Re: [whatwg] Load events fired during onload handlers

2012-08-02 Thread Henri Sivonen
For what it's worth, I think the weirdness described in this thread is
a good reason not to try to make DOMContentLoaded consistent with the
load event for the sake of consistency. For one thing, the code that
manages the weirdness of the load event lives in a different place
compared to the code that fires DOMContentLoaded.

Henri Sivonen

Re: [whatwg] register*Handler and Web Intents

2012-08-02 Thread Henri Sivonen
On Thu, Jul 26, 2012 at 5:20 AM, Ian Hickson wrote:
 Thus, I propose a parallel mechanism in the form of an empty
 element that goes in the head:

 action=edit intent action, e.g. open or edit, default share
 type=image/png  MIME type filter, default omitted, required if scheme 
 scheme=mailto   Scheme filter, default omitted, required if type omitted
 href=   Handler URL, default  (current page)
 title=Foo   Handler user-visible name, required attribute
 disposition=HandlerDisposition values, default overlay

This is a severe violation of the Degrade Gracefully design principle.
Adopting your proposal would mean that pages that include the intent
element in head would parse significantly differently in browsers that
predate the HTML parsing algorithm or in browsers that implement it in
its current form. I believe that having the intent element break the
parser out of head in browsers that don't contain the parser
differences you implicitly propose would cause a lot of grief to Web
authors and would hinder the adoption of this feature.

My concerns could be addressed in any of these three ways:
1) Rename intent to link
2) Rename intent to meta
3) Make intent have an end tag and make it placed in body rather than head

I prefer solution #1.

Henri Sivonen

Re: [whatwg] register*Handler and Web Intents

2012-08-02 Thread Ian Hickson
On Thu, 2 Aug 2012, Henri Sivonen wrote:
 This is a severe violation of the Degrade Gracefully design principle. 
 Adopting your proposal would mean that pages that include the intent 
 element in head would parse significantly differently in browsers that 
 predate the HTML parsing algorithm or in browsers that implement it in 
 its current form. I believe that having the intent element break the 
 parser out of head in browsers that don't contain the parser differences 
 you implicitly propose would cause a lot of grief to Web authors and 
 would hinder the adoption of this feature.
 My concerns could be addressed in any of these three ways:
 1) Rename intent to link
 2) Rename intent to meta
 3) Make intent have an end tag and make it placed in body rather than 

I'm pretty sure the short-term pain of introducing a new head element 
would be far lower than the long-term pain of either of those three 
solutions. _Far_ lower. link and meta already have tons of overloaded 
behaviours, but none of them come close to matching the set of attributes 
intent would need. So we'd be overloading them with yet another 
mechanism, further increasing author confusion for those elements forever. 
Having intent have an end tag is really ugly, since the element has no 
contents. We'd be forever requiring that authors add this dummy end tag 
that doesn't do anything, yet if forgotten causes all kinds of trouble in 
the DOM. Authors would try putting things inside it, further confusing 

But now consider the short-term cost of adding an element to the head. All 
it does is make a few elements in the head leak to the body. The page 
still works fine in legacy UAs (none of the elements only work in the 
head). The intent works fine in new browsers, isn't confusing, doesn't 
have any random vestigial end tags. The only difference is that in legacy 
UAs, some elements happen to be in the body instead of the head, but 
that's hardly a big hardship -- and it's easy to work around, you just 
put the intent elements last in the head, and then you can even use 
their position in the DOM as a way to detect support.

I really am unconvinced that this is a lot of grief.

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] A mechanism to improve form autofill

2012-08-02 Thread Ian Hickson
On Mon, 23 Jul 2012, Ian Hickson wrote:
 So we could define the autocomplete= field's value as follows: [...]

I've now specced this, with some minor changes.

On Wed, 25 Jul 2012, David Holloway wrote:

 A contact address might be helpful for sites that are non-commercial in
 nature.  Airlines and hotels often ask for contact information such as here:
 Or, optionally:
   subsection = up to one of: shipping or billing
 Where omitting the subsection covers the general case.

I went with making shipping/billing optional.

  Anything other than work, home, and fax? Should it be work-fax 
  and home-fax?
 mobile, pager?

Added those.

On Wed, 25 Jul 2012, Maciej Stachowiak wrote:
 For some of these fields, autocomplete= as a hint to autocompletion 
 seems sufficient. However, I think some may logically be a distinct 
 input type as well. Some of the information represented in the proposal 
 below is also redundant with existing type values (so it needs to be 
 specified either twice or in a conflicting way).

I've added a section that details the difference between type=, 
inputmode=, and autocomplete=. Let me know if that doesn't answer your 
questions on this front.

 I think cc-number is worthy of a distinctive type value. Credit card 
 numbers have a distinctive syntax. At the very least, they are numeric 
 and should trigger a numeric keyboard on touch devices and restriction 
 to digits. But they cannot be input type=number because it would be 
 wrong to format and localize the number (with comma or dot separators 
 for instance), and a spinner button is an obviously inappropriate 
 treatment. A similar consideration applies to cc-csc. These should 
 either be assigned distinctive types, or else we need to introduce a new 
 input type for a string of digits that is not to be formatted as a 
 number or treated as a spinner button (input type=digits or input 
 type=numeric). I think it is essential to do that before widely 
 deploying these autocomplete values, or else browsers will start using 
 the autocomplete value to drive behavior of the control itself, which 
 defeats the purpose of having a separate autocomplete attribute.

As far as I can tell, this is just input type=text inputmode=numeric.

 cc-exp subtypes could be distinguished by input type for cases where 
 they are not selects. Or alternately, it would be nice if there was a 
 way to use input type=month in browsers that have support for it, and 
 the traditional two selects or two text fields.

Without script, that's hard. With script it's possible today.

language, bday, bday-day, bday-month, 
 It's unfortunate that we don't have distinct input types for just a day, 
 just a month, or just a year.

Why? (What's wrong with type=number, select, and type=number 

 input type=url exists, doesn't seem necessary to also have an 
 autocomplete value.

As with the others, type=url just means the data type is URL, it doesn't 
mean the value is my home page. Let me know if you still disagree after 
having read the section I added to the spec and I'll reconsider. :-)

 Also, should this not be a contact field?

Do people have different home pages based on whether they're at home or at 
work or on their cellphone?

contact-type  = home, work, cell, or fax
contact-field = one of: email, tel, tel-country-code, tel-national,
tel-area-code, tel-local, tel-local-prefix, 
tel-local-suffix, tel-extension, impp
 I would suggest dropping the contact field values email and tel and 
 instead infer them from type.

Please let me know if you still support this after reading the 
aforementioned section in the spec. (In particular, the spec talks 
explicitly about the tel case.)

 So instead of input type=tel autocomplete=work tel you would just 
 say input type=tel autocomplete=work (and would not be able to say 
 input type=text autocomplete=work tel, which would be an inferior 
 user experience when tel is given special behavior, or input type=email 
 autocomplete=work tel, which would be inconsistent).

I'm a little wary about adding more magic here, these attributes are 
already pretty complicated. See the autocomplete section's algorithms and 
let me know if you still think we should do something along those lines. 
If it's something people are willing to implement, I wouldn't want to 
stand in the way; I agree that it has some good side-effects (like making 
it impossible to have certain combinations).

I could also introduce some conformance requirements to make the bogus 
combinations non-conforming; currently I haven't made type=tel 
autocomplete=email non-conforming for instance.

On Wed, 25 Jul 2012, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

Re: [whatwg] register*Handler and Web Intents

2012-08-02 Thread Rick Waldron
On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 10:20 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:

 Having carefully studied the Mozilla Web Activities proposal, the Web
 Intents draft, the register*Handler APIs, and to a lesser extent the
 dispatch mechanisms in existing operating systems (desktop and mobile) and
 the piles of advocacy on teh subject on the Web, I've tried to come up
 with a concrete proposal for merging all of them into a coherent whole
 that addresses the limited use cases that are of most interest.

 Overall, this proposal mainly draws from the following sources:

  - For the handling mechanimsm, it's basically directly based on the
Mozilla System Message Handler mechanism.

  - For the dispatch mechanism, it is based mainly on the Web Intents

  - For the registration mechanism, it's based on extending the
register*Handler APIs consistently.

 However, I have attempted to simplify the proposal from its sources of
 inspiration, where that seemed possibly without sacrificing key use cases.

 The overall design is that there are URLs that can handle particular
 messages, herein called intents (mostly because that's what Web developers
 seem to have adopted as the term already).

 These intents are indications that the user, or the system on behalf of
 the user, wants the application to do something or other.

For example: please open this PDF, please share these four images,
please be aware that it is now the time you asked to be awoken at,
please allow the user to compose an e-mail to this address.

 We want pages to be able to handle intents promptly upon being opened.
 This puts certain constraints on the design that are explained in detail
 in the Mozilla System Intents thread:!topic/

 This leads therefore to the first part of the concrete proposal:

   partial interface Window {
 void setIntentHandler(DOMString action, IntentCallback callback);

set generally implies only one value for a given key - is this the case?
Or is this more like add—where I can add an arbitrary number of handlers
to for any given action.

 boolean hasPendingIntent(DOMString action);

   callback IntentCallback = void (Intent intent);

Is there any way this can be re-thought that avoids adding more API to the
global object? What about using Intent as the global namespace object and
hanging the Intent API there. The Intent object below would need to be
renamed—why not Intention, it works nicely in discussion/explanation as
well: Intent handlers receive an Intention object as the sole argument
when the UA asynchronously calls the handler...

 When a page is loaded, it registers its intent handler callback using
 setIntentHandler(), and as soon as that happens, the UA asynchronously
 calls the handler.

 The Intent object itself just needs to describe what the page is being
 asked to do. For this, I borrowed freely from all the proposals mentioned
 above, and ended up with:

   interface Intent {

See Intention above...

readonly attribute DOMString action,

Inclusion of an action property supports the arbitrary number of
handlers case (as well as the single delegation handler case.

 readonly attribute DOMString type,

What piece of information is this?

 readonly attribute any data,
 void success(any data, optional sequenceTransferable transfer);
 void failure(DOMString message);

Where do I define success and failure?


 This is basically the data that needs to be sent from the application that
 wants to initiate an intent, too:

   dictionary IntentSettings {
 DOMString action,
 DOMString type,

What piece of information is this?

 any data, // structured-cloned
 sequenceTransferable transfer,

 So how do we start an intent? Well, for intent handlers that are just
 registered to handle URLs being loaded using certain schemes or that have
 certain MIME types, you just use a link:

   a href=web+customscheme:foo.../a
   a href=file.customtype.../a

 But more interestingly, to start one programmatically you would use a
 startIntent() method:

   partial interface Window {
 void startIntent(IntentSettings intent,

Again, I hope you consider not making this a method of the global object.
(proposal below)

 optional AnyCallback success,
  optional DOMStringCallback failure);

I'm guessing this where the previously questioned success and failure are

What is a DOMStringCallback


   callback AnyCallback = void (any data);
   callback DOMStringCallback = void (DOMString message);

 The callbacks given in the method, if provided, are invoked asynchronously
 in reaction to the handler calling success() or failure() on the Intent
 object. We would just allow one success or failure message per Intent,
 for sanity's sake.

All of my notes above summarized would look like this...

Intent is a property