  What about changing other things about it?  If I do
   var transaction = { label: x, apply: foo, unapply: bar, reapply:
  baz, isAutomatic: false };
   transaction.unapply = quz;
  which function is called, bar or quz?

 This should be spelled out explicitly, IMO.

The assumption is transaction works like a regular object unless otherwise
stated. I guess I can cite your example though.

  No. I did not specify that because the only requirement is that UAs
  DOM states.
  I specifically avoided to give any guarantee or implication as to in what
  order things are restored
  to allow optimizations.

 But this doesn't define what happens in the face of manual
 transactions.  Also, it's not precise even if there are no manual

UAs don't do anything for manual transactions. They just call

If a node is removed from the DOM and undoing restores
 it, does it restore the same object or a copy?  If a copy, does it
 include custom properties that the author added or not?  I suspect
 you'll say that this is deliberately undefined for the sake of
 performance, but it's a potential interop issue.

This is well defined in terms of DOM state. The spec says UAs should restore
the DOM state
so it all depends on how DOM state is defined.

I also vaguely remember Ehsan telling me Gecko might have a trouble
restoring the exactly same object
on undo/redo because of the way its undo and redo are implemented.

 15) Is the isReapply parameter to apply() needed?  The only place I
  see where it's used is if the author specifies a manual transaction
  but leaves off a reapply() method.  In that case, why not just call
  apply() with no extra parameter?  If the author wanted to have apply()
  and reapply() behave differently, they could have specified a separate
  reapply() method.
  There are good arguments made by Jonas on this topic.
  Please look at whatwg archives on this topic.

 I looked at the archives and didn't see any good arguments.  As far as
 I can tell, if authors wanted behavior like with the isReapply
 parameter, they could easily emulate it by changing

  { apply: f }


  { apply: function() { f(true) }, reapply: function() { f(false) } }

The same is true for having apply and reapply. Jonas wanted to get rid of
reapply altogether and just have
void apply(in boolean isReapply)

In this world, you could do
{ apply: function(isReapply) { return isReapply ? this.doApply() :
this.doReapply(); } }.

I didn't want this API because I'd expect apply and reapply to be
substantially different.

- Ryosuke

[whatwg] New attributes would degrade better than new elements

2011-10-26 Thread Jukka K. Korpela
New elements like nav and footer have the problem that some existing 
user agents don't recognize them, even for the purposes of styling. So 
if you want to use nav, then - unless you're using it for purely 
semantic reasons with no idea of styling - you need to use some special 
trick to make old browsers recognize it or assign your styles to some 
logically redundant div markup that you use in addition to nav.

Therefore, it would be much simpler, for compatibility with existing 
user agents, to use just div type=nav and div type=footer. Such 
elements can be styled at will, and if any browsers or search engines 
wish to recognize semantic markup, type=nav should not be a bigger 
problem than nav, rather smaller.

I understand that this should have been suggested years ago. But I 
didn't think of the issue, and it seems that neither did anyone else, 
aloud. And it's not too late, is it?

Nobody needs new elements with no required functionality, really. The 
idea of more compact markup is pointless. People don't read or write 
markup that much, and if they do, div type=nav is no less semantic 
than nav. But the latter has the serious drawback of being ignored by 
many relevant user agents.

It does not need to be the 'type' attribute of course. That attribute 
name is seriously overloaded, so 'kind' might be better. The important 
thing is to introduce an attribute different from 'class', which 
currently lets authors use a free naming space. We don't want to 
interfere with style sheets that might use this or that 'class' 
attribute value; instead, a new attribute name (defined as semantic, not 
presentational, but still useful for styling) is called for - rather 
than new element names, which are born homeless.

Yucca, http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/

Re: [whatwg] New attributes would degrade better than new elements

2011-10-26 Thread Nils Dagsson Moskopp
Jukka K. Korpela jkorp...@cs.tut.fi schrieb am Wed, 26 Oct 2011
22:38:06 +0300:

 New elements like nav and footer have the problem that some
 existing user agents don't recognize them, even for the purposes of
 styling. So if you want to use nav, then - unless you're using it
 for purely semantic reasons with no idea of styling - you need to use
 some special trick to make old browsers recognize it or assign your
 styles to some logically redundant div markup that you use in
 addition to nav.
 Therefore, it would be much simpler, for compatibility with existing 
 user agents, to use just div type=nav and div type=footer. Such 
 elements can be styled at will, and if any browsers or search engines 
 wish to recognize semantic markup, type=nav should not be a bigger 
 problem than nav, rather smaller.
 I understand that this should have been suggested years ago. But I 
 didn't think of the issue, and it seems that neither did anyone else, 
 aloud. And it's not too late, is it?

I'd argue it is: http://caniuse.com/html5semantic

Nils Dagsson Moskopp // erlehmann

Re: [whatwg] UndoManager: restoring selection after undoing deletion

2011-10-26 Thread Ehsan Akhgari
 Say you had hello world and world is deleted by an user. When the
 user undoes the deletion, WebKit selects world whereas Firefox and
 Internet Explorer do not select world. WebKit's behavior matches
 Mac's NSTextView and we probably would like to keep the current

This confuses me. I think that WebKit's behavior doesn't make a lot of sense 
(at least in every case).  For example, when Ctrl+Backspacing after a word.  
But moreover, why is this relevant to the question of whether/how we should 
restore a selection after undoing an operation?


Re: [whatwg] UndoManager: restoring selection after undoing deletion

2011-10-26 Thread Ryosuke Niwa
On Wed, Oct 26, 2011 at 1:03 PM, Ehsan Akhgari eh...@mozilla.com wrote:

  Say you had hello world and world is deleted by an user. When the
  user undoes the deletion, WebKit selects world whereas Firefox and
  Internet Explorer do not select world. WebKit's behavior matches
  Mac's NSTextView and we probably would like to keep the current

 This confuses me. I think that WebKit's behavior doesn't make a lot of
 sense (at least in every case).  For example, when Ctrl+Backspacing after a
 word.  But moreover, why is this relevant to the question of whether/how we
 should restore a selection after undoing an operation?

WebKit's trying to match Mac's NSTextView here. This is relevant because
unapplying / reapplying an automatic transaction should behave like
unapplying / reapplying native editing actions.

- Ryosuke

Re: [whatwg] New attributes would degrade better than new elements

2011-10-26 Thread Kang-Hao (Kenny) Lu
(11/10/27 3:38), Jukka K. Korpela wrote:
 Nobody needs new elements with no required functionality, really. The
 idea of more compact markup is pointless. 

Every time I ask myself what the use cases of the semantic elements are,
my only answer is it makes existing markup shorter.

What else use cases do they serve? (This is a serious question since I
truly don't know.)

(11/10/27 3:38), Jukka K. Korpela wrote:
 People don't read or write markup that much,

I doubt it.

Re: [whatwg] New attributes would degrade better than new elements

2011-10-26 Thread Tab Atkins Jr.
On Wed, Oct 26, 2011 at 12:38 PM, Jukka K. Korpela jkorp...@cs.tut.fi wrote:
 New elements like nav and footer have the problem that some existing
 user agents don't recognize them, even for the purposes of styling. So if
 you want to use nav, then - unless you're using it for purely semantic
 reasons with no idea of styling - you need to use some special trick to make
 old browsers recognize it or assign your styles to some logically redundant
 div markup that you use in addition to nav.

 Therefore, it would be much simpler, for compatibility with existing user
 agents, to use just div type=nav and div type=footer. Such elements can
 be styled at will, and if any browsers or search engines wish to recognize
 semantic markup, type=nav should not be a bigger problem than nav, rather

 I understand that this should have been suggested years ago. But I didn't
 think of the issue, and it seems that neither did anyone else, aloud. And
 it's not too late, is it?

 Nobody needs new elements with no required functionality, really. The idea
 of more compact markup is pointless. People don't read or write markup that
 much, and if they do, div type=nav is no less semantic than nav. But the
 latter has the serious drawback of being ignored by many relevant user

 It does not need to be the 'type' attribute of course. That attribute name
 is seriously overloaded, so 'kind' might be better. The important thing is
 to introduce an attribute different from 'class', which currently lets
 authors use a free naming space. We don't want to interfere with style
 sheets that might use this or that 'class' attribute value; instead, a new
 attribute name (defined as semantic, not presentational, but still useful
 for styling) is called for - rather than new element names, which are born

Believe me, these discussions were had in the past.

All major UAs except old IE handle unknown elements in a way that's
acceptable for nav and friends.  They have the absolute default
styling (such as display:inline), but that's fine, as you can still
target them and restyle them.

In old IE the new elements are instead parsed as two void elements
named nav and /nav, but the IE shiv has been around for years
now that fixes that with a one-liner in JS.  Once you run that, you're
in the same situation as other major browsers.

So, it's not a big deal.  (Plus, modern browsers *do* recognize the
new elements natively now.)


Re: [whatwg] UndoManager: restoring selection after undoing deletion

2011-10-26 Thread Aryeh Gregor
On Wed, Oct 26, 2011 at 4:03 PM, Ehsan Akhgari eh...@mozilla.com wrote:
 Say you had hello world and world is deleted by an user. When the
 user undoes the deletion, WebKit selects world whereas Firefox and
 Internet Explorer do not select world. WebKit's behavior matches
 Mac's NSTextView and we probably would like to keep the current

 This confuses me. I think that WebKit's behavior doesn't make a lot of sense 
 (at least in every case).  For example, when Ctrl+Backspacing after a word.  
 But moreover, why is this relevant to the question of whether/how we should 
 restore a selection after undoing an operation?

I was assuming that Ryosuke meant that the word world was selected,
and the user hit delete, then undo.  So it was selected before the
delete, and undoing should re-select it.

Re: [whatwg] UndoManager: restoring selection after undoing deletion

2011-10-26 Thread Glenn Maynard
On Wed, Oct 26, 2011 at 4:21 PM, Aryeh Gregor a...@aryeh.name wrote:

 I was assuming that Ryosuke meant that the word world was selected,
 and the user hit delete, then undo.  So it was selected before the
 delete, and undoing should re-select it.

No text is selected, the user hits control-backspace, and then undo.  The
restored word world now may or may not be selected, depending on the UA
and platform.

Glenn Maynard

Re: [whatwg] New attributes would degrade better than new elements

2011-10-26 Thread Ashley Sheridan
On Thu, 2011-10-27 at 04:14 +0800, Kang-Hao (Kenny) Lu wrote:

 (11/10/27 3:38), Jukka K. Korpela wrote:
  Nobody needs new elements with no required functionality, really. The
  idea of more compact markup is pointless. 
 Every time I ask myself what the use cases of the semantic elements are,
 my only answer is it makes existing markup shorter.

Think about what semantic means. In this context, it's about the meaning
of the tag to give a context to its contents. A user agent (not the same
thing as a browser) doesn't know what div id=nav is, but the modern
ones do know what nav is, and what it means. You might not be able to
see the use case, but trust me, plenty of other people do, including
those behind things like search engines.

 What else use cases do they serve? (This is a serious question since I
 truly don't know.)
 (11/10/27 3:38), Jukka K. Korpela wrote:
  People don't read or write markup that much,
 I doubt it.

The reason for the new semantic tags is because of an effort to look at
what were common elements of pre-HTML5 pages and try to identify parts
of a web page that were most common. This led to things like header,
footer, nav, section and article being created and adopted by
the modern browsers and user agents. If we didn't have them, we'd be
back to using divs everywhere, with a mixed assortment of classes and
id's used to style them, and to hell with any search engines that tried
to understand our web pages.

For the same reason that it's better to mark up our text with strong
than b it's also better to mark up our pages using the new tags as
they give a meaning to areas of our pages that we want. If you don't
care about search engines or blind visitors, then don't bother using


Re: [whatwg] UndoManager: restoring selection after undoing deletion

2011-10-26 Thread Aryeh Gregor
On Wed, Oct 26, 2011 at 4:25 PM, Glenn Maynard gl...@zewt.org wrote:
 No text is selected, the user hits control-backspace, and then undo.  The
 restored word world now may or may not be selected, depending on the UA
 and platform.

Ah, okay.  Got it.

Re: [whatwg] New attributes would degrade better than new elements

2011-10-26 Thread Jukka K. Korpela

26.10.2011 23:16, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:

Believe me, these discussions were had in the past.

I do, but did you draw the conclusions?

All major UAs except old IE handle unknown elements in a way that's

That means all browsers except that the most common one. Is that a 
realistic view?

What do you expect to gain by adding new elements, as opposite to the 
smoother addition of new attributes?

So, it's not a big deal.

It's difference between working on all browsers and working on some 
browsers as well as being tweakable when JavaScript is enabled.

Under which circumstances would you vote for the latter, and what do you 
expect to win? I love gambling, but what's the potential gain here? 
Pleasing someone's idea of semantic markup, as if attributes could not 
be semantic?

Yucca, http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/

Re: [whatwg] New attributes would degrade better than new elements

2011-10-26 Thread Ashley Sheridan
On Thu, 2011-10-27 at 00:36 +0300, Jukka K. Korpela wrote:

 26.10.2011 23:16, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
  Believe me, these discussions were had in the past.
 I do, but did you draw the conclusions?
  All major UAs except old IE handle unknown elements in a way that's
 That means all browsers except that the most common one. Is that a 
 realistic view?

Yes it is I think. If people are using versions of IE that old, then
they deserve to have an older version of the web given to them. There
are plenty of browsers available for even the older operating systems
(Chrome, Opera, Firefox) so not having a new one available is no excuse.

 What do you expect to gain by adding new elements, as opposite to the 
 smoother addition of new attributes?

Why is adding attributes smoother? User agents still have to be modified
to 'understand' an attribute to make the same semantic sense as a new
tag, so you gain nothing. You're just swapping one flavour for another.

  So, it's not a big deal.
 It's difference between working on all browsers and working on some 
 browsers as well as being tweakable when JavaScript is enabled.

If you're using an older version of IE then likely it's because you
don't know any different, and also likely that you don't even know what
Javascript is, let alone know how to disable it. I can't back this up
with facts, just personal experience.

 Under which circumstances would you vote for the latter, and what do you 
 expect to win? I love gambling, but what's the potential gain here? 
 Pleasing someone's idea of semantic markup, as if attributes could not 
 be semantic?

Attributes can be semantic, but where do you draw the line? From what
you're saying, all tags in HTML could be reconciled into one and you can
just use attributes to differentiate:

tag type=image src=blah.png
tag type=paratext/tag
tag type=italictext/tag
tag type=css.blue{color:#00f;}/tag

Would you really favour using attributes to determing the meaning of a
tag, or would you rather that HTML just follows its natural course and
attributes be used to supplement a tag from default values?


Re: [whatwg] New attributes would degrade better than new elements

2011-10-26 Thread Jukka K. Korpela

27.10.2011 0:57, Ashley Sheridan wrote:

If people are using versions of IE that old, then
they deserve to have an older version of the web given to them.

That's rather elitistic, given the fact that many people have no way of 
upgrading their IE or switching to your preferred browser, and no need 
to do that apart from some ideas of HMTL5.

Why is adding attributes smoother?

Browsers recognize the elements.

User agents still have to be modified
to 'understand' an attribute to make the same semantic sense as a new

What semantic sense? Exactly what do modern browsers understand about 
nav for example? What are they required to understand? Just that 
there's a styleable element. But with div, that's something we have 
with all browsers.

The difference is between fancy new elements and good old elements with 
new attributes.

If you're using an older version of IE then likely it's because you
don't know any different

That's rather elitistic, isn't it? If we could discard all bad 
browsers, the world would be nicer, yes, but then we would not really 
have any browsers, would we?

Attributes can be semantic, but where do you draw the line?

In the definition of the attributes. If you can make up a new element 
like nav, why can't you make up a new attribute like type=nav?

Would you really favour using attributes to determing the meaning of a
tag, or would you rather that HTML just follows its natural course and
attributes be used to supplement a tag from default values?

Neither attributes nor tag names mean anything by themselves. They get 
their meanings from specifications or from browser practices.

The question is whether the new semantic tags have any useful impact 
(what might it be?). Inventing new tags may sound cooler than defining 
meanings for attributes, but it's just an idle game. Is there _any_ 
demonstrable use of, say, the semantics of nav? And what's the reason 
why that could not be achieved in the less disruptive way of assigning a 
standardized meaning to, say, the type attribute of div?

Yucca, http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/

Re: [whatwg] New attributes would degrade better than new elements

2011-10-26 Thread Ashley Sheridan
On Thu, 2011-10-27 at 02:37 +0300, Jukka K. Korpela wrote:

 27.10.2011 0:57, Ashley Sheridan wrote:
  If people are using versions of IE that old, then
  they deserve to have an older version of the web given to them.
 That's rather elitistic, given the fact that many people have no way of 
 upgrading their IE or switching to your preferred browser, and no need 
 to do that apart from some ideas of HMTL5.

Yes, but then I have to deal with the pain of old versions of IE every
day, so my view is not without cause.

  Why is adding attributes smoother?
 Browsers recognize the elements.

Browsers also recognise HTML5 elements. Going back to a link that
someone posted earlier http://caniuse.com/html5semantic it's clear to
see that of the 64 browsers listed (including each unique version number
as distinct and grouping both occurances of IE9.0 as 1) then it's clear
to see that the browsers *not* supporting HTML5 (of which there are 5)
are in the minority with regards to all the browsers out there (at least
those tested, which does not include some of the more minor browsers
such as Konqueror, Galeon  Epiphany on desktops and things like
Firefox, Dolphin and Boat for Android, for example)

  User agents still have to be modified
  to 'understand' an attribute to make the same semantic sense as a new
 What semantic sense? Exactly what do modern browsers understand about 
 nav for example? What are they required to understand? Just that 
 there's a styleable element. But with div, that's something we have 
 with all browsers.

It's not just about browsers don't forget, there are other things out
there too that visit websites, such as search engines. Try telling me
Google isn't aware of HTML5 in web pages and I'll laugh. The semantic
value is there also for things like speech and Braille browsers too,
which can use HTML5 to aid navigation, by offering differences in the
way that nav elements are presented, and easy navigation between
sections and articles.

 The difference is between fancy new elements and good old elements with 
 new attributes.
  If you're using an older version of IE then likely it's because you
  don't know any different
 That's rather elitistic, isn't it?

Not really, it's what I've observed to be true. I'm not saying that if
you're using an old version of IE that you *must* not know about any
different browsers, but that it's more likely that you don't.

  If we could discard all bad 
 browsers, the world would be nicer, yes, but then we would not really 
 have any browsers, would we?
  Attributes can be semantic, but where do you draw the line?
 In the definition of the attributes. If you can make up a new element 
 like nav, why can't you make up a new attribute like type=nav?

Because that's how HTML works. You don't just add new attributes to
things that exist already to create a whole new meaning for something.
You advocate using div tags with custom attributes, but they weren't
part of the standard until HTML4. Should we have stopped back then and
say we don't need new tags, let's just add attributes to the ones we
have already? No, new tags were added to the spec because it was felt
they were needed.

  Would you really favour using attributes to determing the meaning of a
  tag, or would you rather that HTML just follows its natural course and
  attributes be used to supplement a tag from default values?
 Neither attributes nor tag names mean anything by themselves. They get 
 their meanings from specifications or from browser practices.
 The question is whether the new semantic tags have any useful impact 
 (what might it be?). Inventing new tags may sound cooler than defining 
 meanings for attributes, but it's just an idle game. Is there _any_ 
 demonstrable use of, say, the semantics of nav? And what's the reason 
 why that could not be achieved in the less disruptive way of assigning a 
 standardized meaning to, say, the type attribute of div?

Because you shouldn't use attributes to determine the meaning of the
content. There's only one such example I can think of where an attribute
totally changes the meaning of a tag, and there were calls for getting
rid of that ambiguity in HTML5. I speak of the a tag of course, and
its double nature as both a link and an anchor. All the other HTML tags
are specific and described in their behaviour and meaning for the
content they contain, and use attributes only to enhance, supplement or
subtly alter their basic function. A p tag is always used for
paragraphs, an img tag is always used for images, script is always
used for script, etc. nav seems like a perfectly logical choice of tag
to add to the spec, as it's a rare day you ever see a website without a
navigation bar of some sort; it makes sense.


Re: [whatwg] New attributes would degrade better than new elements

2011-10-26 Thread Eric Sh.
If the web was only using the first tags such as(I think) pre then the web
woul not be where it is today.

And if we stop adding new features old browsers do not support or not use
them because very little browsers are not supporting them then it would
completely stop innovation and the evolution of the web.

I am supporting what Ashley has said, just think about it if you sorround
context with article then speech browsers can know from where to start
reading the article instead of a whole web page.

I believe that the decision makers are not stupid, they are smart enough to
know all these technical issues and conflicts with conflicts that may arrise
with additions like this one, and I also believe that they have far more
knowledge of this subject and everything that will be changed by a new
feature(browsers, search engines, speech browsers, and other UA's)

And lastly, I understand and encourage different opinions but I think it is
too late to change anything that has been already implemented by all major
browsers(Including IE 9!)

Re: [whatwg] Feedback on UndoManager spec

2011-10-26 Thread Jonas Sicking
On Wed, Oct 26, 2011 at 10:13 AM, Ryosuke Niwa rn...@webkit.org wrote:
 2) What happens if you have an Element with the undoscope attribute
 that doesn't descend from a Document?  Does undo management make any
 sense in that case, or should the undoscope attribute have no effect
 for detached elements?

 This is a debatable point. On one hand, allowing a node with undoManager to
 be moved to another location in DOM seems nice but on the other hand, being
 able to move a node with undoManager to a different document will be
 problematic. And semantically, moving undoManager makes very little sense.

Why is it problematic to move an element with an undoManager from one
document to another. If all the data that the undomanager needs lives
inside the undoManager object itself, it seems quite possible to move
between documents or even interact with while not inside a document.

I agree that moving a undoManager between elements doesn't make much
sense semantically though (even though even that would technically be

/ Jonas

Re: [whatwg] Feedback on UndoManager spec

2011-10-26 Thread Jonas Sicking
On Wed, Oct 26, 2011 at 11:39 AM, Ryosuke Niwa rn...@webkit.org wrote:
 On Wed, Oct 26, 2011 at 10:57 AM, Aryeh Gregor a...@aryeh.name wrote:

  2) What happens if you have an Element with the undoscope attribute
  that doesn't descend from a Document?  Does undo management make any
  sense in that case, or should the undoscope attribute have no effect
  for detached elements?
  This is a debatable point. On one hand, allowing a node with undoManager
  be moved to another location in DOM seems nice but on the other hand,
  able to move a node with undoManager to a different document will be
  problematic. And semantically, moving undoManager makes very little

 Well, if you do

  var span = document.createElement(span);
  span.undoScope = true;

 what is the value of span.undoManager?  Per the current spec, it
 should return an UndoManager that works just fine.  Is this desired,
 or do you want to return null in this case?

 I'm not sure if we should allow that or not. I'm inclined towards not
 allowing it for the sake of disallowing undoManager on a detached node.

I don't see why the undoManager implementation would need to care why
the element it's attached to is in the document tree or not all. All
it needs to do is to observe modifications to the descendants of the

Note that the upcoming mutation observer spec makes no difference
between nodes in a document and nodes which are not. So if the
undoManager uses the same backend, or is even built on top of it, then
things will just automatically work.

I think there is a lot of value in allowing a element to be moved
around in a document. Even when that element, or a descendant of it,
has a undoManager attached.

/ Jonas

Re: [whatwg] Feedback on UndoManager spec

2011-10-26 Thread Jonas Sicking
On Wed, Oct 26, 2011 at 10:57 AM, Aryeh Gregor a...@aryeh.name wrote:
 15) Is the isReapply parameter to apply() needed?  The only place I
 see where it's used is if the author specifies a manual transaction
 but leaves off a reapply() method.  In that case, why not just call
 apply() with no extra parameter?  If the author wanted to have apply()
 and reapply() behave differently, they could have specified a separate
 reapply() method.

 There are good arguments made by Jonas on this topic.
 Please look at whatwg archives on this topic.

 I looked at the archives and didn't see any good arguments.  As far as
 I can tell, if authors wanted behavior like with the isReapply
 parameter, they could easily emulate it by changing

  { apply: f }


  { apply: function() { f(true) }, reapply: function() { f(false) } }

 so the extra isReapply parameter doesn't give any extra control to
 authors.  It just adds a second way to do the same thing, and
 complicates the API.  It would be simpler and easier to understand if
 authors just had to write the extra line or two of code and specify
 separate functions for apply/reapply always, instead of being able to
 specify either two functions or one that takes a boolean parameter to
 achieve the same effect.

I think that in most implementations of the apply/reapply functions,
the differences between the functions will be minimal. I.e. most of
the time you'll want to made the same modifications to the document
the second time a action is applied as you did the first time.

By splitting it out into two callbacks we encourage people to
duplicate that code.

I'd much rather see code like:

transact = { apply: function(reapply) {
  do lots of DOM modifications;
  if (reapply) {
do reapply specific mutations;
  unapply: ...
} }

/ Jonas

Re: [whatwg] Feedback on UndoManager spec

2011-10-26 Thread Ryosuke Niwa
On Wed, Oct 26, 2011 at 8:21 PM, Jonas Sicking jo...@sicking.cc wrote:

 Why is it problematic to move an element with an undoManager from one
 document to another. If all the data that the undomanager needs lives
 inside the undoManager object itself, it seems quite possible to move
 between documents or even interact with while not inside a document.

The problem is that if the undo manager has automatic transactions in them,
then they'll have references to nodes to undo/redo transactions. But those
nodes's owner document is still that of the old document. At least in
WebKit, this will be a bit of an issue.

I guess we can just slightly fail in those cases when transactions are
attempted to be undone or redone if you'd prefer that.

On Wed, Oct 26, 2011 at 8:26 PM, Jonas Sicking jo...@sicking.cc wrote:

 I don't see why the undoManager implementation would need to care why
 the element it's attached to is in the document tree or not all. All
 it needs to do is to observe modifications to the descendants of the

You're right. I got UndoManager on a detached node, UndoManager on an
adopted node, and the active undo manager all mixed up. It's fine to have
UndoManager on a detached node since it can never host the active undo

Note that the upcoming mutation observer spec makes no difference
 between nodes in a document and nodes which are not. So if the
 undoManager uses the same backend, or is even built on top of it, then
 things will just automatically work.

I thought about implementing UndoManager on top of new DOM mutation observer
API, but the asynchronous nature of new notification API makes it a little
hard, if not impossible, to implement UndoManager's synchronous API

I think there is a lot of value in allowing a element to be moved
 around in a document. Even when that element, or a descendant of it,
 has a undoManager attached.


- Ryosuke