Re: [whatwg] Please consider adding a couple more datetime input types - type=year and type=month-day

2010-08-24 Thread Andrew Hayward
 * it has the *semantic* of being a year, which is a special type of
 number (potentially more than four digits if you subscribe to Long
 Now[1] methodology, or fewer than four as Andy noted).

 Why is it useful to declare this semantic to the browser? What functional 
 difference do you envision compared to a field that accepts an integer 
 (potentially with min and max values relevant to the site)?

 Future browser could offer a calendar tool to fill input fields that have a 
 date semantic. While this would be appropriate, it would not be appropriate 
 to offer a calendar tool for other integer data e.g. an input field that 
 asks the user for his monthly income in USD.

 What kind of calendar tool is more efficient for entering a year (year only 
 without a month or day) than a UI that is optimized for entering an integer 
 (typically text field plus spinbox arrows that also respond to arrow keys and 
 input method defaulting to digits on phones and similar)?

 (Also future browser could is a bit weak unless someone writing code for a 
 browser indicates that he/she is actively implementing a given feature.)

Future browser issues aside, it's entirely plausible that a browser
might allow me to drop events (from my calendar software, for example,
or just something else semantically a 'date' on the web) onto a
'date'-identified input field, extracting the relevant pieces of
information and filling as appropriate.

Re: [whatwg] Please consider adding a couple more datetime input types - type=year and type=month-day

2010-08-24 Thread Andrew Hayward
 * it has the *semantic* of being a year, which is a special type of
 number (potentially more than four digits if you subscribe to Long
 Now[1] methodology, or fewer than four as Andy noted).

 Why is it useful to declare this semantic to the browser? What functional 
 difference do you envision compared to a field that accepts an integer 
 (potentially with min and max values relevant to the site)?

 Future browser could offer a calendar tool to fill input fields that have 
 a date semantic. While this would be appropriate, it would not be 
 appropriate to offer a calendar tool for other integer data e.g. an input 
 field that asks the user for his monthly income in USD.

 What kind of calendar tool is more efficient for entering a year (year only 
 without a month or day) than a UI that is optimized for entering an integer 
 (typically text field plus spinbox arrows that also respond to arrow keys 
 and input method defaulting to digits on phones and similar)?

 (Also future browser could is a bit weak unless someone writing code for 
 a browser indicates that he/she is actively implementing a given feature.)

 Future browser issues aside, it's entirely plausible that a browser
 might allow me to drop events (from my calendar software, for example,
 or just something else semantically a 'date' on the web) onto a
 'date'-identified input field, extracting the relevant pieces of
 information and filling as appropriate.

 Do you have a concrete use case where you'd prefer to drop events to a 
 *year-precision* field over entering a number in a field?

 To me, the case of dropping events seems more plausible in the case of 
 day-precision fields.

No, but if I were able to drop 'events' onto 'date' fields, then I'd
expect all date-related fields to behave the same, regardless of how
precise they were.

Re: [whatwg] Please consider making summary more generic/flexible (or renaming)

2010-08-03 Thread Andrew Hayward
 Summary: the new summary element is very generic sounding but has a
 very special purpose (only allowed inside details). It would be
 helpful if we made it more generic, in particular allow use of
 summary inside article body (and perhaps section) to provide
 general summary text semantics (e.g. this paragraph :), and a
 potential enhancement to the HTML5-to-Atom conversion algorithm.

 Alternatively, we could rename summary inside details to something
 more specific so it won't be confused as a generic-sounding

In a somewhat related note, following a real-world conversation I had
with Jeremy Keith a short while ago, is there a reason why summary
(or the theoretical renamed less generic alternative) isn't being used
inside figures too, instead of another new element (figcaption)?
At the time Jeremy wasn't able to give me an answer, but if it's
already been discussed and I just missed it, my apologies.

- Andrew