Re: [whatwg] Implementation complexity with elements vs an attribute (responsive images)

2012-05-14 Thread Simon Pieters
On Sun, 13 May 2012 00:43:48 +0200, Jason Grigsby  

On May 11, 2012, at 8:52 PM, Simon Pieters wrote:

There seem to be two proposals for what syntax to use for the  
responsive images use case: several elements vs. an attribute.

There are two proposals because they solve two different use cases. Both  
use cases are becoming increasingly important. Unfortunately, these use  
cases are commonly collapsed into one. I have done it myself in the  
past. I tried to clarify the use cases recently.[1]

I agree, but that is orthogonal (the proposals for both use cases could  
use either attribute syntax or element syntax).

Use case #1
Document author needs to display different versions of an image at  
different breakpoints based on what I’m calling, for a lack of a better  
phrase, art direction merits.

* Example 1: News site shows photograph speaking at a auto factory. On  
wide screens, the news site includes a widescreen version of the  
photograph in which the cars being built can clearly be seen. On small  
screens, if the photograph is simply resized to fit the screen, Obama’s  
face is too small to be seen. Instead, the document author may choose to  
crop the photograph so that it focuses in on Obama before resizing to  
fit the smaller screen. [1]

* Example 2: On the Nokia Browser site where it describes the Meego  
browser[2], the Nokia Lumia is show horizontally on wide screens[3]. As  
the screen narrows, the Nokia Lumia is then shown vertically and  
cropped[4]. Bryan and Stephanie Rieger, the designers of the site, have  
talked about how on a wide screen, showing the full phone horizontally  
showed the browser best, but on small screens, changing the img to  
vertical made more sense because it allowed the reader to still make out  
the features of the browser in the image.

Current proposed solution: picture element[5]

Use case #2
For a variety of reasons, images of various pixel density are needed.  
These reasons include current network connection speed, display pixel  
density, user data plan, and user preferences.

* Example 1: The use of high-density images for the new iPad on[6]

* Example 2: A user on a slow network or with limited data left may  
explicitly declare that he or she would like to download a high  
resolution because they need to see a sharper version of an image before  
buying product, etc.

Current proposed solution for use case #2: img srcset[7]


Neither proposed solution handles all of the use cases. I’m not  
convinced that one solution needs to solve both of them, but I do think  
if we’re getting close to implementing one of the proposed solutions, we  
need to consider how it would work in conjunction with a solution for  
the other use case.

To be more specific, if img srcset were to be implemented in a  
browser--potentially solving use case #2, but leaving use case #1  
open--what would happen when we realized that use case #1 still needed  
to be solved? Would we end up with some bastardized mixture of picture  
and imgset syntax?

When Ted proposed img srcset, he wrote[7]:

Ultimately I don't think addressing the multiple-resolution case needs  
to wait for a solution to these other cases. We don't need to SOLVE  
ALL THE PROBLEMS! right now.

In a similar vein, the responsive images community group, focused on use  
case #1 and explicitly chose to ignore the problems described in use  
case #2.

While I agreed with that focus earlier, I now think this may be a  
mistake. As much as I don’t want to bog down solving either use case, it  
seems likely that if we don’t look at both at the same time, that we’ll  
end up with[8]:

picture alt=
source src=mobile.jpg /
source src=medium.jpg media=min-width: 600px /
source src=fullsize.jpg media=min-width: 900px /
img src=foo-lores.jpg
 srcset=foo-hires.jpg 2x, foo-superduperhires.jpg 6.5x
 alt=decent alt text for foo.

Which would make no one happy.





[8] Yes, yes, this is an exaggeration, but you get my point.

Simon Pieters
Opera Software

Re: [whatwg] Implementation complexity with elements vs an attribute (responsive images)

2012-05-14 Thread Simon Pieters

On Fri, 11 May 2012 20:52:43 +0200, Simon Pieters wrote:

There seem to be two proposals for what syntax to use for the responsive  
images use case: several elements vs. an attribute.

I think an attribute is simpler to implement and thus likely to result  
in fewer bugs in browsers, which in turn benefits Web developers.

With img src=... srcset=..., in the parser case, all the  
information is available when the tag has been parsed. Excellent! In the  
scripted case, we need to await a stable state when the src or srcset  
attributes are changed (because the same script might also change the  
other), and then process the attributes again. The spec already does  
this for src= because of the crossorigin= attribute, so it's  
basically a solved problem already for img in the spec.

Just for the record if people are interested in exploring possible  
syntaxes, *multiple* attributes on img would have the same order of  
implementation complexity as a single attribute. Even an open-ended set of  

Here's a straw man example of how an open-ended set of attributes could  
look like (trying to solve both use cases presented), where two images are  
decided between using media queries, and each of those have several  
available resolutions, which are decided between by the browser:

img src=desktop.jpg alt=...
 src-small=mobile-zoomed-out.jpg 32dpi, mobile.jpg 96dpi,  
mobile-hires.jpg 200dpi

 media-small=max-width: 400px
 src-big=desktop.jpg 96dpi, desktop-hires.jpg 200dpi,  
desktop-print-res.jpg 600dpi

 media-big=min-width: 400px

With pictureimg src=...source ../picture, in the parser  
case, the browser can't know it has all the information is not available  
until the picture element has been popped off the stack (since there  
might be futher source elements), which necessarily delays fetching  
the image. Moreover, scripts might have changed things before then,  
because scripts can run between the time that the picture element is  
added to the document and the time it is popped off the stack, which is  
a potential source for bugs. In the scripted case, we need to listen for  
changes to img elements' parents, changes to img element's attributes,  
changes to source elements' parents, and changes to source elements'  
attributes, and await a stable state and then process the picture  
element's img and source elements' attributes (for both the old and new  
picture element, if you moved an element between two picture elements),  
which is more complex than the attribute case.

Simon Pieters
Opera Software

[whatwg] An alternative to picture and srcset, is this realistic?

2012-05-14 Thread Matthew Wilcox
Hi all,

have any of you seen this proposal for an alternative solution to the problem?

I like the general idea and from an author perspective this seems
great; but I know nothing of the browser/vendor side of the equation -
is this do-able?


Re: [whatwg] An alternative to picture and srcset, is this realistic?

2012-05-14 Thread Anne van Kesteren
On Mon, May 14, 2012 at 10:55 AM, Matthew Wilcox wrote:
 have any of you seen this proposal for an alternative solution to the problem?

 I like the general idea and from an author perspective this seems
 great; but I know nothing of the browser/vendor side of the equation -
 is this do-able?

Adding a level of indirection is actually not that great as it makes
it harder to understand what is going on. Also if you work on sites in
teams it's not always a given access to head is equal to the
templates that are being authored. Let alone full control over how
resources are stored.

Anne — Opera Software

Re: [whatwg] runat (or server) attribute

2012-05-14 Thread Anne van Kesteren
On Sun, May 13, 2012 at 6:24 PM, Ashley Sheridan wrote:
 On Sun, 2012-05-13 at 17:16 +0200, Anne van Kesteren wrote:
 Just use type=text/server-js...

 Is that really a good idea? It seems odd to use a mime type for such a

1) It makes it backwards compatible and therefore works today (modulo
server-side changes). 2) Server-side JavaScript is not fully
compatible with client-side JavaScript (other libraries for instance)
so deserves a type other than text/javascript.

Anne — Opera Software

Re: [whatwg] runat (or server) attribute

2012-05-14 Thread Nils Dagsson Moskopp
Odin Hørthe Omdal schrieb am Sun, 13 May 2012
17:45:46 +:

  Just use type=text/server-js...  
  Is that really a good idea? It seems odd to use a mime type for
  such a reason.  
 I thought it was quite a nice idea.
 Why would it not be?  

I find it profoundly odd to define templating language bits that are
not used (or even usable) by User Agents – especially because there
already are lots of widespread templating solutions.

 It's describing what's in the script tag, just
 like it's supposed to do. It's even a quite much used pattern for
 doing client side templates script type=text/template on the web

This appeal to tradition is weak and – arguably – intellectually
dishonest. Table layout once was a “quite much used pattern”.

 Mime types are not magical any more. Before we could make our own
 text/x-whatever, but prefixes are not really any use. If you want
 something specific to your program you could always use something
 specific as prefix, -- but for this use case just doing
 text/server-js  seems rather nice :-)  

Deviating from set standards regarding structured data in networks
solely for aesthetic reasons creates a world of pain for data consumers.

I once wrote an program to check for dead links that failed in it's
task quite unexpectedly when it encountered a web site whose owners
decided that “HTTP status codes are not magical any more” and answered
every request with a 404 (plus the actual content).

All problems with hashbang javascript routing are an instance of this
flawed line of reasoning (returning 200 for every link). If you do not
want to appear as a sociopathic hipster programmer, please emit
conservatively and use a prefix. Alternatively, register your MIME type.

Nils Dagsson Moskopp // erlehmann

Nils Dagsson Moskopp // erlehmann

Re: [whatwg] An alternative to picture and srcset, is this realistic?

2012-05-14 Thread Matthew Wilcox
I'd contest that it is no harder to understand than it is to
understand why your CSS behaves differently when a JS element acts on
the mark-up. We are used to one stack defining how another acts. We do
it all the time. Adding classes to mark-up to control display, or just
the cascade on its own does this.

Is this harder to understand than picture or srcset is what really
matters. Anything we do to resolve this resource adaption problem will
by necessity complicate things. Is this better than the alternatives?

Remember too that this idea can be mixed with existing techniques, it
is not a replacement for other ways of dealing with stuff. You'd be
free to bake your media-queries into CSS in exactly the same way as
you do now, if a sub-module didn't want to respond to a generic
breakpoint, for example.


On 14 May 2012 11:01, Anne van Kesteren wrote:
 On Mon, May 14, 2012 at 10:55 AM, Matthew Wilcox 
 have any of you seen this proposal for an alternative solution to the 

 I like the general idea and from an author perspective this seems
 great; but I know nothing of the browser/vendor side of the equation -
 is this do-able?

 Adding a level of indirection is actually not that great as it makes
 it harder to understand what is going on. Also if you work on sites in
 teams it's not always a given access to head is equal to the
 templates that are being authored. Let alone full control over how
 resources are stored.

 Anne — Opera Software

Re: [whatwg] An alternative to picture and srcset, is this realistic?

2012-05-14 Thread Tab Atkins Jr.
On Mon, May 14, 2012 at 10:55 AM, Matthew Wilcox wrote:
 Hi all,

 have any of you seen this proposal for an alternative solution to the problem?

 I like the general idea and from an author perspective this seems
 great; but I know nothing of the browser/vendor side of the equation -
 is this do-able?

Several critiques, in more or less random order:

I'm not sure why it's billed as an alternative to @srcset as well - it
has nothing to do with that functionality.  It's purely a way to stuff
your media queries (which, as already established, can't be used to
serve different resolutions well) into a variable, and then abstract
your url-rewriting into a single place.

I do like the idea of abstracting your MQs - the post makes a good
point that between CSS and JS you're already duplicating your
breakpoints, and if picture or a similar solution is adopted, you'll
be doing it a lot more.  Unfortunately, Media Queries aren't
immediately amenable to CSS Variables (moving from global vars to
tree-scoped vars means that things that aren't part of the element
tree can no longer see the vars), so we either need something like
this, or I need to add to Variables so that they're friendly to this
use-case (and can interact with the URL-rewriting mechanism proposed).

I share Anne's concern that the contents of head are often not
trivially authorable.  This isn't killer, but it's something to keep
in mind.  Moving the definition to CSS might help here, as it could be
put in an inline CSS block at the top of body then.

This approach implies that all of your images (at least, all of them
with [case] in their URL) must respond to *all* of your breakpoints.
If an image doesn't change between certain breakpoints, it still needs
to exist in two places on your server (or you need to manually alias a
single file) and the browser will make an extra useless request if you
cross those breakpoints.

From a technical purity standpoint, this introduces a new
URL-rewriting mechanism, but specialized for only a single purpose.  I
suspect there are other uses that URL-rewriting could potentially be
put to; we should think about this and make sure that this approach
doesn't close the door to future uses.  (It doesn't need to be
magically infinitely extensible - that way lies madness - but making
reasonably sure that it doesn't close the door to other URL-rewriting
use-cases is just good sense.)

I mentioned above that this solution has nothing to do with @srcset.
It's actually slightly worse - this ends up being *hostile* to
@srcset, such that you can't combine the two.  At least, not without
reworking @srcset into a parallel URL-rewriter.

The proposal doesn't explain what to do when multiple MQs match.
Normally, the CSS cascade takes care of this - if you apply the same
property under multiple MQs that all match, specificity determines the
winner.  It wouldn't be difficult to define how this worked -
last-wins is probably the sanest - but still, it's a detail to be

Note, though, that if we want this to hook into a more generic
variables-in-MQ sort of thing, one may indeed want multiple axises of
variables that can match together.  I suspect this is especially
useful with the new media queries that will show up in MQ4 to help
target different kinds of devices.  So, it may be good to look into
widening this to accomodate different variable names, where within a
variable only a single case can win at a time.  Related - it would
probably be good to be able to define a default case to fall back to
when none of the others match.


Re: [whatwg] An alternative to picture and srcset, is this realistic?

2012-05-14 Thread Matthew Wilcox
Thanks for the feedback. Please also forgive me not being too
technically aware of things at a browser level; so I'm not really sure
how valid my feedback can be:

The URI thing is actually using URI Templates, which are already
pretty far along? I thought
this was a strong advantage of the idea.

Putting the variables into the CSS would break the advantage of them
being available to the browser *before* the browser starts trying to
pre-fetch images, right? Any solution has to avoid the prefetch
behaviour or else it fails; so I don't understand how they could be

I am of the opinion that media queries actually belong in the head
more often than they do elsewhere, both from a practical and semantic
standpoint (see

I had presumed that should multiple cases match the browser would
simply uses the last matching one. There's already a polyfil in JS
that does exactly that:

On 14 May 2012 15:50, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
 On Mon, May 14, 2012 at 10:55 AM, Matthew Wilcox 
 Hi all,

 have any of you seen this proposal for an alternative solution to the 

 I like the general idea and from an author perspective this seems
 great; but I know nothing of the browser/vendor side of the equation -
 is this do-able?

 Several critiques, in more or less random order:

 I'm not sure why it's billed as an alternative to @srcset as well - it
 has nothing to do with that functionality.  It's purely a way to stuff
 your media queries (which, as already established, can't be used to
 serve different resolutions well) into a variable, and then abstract
 your url-rewriting into a single place.

 I do like the idea of abstracting your MQs - the post makes a good
 point that between CSS and JS you're already duplicating your
 breakpoints, and if picture or a similar solution is adopted, you'll
 be doing it a lot more.  Unfortunately, Media Queries aren't
 immediately amenable to CSS Variables (moving from global vars to
 tree-scoped vars means that things that aren't part of the element
 tree can no longer see the vars), so we either need something like
 this, or I need to add to Variables so that they're friendly to this
 use-case (and can interact with the URL-rewriting mechanism proposed).

 I share Anne's concern that the contents of head are often not
 trivially authorable.  This isn't killer, but it's something to keep
 in mind.  Moving the definition to CSS might help here, as it could be
 put in an inline CSS block at the top of body then.

 This approach implies that all of your images (at least, all of them
 with [case] in their URL) must respond to *all* of your breakpoints.
 If an image doesn't change between certain breakpoints, it still needs
 to exist in two places on your server (or you need to manually alias a
 single file) and the browser will make an extra useless request if you
 cross those breakpoints.

 From a technical purity standpoint, this introduces a new
 URL-rewriting mechanism, but specialized for only a single purpose.  I
 suspect there are other uses that URL-rewriting could potentially be
 put to; we should think about this and make sure that this approach
 doesn't close the door to future uses.  (It doesn't need to be
 magically infinitely extensible - that way lies madness - but making
 reasonably sure that it doesn't close the door to other URL-rewriting
 use-cases is just good sense.)

 I mentioned above that this solution has nothing to do with @srcset.
 It's actually slightly worse - this ends up being *hostile* to
 @srcset, such that you can't combine the two.  At least, not without
 reworking @srcset into a parallel URL-rewriter.

 The proposal doesn't explain what to do when multiple MQs match.
 Normally, the CSS cascade takes care of this - if you apply the same
 property under multiple MQs that all match, specificity determines the
 winner.  It wouldn't be difficult to define how this worked -
 last-wins is probably the sanest - but still, it's a detail to be

 Note, though, that if we want this to hook into a more generic
 variables-in-MQ sort of thing, one may indeed want multiple axises of
 variables that can match together.  I suspect this is especially
 useful with the new media queries that will show up in MQ4 to help
 target different kinds of devices.  So, it may be good to look into
 widening this to accomodate different variable names, where within a
 variable only a single case can win at a time.  Related - it would
 probably be good to be able to define a default case to fall back to
 when none of the others match.


Re: [whatwg] An alternative to picture and srcset, is this realistic?

2012-05-14 Thread Tab Atkins Jr.
On Mon, May 14, 2012 at 5:34 PM, Matthew Wilcox wrote:
 Thanks for the feedback. Please also forgive me not being too
 technically aware of things at a browser level; so I'm not really sure
 how valid my feedback can be:

 The URI thing is actually using URI Templates, which are already
 pretty far along? I thought
 this was a strong advantage of the idea.

I don't know of this having any traction within actual browsers.  It
might be a good idea, I dunno.

 Putting the variables into the CSS would break the advantage of them
 being available to the browser *before* the browser starts trying to
 pre-fetch images, right? Any solution has to avoid the prefetch
 behaviour or else it fails; so I don't understand how they could be

That's why I mentioned an inline style at the top of the body -
I'm not sure if browsers skip past that when building the tree or not,
but it's *potentially* available.

 I am of the opinion that media queries actually belong in the head
 more often than they do elsewhere, both from a practical and semantic
 standpoint (see

I don't necessarily disagree.  I wasn't arguing from a theoretical
standpoint, just supporting Anne's point that, from a practical
standpoint, putting things into head isn't always easy for authors.

 I had presumed that should multiple cases match the browser would
 simply uses the last matching one. There's already a polyfil in JS
 that does exactly that:

Yeah, you can't assume that.  They're conditions, and a page can
potentially match multiple of them at once.  For example, if your MQs
are min-width: 1000px and min-width: 300px, a 1200px wide screen
will match both of them.  You can *make* them exclusive by adding a
max-width declaration as well, but we can't depend on that happening,
so the behavior has to be specified somewhere.

Similarly, we can't depend on *any* of them matching, so there should
be a default case that is used when nothing else matches.


Re: [whatwg] An alternative to picture and srcset, is this realistic?

2012-05-14 Thread Matthew Wilcox
All good points, thanks. Sorry I'd missed you saying style rather
than link/, my bad!

I had assumed that we would be able to take the logic for resolving
media query applicability directly from that in CSS, which is why I
have not given it any further thought. It seemed like a solved issue.

I ought to point out I've been updating the main post today, and have
also added a prior art thing about how this works for JavaScript -
the Conditional CSS technique is already doing what I am proposing
here, but using pesudo content rather than a meta tag.


On 14 May 2012 16:55, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
 On Mon, May 14, 2012 at 5:34 PM, Matthew Wilcox 
 Thanks for the feedback. Please also forgive me not being too
 technically aware of things at a browser level; so I'm not really sure
 how valid my feedback can be:

 The URI thing is actually using URI Templates, which are already
 pretty far along? I thought
 this was a strong advantage of the idea.

 I don't know of this having any traction within actual browsers.  It
 might be a good idea, I dunno.

 Putting the variables into the CSS would break the advantage of them
 being available to the browser *before* the browser starts trying to
 pre-fetch images, right? Any solution has to avoid the prefetch
 behaviour or else it fails; so I don't understand how they could be

 That's why I mentioned an inline style at the top of the body -
 I'm not sure if browsers skip past that when building the tree or not,
 but it's *potentially* available.

 I am of the opinion that media queries actually belong in the head
 more often than they do elsewhere, both from a practical and semantic
 standpoint (see

 I don't necessarily disagree.  I wasn't arguing from a theoretical
 standpoint, just supporting Anne's point that, from a practical
 standpoint, putting things into head isn't always easy for authors.

 I had presumed that should multiple cases match the browser would
 simply uses the last matching one. There's already a polyfil in JS
 that does exactly that:

 Yeah, you can't assume that.  They're conditions, and a page can
 potentially match multiple of them at once.  For example, if your MQs
 are min-width: 1000px and min-width: 300px, a 1200px wide screen
 will match both of them.  You can *make* them exclusive by adding a
 max-width declaration as well, but we can't depend on that happening,
 so the behavior has to be specified somewhere.

 Similarly, we can't depend on *any* of them matching, so there should
 be a default case that is used when nothing else matches.


Re: [whatwg] An alternative to picture and srcset, is this realistic?

2012-05-14 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 5/14/12 11:55 AM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:

That's why I mentioned an inlinestyle  at the top of thebody  -
I'm not sure if browsers skip past that when building the tree or not,

They certainly skip past such things when prefetching.

Putting information that needs to affect prefetching in elements where 
the HTML tokenizer can extract it is vastly better than putting it into 
elements where it can't (like style).


Re: [whatwg] An alternative to picture and srcset, is this realistic?

2012-05-14 Thread Tab Atkins Jr.
On Mon, May 14, 2012 at 9:31 AM, Matthew Wilcox wrote:
 All good points, thanks. Sorry I'd missed you saying style rather
 than link/, my bad!

 I had assumed that we would be able to take the logic for resolving
 media query applicability directly from that in CSS, which is why I
 have not given it any further thought. It seemed like a solved issue.

Heh, it *is* solved by CSS, it's just that the solution is somewhere
between none and all of them apply, which works for CSS but not for
yours. ^_^

On Mon, May 14, 2012 at 9:46 AM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:
 On 5/14/12 11:55 AM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:

 That's why I mentioned an inlinestyle  at the top of thebody  -
 I'm not sure if browsers skip past that when building the tree or not,

 They certainly skip past such things when prefetching.

 Putting information that needs to affect prefetching in elements where the
 HTML tokenizer can extract it is vastly better than putting it into elements
 where it can't (like style).

That's what I was afraid of.  All right, then, ignore that part of the
suggestion.  This should live in HTML if it lives anywhere.


[whatwg] Should a textarea outside of a document be immutable?

2012-05-14 Thread Mounir Lamouri

According to the HTML specifications, a textarea is mutable if it is
neither disabled nor has a readonly attribute specified. Which means
that a textarea outside of a document is mutable. This is not the case
for an input element.
I was wondering why there is this difference in behavior here between
those two elements. I believe both elements should be immutable when
outside of a document.


Re: [whatwg] Implementation complexity with elements vs an attribute (responsive images)

2012-05-14 Thread Kornel Lesiński
On Mon, 14 May 2012 01:30:20 +0100, Odin Hørthe Omdal  

All optional replacements of the src will have to be fitted in the same
box as the original src. That might actually require you to specify both
width and height upfront. Of course, people won't really do that, so I
guess we're bound to get differing behaviour... Hm.

What do people think about that? What happens here? You have no info on
the real size of the picture. I guess maybe the browser should never
load any srcset alternatives then? If you have no information at all
it's rather hard to make a judgement.

A photo gallery wants to show you a fullscreen picture, and give you:

   img src=2048px.jpg srcset=4096px.jpg 2x

In this example, us (humans :P) can easily see that one is 2048 px and  
the other 4096 px. If I'm viewing this on my highres Nokia N9, a naïve

implementation could pick the 2x, because it knows that's nicely highres
just like its own screen.

But it would actually be wrong! It would never need anything else than
the 2048 px for normal viewing because it is anyway exceeding its real
pixels on the screen.

If srcset/picture provides authors with good way to serve images at most  
appropriate size, they won't need to resort to tricks with downsizing  
high-res images to smaller size.

For a full-width image on a ~960px viewport (assuming author doesn't have  
better sizes available) this would be appropriate:

  img src=2048px.jpg srcset=2048px.jpg 2x, 4096px.jpg 4x  

regards, Kornel Lesiński

[whatwg] picture, `img set`, and polyfills

2012-05-14 Thread Mathew Marquis
It’s worth noting that a practical polyfill may not be possible when using `img 
set`, for reasons detailed at length elsewhere:

Long story short: attempting to write a polyfill for `img set` leaves us in the 
exact situation we were in while trying to solve the issue of responsive images 
strictly on the front-end. We would be saddling users with a redundant 
download—first for the original src, then for the appropriately-sized source if 

Where the new element would be all but ignored by existing browsers, efficient 
polyfills become possible. In fact, two `picture` polyfills exist today:

Mat Marquis

Re: [whatwg] picture, `img set`, and polyfills

2012-05-14 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On May 14, 2012, at 4:17 PM, Mathew Marquis wrote:

 It’s worth noting that a practical polyfill may not be possible when using 
 `img set`, for reasons detailed at length elsewhere:
 Long story short: attempting to write a polyfill for `img set` leaves us in 
 the exact situation we were in while trying to solve the issue of responsive 
 images strictly on the front-end. We would be saddling users with a redundant 
 download—first for the original src, then for the appropriately-sized source 
 if needed. 

Interesting data point. Can you explain why this is the case for the img 
srcset syntax, but not for the picture syntax with an embedded img? I 
wasn't able to figure that out, from the articles you linked.


Re: [whatwg] picture, `img set`, and polyfills

2012-05-14 Thread Kang-Hao (Kenny) Lu
(12/05/15 7:17), Mathew Marquis wrote:
 It’s worth noting that a practical polyfill may not be possible when using 
 `img set`, for reasons detailed at length elsewhere:
 Long story short: attempting to write a polyfill for `img set` leaves us in 
 the exact situation we were in while trying to solve the issue of responsive 
 images strictly on the front-end. We would be saddling users with a redundant 
 download—first for the original src, then for the appropriately-sized source 
 if needed. 
 Where the new element would be all but ignored by existing browsers, 
 efficient polyfills become possible. In fact, two `picture` polyfills exist 

Sorry but I don't understand why noscript as used around img by
these polyfills listed can't be used along img srcset.

If your point is that some Web developers will not cater for NoScript
users and chose to include img in picture, I think those authors can
use img srcset without @src too (if I understand correctly).


Re: [whatwg] picture, `img set`, and polyfills

2012-05-14 Thread Charles Pritchard
On May 14, 2012, at 8:29 PM, Kang-Hao (Kenny) Lu 

 (12/05/15 7:17), Mathew Marquis wrote:
 It’s worth noting that a practical polyfill may not be possible when using 
 `img set`, for reasons detailed at length elsewhere:
 Long story short: attempting to write a polyfill for `img set` leaves us in 
 the exact situation we were in while trying to solve the issue of responsive 
 images strictly on the front-end. We would be saddling users with a 
 redundant download—first for the original src, then for the 
 appropriately-sized source if needed. 
 Where the new element would be all but ignored by existing browsers, 
 efficient polyfills become possible. In fact, two `picture` polyfills exist 
 Sorry but I don't understand why noscript as used around img by
 these polyfills listed can't be used along img srcset.
 If your point is that some Web developers will not cater for NoScript
 users and chose to include img in picture, I think those authors can
 use img srcset without @src too (if I understand correctly).

I think I saw noscript in picasa galleries. It does seem like the always load 
aspect of img is leading to these techniques. They're great though for fallback.

I guess we are trying to introduce images without loading them upon setting src.