Re: [whatwg] scripts that remove focus from links during document navigation

2006-09-20 Thread Jim Ley

On 20/09/06, Hallvord R M Steen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

a href= onfocus=this.blur()

This coding is very common because IE adds a small outline border to
focused links. Authors who do not like this will blur links when they are
activated to avoid this cosmetic issue. (Mea culpa: I've done exactly this
myself in sites I coded as a newbie, for that very reason.)

The reason being you'd not heard of the hidefocus attribute :-)  or
onfocus=this.hideFocus=true if you want to be free.

In Opera, when keyboard navigation hits this link, focus is removed. Thus
the link can not be activated from the keyboard and navigation may have to
start from the top of the document again.

Right so ignore it.

We need some prose in a spec that allows a user agent to ignore blur() for
accessibility reasons.

Why do you?  there's no prose in any spec which says you have to
support any script etc., and if there is, I would encourage you to
break it anyway, obviously anything that harms accessibility to your
users is something that it is your duty as a web-browser company to
not do.

I can appreciate you'd rather point to some other place and go look,
look they said it was okay, but in that case you already have it UAAG
is fine for that.  I don't think it's good to spell out and make
specifications even longer just to give you somewhere to point pretty
deluded authors.

'scripts must not alter focus-related issues in a way that hinder keyboard
operation, and user agents may override any such use of focus-related
scripting operations.'

I don't like this, it doesn't define hinder well enough for a MUST,
can't you just take it as read that you're allowed to?

I can't foresee any realistic collateral damage from actually blocking
the behaviour - but if that genuinely is the case, then removing blur
entirely would be a more appropriate solution.

Mostly though I encourage you to continue in the vein of promoting
your user, rather than hiding behind spec's, you've done it so well to


Re: [whatwg] Persistent storage is critically flawed.

2006-08-28 Thread Jim Ley

On 28/08/06, Shannon Baker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I accept tracking is inevitable but we
shouldn't be making it easier either.

You have to remember that the WHAT-WG individual is a Google employee,
a company that now relies on accurate tracking of details, so don't be
surprised that any proposal makes tracking easier and harder to

It's probably a design requirement, of course like all WHAT-WG stuff,
there is no explanation of the problems that are attempting to be
solved with any of the stuff, so it's impossible to really know.


Re: [whatwg] Dynamic content accessibility in HTML today

2006-08-14 Thread Jim Ley

On 14/08/06, Aaron Leventhal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

What browser/screen reader are you using?

You need at Firefox 1.5 or later and Window-Eyes 5.5 or later or JAWS 7
or later.

I'm not using a screen reader, accessibility is about not requiring a
particular technology...  Or did I miss a memo?



Re: [whatwg] Dynamic content accessibility in HTML today

2006-08-13 Thread Jim Ley

On 13/08/06, Aaron Leventhal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

So we already have truly accessible DHTML widgets that are
key navigable and usable with 3rd party tools such as screen readers.

Could I ask where these are discussed?  Because things like:
are certainly not accessible to me (there's a non purely decorative
image that without alt text for example)  Please don't say truly
accessible, when it clearly isn't.

How much trouble would it have been to just go .alt=checked
unchecked ?  I stopped looking beyond that.


Re: [whatwg] fullscreen event?

2006-05-11 Thread Jim Ley

On 11/05/06, Anne van Kesteren [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

My suggestion would be to have a renderingMode event (or something
like that) which in some way exposes a mediaList of the current
rendering modes (mostly just one). If you go to print preview mode for
example the event is dispatched and the mediaList contains 'print'. If
you go to projection mode it contains 'print' etc.

The issue with this is that we've struggled to find any situations
where there genuinely are multiple modes being rendered
simultaneously, the print preview in IE doesn't (the afterprint
returns immediately and there are no screen updates during the
intermediate times)  So I think we should avoid anything that actually
considers different views being considered available simultaneously,
it's a red herring without implementations, so we can ignore it :-)


Re: [whatwg] fullscreen event?

2006-05-10 Thread Jim Ley

On 10/05/06, Dean Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 10/05/06, Jorgen Horstink [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I just had a little chat with Anne and he thinks a rendering change
 event (ie: before printing, generate a table of contents) will be usefull.
 I think he is right.

I suggested onbeforeprint/onafterprint events a while back. It got
shot down. :-(

How disappointing, let's hope the webapi wg look at it... there's
certainly existing implementations to just copy.  They're useful


Re: [whatwg] JSONRequest

2006-03-20 Thread Jim Ley
On 3/20/06, Douglas Crockford [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Or indeed wrote your script before this JSONRequest was invented.

 I think I see where you are confused. A pre-JSONRequest JSON application
 will be using GET, or POST with a conventional POST body.

What exactly is a conventional POST body

 JSONRequest cannot generate a GET, so those interfaces are

Many webservers will return data in response to a POST even if
expecting a GET, a bug perhaps, but there's no specification which
prevents it.

 and it cannot generate a conventional POST
 body, so those applications are safe, too.

I have lots of applications that POST json to the server, and return
more JSON, for exactly the reason your proposing this interface now.

 If an application is so badly implemented that it accepts dangerous POSTs (we
 already determined that JSONRequest is safer than form.submit in this regard)

Where did we determine this?   Please start sharing your security
analysis, it seems rather lacking to me, so I'm not really prepared to
trust blanked statements of what you've determined.

 So, is this a problem? No. First, JSONRequest will reject the response and not
 return to the script because the Content-Type is not application/json.
 application/json is only now being registered as MIME media type. Legacy
 applications should not have been using it.

_SHOULD_  see, you're relying on perfect systems everywhere, that is
not an appropriate reliance, and as there are other methods - opt-in
methods - that allow cross domain scripting to be done more securely,
I simply don't see the point of not using them, and go for these poor
security methods you're advocating.

Also, someone using a application/vnd.someone.json will likely change
their server configuration to application/json as soon as it's
registered, so legacy apps will be using the appropriate mime-type.

 So, to repeat, JSON introduces no new security vulnerabilities for the legacy
 JavaScript data formats of six years ago.

You just admitted, that it did, so please stop repeating that phrase,
you may want to use a phrase such as few or rare or only in
certain situations are new security vulnerabilities present, but
there are certainly not none, and your refusal to admit this in the
document, when you do here suggests that you do not want your
specification to be reviewed fairly by all concerned.

 I would very much like to see the details of a specific attack in which a 
 application which depends solely on firewall locality for its security is
 compromised by JSONRequest.

I have some where all that would be needed is a
application/x--jl-message-result becomes a application/json -
something that is likely to happen (without me knowing) once the the
mime-type is registered.  Of course it's behind a firewall, so I can't
direct you to it, but it meets all of the other restrictions on JSON
you've listed above.  The data protected is pretty innocuous, but I'd
be crazy to think I was the only person doing it, why do you think I



Re: [whatwg] JSONRequest

2006-03-20 Thread Jim Ley
On 3/21/06, Gervase Markham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Chris Holland wrote:
  That's where the extra HTTP header would come-in:
  X-Allow-Foreign-Hosts: Forcing developers who expose such a service,
  to make the conscious choice to expose data to the world, what Jim
  refers to as OPT-IN.

 I believe the usual objection to this (which was raised when I suggested
 something similar) is that some services respond to requests by doing
 something ]

The flaw in that argument is that img.src=... is equivalent.  If the
initial challenge request is a GET, which it of course the spec can

- therefore, a model which allows cross-site requests has to
 check that the request is permitted before making it, not before
 processing the result.

Certainly, that's one of the issues with the header approach - the GET
and check for header or check magic URL for an XML doc, then make the
request should be safe from such issues. Both Mozilla dand Flash
already have that deployed and working.


Re: [whatwg] JSONRequest

2006-03-19 Thread Jim Ley
On 3/19/06, Douglas Crockford [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   The mimetype you're defining, because it is new, pretty-much ensures
   no existing service behind an intranet could be affected.

   I could still envision one day developers setting-up JSON syndication
   services behind an intranet, not quite grokking the fact that their
   data is now accessible from outside of their intranet. Silly, i know
   but ...

 It is a concern. The only solution to that that I can see is education.

No, the solution is pretty clear, all cross domain activity is
designed to be OPT-IN, just like all other current methods, then
concious effort needs to be made to allow your data onto other peoples

 A con with JSONRequest is
 that if your are incompetent in determining your authentications, then data 

Or indeed wrote your script before this JSONRequest was invented.

Please remove your false and misleading introduces no new security problems.


Re: [whatwg] JSONRequest

2006-03-19 Thread Jim Ley
 My intention with JSONRequest is to make it minimal because being minimal will
 make it easier to understand and easier to implement correctly.

Making caching behave completely differently for in two different situations is not easy to

Making caching behave differently for requests made via a different
call are not easier to implement.


Re: [whatwg] JSONRequest

2006-03-17 Thread Jim Ley
On 3/16/06, Gervase Markham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hallvord R M Steen wrote:
  You are right, if no variables are created one can't see the data by
  loading it in a  SCRIPT tag. Are you aware of intranets/CMSes that use
  this as a security mechanism?

 That's not actually right. I'm pretty sure this came across a public
 security list, so...

 You can override the constructor on the prototype of the Object object
 and get access to JSON objects before the JavaScript engine throws them
 away when it realises they don't get assigned to a variable.

 Or something like that, anyway. I can't remember exactly how it worked.
 But I'm pretty sure that it's true that you can get JSON data if it's
 not protected.

I can't reproduce this, in IE and Opera, there's no effect whatsover
playing with Object constructors, in Mozilla there is however it is
not called unless you have an expression:

{chicken:true} // doesn't call it.
donkey={chicken:true} // does call it.

Please can you provide more information on how raw JSON is available
from script elements?



Re: [whatwg] JSONRequest

2006-03-17 Thread Jim Ley
On 3/17/06, Gervase Markham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Jim Ley wrote:
  Please can you provide more information on how raw JSON is available
  from script elements?

 Apologies; it was the Array constructor, and I was slightly wrong in the
 details. Here is the exploit:

Yeah, only applies to Array, and I'm of the belief this is a Mozilla
security flaw anyway, hopefully it'll be fixed soon.

Thanks for including the URL in the thread too, illustrates exactly
why there are security concerns introduced with this JSONRequest.



Re: [whatwg] JSONRequest

2006-03-17 Thread Jim Ley
On 3/17/06, Douglas Crockford [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The cache rules are unworkable, please remove these and use standard
  HTTP methods for suggesting the cacheability of a resource, forcing
  them to be uncacheable is unworkable w.r.t. to proxy caches and
  extremely unwelcome within the browser.

   Applications must not cache responses to a POST request because the
   application has no way of knowing that the server would return an
   equivalent response on some future request.

Of course the application can know that, that's what HTTP cache
control headers are for, the cacheability of a resource is easy to
advertise, and all browsers should know it.

Please explain your use cases for making no JSONRequest cacheable, it
really is completely silly to me and an absolute deal breaker, I
assume it's because working for yahoo you need not worry about such
things as bandwidth and cost.


Re: [whatwg] JSONRequest

2006-03-16 Thread Jim Ley
On 3/16/06, Hallvord R M Steen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 3/11/06, Jim Ley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Accessing JSON resources on a local intranet which are
  secured by nothing more than the requesting IP address.

 While this is a valid concern I think the conclusion no *new*
 security vulnerabilities is correct. If you today embed data on an
 intranet in JavaScript I can create a page that loads that script in a
 SCRIPT tag and steal the data.

Could you please describe how exactly?  the contents of remote script
elements are not typically available (and if they are it's a large
security hole today) unless valid javascript objects are produced to
be queried, that is not the case with bare JSON.


Re: [whatwg] JSONRequest

2006-03-13 Thread Jim Ley
On 3/13/06, Douglas Crockford [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   It provides this highly valuable service while introducing no new
  security vulnerabilities. 

  is false, please remove it to avoid any confusion.

 It would be very helpful if you could list the situations that
you have determined are lacking.

I did in the paragraph after the part you quoted.


Re: [whatwg] diffed versions (CVS)

2006-03-03 Thread Jim Ley
On 3/3/06, Ian Hickson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Excellent, thank you very much.

 Converting the spec to wiki format is not an option while I'm an editor.

Good, Please don't do this even if some new editor came along - which
I don't want either.  SVN is great, a few more dated call for comments
(which would be even harder with a wiki) would be nice too, but not



Re: [whatwg] [wf2] changing the size DOM attribute of select

2006-02-11 Thread Jim Ley
On 2/11/06, Anne van Kesteren [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Quoting Jim Ley [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  D you mean the bug in Opera 9 that means changing the size of the
  select selects an entry?  Surely that's just a bug in Opera 9 preview
  (but not 8.5), changing the size should have no effect on what's

 I agree (with the part after the comma of the last sentence). Given that per the
 option should be selected, it should remain selected when changing some factor
 that has nothing to do with that.

but in your test case, they are not selected, and then become selected
in Opera 9.0 when you give them an invalid attribute - was Opera 9.0
not the behaviour you were looking to standardise too?  (I assumed
that as the Opera 8.5 behaviour was absurd with -1 making it about 40

For me ignoring the invalid DOM change makes more sense that the
inconsistent proposals you're advocating.  The cited part of the spec
linked to above certainly does not say what should happen when a DOM
changes to a single select in any case, it is still undefined even in
the size=1 case.



Re: [whatwg] [wf2] changing the size DOM attribute of select

2006-02-10 Thread Jim Ley
On 2/10/06, Anne van Kesteren [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Browsers disagree on what should be selected in such cases. Simple testcase:

 Opera 9 passes that test and I heard Safari nightlies do too. Internet 
 and Firefox fail the testcase. Personally I would be in favor of changing the
 specification to be compatible with Opera 9 and Safari given that what they do
 is sensible.

Why can't this be left undefined? what does it matter to have
interopable rendering on invalid DOM changes?  Surely forcing code
changes on anyone is just a waste of implementation time here, not
updating the page when the DOM is changed to an invalid number is a
good optimisation?

IE for example simply rejects the update (the size remains at 2), that
seems like a sensible approach, as does normalizing it to 1.

I simply don't see the value in standardising the error behaviour here.


Re: [whatwg] [wf2] changing the size DOM attribute of select

2006-02-10 Thread Jim Ley
On 2/11/06, Jim Ley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 2/10/06, Anne van Kesteren [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Browsers disagree on what should be selected in such cases. Simple testcase:
  Opera 9 passes that test and I heard Safari nightlies do too. Internet 
  and Firefox fail the testcase. Personally I would be in favor of changing 
  specification to be compatible with Opera 9 and Safari given that what they 
  is sensible.

 Why can't this be left undefined? what does it matter to have
 interopable rendering on invalid DOM changes?  Surely forcing code
 changes on anyone is just a waste of implementation time here, not
 updating the page when the DOM is changed to an invalid number is a
 good optimisation?

 IE for example simply rejects the update (the size remains at 2), that
 seems like a sensible approach, as does normalizing it to 1.

 I simply don't see the value in standardising the error behaviour here.

Oh but if you do, I don't believe the Opera method of having the
appearance of a 1, but a value of a size of 0 or -1 is correct.  If
corrections are made, the DOM should reflect the actual value used -
after all that is the only thing useful to the user.

Mozilla seems to correct -1 to 0 but nothing else.



Re: [whatwg] getElementsByClassName()

2006-02-05 Thread Jim Ley
On 2/5/06, James Graham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Jim Ley wrote:
  So something with no implementation should be taken over something
  with an existing implementation, that's pretty odd.

 Surely you can see that's a insane argument given the relative
 complexity of implementing the _entire_xbl_spec_ vs. implementing a
 single DOM method.

Of course, I wasn't actually making the argument.

 So the only reason to add a
 getElementByCSSSelector method is because we feel that either a) DOM3
 XPath is too hard to implement and getElementsByCSSSelector is much
 easier or b) because the added authoring simplicity provided by using
 widely understood CSS selectors is worth the substantial increase in
 complexity that providing two methods to solve the same problem will bring.

DOM 3 XPath is of course only defined for XML, whilst it's no trouble
defining it for valid HTML, it's not currently, for this reason I
would prefer just having a CSSSelector method and not bothering with
an XPath one, defining XPath for HTML is a bit of a pain - indeed I'm
not completely confident it's possible on an invalid HTML document
until after the document has finished loading.

 I do however know that arguing we shouldn't implement feature x because
 more complex features y and z provide a superset of x's features is
 wrong if a cost benefit analysis shows that x is better value for
 complexity than y or z.

Of course it should!  but remember also the cost of not doing x is
relevant, and the likelyhood of y or z being implemented anyway.  
There's little point in requiring feature x be implemented if feature
y and z are being implemented anyway, that's just bloat.


Re: [whatwg] getElementsByClassName()

2006-02-05 Thread Jim Ley
On 2/5/06, James Graham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Jim Ley wrote:
  On 2/5/06, James Graham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  DOM 3 XPath is of course only defined for XML, whilst it's no trouble
  defining it for valid HTML, it's not currently, for this reason I
  would prefer just having a CSSSelector method and not bothering with
  an XPath one, defining XPath for HTML is a bit of a pain - indeed I'm
  not completely confident it's possible on an invalid HTML document
  until after the document has finished loading.

 In practice it works fine in Mozilla for HTML which, given it's DOM
 functionality, isn't so surprising since both XML and HTML end up
 constructing a DOM.

in practice isn't really good enough for a specification any more,
it was when HTML 4.01 or DOM 1 or DOM 2 or CSS 1 or CSS 2 came out, it
is no longer, and specifications are actually getting proper reviews

I think it would be better to just leave XPath in HTML unspecified -
wish individuals and UA's luck if they want to try to use it on HTML,
but don't try and help them too much.


Re: [whatwg] getElementsByClassName()

2006-02-05 Thread Jim Ley
On 2/5/06, Ian Hickson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sun, 5 Feb 2006, Lachlan Hunt wrote:
 Probably doesn't matter which group does it since it'd end up being me
 doing the work either way...

Well the review processes are slightly different :)

 I can certainly see myself speccing a getElementsBySelector() API as part
 of Selectors 2. But either way, the spec for gEBS is simple; it returns
 the same type as getElementsByTagName(), it is accessible from Document
 and Element nodes and selects a subset of the descendants of that node, it
 takes a single argument (a string representing a selector), its first
 version doesn't support namespaces, and it raises an exception SYNTAX_ERR
 if the string can't be successfully parsed by the UA.

As a general outline this is very good, ducking the tricky issue of
namespaces is sensible, and much I prefer this sort of proposal to a
specific className one.



Re: [whatwg] getElementsByClassName()

2006-02-04 Thread Jim Ley
On 2/4/06, Brad Fults [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I can't believe that you're so insistent upon this extremely narrow
 set of use cases and that there aren't any other popular use cases for

It's the only one that's ever been voiced without the extreme
prompting now generating some.The WHAT specifications (like the W3
specifications, indeed most specifications) are creating features, and
never voicing why they're necessary, the use cases are simply not made
- there probably are use cases for them, but they _must_ be voiced,
otherwise you simply cannot review them.

 The requirement for a loaded document is to be expected when one
 wishes to manipulate the constructed DOM from that document.

No such requirement exists in web-browsers today, why are you suddenly
inventing it?

 I want my designer to be able to specify an arbitrary set of elements
 in the markup for a web app that are to be widgets. Now if the web
 app is sent out to a client that supports function X, I want to
 construct this X-widget around each of the elements in the set
 previously defined.

This use case is fulfilled by the -moz-binding and similar proposals,
it does this more successfully (as it does not lead to the
inconsistent UI problem)  I don't see the point in having both
className selectors and -moz-binding XBL approaches, but thanks for
the details.

 Now that we can get past why we're specifying such a function, I
 feel the need to reiterate the constraints on its specification,

but we can't know the constraints until we know why we're specifying it...

 2. getElementsByClassName() must be *binding language* agnostic. That
 is, we cannot assume that it will only be used in JS.

I don't agree that it's necessary to do this, one of the historic
problems of the DOM in the ECMAScript context (and others) is that
individual language strenghts are not gained.  There is nothing
obviously wrong with having language specific API's.

 If getElementsByClassName() receives an array (synonymous with list),
 which all binding languages I am aware of are capable of supplying,

Do some binding languages not require the type of the parameter to be
specified as either an array or a string?

I do not personally see the use case for a class specific operator,
either a CSS Selector method, that selects on any CSS selector, or
nothing seems appropriate.



Re: [whatwg] getElementsByClassName()

2006-02-04 Thread Jim Ley
On 2/4/06, Lachlan Hunt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Jim Ley wrote:
 For example, if an author
 marked up dates in their document like this (due to the lack of a date

 span class=date2006-02-03T01:30Z/date

A nice use case, and one well met by XBL including the currently
implemented -moz-binding, met much superiorly as that has quite
interesting effects for the screen reader user who is in the middle of
reading one of the dates...



Re: [whatwg] getElementsByClassName()

2006-02-03 Thread Jim Ley
On 2/3/06, Gervase Markham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This seems like a sensible change. Call it getElementsByClassNames()
 would make it obvious that if you supply multiple class names, you get
 only elements with all those names. And it would be a reasonably obvious
 reduction that if you just supply a single name, you would get all
 elements which had that one class name.

Rather than talk about technical details, can be talk about the actual
use cases please, working groups keep on creating things which need
implementing, testing etc. without once giving the use case.  This
thread is now 21 messages old and there's not one use case which is
fulfilled by a getElementsByClassName.  All the ones suggested are
fulfilled by the ability to attach events to a particular class name.


Re: [whatwg] getElementsByClassName()

2006-02-03 Thread Jim Ley
On 2/3/06, Gervase Markham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Jim Ley wrote:
  Rather than talk about technical details, can be talk about the actual
  use cases please, working groups keep on creating things which need
  implementing, testing etc. without once giving the use case.  This
  thread is now 21 messages old and there's not one use case which is
  fulfilled by a getElementsByClassName.  All the ones suggested are
  fulfilled by the ability to attach events to a particular class name.

 I thought we were discussing it because it was in the spec? :-)

Firstly it has to justify its inclusion in the spec.  Until we know
what it's _for_ how can we possibly design it?  Or comment on any
individual design?

 I know nothing of this attaching events to a class name of which you
 speak. Can you give me a reference to a document or proposal describing it?

It's the one use case described in this mailing list,

See e.g.

 the document of course shows no use cases at all.


Re: [whatwg] getElementsByClassName()

2006-02-03 Thread Jim Ley
On 2/3/06, Gervase Markham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Jim Ley wrote:
   the document of course shows no use cases at all.

 Is there some doubt that the ability to tag an arbitrary set of elements
 and later easily get an array of those elements is a useful feature for
 web development?

I've yet to hear of an actual reason to do so, people keep saying it
seems useful...

 If you would like use cases, I present all of the web pages currently
 using a JS implementation of getElementsByClassName based on
 getElementsByTagName(*) and some manual class name inspection logic.

Yes, but they're all using it to attach events to every one of the
class, which is why you have to look at use cases, the reason they're
doing it is not because getElementsByClassName is missing, but because
addEventListenerToClass or -moz-binding etc. are missing.

It's the classic mistake of looking at making the workarounds easier,
when you should be looking at making the underlying use easier.


Re: [whatwg] Sandboxing scripts: call for a wider discussion

2006-01-23 Thread Jim Ley
On 1/23/06, Alexey Feldgendler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon, 23 Jan 2006 17:15:39 +0600, Lachlan Hunt

 I'm surprised. document.write is defined but it's substantially different
  from what the browsers implement. DOM 2 says that write() can be called
 only between calls to open() and close(), and that a call to open() clears
 the existing content of the document.

That's because the existence of a global object called document that
points to the current document doesn't exist in any standard.

 This is very different from the
 current practice of calling write() without open() to inject unparsed HTML
 into an already-parsed document.

Er, no, no UA supports this, it supports it in HTML documents _that
are being parsed_ but not ones that are already parsed where
document.write performs an implied so content is


Re: [whatwg] a href= ping=

2006-01-21 Thread Jim Ley
On 1/19/06, Tyler Close [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 1/19/06, Jim Ley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  No, they'll just disable it, as it does them directly no benefit and
  has a cost, so if you educate them enough to make a decision, they
  will not decide to be tracked.

 Why hasn't this happened to the HTTP Referer header?

Because no-one's ever attempted to educate people enough to make a decision.

 I think an economic analysis of the scenario is a valid approach.
 Could you spell out your argument in more detail? For example, after
 I've submitted a search request to Google, what is the economic cost
 to me of letting Google know which result I selected? What is the
 economic benefit to me of providing this information to Google?

You're now discussing a very minor use case, the main use case is in
advert tracking, the economic case here is clear, accurate information
is required by the people paying for the ads to be shown and those
showing the adverts - if you're allowing an ad-service to show adverts
on your page, are you willing to accept that ad-service using a
disableable method of tracking what to pay you?

The use case of tracking what you click to leave a site is that it has
no direct benefit to the user whatsoever, they gain nothing at all,
and there's the slowness cost - indeed the site may be slower still if
they use redirect methods, but that's the sort of cost that would make
the tracking uneconomic as it will annoy users.

 I get more
 value in the future for revealing my search terms, in terms of better
 query results.

People don't make the same search more than once, google already knows
what the most popular search result on a particular term is and
without knowing what it was you were actually looking for (most search
terms don't express this very well) and what happened when you arrived
at the site they cannot know how useful the link truly was.

but mostly that's a minor use case compared to the main reason for
leaving site tracking, and that use case the ping proposals abjectly
fails to meet.


Re: [whatwg] Definition of alt= attribute

2006-01-19 Thread Jim Ley
On 1/19/06, Anne van Kesteren [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Quoting Alexey Feldgendler [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  I wonder why alt is a required attribute for IMG in HTML while an
  empty  value is allowed.

 Because an empty value means that there is no alternate text and no
 attribute at
 all means that alternate text is missing. (Which is clearly not what
 you want.)

I think Alexey's point is that in a correctly authored page no alt
attribute could perfectly reasonably mean the attribute is empty, this
is a good argument, but one that falls down in reality because so few
pages are correctly authored so those groups needing good ALT are left
at a disservice unless authors co-operate by specifically giving ALT
an empty value.


Re: [whatwg] a href= ping=

2006-01-19 Thread Jim Ley
On 1/19/06, Tyler Close [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I think it would be fair to characterize current techniques for link
 click tracking as opaque. In contrast, the proposed ping attribute
 explicitly declares in the HTML what is intended and how it will
 happen. Perhaps the right way to explain the ping attribute is as
 providing transparent, or explicit, feedback; shining a light on the
 dark corners of click tracking. If it is explained that the feature
 will make link click tracking explicit, controllable and more usable,
 I think the user base will react more positively.

No, they'll just disable it, as it does them directly no benefit and
has a cost, so if you educate them enough to make a decision, they
will not decide to be tracked.

Since the main use of tracking has a direct economic cost to many
parties the sites will then return to using the established successful
methods for tracking, no-one will gain and browsers would've wasted
lots of time that could've been spent on more productive features.


Re: [whatwg] UA validation and the submit event

2006-01-17 Thread Jim Ley
On 1/17/06, Hallvord Reiar Michaelsen Steen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: is in trouble because they've set a maxlength that is
 smaller than some of the data the script sets input value to. (I'm
 sending them some feedback about that). However, the site shows an
 interesting problem: the UA (testing in Opera 9) does not submit the
 form because of the validation problem, but the onsubmit event has
 been called, meaning the site has disabled its submit button. Hence,
 the user has no way to fix the data and resubmit (even if she
 actually understands what the error is).

 Should we really fire onsubmit if the UA prevents submitting the
 form? Button-disabling-on-submit scripting isn't exactly rare..

I think you have to fire onsubmit, there are also lots of other things
people do onsubmit - copying information into hidden fields, calling
tracking scripts etc.  It's really an issue with the user agent.

The problem here is actually a problem of backwards compatibility,
current user agents do not stop submission when maxlength is too long.
 This means valid content, The HTML 4.01 doesn't say that having a
value longer than maxlength is an error, won't work in user agents.

You should implement the behaviour only for documents identified as a
Web Forms 2.0 user agent.


Re: [whatwg] getElementsByCSSSelector

2006-01-14 Thread Jim Ley
On 1/14/06, Karoly Negyesi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 A getElementsByCSSSelector IMO would be great and introduces minimal plus
 burden on browsers -- they have CSS selector code anyways.

 It's very unfriendly that I can do magic with CSS2/3 selectors and then I
 need to translate them myself if I want to change them on-the-fly.

Why would you want to change the content of all elements that matched
a particular selector?

Could you explain some use cases?


Re: [whatwg] getElementsByCSSSelector

2006-01-14 Thread Jim Ley
On 1/14/06, Julien Couvreur [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

[use cases for CSS selectors]
 One of the main uses is to bind behaviors to elements. This allows for
 a clean markup with a well separated logic.

Then it fails miserably at the job,  HTML documents render
progressively, behaviour also needs to render progressively,
getElementsByCSSSelector fails at this.

There could indeed be useful methods for achieving this functionality
sort of thing - for example something along the line of events bound
at the css selector level, something like -
cssSelectorAddEventListener(.chicken td,DOMActivate, ...) maybe?
but your proposed DOM method fails to meet your described use case -
do you have any others, some that actually succeed, rather than being
a half way measure based on current practices that are stuck due to
the limited nature.


Re: [whatwg] getElementsByCSSSelector

2006-01-14 Thread Jim Ley
On 1/14/06, liorean [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 14/01/06, Jim Ley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Could you explain some use cases?

 For the very same reason you might want DOM to provide an XPATH
 engine, TreeWalkers or NodeIterators - To get efficient host-native
 filtering of the node tree. In this case, filtering based on a scheme
 used in related technologies. Preferably returning a DOMCollection
 instead of a static array or matches.

The use case for Regular Expressions are clear - I want to detect if a
string is something that is probably a date in a particular format
etc.  The equivalent for a DOM is not clear - if your argument is
purely efficiency - which could be a good one certainly - then you
still need use cases that justify the underlying technique - I want a
nodelist of all things in a document which match a particular CSS
class is not an obvious one to me - every use case I can see for it is
better to simply change the CSS class itself.


Re: [whatwg] [WF2] form submission protocols and methods

2005-12-20 Thread Jim Ley
On 12/20/05, Maciej Stachowiak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Um, they shouldn't be able to. Or at least, in many UAs they can't.

 Do you know of UAs that will prevent a file: URL document from
 loading another file: URL in a frame or iframe? Or apply any
 restrictions to scripting access to the resulting document. I don't
 know of any that will.

Well other than Internet Explorer 6 on XP service pack 2 of course? 
Although there are of course still ways of doing it.

 I don't think reading /dev/mouse will specifically do anything bad,
 but I see your point. For file: in file: inclusion I think it would
 be wise to exclude certain system paths such as /dev and /etc. I
 think this may be done already.

This shouldn't be specified in the specifcation, what is safe to be
included can only be known to the user agent as it's wholly specific
to the platform and configuration of the platform.


Re: [whatwg] XMLHttpRequest.status on connection timeout

2005-11-30 Thread Jim Ley
On 11/30/05, Boris Zbarsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What should XMLHttpRequest.status return on connection timeout?  Ian and I 
 talking about this, and it seems like 502 is a good response code here...


I understood the aim was to mimic IE's implementation? Which will
return a 5 digit code in the 12xxx range from WinInet for errors not
returned by a server)

Of the 5xx 504 is more justifiable than 502, as then you can pretend
the browser is simply a proxy which has timed out,  502 which
specifically mentions an invalid response doesn't sound a good idea.

I believe Safari now has a 1 year timeout, so that could be an
interesting test to run on a release build :-)


Re: [whatwg] some feedback on Web Apps 1.0 client-side storage

2005-09-30 Thread Jim Ley
On 9/30/05, Robert O'Callahan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 01/10/05, Ian Hickson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Fri, 9 Sep 2005, Robert O'Callahan wrote:
   Then the UA might have to terminate any running script(s) (perhaps
   after warning the user and giving the user an option to cancel the
  Do we really want to require this? I agree that a user agent may wish
  to do this, but it seems that the interaction of the user deleting
  data and running scripts accessing that data would be something that
  could be safely left undefined, since it doesn't directly impact

I agree, I see no reason to define it, users (and by extension their
tools) should be free to delete any data on their machine at any time
they want.  It is also the sort of thing that it would be trivial for
the user to do (using any of the many methods of executing script e.g.
userJS greasemonkey etc.)

 I think some sort of guarantee that data can't just disappear while a script
 is running would be very helpful to developers, and of course they'd be more
 able to rely on it if it was in the spec.

Authors don't currently have this safety - most of them just ignore
the problem, and I don't see any reason for it - what's the worst that
can happen - good authors should be coping with just about any
situation, that's the environment the script is executing in.


Re: [whatwg] getElementsByClassName()

2005-09-05 Thread Jim Ley
On 9/5/05, Lachlan Hunt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Aankhen wrote:
  I suggest #2, which implies consistently treating the first argument
  passed to the function as a single class name to match (this means
  foo bar would always return no elements,
 No, as already demonstrated, #2 does return matches in some cases.

Surely that's just an implementation bug?   rather than indicative of
any underlying problem in the spec.

The ElementClassName file :
className = className.replace(/^\s*([^\s]*)\s*$/, $1)
doesn't enforce the classnames have no spaces in them and results it
in continuing to test the className attributes with a regexp
containing the space.

a quick untested fix would I think be:

className = className.match(/^\s*(\S+)\s*$/) ?
className.replace(/^\s*(\S+)\s*$/,$1) : ;

(also using \S rather than [^\s], but that's purely style of course)

  Special-casing foo bar and other values seems to be adding
  complexity without much return.
 It's not about special casing, it's about defining error recovery
 consistently between implementations.  As it's currently defined, (foo
 bar is, I believe, erroneous since each parameter represents a single
 class name.  

I think it is defined in the spec, it's erroneous, and your
implementation is just broken as above, I'd quite like it to be
defined as 3, mainly because a DOM binding with optional parameters
isn't language independant, and if it's a ECMAScript tied DOM, then
the DOM needs to be a lot more ECMAScript like.


Re: [whatwg] [WA1] The a element could be empty

2005-09-03 Thread Jim Ley
On 9/3/05, Matthew Raymond [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Jim Ley wrote:
  Not particularly wanting to support the OP's issue - I don't see a
  problem with the change to the content model of a to require content,
  it's a good thing.  However styling a link to print away is not a good
  idea, as it means those without css get a link which does nothing,
   Nothing in a print out does anything.

The relevance to the button doing nothing, is the button on the page
that if script is enabled and appropriate vendor API's are available
will print the document, so the the OP only adds the link once he
knows script and a window.print method are available, not after

   How many user agents support Javascript but not CSS1? Does Lynx or
 some other text-mode browser support Javascript? I'll have to look into

Loads, IE, Mozilla Family, Opera and Safari perhaps being the
commonest - ie CSS can be disabled in all of them distinct from
disabling script.

   Makes sense. Personally, I'm wondering why you want to print from a
 link at all unless you want to perform a special print operation.

Oh absolutely, it's silly (without having things like ScriptX to
provide real printing support in restricted environments) but you
can't hide scripted things via CSS, CSS and Script can be disabled
seperately in all modern browsers.



Re: [whatwg] [WA1] The a element could be empty

2005-09-02 Thread Jim Ley
On 9/2/05, Matthew Raymond [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 1) Why wouldn't you want the content in the element to be inserted by
 Javascript when the page loads when you can just include the content in
 markup and hide it using CSS?

Not particularly wanting to support the OP's issue - I don't see a
problem with the change to the content model of a to require content,
it's a good thing.  However styling a link to print away is not a good
idea, as it means those without css get a link which does nothing, of
course it's still possible with the method in the OP's post that the
user gets a nothing link, but that doesn't mean the link existing in
the source is a good idea.

 3) How does your original example even prevent the content from being
 viewed when printing?

I don't think that's the purpose, I think the purpose is to ensure
there's not content in the page which is purely behavioural and does
nothing when script is not available.

 4) What prevents you from inserting the entire a element into a span?

That is of course a very, very good question.

   The bottom line is that you need a much better use case.



Re: [whatwg] Semantics in WYSIWYG

2005-08-30 Thread Jim Ley
On 8/30/05, Maniac [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Jim Ley wrote:
 WYSIWYG editing has to produce tag-soup, it's free of semantics, as
 the wysiwyg cannot know the semantics intended by the user, for that
 reason the only way is to limit the elements to those with only strong
 semantics - links, images etc.
 That won't work. People use blockquote for indentation as we know.

with contentEditable as implemented in IE and mozilla currently (with
a paste rich text block in place), it works as the only way users can
enter mark-up is with their limited controls provided by the page

 I also think that WYSIWYG semantics is essentially very hard anyway...

Absolutely, which is why you constrain the problem to something manageable.


Re: [whatwg] What exactly is contentEditable for?

2005-08-30 Thread Jim Ley
On 8/30/05, Matthew Raymond [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   You're talking about defining behavior for a semantic element. You're
 essentially dictating parts of the implementation of |contenteditable|
 to user agent vendors. 

Not at all, I'm saying the current implementation in IE is appropriate
for the use case, and moving away from IE's implementation will bring
new potential use cases into what's possible, but at the expense of
current use cases.

I've not actually seen many people wanting full on editing of entire
web-pages in a web-page, most of the use cases involve editing of
parts of webpages in constrained fashion.

 especially if IE doesn't have those limitations.

I'm not asking for any changes to IE's implementation of
contentEditable, whilst not being good, it does meet the use case I'm
raising here.  I'm arguing against changing it to try and meet other
use cases - I agree entirely with your other post with your 3
suggestions, leave contentEditable as is but well defined, add other
   (Wouldn't they have to have hit a blockquote button on their
 toolbar to get that?)

Who knows what UA's might do, it was just an example, I'm sure you can
see the general issue.
   It might be nice, but I can't see how a user agent could really
  achieve such a thing, what's it going to do change its edit bar for
  every user, that would lose any consistency that would be gained by
  providing it in browser.
   Oh, I think I get it. You don't necessarily want there to be toolbars
 and the like,

No, I want contentEditable left as is, because not all the use cases
and delivered products of contentEditable are applicable to full
spectrum HTML authoring, they're limited to elements, no CSS, they're
limited in what elements they use etc.   A UA toolbar in a textarea
accept=text/html would be a great idea.

 Is a simple, straight-forward rich editing
 control too much to ask for?

Absolutely not, but it's not the same thing as contentEditable, it has
different use cases, that's all I'm saying, we need both, not just



Re: [whatwg] What exactly is contentEditable for?

2005-08-29 Thread Jim Ley
On 8/29/05, Hallvord Reiar Michaelsen Steen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 24 Aug 2005 at 12:16, Ian Hickson wrote:
  contentEditable needs scripting anyway, to offer things like insert em
  element here, etc.
 Why must contentEditable depend on scripting? What if we make sure
 the wording of the spec allows non-scripting implementations? 

Please, no, a lot the use cases for contentEditable are not full
wysiwyg editing, a lot of the ones I create allow only a minimal
subset of editing, and they do this by scripting, if you can only
strong/make link/italic/colour/insert image, then you get a simple
editor that allows for easy editing, but doesn't run into much
tag-soup that needs elaborate cleaning up.

Whilst I agree the concept of contentEditable is not good, I don't
think it should be solved by trying to modify the existing behaviour
the accept=text/html is a much better way of meeting your use case.

 My question is whether we could make contentEditable more useful for
 HTML/CMS authors by removing scripting requirements.

I would be extremely unhappy, and would need to find ways of blocking
browsers that implemented contentEditable in this manner from
providing the functionality, that's not a good thing, but the risk of
letting any user/browsers attempts at html into the CMS would be

So whilst I agree with the need, please seperate the browser provided
from the script provided interfaces.



Re: [whatwg] removing attributes

2005-08-05 Thread Jim Ley
On 8/5/05, Olav Junker Kjær [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is it possible to remove a constraint like maxLength (on input elements)
 through script, eg. by setting it to null? By default a field does not
 have any maxlength constraint, so it would seem natural that if you set
 a constraint through script, it could be removed again.

Wouldn't just calling removeAttribute of the HTML DOM do this?


Re: [whatwg] [html5] onbeforeprint/onafterprint (was window.print() undefined)

2005-07-21 Thread Jim Ley
On 7/20/05, Matthew Raymond [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Jim Ley wrote:
  This is another of the use cases I've used enhanced printing for - I
  actually generally used ScriptX
  rather than simply the IE methods, but the events are all that's
  needed.  Not paying for printing images, but swapping out images with
  higher quality images suitable for print.
   Once again, I don't understand why you can't simply provide the user
 with a button on the web page that either calls up a printable version
 or clones the document so that the clone can be used for printing.

The  main reason is that my users have always said they want to use
their regularly printing mechanisms, not some link that opens a new
page, and then lets them do it, it's simply much too slow for any of
the users.

There's also signficant problems - the server implementation for your
above is extremely complicated and slow - any user modifications need
to be serialised into a suitable format for supplying to the server,
then it needs to develop the equivalent view in the static format
suitable for printing, then it needs to return it - increasing server
load, implementation complexity and bandwidth usage.

As you note the DOM clone is not a method that exists - because of
that, lets forget it, web-applications need to work in IE, we can't
implement that in IE.

 a separate printable version page is sufficient.

Such a solution has been regularly rejected in various projects, I
don't think it's likely to happen in the future either, much more
likely that IE only will continue to be required for the applications,
or at least the high-quality printing components of them.

   ActiveX is commonly used in intranet applications.

Not at all, there's lots over the public web, not to a general public
audience of course, and web technology is very important in the
non-web world, it's also the area that IE still utterly dominates.

   Now you've completely lost me, use-case-wise. On an intranet, why is
 a printable version of the document not an acceptable workaround?

In a nutshell - Because you can't print it by pressing ctrl-p, and all
the reasons above.

   It really doesn't matter though, because manipulating and printing a
 copy of the document is more effective anyways without disabling or
 changing part of the browser functionality.

What ways?

   Here's a question for you to chew on: What happens if you want to
 print and the webmaster screwed up something in the onbeforeprint or
 onafterprint event? Will it effectively disable printing?

Of course not, you'd just disable script and print...

 What if it's an AJAX
 application and the UI of the app is hidden for printing but never

Just the same as happens with things like gmail when the UI disappears
ot locks up or whatever, the user presses refresh and starts again. 
Of course in the real world we also have QA procedures with testers
making sure this sort of stuff doesn't happen, javascript breaks sites
in millions of ways every day, more events don't make it more likely -
they often make it less, as viewer hacks are needed to hit the
required functionality.

In any case, protecting stupid developers is not a good approach to
spec authoring, all you do is harm your intelligent developers, and
your users who lose functionality they want.


Re: [whatwg] [html5] onbeforeprint/onafterprint (was window.print() undefined)

2005-07-19 Thread Jim Ley
On 7/19/05, J. Graham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Tue, 19 Jul 2005, Jim Ley wrote:
  Someone will probably suggest CSS background-images as a suitable for
  this aswell, yet again ignoring the fact that CSS is _optional_, and
  content-images must not be in background images as they simply won't
  be seen without CSS or if background images are disabled.
 Er.. script is (in practice) at least as optional as CSS since more people
 actually disable script than use alternate stylesheets. 

Yes and no, we can only make these changes to the content with script
so a script print solution is acceptable, for example in the above
example the static non-scripted document would not have any of this
media specific content in, it would only be added with script when
appropriate, that way the media specific nature can be relied upon -
the script is unobtrusive.  CSS however is optional at the fine
grained level.


Re: [whatwg] [html5] window.print() undefined

2005-07-18 Thread Jim Ley
On 7/18/05, Ian Hickson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Why would you suspend a timer?
 (And why would the UA not suspend the timers itself?)

You're saying that when a user print's an HTML5 user agent MUST stop
all setTimeout counters, I don't see that in the spec, nor why it
would be an expectation of a scripter.

The common use of onbeforeprint/onafterprint is to add content to a
document that is only relevant to printed media, this is something
that cannot be done with CSS, since CSS is optional, so if we just
hide content with CSS, we're stuck with the situation that users
without CSS or with an appropriate user stylesheet get it and get

Of course for showing temporarily hidden stuff with script, as has
been mentioned, there's no problem doing it with CSS.


Re: [whatwg] [html5] window.print() undefined

2005-07-18 Thread Jim Ley
On 7/19/05, Matthew Raymond [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Jim Ley wrote:
  You're saying that when a user print's an HTML5 user agent MUST stop
  all setTimeout counters, I don't see that in the spec, nor why it
  would be an expectation of a scripter.
   So wait, we need to add new events because user agent vendors may be
 too stupid to solve print-related problems on their own? I'd rather not
 have events just to fix random user agent problems.

As a scripter, I do not have an expectation that print will cause any
effects on my scripts - Ian just said that it should have something
that is the opposite of my expectation, as this is not defined, it
needs to be defined - there are no user agent problems here.

  The common use of onbeforeprint/onafterprint is to add content to a
  document that is only relevant to printed media, this is something
  that cannot be done with CSS, since CSS is optional, so if we just
  hide content with CSS, we're stuck with the situation that users
  without CSS or with an appropriate user stylesheet get it and get
   What about the browsers that don't support Javascript, or have it
 turned off?

They don't get anything at all, this isn't necessarily a problem -
having content there which is visible on screen but not understandable
is a problem, a requirement from a previous project was simply date of
printing, this was required by the process, and the normal footers of
the browser were suppressed.  Another common one is adding links
explicitly in the page - to do this with CSS requires CSS3 features,
or for external links to be in a different class, and of course
neither are available in the most important Web Application platform.


Re: [whatwg] Input type=date UI discussion

2005-07-12 Thread Jim Ley
On 7/12/05, Dean Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Jim Ley wrote:
  On 7/12/05, Dean Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Well the customisation is just colours and chrome style. We'll attempt
 to guess the chrome style and replicate it. What I really mean is that
 we are copying the windows controls in terms of layout and the way they
 respond to keyboard/mouse events.

There is no consistent response to keyboard and mouse events in
windows, it's customisable.  Please do not make the mistake that
Mozilla made for the first 2 years of its life where its menus were
unusable on windows if they'd changed the mouse configuration. 
Windows window manager customisation is not just look.

  You should either use the windows common controls, or you should have
  something that cannot be confused for the normal controls.
 Yeah. We are copying the windows common controls.

As I say, please use them, or doing something different, copying
something and getting it only 90% right (which is all that is
practical as if you're doing this with zero install, that's all you
have access to) then it's worse than being completely different.

 I said anything *in* the popup window.

Yes, I understand that, I fail to see why a popup month view should
not be usable by the assistive technologies, and more importantly how
will you know what assistive technologies are being used?  I'll say
again AIUI, certain input modes and screen reading type things require
a window to have focus to work.   This is just my understanding, but
I'm reasonably confident of it.

 The WF2 controls for IE will all
 be operable by keyboard. Think of a select box. The individual options
 are not focusable but they are navigable.

The control has focus, just like in windows, the common date control
gains focus.

  So Enter in a text box should submit a form, the same as if it was an
  input type=text?  Is this in the spec?
 What are you asking? A text box should behave like a text box?

It's not a text box, it's an input type=datetime (say), I'm asking is
if that should act the same as a text box w.r.t. to enter submitting
the form?


Re: [whatwg] XMLHttpRequest: should UA pretend a 304 response is a 200?

2005-07-08 Thread Jim Ley
On 7/8/05, Hallvord Reiar Michaelsen Steen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This may imply that a client with a cached document
 should return a status 200 when the requested document matches one in
 the cache (whether or not the UA has checked with the server if the
 resource is current).

I wouldn't be against this, if the resource is cacheable, then I'm
happy that what comes back could be a 200 or a 304, all my
implementations, and indeed any situation I can imagine where knowing
a 304 on the client is for resources that are must-revalidate, if
it's just naturally cacheable, I'm not sure the fact it's been checked
for freshness is relevant.

Consider a cache which updates itself every 20 minutes for a resource
(without any request from the user agent), first time it gets a 200,
then each of the next requests it gets a 304, when the user agent then
makes a request to it, it's going to return the resource with 200,
that's reasonable.
So yes, I would be happy with the above interpretation, as long as a
specific request from the script, results in that value being what's
actually returned.  I'm happy that cache itself operates seperately
and simple freshness checks for a resource could stay as a 200

The arguments make sense.



Re: [whatwg] XMLHttpRequest: should UA pretend a 304 response is a 200?

2005-07-03 Thread Jim Ley
On 7/3/05, Hallvord Reiar Michaelsen Steen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 3 Jul 2005 at 21:30, Jim Ley wrote:
  It's trivial to work around
 That is obvious. However, *will* people work around it, or will the
 browser that is better at caching documents be at a disadvantage
 because web apps will mysteriously appear broken to the end user..?

XMLHTTP in IE is fully wired into the cache, and works appropriately,
I can't see how the behaviour will differ in different caching
scenarios in any case.  IE also returns the exact status code recieved
from the server.
 I don't think IE ever sends a conditional request for a document
 requested via XMLHttpRequest (I don't know every corner of the HTTP
 caching spec though).

It does if the cache is appropriately configured.

 I think faking 200 would be in the
 interest of smaller browsers 

I don't see how hobbling smaller browsers helps them in any way.  I
also certianly don't see the point in writing a specification just for
smaller browsers, but we've discussed that before.

 and make life simpler for JS authors
 under most conditions (I don't see much of a use case for wanting to
 know about the 304 response..)

I've deployed a number of systems that rely on getting a 304 response
to the xmlhttp request object - Generally the client has been polling
a server for the state of a remote thing (the example most recently in
my mind was the temp of a freezer) and if it's not changed since the
last response, then I quite rightly send a 304, and test for it on the
client,  it was an embedded IE solution, and it worked fine in IE.



Re: [whatwg] Using X3D in XHTML documents

2005-06-21 Thread Jim Ley
On 6/21/05, Matthew Raymond [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Matthew Raymond wrote:
Now that I think about it, wouldn't the following be valid also?...
 | ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
 | !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN

 |   X3D xmlns=;

Of course not, there is no X3D element in the above dtd.


Re: [whatwg] Web Apps 1.0: On-line help

2005-05-08 Thread Jim Ley
On 5/8/05, Ian Hickson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sun, 8 May 2005, Ben Meadowcroft wrote:
  There are two types of help that I think are appropriate for web
  applications, full page help and element sensitive help.
 The problem with both is discoverability. Unless we can solve that, there
 is not much point having anything in the spec.

For the context sensitive one we use CSS with a cursor:help  that's
the way we usually implement it from a visible perspective, I'm not
sure if there's particular value in defining an attribute to take the
help contents though, especially as this would mean it couldn't then
have mark-up, which most of the context help systems I've done do use.

adding in a link rel of help would seem a pretty low rent thing to
define, how that may be exposed in a UI though I'm less clear, I don't
like the idea of adding it to the  browsers regular help chrome -
there needs to be a distinction between browser and web-application.


Re: [whatwg] Web Applications and 3D

2005-05-04 Thread Jim Ley
On 5/4/05, Matthew Raymond [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Jim Ley wrote:
  Plug-ins are by their very nature optional. Why would we want to
 move functionality into object elements, which are by definition
 external objects like plug-ins?

OBJECT is not by definition a plug-in, and Opera/Mozilla/Safari/IE all
currently use native renderers to render OBJECT elements, there is no
reason why this should not continue.

 How so? A 3d context would undoubtedly have functions for loading
 complete textures and models from files. 

Creating a 3D markup language is somewhat outside the purview of this 
working group

 Even if you assume the files
 are huge and take an enormous amount of time to load, how is using a
 plug-in that much better for the user experience?

I've never made any comments about plug-ins, OBJECT does not imply
plugin.  The problem though is the very nature of creating javascript
API's to create scenes, rather than a 3D rendering language, if you
choose a 3D declaration language then the canvas API approach is not
appropriate either and a simple img src=something.what3D (or maybe
object) is the appropriate method of creating a scene.

canvas3d id=chicken/canvas3d
script type=text/ecmascript
var context=document.getElementById('chicken').get3ddrawingcontext();

Is simply bad, there's no rationale for all that extra indirection,
can I also remind you once again that the WHAT-WG individual has
Creating a 3D markup language is somewhat outside the purview of this 
working group, though.

your explanation of loading these external files, would require you to
create just such a markup language.  This is the problem I have,
without external files of any sort, then a 3D api is pretty useless,
the fact it's been trivial in IE since 1997, yet hasn't been used, I
think makes that clear.

If by declarative you mean like X3D, then WHATWG clearly shouldn't
 add such markup to HTML because it would duplicate the work of another
 group unnecessarily.

Just like it's not necessary to embed jpeg's inside HTML documents to
get images in them, it's not necessary to embed 3D markup inside HTML
documents to get 3D images.

If I'm reading this right, you're saying that no one uses
 DirectAnimation, and perhaps 3D in general, so why introduce a
 potentially competing standard when there's no real demand for the

I'm asking for you to justify your use cases, for example implement a
mock one in some pseudo code, you will see very rapidly that for any
of them to work they require externally defined 3D models, defining a
3D model language is somewhat outside the purview of this working
group. If you discover that you don't, then I will gladly concede
that your use-cases are practical.

As to the DirectAnimation, one of the fundamental principles of the
WHAT-WG is features should be implementable using behaviors,
scripting, and style sheets in IE6 today the only way to do that with
3D is to use a DirectAnimation layer, because of that, it makes
complete sense to just take the DirectAnimation API as a whole.


Re: [whatwg] Web Applications and 3D

2005-04-29 Thread Jim Ley
On 4/29/05, Matthew Raymond [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Jim Ley wrote:
  Please do not re-invent the wheel, but standardise this (or a subset)
  The supposed motivation of WHAT-WG is compatibility with IE6, VML and
  DirectAnimation provide 2D and 3D drawing contexts that are
  compatibile with Internet Explorer, use them, or start coming up with
  some reasons why not to.
The examples I've seen with regard to DirectAnimation are done
 through an object and use an ActiveX control, so standardizing such an
 interface isn't appropriate. 

Could you explain why?  ActiveX is just the mechanism windows uses for
componentisation - WHAT-WG is already standardising things implemented
as ActiveX in IE.  If you're saying that the creation mechanism for a
3D canvas is wrong - there's something wrong with using OBJECT, and we
need to use CANVAS3D instead, then perhaps you might have a point, I'd
like to hear a lot more motivation for inventing new elements for
this, given the problems with new elements highlighted so often by Ian
and others.  However the creation is one minor part of the 3D API, and
it's the API I was talking about.

 We may want to be able to implement the 3d context for
 canvas on top of DirectAnimation.

Could you describe why this might be a motivation, what do you see as
so lacking in the current implementation that it's not takeable as a

  As always, I'm still waiting to hear the use cases for both 2D and 3D
  javascript drawing  - Quake like games which is the only example
  I've heard so far, may be a use case, but it's not yet been explained
  why an HTML document is appropriate for such a game.
I've already suggested the use of 3D for previewing a custom ordered
 product such as a motorcycle.

All drawn in client-side javascript?  - remember the use cases I'm
looking for are not use cases for 3D, but for use cases for a 3D
canvas in a webpage, that has no state, and relies wholly on all the
information being drawn by javascript onload or later?

I do not accept that the above is a practical use case.

 Perhaps you
 want to see a 3D representation of the hotel room you plan to book. Same
 for real estate. If you're ordering a ticket from a concert, wouldn't it
 be nice to see what the stage will look like from your seat?
Need I go on?

Yes, because none of these are being addressed by a 3d drawable canvas
and a javascript API, the simple creation of any of these is not
appropriate to a programming language, they are all declaritive, and
the WHAT-WG individual has made it clear that a declaritive 3D
mechanism is not on the agenda.  If that is all that we get, then none
of those use cases will be fulfilled.

So I'm still searching for what use cases a javascript API to a 3D
canvas provides, it's been possible in IE since 1997, I've done lots
with it in that time, yet I've never come across a real wbe situation
that has used it - I used it once to write some very quick pages that
were 3D to be used on some notebooks at a trade show, back when
notebooks having 3D graphics cards was a selling point.


Re: [whatwg] Canvas element - Keep It Simple

2005-04-25 Thread Jim Ley
On 4/25/05, Brad Neuberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  If successful shipped implementations is what
  matters, then there's
  lots of successful IE extensions that do the same as
  canvas and other
  elements which it would be much more sensible to go
 I'm not against that; I thought one of the ideas
 behind the WHAT working group is to take already
 working defacto standards and simply specify them and
 implement them in other browsers, such as innerHTML
 and XmlHttpRequest.  I'd much rather choose an already
 existing, if not perfect, canvas or drawable surface
 type defacto standard than create an imaginary
 perfect one like we seem to be doing on this list.
 Running code is king

Great, lets go with VML, supported on the majority of desktops out
there, used by high profile sites such as Google,   It's a much better
option albeit more complicated than canvas.


Re: [whatwg] Canvas element - Keep It Simple

2005-04-24 Thread Jim Ley
On 4/24/05, Henri Sivonen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Apr 23, 2005, at 22:16, dolphinling wrote:
  There's one implementation, and one implementation in testing builds.
  It would also be an easy change to make for those implementations (and
  they could still keep support for the old way if they need).
 The release date of Tiger is very near. Safari will ship with canvas.

So?  What's that got to do with the Web Applications Standard?

 Once it is out, you can't pull it back.

It's never been in a published standard, the specification still
states that it's subject to change. I'm very disappointed that the do
not implement in released software has been removed without any
discussion on the list of the maturity of the specification, but
that's just the normal high handed approach of the working group.  But
even without that, there's no need to bless a poor implementation
decisison simply because one minority browser has implemented it and
used it solely in non-web content.

If successful shipped implementations is what matters, then there's
lots of successful IE extensions that do the same as canvas and other
elements which it would be much more sensible to go with.


Re: [whatwg] Canvas element

2005-04-23 Thread Jim Ley
On 4/22/05, Henri Sivonen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Apr 22, 2005, at 18:00, Jim Ley wrote:
  so should be in a rendering language like CSS?
 If you value hard-line anti-presentationalism over pragmatism.

Er, There are very good reasons why the presentation is split, the
most important of course being accessibilty, it's clear from this list
that people prefer being able to draw on-top of any element, or
perhaps just an img element, and I'm sure that's not from any
anti-presentationalism, but simply because they don't see efficient
ways to author a canvas element in a backwardsly compatbile accessible

Repeatedly in WF2, new elements have been rejected due to their
difficulty in implementing in IE6,  why is canvas different? (and yes
we could implement it in IE6 without much difficulty)


Re: [whatwg] Updating Location Bar for RPC Type Apps

2005-04-23 Thread Jim Ley
On 4/22/05, Olav Junker Kjær [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Brad Neuberg wrote:
  Whenever I implement a DHTML (Ajax?) type app that needs to talk to the
  server without refreshing the client, such as through a hidden iframe or
  an XmlHttpRequest object, I always wish that I could update the window
  location bar to show a bookmarkable and copyable URL, but update it in
  such a way that it _doesn't_ refresh the browser or change it's location
  (window.location.href changes the location).
 You can do this by changing the fragment, e.g. set window.location to:;
 This is useful for changing to a new bookmarkable state on the client
 side without reloading the page.

Hmm, but then you need client-side intelligence to test the hash
portion of the string, and then make subsequent requests to get the
relevant data from the server.  The original suggestion is much more
powerful than that, as it allows the server to respond directly to a

I've certainly wanted this, a sensible compromise is to only be able
to set the query portion of the url.


Re: [whatwg] Scripting Tweaks

2005-04-21 Thread Jim Ley
On 4/21/05, Dean Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ian Hickson wrote:
 Speaking of setTimeout, where is this defined?
 OK. That's twice in one day. I'm off to read the WA1 spec

It's rather odd though, as it's been defined such that the mozilla
implementation will be non-conformant, either the mozilla
implementation will need to change to be conformant - breaking
compatibility with existing scripts.  Or mozilla will not be able to
be conformant.


Re: [whatwg] Scripting Tweaks

2005-04-20 Thread Jim Ley
On 4/20/05, Dean Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Speaking of setTimeout, where is this defined?

Nowhere, and in fact the string method is the commoner implementation,
there are a number of implementations which do not support a function

uniqueID is very useful, I to use it all the time for patterns such as
your hashtable of objects.   I certainly support the idea, and with
the strong issues that closures of DOM objects have in IE, it's even
more valuable.  It's certainly a pattern I would rather encourage in
the dabblers who are always on the team.


Re: [whatwg] [html5] tags, elements and generated DOM

2005-04-08 Thread Jim Ley
On Apr 8, 2005 8:18 AM, Henri Sivonen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 No. The proposed doctype !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//WHATWG//NONSGML
 HTML5//EN activates the standards mode in IE6.

The proposed string that MUST appear as the first line of a WHAT-WG
document is... please do not call it a doctype unless it is a doctype,
see even people on the list are confused by using this!


Re: [whatwg] [html5] tags, elements and generated DOM

2005-04-07 Thread Jim Ley
On Apr 7, 2005 11:51 AM, Ian Hickson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, 7 Apr 2005, Anne van Kesteren wrote:
  Entities. Or is that problem going to be solved by: use UTF-8? (Which
  would be something I wouldn't disagree with, although for mathematical
  symbols it might be a pain to enter them.)
 In my world that is solved by no longer claiming that HTML is an SGML

So please state that clearly in the specification.

Can you also explain the point of the !DOCTYPE ...  gibberish that
the specs require at the top of documents?  What are they doing,
please remove them, they serve no purpose whatsoever.  Or if they do
serve a purpose, document what the purpose is.


Re: [whatwg] [html5] tags, elements and generated DOM

2005-04-07 Thread Jim Ley
On Apr 7, 2005 12:03 PM, Ian Hickson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 They trigger standards mode in modern browsers. The 
 current one for WHATWG specs is:

Will the spec explain this some more, in particular could you document
what standards mode is, and exactly how user agents should use this
doctype to trigger it?

Would it not be better to just require WF2/WA user agents to render it
in this standards mode you talk of?  Or at the very least use
something that would not confuse people into thinking that it is an
application of SGML or XML.


Re: [whatwg] [html5] tags, elements and generated DOM

2005-04-07 Thread Jim Ley
  Or at the very least use something that would not confuse people into
  thinking that it is an
  application of SGML or XML.
 Do you want to replace NONSGML with THIS-IS-NOT-SGML?

No, I want to replace !DOCTYPE - with something completely different,
the whole point that anything that looks like an SGML (or XHTML)
doctype will confuse users into thinking that it is an application of

I see no reason to continue only the odd model of rendering mode
switching  - especially without what this is exactly being defined in
the spec. when as only new implementations will be written supporting
WF2  a simple html WHATversion=2 like mechanism can be used, this
will leave it in a much stronger position for going forward.


Re: [whatwg] [html5] tags, elements and generated DOM

2005-04-07 Thread Jim Ley
On Apr 7, 2005 6:59 PM, Henri Sivonen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Apr 7, 2005, at 09:58, Lachlan Hunt wrote:
 I don't think SGML validation is part of What WG conformance
 requirements. I thought Hixie has specifically said he doesn't bother
 with DTDs.

Hixie is simply the editor of the spec, this thread has shown clearly
that many people contributing to the WHAT-WG work do use DTD's, indeed
we already have a volunteer for creating a doctype, in fact it's only
at this (supposedly) late stage that we've suddenly been told there's
not one.


Re: [whatwg] [html5] tags, elements and generated DOM

2005-04-07 Thread Jim Ley
On Apr 7, 2005 8:30 PM, Henri Sivonen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Apr 7, 2005, at 21:49, Jim Ley wrote:
  this thread has shown clearly that many people contributing to the
  WHAT-WG work do use DTD's
 To me it seemed that you argued that DTD validation is more useful than
 other conformance checks as long as the other checks are vaporware

From which you can clearly conclude I do use DTD validation as part of
my QA process.  All the people who have said that DTD validation is
absolutely useless haven't bothered to describe their QA processes at

Maybe we could hear about these QA techniques rather than just saying
how crap the existing tools are, rather than the sudden proposal to
seriously reduce the amount of automated QA available to WHAT-WG
adopters.  If there was a different proposal on how WHAT-WG documents
be QA'd then I'd certainly be happy to see DTD validation disappear.


Re: [whatwg] [html5] tags, elements and generated DOM

2005-04-07 Thread Jim Ley
On Apr 7, 2005 9:22 PM, Ian Hickson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, 7 Apr 2005, Jim Ley wrote:
  From which you can clearly conclude I do use DTD validation as part of
  my QA process.  All the people who have said that DTD validation is
  absolutely useless haven't bothered to describe their QA processes at
 Nobody is stopping anyone from using DTDs.

If it's not an SGML applicaiton, you most certainly are.

However, the main issue, is How are people going to ensure they're
producing valid WHAT-WG documents?  Your proposal is to throw away all
the existing QA resources and leave a user with none, unless they
happen to have the time and the resources to understand a lot of dense
prose and author a DTD from it.  Something which very few people are
going to be able to do.

So I'll ask once again, how do the WHAT-WG believe authors of WHAT-WG
documents will produce conformant ones?


Re: [whatwg] [html5] tags, elements and generated DOM

2005-04-06 Thread Jim Ley
On Apr 6, 2005 11:22 AM, Lachlan Hunt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 However, I
 disagree with that statement anyway.  Validators should not be
 non-conformant simply because they only do their job to validate a
 document and nothing else.

Absolutely, if there is a continued use of a doctype, then a validator
is absolutely correct to validate to it, so either the validator
should remain conformant, or the doctype should be dropped.  (or
explicitly marked as this is not an SGML or XML doctype it is simply
some cargo cult you should include as your first line)

  I don't see any reason why such a statement
 needs to be included at all.

Neither do I, it's completely unreasonable to say that an incredibly
useful QA tool is non-conformant, simply because the editor doesn't
consider those benefits in the same way.

  In any case, assuming I'm still the editor when the parsing section gets
 Why wouldn't you be?

Because they might present the work to a standards body who gets a new
editor? or some disgruntled reader may ...  hmm, no, let's not go

  HTML5 will most likely stop the pretense of HTML being an SGML  application.
 What the?  I disagree with that.  HTML should remain an application of
 SGML, and browser's should be built to conform properly. 

Fully agree.


Re: [whatwg] [html5] tags, elements and generated DOM

2005-04-06 Thread Jim Ley
On Apr 6, 2005 11:41 AM, Anne van Kesteren [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Lachlan Hunt wrote:
  and the mostly undefined error handling, what about HTML 5 will
  be so incompatible with SGML to warrant such a decision?
 One example:

the specication has not currently taken this into the specification,
and there has been no other support in the mailing list for doing
this?  This is clearly an example of how existing browsers are
non-conformant, and simply making it conformant just blesses browsers
in the future to continue violating specs safe in the knowledge that
the spec will get changed to suit them, rather than the reverse.

Exactly what's happened with CSS, do we really want to do it with HTML too?



Re: [whatwg] [html5] tags, elements and generated DOM

2005-04-06 Thread Jim Ley
On Apr 6, 2005 3:41 PM, Olav Junker Kjær [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Lachlan Hunt wrote:
 There are three types of conformance criteria:
 (1) Criteria that can be expressed in a DTD
 (2) Criteria that cannot be expressed by a DTD, but can still be checked
 by a machine.
 (3) Criteria that can only be checked by a human.
 A conformance checker must check (1) and (2). A simple validator which
 only checks (1) is therefore not conformant.

One of the motivations of the WHAT-WG stuff, is that existing users
don't have to change their existing tools, processes and
understanding, now all of sudden we're removing one of the most
valuable QA tools available today, based on some spurious notion that
all these existing users don't understand the QA tools limitations.

Firstly I think the conclusions that the audience for WHAT-WG stuff
doesn't understand the limitations of the validator is sustainable -
where's the evidence?

And secondly, there won't be any QA tools at all if the validator
isn't one of them, so we'll be getting even more crap published, and
far from cleaning up the correctness, we'll just have a whole new load
of crud to rubber stamp as valid in WF2, now I realise it's to the
advantage of existing browser manufacturers to rubber stamp
complicated heuristic behaviour they've already solved into a spec (it
prevents new entrants from coming along)  but how is it to the
advantage to the rest of us - understanding specifications becomes
harder and harder and relies on the fact that we knew what happened

I simply cannot see the point in removing one of the few QA tools that
actually exists for HTML, and would like to hear the actual argument
for doing so. (as this is a seperate issue to if application of SGML
is something that it would be)


Re: [whatwg] [html5] tags, elements and generated DOM

2005-04-06 Thread Jim Ley
On Apr 6, 2005 10:05 PM, Henri Sivonen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Apr 6, 2005, at 15:10, Lachlan Hunt wrote:
  XHTML variants of HTML 5 must be a conformant XML document instead,
  though I noticed that is not the case with square brackets in ID
  attributes in section 3.7.2 of WF2
 That's not a problem if you don't claim they are ID attributes but
 attributes that happen to be named id.

Which would mean we also have to start redfining DOM, so
document.getElementById(...) is defined to work against things that
happen to be named id and not just things that are ID's.

Is it really worth going down this road?


Re: [whatwg] [WF2] Objection to autocomplete Attribute

2005-03-30 Thread Jim Ley
On Wed, 30 Mar 2005 12:03:44 + (UTC), Ian Hickson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Wed, 30 Mar 2005, Lachlan Hunt wrote:
 Instead of a password, the bank issues you with a hardware device that
 computes a one-time password that changes every minute.

Which changes the security to a physical security problem

 To be honest, the fact that there are still banks that use PIN codes or
 passwords for Web-based access is frightening. 

I don't find it frightening at all, the levels of this sort of fraud
aren't high, and the problem is phishing.  The cost and inconvenience
of lugging around yet another passkey device (4 bank accounts with
different banks, a couple of corporate VPN's) is enough such that I
simply wouldn't use a bank (or a banks internet access) if they forced
such a device on me.

The hardware methods don't stop phishing (they do make it slightly
harder in that the removal of the money has to be immediate meaning
there's more accounts needed to transfer money into) but as they're
not perfect and are a considerable extra cost, can't be taken into a
lot of countries of the world, I can't see the attraction.


Re: [whatwg] WF2 changes: uri-url, ERROR_* constants dropped; status update

2005-03-23 Thread Jim Ley
On Wed, 23 Mar 2005 17:32:28 +, Dean Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I like the repetition model but maybe it needs more work. But not much
 more. I feel we are very close to a simple yet useful mechanism. If we
 did separate it into a separate module then we would have time to tweak

My current view, which I've not had time to fully write up yet, is
that the repetition model proposed is effectively unimplementable in
IE in an efficient manner.

The requirement to iterate over every element in the document looking
for the attribute, and the requirement to iterate over every attribute
in every element in the template looking to perform the substitution
when inserting make it all very, very slow (the IE attributes
collection contains more than just the attributes defined, and setting
attributes like name are not actually well supported)

I think whilst it's a good generic solution, implementing it in script
for a specific solution gives such a large performance improvement
that the IE script emulation approach will be impractical.

I've yet to come up with any suggestions to improve this though.



Re: [whatwg] ContextAgnosticXmlHttpRequest: an informal RFC

2005-03-10 Thread Jim Ley
On Thu, 10 Mar 2005 10:18:16 -0600, Doron Rosenberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Well, the code in Mozilla is well tested and already used in the wild.

Could you point me at the tests?
 says they're at:

called soap* - but there's none of that name there?  I can't get it to
work anyway,

  var soapCall = new SOAPCall();
  soapCall.transportURI =;;
  soapCall.encode(0, chicken, urn:Jibberjim, 0, null, 0,[]);
  soapCall.verifySourceHeader = true; 
function (response, soapcall, error) {

makes no request for the webserver xml doc, but does post to the
server...  Obviously I'm doing something wrong, the example and test
files will turn it up I'm sure.

 The benefit of the extra request is that we don't fetch any data
 unless we are allowed to.  In your model, we would fetch the XML, and
 then check if there is a header that allows us to pass it to the user.

If that's the only complaint, then an extra HEAD request on the same
resource would be even more efficient (no data transferred), and no
less secure.  A get on an unrelated document should not be necessary.

 And I think easy delpoyment is important.  Cross domain is only really
 important for intranets.

If this is the case, why not go down the IE cross domain intranet
deployment model, which is very well understood and very well used by
millions of people rather than a new method, that's only relevant to
SOAP (in this case) ?  Or indeed even the current mozilla security
model which is also used?
