[whatwg] Stay in touch with me through LinkedIn

2013-04-05 Thread Davis Peixoto

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- Davis

Davis Peixoto
Developer at LojasKD Móveis
Curitiba Area, Brazil

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Re: [whatwg] onLoad event

2010-10-27 Thread Davis Peixoto
Interesting question indeed

On Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 11:15 AM, Diogo Resende wrote:

> Hi,
> Is there a way to know that a  has been loaded (and processed)?
> I'm more interested in CSS links than others but the process should be
> the same. In my opinion it's a better way of loading stylesheets than
> downloading using XmlHttpRequest and then creating the 

Re: [whatwg] Changing punctuation value of input element in telephone state

2010-04-06 Thread Davis Peixoto
> The goal of fool-proofing phone fields is a quite noble one but, let's
> be honest: it's quite near to an utopia. Any "solution" that may cause
> valid inputs to break is definitely bad. If fixing wrong inputs risks
> valid ones to break, we are not only not solving the problem, but we
> are moving it somewhere it doesn't make sense: if you had to choose
> between wrong inputs breaking or good inputs breaking, is there any
> sane reason to chose the later?

This is what I was saying. It is noble, but utopic (Yeah, you put it better
in words).

But now I realized: UA handling of type=tel is just a possibility, not a
mandatory feature. Thus, I think even it is documented in somewhere in HTML
5 spec, it won't be used/implemented at all due to all the drawbacks we were
discussing about in this thread.

Hugs, Davis

Re: [whatwg] Changing punctuation value of input element in telephone state

2010-04-06 Thread Davis Peixoto
> Other than that, the only safe alternative would be to leave the
> values untouched, so the page can say what it wants, the user honor
> it, and the server get it as expected; or gracefully degrade to an
> error message that actually points to the user error (rather than an
> error introduced by an UA trying to be out-smart the user).

This goes in the opposite direction from the initial idea of creating a
interface that intend to avoid type mismatches, unfortunately.

> For sites that are ready to sanitize values from a specific locale;
> but which are accessed through an UA with different settings (ie: on a
> public place while abroad), the UA adding locale-specific stuff to a
> phone value is very likely to render whole forms unusables.

I just mentioned another drawback.
Hugs, Davis.

Re: [whatwg] Changing punctuation value of input element in telephone state

2010-04-06 Thread Davis Peixoto
> When I was using MacOS X, I hated how the contact application was
> restyling my phone numbers.
> By the way, it lets me think about something: the telephone state can
> still be used for autocomplete with phones from contacts.
> --
> Mounir

Good one, Mounir.

Tab, this does not means only formatting, but the input length will differ
too much.

Uruguay for example, has only 6 digits number, 8 with international leading
Brazil has 9 or 10, depending on the region, plus 2 with international
leading code.

That's the point. But as I said, when we have some standard for it (I doubt
of this, but let's suppose it), we can put this inside locales
configuration. This is a nice idea. Anyway, backend programmer will still
need to sanitize this input somehow. Yeah, I do not see much light for this

Hugs, Davis.

Re: [whatwg] Changing punctuation value of input element in telephone state

2010-04-06 Thread Davis Peixoto
Hello fellas,

I agree with Mounir.

Thing is UA is allowed to do that, but without clear rules, this can be a
If for date and time, where we have a lot of formats and standards for
internationalization, how can UA specify and be no type mismatch, if we do
not have any standard about phone numbers?

I mean, american format differs a lot from brazilian, which differs a lot
from indian, which differs from... you got it.

But it would be great if this kind of data becomes part of i18n packages,
meaning that any user, with a UA tunned to its native language can input
that, and let it do the job, like for date and time.

However, not like date, which is a fixed number, phones can vary a lot from
one region to region in length, and prefixes.

I think this is open to UA devs and RFC writers to take care, but I am not
sure if these statements will be useful someday at all due this lack of
pattern among regions.

Hugs, Davis.