[whatwg] HTML inputs directly toggling CSS classes on elements?

2017-09-09 Thread Alex Vincent
A few days ago, I dipped my toes into web design again for the first time
in a while.  One of the results is the CSSClassToggleHandler constructor
from [1].  Basically, it takes an radio button or checkbox, and turns that
input into a toggle for a CSS class on another element.

This is relatively easy to do in JavaScript, as the very short function
illustrates. I wonder out of simple curiousity if anyone's considered
defining a short set of attributes to do this in HTML itself, without
requiring JavaScript.

Three attributes on the input would be all that's necessary:

   - cssClassName="(word)" would be the class name to apply
   - cssClassFor="(id)" would be an IDREF to the element which would apply
   the class
   - cssClassNot="true" would invert the class enable/disable (so that if
   the input is checked, the class would be removed instead of applied)

I'm of two minds about this.

On the one hand, if HTML can provide a reference from an input to an
element the input is intended to influence, that has to be useful for
reasons similar to the HTML label element's for attribute, and it makes for
one less dependency on JavaScript.  (Accessibility?)

On the other hand, the modern Web has so much dependency on JavaScript.
Also, the HTML input element has a horrendously long list of attributes on
it already.

So, I thought I'd throw the idea out there and see if anyone likes it.



"The first step in confirming there is a bug in someone else's work is
confirming there are no bugs in your own."
-- Alexander J. Vincent, June 30, 2001

[whatwg] We need more colors in CSS

2016-04-01 Thread Alex Vincent
I read today's thread about  and I disagree - we have a higher
priority to deal with.

We really need to replace RGB with RGBU:  red, green, blue, ultraviolet.
After all, some people have cones in their eyes to detect ultraviolet
light.  I believe the technical term is "tetrachromacy", or something like
that.  It's the reverse of color-blindness in a sense:  we're not serving
the full spectrum that some people can see!

* This helps women who actually can distinguish the ultraviolet colors.
* Instead of 24 bits for color (a non-standard word size in computer
science), we could use 32 bits (which is much more common in computer
* The fourth argument in the color: and background-color rules, being
ultraviolet and thus beyond the normal range of vision, becomes optional.

* Computer monitors aren't built to show ultraviolet colors.  (Here,
though, we'd get ahead of the hardware, and let vendors catch up.)
* Ultraviolet rays from the Sun have been shown to cause skin cancers... so
medical studies would have to be done to determine a safe maximum to emit
from the monitor.  The 255 level of ultraviolet should not come close to

Why not infrared, to show warmth?  Because the RGB pattern goes from lower
frequencies to higher ones; to support infrared it would change to IRGB,
breaking backwards compatibility with RGB pretty badly.  Sorry, romantics:
your monitors must remain, at least on the surface, very cold.  Blame us in
the standards community for that.

Alex Vincent
Hayward, CA

"The first step in confirming there is a bug in someone else's work is
confirming there are no bugs in your own."
-- Alexander J. Vincent, June 30, 2001

[whatwg] Verbosio 'template DOM' - breaking the rules for a reason

2012-10-26 Thread Alex Vincent
Over the last six months, I've quietly toiled away at an alternate DOM
implementation for my Verbosio editing project.  (Verbosio is a project for
building a prototype XML editor, with XML languages supported as
Firefox-like add-ons.)  I would have preferred to use Mozilla's native DOM
or a pre-existing DOM implementation like domjs or envjs, but unfortunately
I felt that these would not meet my requirements - shadow content adjacent
to the owning content, XML entity support and undo history management.  I
also felt that I could not at the time easily adapt any of them to my
needs.  (I'm aware of work ongoing in shadow content and undo history, but
these specifications and implementations aren't mature yet.)

So, being the mad scientist that I am, I built my own "template DOM" from
scratch.  It's nowhere near compliance with the DOM Living Standard (
http://dom.spec.whatwg.org/ ), nor do I intend it to be.  I'll be using my
template DOM in parallel with the Mozilla DOM - the former only for
managing XML templates and XML entity references in Verbosio, the latter
for rendering those templates and for ordinary DOM work.

In particular, I've started a few wiki documents on my project's website
where I explain what's supported, what's not supported, and why:

Currently, my Jasmine testing framework reports over 900 tests - most of
which I'm certain the current DOM test suites already cover.  The remaining
tests are specific to my implementation and would likely not apply to other
existing DOM implementations.

In terms of merging my own work or ideas with other DOM implementations and
specifications - I'm certainly willing to consider it, but I need this
template DOM to work in my Verbosio editing project first.

I'm posting to this mailing list primarily as a heads-up, to show where I'm
going in the short term and perhaps to see if some of my approaches and
algorithms could be useful to others in this space.  The project's code is
available under the Mozilla Public License version 2.

Alex Vincent
Hayward, CA, U.S.A.
Planet Earth, Milky Way Galaxy, the Universe (roughly)

"The first step in confirming there is a bug in someone else's work is
confirming there are no bugs in your own."
-- Alexander J. Vincent, June 30, 2001

Re: [whatwg] Exceptions in UndoManager

2012-05-30 Thread Alex Vincent
   1. "What state will the UndoManager be in when an exception happens?"
   There may be transactions that were undone, cropped off by the transact()
   call, which per the spec are now unrecoverable.  Also, in the undo or redo
   cases, we might be in the middle of a merged transaction.  The spec says we
   can't call undo while we're unapplying a transaction... nor can we call
   redo.  So where will we be - both during the event dispatch and in the
   2. "What information about the exception will be included with the event
   - or with the UndoManager?"
   3. "If the UndoManager can recover somehow to a known good state without
   intervention, how can it indicate that - and possibly, what that good state
   would look like?"
   4. "If no recovery is completed, is it acceptable to mark the
   UndoManager in an error state and prevent further transactions from either
   happening or being recorded until both undo and redo stacks have been
   completely cleared?"  (I'm thinking of a fatal error state, which can be
   recovered if you throw away all your history.)
   5. If there is a recovery by one event listener, should another event
   indicating that recovery be dispatched, so that earlier event listeners are
   aware of the new good state?

I can write up a simple HTML + SVG document illustrating the UndoManager
Exception cases I can dream up, if anyone's interested.  There's four main
areas: during transact with no undone transactions, during undo where we
may be in the middle of a transaction group, during redo where we may be in
the middle of a transaction group, and during transact where some
transactions have been undone.

For question 3, I would propose including an UndoManager mockup without
methods:  a static data representation of the default after-state.  Note
that it is perfectly okay in my opinion for the UndoManager to report "I
cannot recover from this on my own," and not provide this mockup at all.
On Wed, May 30, 2012 at 12:03 AM, Ryosuke Niwa  wrote:

> When an exception is thrown within transact(), the most sane behavior
> appears to be rolling back all DOM changes that have made thus far (this in
> turn may also fail due to mutation events, etc...). Also this is not
> possible with manual transactions because browsers don't keep track of
> what's happening in the DOM, etc...
> So how about just firing an event like DOMTransactionException at the undo
> scope host to let scripts handle them?
> - Ryosuke
"The first step in confirming there is a bug in someone else's work is
confirming there are no bugs in your own."
-- Alexander J. Vincent, June 30, 2001

Re: [whatwg] Exceptions in UndoManager

2012-05-30 Thread Alex Vincent
Sorry, I hit send prematurely.  Let me try again in a few minutes.

On Wed, May 30, 2012 at 8:15 AM, Alex Vincent  wrote:

> My first concern is "what state will the UndoManager be in when an
> exception happens?"  There may be transactions that were undone, cropped
> off
> On Wed, May 30, 2012 at 12:03 AM, Ryosuke Niwa  wrote:
>> When an exception is thrown within transact(), the most sane behavior
>> appears to be rolling back all DOM changes that have made thus far (this in
>> turn may also fail due to mutation events, etc...). Also this is not
>> possible with manual transactions because browsers don't keep track of
>> what's happening in the DOM, etc...
>> So how about just firing an event like DOMTransactionException at the
>> undo scope host to let scripts handle them?
> --
> "The first step in confirming there is a bug in someone else's work is
> confirming there are no bugs in your own."
> -- Alexander J. Vincent, June 30, 2001

"The first step in confirming there is a bug in someone else's work is
confirming there are no bugs in your own."
-- Alexander J. Vincent, June 30, 2001

Re: [whatwg] Exceptions in UndoManager

2012-05-30 Thread Alex Vincent
My first concern is "what state will the UndoManager be in when an
exception happens?"  There may be transactions that were undone, cropped

On Wed, May 30, 2012 at 12:03 AM, Ryosuke Niwa  wrote:

> When an exception is thrown within transact(), the most sane behavior
> appears to be rolling back all DOM changes that have made thus far (this in
> turn may also fail due to mutation events, etc...). Also this is not
> possible with manual transactions because browsers don't keep track of
> what's happening in the DOM, etc...
> So how about just firing an event like DOMTransactionException at the undo
> scope host to let scripts handle them?

"The first step in confirming there is a bug in someone else's work is
confirming there are no bugs in your own."
-- Alexander J. Vincent, June 30, 2001

[whatwg] UndoManager questions

2012-05-26 Thread Alex Vincent
Hi, folks.  I'm stubbing out a quick & dirty implementation of UndoManager
in JavaScript, and I have a few questions.

For those not familiar, the spec lives here:

* The spec is inconsistent in a few places.  For instance, in the green
non-normative section, clearUndo states:
Removes entries in the undo transaction

However, in the normative part, it states:
The clearUndo() method must remove all entries in the undo transaction
the undo
position .

Note that one of these states "before", and the other states "after".  This
contradiction is not implementable.

* The spec mentions a "DOM transaction
but does not define that.

* When adding a transaction to a DOMTransaction[] as part of execute's
merge being true, do we add it to the beginning or the end of the list?
This matters for .item().

* Exception handling is woefully undefined in this spec:
** If my transaction throws an exception during UndoManager.execute(), how
should that be handled? What happens to transaction groups that were
previously undone?
** If my transaction throws an exception during .undo(), how should that be
** Ditto redo.

* What precisely lives at UndoManager.item(0)?  The most recently completed
transaction, or the oldest?

* When UndoManager.execute() is called with an object not implementing
.undo, or .redo, should we fire some kind of warning to the user?  What
should happen when we try to undo that transaction?

Given all the above, I think I need to write some tests for UndoManager.
Anyone mind Jasmine-based tests?

"The first step in confirming there is a bug in someone else's work is
confirming there are no bugs in your own."
-- Alexander J. Vincent, June 30, 2001

Re: [whatwg] Fixing undo on the Web - UndoManager and Transaction

2011-09-01 Thread Alex Vincent
On Thu, Sep 1, 2011 at 11:36 AM, Ryosuke Niwa  wrote:

> On Thu, Sep 1, 2011 at 6:26 AM, Alex Vincent  wrote:
>>   1. I think we should start writing a test suite, for two reasons.
>>  First,
>>   to get some idea how this works in practice, with a reference
>> implementation
>>   in JavaScript.  That will help us iron out some of the API debates we've
>>   been having (reapply, specifically).  Second, a test suite can help all
>> the
>>   implementers implement the same thing.
> Implementing it in JavaScript will be somewhat challenging because
> managed/automatic transactions need to keep track of all changes made by a
> function it's calling.  It'll require a heavy use of mutation events (and
> they're going away!)
Not necessarily.  We can use a DOM implemented in JavaScript, a la
http://www.envjs.com/.  That wouldn't require mutation events, since we
could customize the DOM code before running it.

"The first step in confirming there is a bug in someone else's work is
confirming there are no bugs in your own."
-- Alexander J. Vincent, June 30, 2001

Re: [whatwg] Fixing undo on the Web - UndoManager and Transaction

2011-09-01 Thread Alex Vincent
There's too much good stuff going on, both in the specs, and in my own
project.  :-)  I noticed Ehsan's blog post about editing on the Web,
http://ehsanakhgari.org/blog/2011-08-31/future-editing-web .  I'm groaning
because I haven't been involved! :-p

A few thoughts on my mind:

   1. I think we should start writing a test suite, for two reasons.  First,
   to get some idea how this works in practice, with a reference implementation
   in JavaScript.  That will help us iron out some of the API debates we've
   been having (reapply, specifically).  Second, a test suite can help all the
   implementers implement the same thing.
   2. I think I'm not going to fully understand this spec until I at least
   try my hand at a test suite implementation, in Jasmine.  :-)
   3. I just spotted a flaw in our API's.  Imagine the following:

  myEditor.undoManager.transact({apply: function () {
insert(document.createTextNode('o')) }, label: 'First transaction'});
  myEditor.undoManager.transact({apply: function () {
insert(document.createTextNode('k')) }, label: 'Merging transaction'},

  - User calls myEditor.undoManager.item(0).label.  Which label does he
  get back?  For that matter, which transaction does he get back, and which
  transaction is forever hidden from him?
  - Perhaps for this reason, .item() should return a readonly
  Transaction[], representing the transaction group.
  4. Did we talk about a maxlength for the UndoManager?  If we allow an
   infinite number of transactions in an UndoManager, a lot of memory could get
   eaten up.  I'd say the page author should be able to limit the number of
   transactions kept in memory at his or her discretion.
   5. Section 2.1 is Definitions, but several of the definitions are
   scattered around the specification (Transaction, for example), and do not
   start with basic definitions.  I think this section needs to be rewritten,
   starting with the most basic definitions.  (Define a transaction. Define a
   transaction group based on the definition of a transaction.  Define an undo
   stack based on the definitions of a transaction group and a transaction, and
   so on.)
   6. I'm wondering a bit about localization of the Transaction object's
   label.  It's probably an unnecessary concern (this specification shouldn't
   go too deep), but I'm just wondering how both scripted and native
   transactions will detect the language of the webpage and generate
   locale-specific labels.  I'd like a paragraph on that, at least, even if
   it's just to say localizations are outside the scope of the spec, and that
   language changes while an UndoManager exists may not be supported.


Re: [whatwg] DOM mutations, transactions and UndoManager thoughts

2011-08-26 Thread Alex Vincent
Thanks, Ian.  I've been loosely following the UndoManager discussion -
reading all the e-mails coming through.  I haven't thought about it for a
couple weeks, though.  I'll take another look at the current draft soon.

I'll need some time to come back to mutation events.


On Fri, Aug 26, 2011 at 3:03 PM, Ian Hickson  wrote:

> Since you sent your e-mail, both UndoManager and mutation events have had
> work done on them outside the HTML spec.
> UndoManager is now specced here:
>   http://rniwa.com/editing/undomanager.html
> ...and is being discussed on threads in this mailing list.
> Mutation events are being discussed in public-weba...@w3.org.
> I encourage you to take part in these discussions.
> Cheers,
> --
> Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL
> http://ln.hixie.ch/   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
> Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

"The first step in confirming there is a bug in someone else's work is
confirming there are no bugs in your own."
-- Alexander J. Vincent, June 30, 2001

Re: [whatwg] Fixing undo on the Web - UndoManager and Transaction

2011-07-27 Thread Alex Vincent
> In the last couple of weeks, I've been working with developers of CKEditor,
> TinyMCE, and Google Docs to come up with *new API for undo and redo*.

I'd like to take a look at this and be very closely involved in this
specification.  About a month ago, I wrote this:

I've been working on my own prototype editor project for years (it may
replace Duke Nukem Forever as king of vaporware at the rate I'm going, but
I'm still working on it), and I've had some definite thoughts on undo
management.  API's like this interest me quite a bit.

Also see https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=617532 - where Mozilla
is considering their own API proposals.

One use case I've envisioned is an undo popup menu, where each item of the
undo stack has an actual label to go with it, describing the transaction.
Then you could easily see how many items you wanted to go back!

I'd be happy to take this off-list, or keep it on-list, whatever you prefer.

"The first step in confirming there is a bug in someone else's work is
confirming there are no bugs in your own."
-- Alexander J. Vincent, June 30, 2001

Re: [whatwg] ... restrict reading value from JS?

2011-07-10 Thread Alex Vincent
On Sun, Jul 10, 2011 at 3:21 AM, Michal Zalewski wrote:

> > For the last 10+ years, password inputs have been accessible from
> scripts,
> > with nary a complaint.  If I have this code:
> Unfortunately, the problem is not that easy to fix: denying access to
> the field does not prevent the attacker from changing the form
> submission URL after autocompletion to achieve the same...

Or even simpler, changing the type attribute to something like "hidden" for
an instant.

I hate it when I don't think things through.

"The first step in confirming there is a bug in someone else's work is
confirming there are no bugs in your own."
-- Alexander J. Vincent, June 30, 2001

[whatwg] ... restrict reading value from JS?

2011-07-10 Thread Alex Vincent
This is just an idea.

For the last 10+ years, password inputs have been accessible from scripts,
with nary a complaint.  If I have this code:




I can extract the password by clicking on the button.  More to the point,
with a XHR I can send that password somewhere it shouldn't go... (well, with
cross-domain security code, maybe not, but that's not the point.)

To be honest, I can think of only two good reasons for checking a password
field's value.  The first is to compare against another password field.  The
second is to check the strength of the password.  In both cases, JavaScript
doesn't necessarily need the actual value - if the API provides other ways
to do that.

Specifically, I would suggest two methods for this input type:

 * Check if a password field's value matches another.
 * @param otherPassword Another password element.
 * @throws Error if this.type != "password"
 * @throws Error if other.type != "password"
 * @returns Boolean True if the fields match.
boolean passwordEquals(in HTMLInputElement otherPassword);

 * Check the strength of the password.
 * @param type The type of check to execute.
 * @returns 0 if dangerously low security
 * @returns 1 if "soon-to-be-deprecated" low security
 * @returns 2 if adequate security
 * @returns 3 if good security
 * @returns 4 if strong security
 * @returns 5 if entropy-death-of-the-universe security :-)
unsigned octet passwordStrength(in DOMString type);

The first idea has been suggested before:

I don't know if the second idea has been suggested before.
"The first step in confirming there is a bug in someone else's work is
confirming there are no bugs in your own."
-- Alexander J. Vincent, June 30, 2001

[whatwg] DOM mutations, transactions and UndoManager thoughts

2011-04-09 Thread Alex Vincent
I'm working on DOM-based editing tools in my spare time, and have been for
several years.  I use DOM mutation events to build "transactions" - objects
which let me undo DOM mutations and redo them.

There's a strong suggestion that DOM mutation observers should replace DOM
mutation events altogether, for performance reasons.  I believe a recent
discussion on execCommand brought this to light again.  Also, Mozilla has a
bug on file (https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=641821 ) to
implement mutation observers which only receive a node (
http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webapps/2009AprJun/0745.html ).

For me, this presents a problem:  In order to build undoable and redoable
DOM transactions, I need some way of extracting a "before" and an "after"
state for each individual mutation that happens.  For all the ballyhoo about
mutation events being evil, this is one thing that they do very well, with
"prevValue" and "newValue" properties for attribute and data nodes, and with
a "relatedNode" property for node insertions and removals.  The proposed
mutation observer model does not provide that information.

I hope there may be some room to negotiate (either with WHATWG or Mozilla)
on the interfaces.  Without "before" and "after" states exposed through the
DOM somehow, I can't make my editor project work, period.


Now, I was until today unaware of HTML5's UndoManager in section 8.8 (
 Maybe that gets me part of the way there, since it potentially tracks
changes to a document. In particular, I note there's no tests or sample JS
code for it written yet.

I'd like to take a closer look at the interfaces there.  For comparison, I'd
like to mention Mozilla's nsITransaction interfaces, including
nsITransactionManager - one of the nicest ideas for an editor, and one
that's worked well for Mozilla's editors, including HTML inputs and
textareas, for over ten years.  (They're good enough that they've largely
escaped attention - very few people think about the interfaces, because the
editor's undo mechanism Just Works!)  See
http://mxr.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/find?text=&string=nsITransaction for

A few thoughts on UndoManager:

* First, I really like the add() method.  That sounds really useful,
especially if it's scriptable, because I see myself having custom
transactions which I may want to track through a document's UndoManager.
* The title is even more important - it would give people a way to see a
localized description of what the transaction is.  Though I personally think
it should not be a separate value - I think it should be a required property
of the undo object.  (This is one thing I actually hate about Mozilla's
transaction interfaces:  they didn't make it easy to label transactions.)
* I'm not so sure about the remove() method.  Why do we have it?  If we
allow removing items by index, would we want to have a splice() method that
lets scripts insert items at a given index?
* Naturally, UndoManager sounds a lot like nsITransactionManager.
* I wonder about configuring UndoManager by script.  For instance, I really
want to turn UndoManager on or off by script.  (Most of the time, users
won't care about UndoManager, so I would think it would be disabled by
default, not actively recording transactions.)  Or, I may want to track
attribute changes, but not node value changes.
* I think a diagram clarifying the flow of actions through UndoManager would
be helpful.  Is it UndoManager.add(data) -> data.doSomething() (which
changes the document), or the other way around?  How would this affect
custom actions being added through UndoManager.add()?
* For undo objects added by script, how would the UndoManager tell the
scripted undo object to, well, undo something?  Or redo something?  (In
particular, in such a way that the UndoManager doesn't record changes
happening while the undo object changes the document in an operation.)
* Is it feasible to have an UndoManagerObserver which is notified of undo
objects being passed through the UndoManager (either in enabled or disabled
state)?  That would make it possible to manage undo objects in another
context besides the UndoManager (example: I want to export undo objects to a
Mozilla transaction manager, so that I drive it from there).
* I'm surprised that UndoManager doesn't have a maxlength.  Do we really
intend to let it undo an infinite number of actions?

I hope to open a debate on the UndoManager section, and on undo/redo
operations in general, with this e-mail.

Alex Vincent
San Leandro, CA
author, Verbosio XML editor project (in development hell for six years and

"The first step in confirming there is a bug in someone else's work is
confirming there are no bugs in your own."
-- Alexander J. Vincent, June 30, 2001

Re: [whatwg] Proposal: Extension to the base element

2009-11-09 Thread Alex Vincent
How would HTML 4.01 clients respond to multiple BASE tags in a HTML 5
document?  Even with extra attributes to say "Restrict this to a particular
content-type," you'd probably see some less-than-desirable side effects -
HTML 4 clients wouldn't care about them.

The BASE tag affects how the document's other resources are loaded.  Older
clients reading the document would probably break.

"The first step in confirming there is a bug in someone else's work is
confirming there are no bugs in your own."
-- Alexander J. Vincent, June 30, 2001

[whatwg] HTML 5 buttons and constraint validation

2009-09-06 Thread Alex Vincent
There's a possible disconnect between  and
.  The former is barred from constraint validation, but the
latter is not.  (Section 4.10).  Is this intentional?

"The first step in confirming there is a bug in someone else's work is
confirming there are no bugs in your own."
-- Alexander J. Vincent, June 30, 2001

[whatwg] HTML 5 clarifications on ValidityState?

2009-08-25 Thread Alex Vincent
I read this paragraph (from section as self-contradicting:

"The validationMessage  attribute must return the empty string if the
element is not a candidate for constraint validation or if it is one
but it satisfies its constraints; otherwise, it must return a suitably
localized message that the user agent would show the user if this were
the only form with a validity constraint problem. If the element is
suffering from a custom error, then the custom validity error message
should be present in the return value."

Specifically, the last sentence contradicts the rest of the paragraph.
 If there is a custom error, but the element is not a candidate for
constraint validation, should the validationMessage attribute be
empty, or should the custom validity error message be present in the
return value?  You can't have both.

This inconsistency is somewhat worsened when you consider the user may
call input.setCustomValidity("foo") on an element that isn't a
candidate for constraint validation:

var foo = document.getElementById("foo");
foo.willValidate // returns false, because of the disabled attribute

"The willValidate  attribute must return true if an element is a
candidate for constraint validation, and false otherwise (i.e. false
if any conditions are barring it from constraint validation)."

foo.validity.customError // returns true
foo.validity.valid // returns false
foo.validationMessage // ???

Also, I noticed the readonly attribute for input elements overrides
constraint validation, per section - but the readonly
attribute has no meaning for several input types (section 4.10.4, the
big table after the IDL).  For checkboxes, radio buttons, file
uploads, image inputs, submit, reset and ordinary button types for the
input element, readonly has no other effect.

Please advise - I'm currently working on a patch for Gecko code which
implements this.

"The first step in confirming there is a bug in someone else's work is
confirming there are no bugs in your own."
-- Alexander J. Vincent, June 30, 2001

Re: [whatwg] Text areas with pattern attributes?

2009-08-24 Thread Alex Vincent
On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 6:04 AM, Max Romantschuk wrote:
> I really don't see a case for not allowing pattern for a textarea. The
> implementation side should not be that different from the same attribute on
> a text input? Except for the client side overhead of parsing a large amount
> of data against a regex, what would be the drawbacks on having pattern on
> textareas?

Well, if the spec authors decide NOT to support the pattern attribute
on text areas, I would ask the spec authors to insert a note
(normative or not) explaining the rationale.

Reason:  I have this funny feeling I've asked about pattern attributes
on text areas before.  I think the question will be raised in the

"All of this has happened before, and it will happen again."

"The first step in confirming there is a bug in someone else's work is
confirming there are no bugs in your own."
-- Alexander J. Vincent, June 30, 2001

[whatwg] Text areas with pattern attributes?

2009-08-19 Thread Alex Vincent
I'm drifting into writing code for the pattern attribute on text
fields again, and I wondered:  if text inputs can have pattern
attribute for regular expression matching, why not text area elements?

The HTML 5 spec says: "The textarea element represents a multiline
plain text edit control for the element's raw value.".  It might make
some sense to include support for pattern validation on text areas.

On the other hand, text areas could be a lot larger than standard text
inputs.  (There's no maxlength attribute for text areas in HTML 4.01,
but there is in HTML 5.)

I did a quick search on the mailing list, and I didn't see any
indication this issue had been raised before.


"The first step in confirming there is a bug in someone else's work is
confirming there are no bugs in your own."
-- Alexander J. Vincent, June 30, 2001

Re: [whatwg] Web forms 2, input type suggestions (Michael A. Puls II)

2007-07-15 Thread Alex Vincent

I've held off on commenting about the new types suggested for input so far,
but I should mention this:  Web Forms 2 as it currently stands has
twenty-four different types of input elements.  Ten from HTML 4, fourteen
new ones in this spec.  Please, please, don't overload it any more than is
absolutely necessary.

[whatwg] WF2 clarification request: File upload controls

2006-09-29 Thread Alex Vincent

In the past, user agents have allowed file upload controls to
reference files not local to the computer in question.  For validity
purposes, I wonder if this should still be allowed under Web Forms

Allowing remote values in the file upload control could be a
performance hit via networking, since we'd have to verify the file
exists before saying valueMissing is false...

"The first step in confirming there is a bug in someone else's work is
confirming there are no bugs in your own."
-- Alexander J. Vincent, June 30, 2001

[whatwg] WF2: Clarification on valueMissing requested

2006-09-20 Thread Alex Vincent

"The field has the required  attribute set but has no value selected."

In implementing this for Mozilla, I realized an edge case that could
prove troublesome.  Specifically, what happens if you have multiple
radio or checkboxes with the required attribute and no boxes checked
for any of them.

Alternatively, consider when the radio button is checked but doesn't
have a value... and some other radio input with the same name in the
same form does have a value.

There's an attempt to clarify it here:

"When a radio group has no checked radio button and more than one of
the radio buttons is marked as required, the UA should only tell the
user that the radio group as a whole is missing a value, not complain
about each radio button in turn, even though all of the radio buttons
marked with the required attribute would have the valueMissing flag

Tell the user how?  Visually?  Through DOM events?  Both, or some
other way?  I'm working from the DOM events view right now, and this
could be the difference between dispatching one event and dispatching

I don't require an immediate answer.  Forgive me if the questions
above have already been raised and discussed.

Alex Vincent

"The first step in confirming there is a bug in someone else's work is
confirming there are no bugs in your own."
-- Alexander J. Vincent, June 30, 2001

[whatwg] WF2: required attribute clarification requested

2006-09-06 Thread Alex Vincent

"For disabled or readonly controls, the (required) attribute has no effect."

What does this mean?  The missingValue bit of validityState is either
on or off.  Do I need to change the required bit if we're disabled?
Or should I leave it alone?

"The first step in confirming there is a bug in someone else's work is
confirming there are no bugs in your own."
-- Alexander J. Vincent, June 30, 2001

[whatwg] Web Forms 2.0 in Gecko design document

2006-08-15 Thread Alex Vincent

For anyone interested in seeing WF2 implemented in mozilla.org code, I
invite you to read and comment on
http://wiki.mozilla.org/DOM:Web_Forms_2.0 .  Please bear in mind this
is intended as an internal design document, and this is very much a
first draft - so it will change!

"The first step in confirming there is a bug in someone else's work is
confirming there are no bugs in your own."
-- Alexander J. Vincent, June 30, 2001

[whatwg] WF2: Informative style sheet appendix?

2006-07-21 Thread Alex Vincent

CSS 2 provides in Appendix A, and CSS 2.1 in Appendix D, non-normative
references which implementers may use as a basis for styling HTML
pages by default.  Web Forms 2 is missing a similar style sheet for
all the new features it brings to the table.

For example, on my XUL Widgets project I have tentatively designated a
red background to a text input as meaning "This input's value is not
valid according to this input's specification."  I also am considering
adding an icon immediately after the input, for accessibility reasons

A non-normative style sheet for the Web Forms 2 specification would be
very useful to me as an implementer, in giving me an example to
follow.  As I continue to attempt implementing WF2 for Mozilla code, I
think I should try to offer whatever help I can.

Opinions?  Thoughts?

"The first step in confirming there is a bug in someone else's work is
confirming there are no bugs in your own."
-- Alexander J. Vincent, June 30, 2001