Re: [whatwg] HttpOnly cookie for WebSocket?

2010-01-28 Thread Salvatore Loreto

Hi Ian,

first I think it would be better have and maintain both whatwg and hybi 
mailing list in any conversation

related to WebSocket

at the BoF in Hiroshima there was a clear consensus from all the 
(both the one physically present  and the one remotely attending via 
streaming and chat)

to move the WebSocket standardization work within IETF community.
To be clear, the IETF community is not a closed community, all the 
people involved in the
discussion (especially in the mail discussion) are the one forming the 
IETF community.

the fact that there are already implementation of WebSocket (based on 
the current draft)

already or ready to be shipped in browsers and servers is a good news,
that highlight even more the need to have a clear standard document;
so just to say one of the HyBi wg intention is to gather all the 
experiences from people that have
implemented WebSocket so to eventually improve (if and only if 
necessary) the current draft.

having said that, the work on HTTPState is also done within IETF community,
so discuss about the possible usage of HTTPState in WebWocket in the 
same community can
give the possibility to people involved in HTTPState to express their 
opinion and provide their comments


On 01/28/2010 11:07 AM, Ian Hickson wrote:

On Thu, 28 Jan 2010, Salvatore Loreto wrote:

a new IETF wg has been formed to take care of WebSocket protocol
So, this issue is something it should be discussed there
(btw I am forwdard it to the HyBi ml)

N.B. to subscribe to the HyBi ml:

The WHATWG is still actively working on the WebSocket protocol, as we are
with all of the specifications listed in the FAQ:

...and feedback on the WebSocket protocol is therefore very welcome on
this mailing list. (Indeed, I continue to track all e-mails sent to this
list and will reply to all substantial feedback sent to it.)

As a side note, it's unclear exactly what the HyBi group is actually going
to be working on. The timetable listed on the charter linked above is
clearly at odds with reality; WebSocket is already shipping in Chrome and
is ready to be shipped in two other browsers, and multiple servers are
already available, so clearly March 2011 for a last call isn't really
workable (especially since the spec reached last call at the WHATWG in
2009 -- the main thing missing now is test cases). However, I encourage
anyone interested in Web Sockets to participate in the HyBi group, and
indeed discussion of their timetable is probably best had there.


Re: [whatwg] HttpOnly cookie for WebSocket?

2010-01-28 Thread Salvatore Loreto


a new IETF wg has been formed to take care of WebSocket protocol
So, this issue is something it should be discussed there
(btw I am forwdard it to the HyBi ml)

N.B. to subscribe to the HyBi ml:


A new IETF working group has been formed in the Applications Area.

 For additional information, please contact the Area Directors or the
 WG Chairs.

 BiDirectional or Server-Initiated HTTP (hybi)

On 01/28/2010 10:12 AM, Fumitoshi Ukai (鵜飼文敏) wrote:

May/Should WebSocket use HttpOnly cookie while Handshaking?
I think it would be useful to use HttpOnly cookie on WebSocket so that 
we could authenticate the WebSocket connection by the auth token 
cookie which might be HttpOnly for security reason.


[whatwg] HyBi BoF: on Tuesday, November 10

2009-10-06 Thread Salvatore Loreto

Hi there,

accordingly to the provisional IETF 76 agenda in Hiroshima 

the HyBi BoF will be on TUESDAY, November 10, 2009
at 1300-1500 during the Afternoon Session I

We are now working on a clean version of the Charter Proposal that will 
be posted during the next days

and on the Agenda so all the proposal and comments are welcome!

Salvatore Loreto


[whatwg] HyBi BoF at next IETF approved

2009-10-01 Thread Salvatore Loreto

The HyBi BoF during the next IETF meeting in  Hiroshima (November 8-13, 

has been approved by IAB/IESG last Friday.

We are still working on a clean version of the Charter Proposal and on 
the Agenda so

all the proposal and comments are welcome!

best regards
Salvatore Loreto

[whatwg] [Fwd: [hybi] Proposed charter for HyBi BoF in Hiroshima]

2009-09-22 Thread Salvatore Loreto
please provide comments on the HyBi mailing list ( ).

Salvatore Loreto

 Original Message 
Subject:[hybi] Proposed charter for HyBi BoF in Hiroshima
Date:   Tue, 22 Sep 2009 00:15:46 -0600
From:   Joe Hildebrand 

Please suggest changes, this is just a first draft that tries to capture
several conversations that we've had, including the bar BoF in Stockholm.

Joe Hildebrand


Applications Area Director(s):
* Lisa Dusseault 
* Alexey Melnikov 

Applications Area Advisor:
* Lisa Dusseault 

Mailing Lists:
General Discussion:
To Subscribe:

Description of Working Group:
HTTP has in the past been used as a request/response protocol most often,
leading to clients polling for new data or users hitting the refresh button
in their browsers.  Newer web applications are finding ways to push data
from the server to the client as soon as it is available, through a variety
of mechanisms.  The Hypertext-Bidirectional (HyBi) working group will seek
standardization of approaches that HTTP clients, servers, and intermediate
boxes can use to communicate with one another in both directions.

Since any modification of the web infrastructure may take a good amount of
time to be deployed, outputs of the working group will include both short
and long term solutions.  The existing web being much more complicated than
it seems, the working group will prioritize the characterization of the
design space, including the web clients, intermediaries, firewalls, NATs,
web servers, etc. into which both solutions will need to be deployed.

For both short and long term, the amount of semantic encoded at the HyBi
layer will be minimized, allowing multiple higher-level protocols to take
advantage of the basic eventing mechanism.  These higher-level protocols are
out of scope for the working group, although liaison with other working
groups will be encouraged.

The short term approach will be deployable on today's Internet, across
whichever current or historical web browsers the working group decides upon.
Although wide browser support is a goal, lack of support on any single
browser version will not be a sufficient cause to block consensus.  The
short term approach may also define hints to allow newer intermediaries to
optimize traffic.

In the long term, new features will be required of clients, servers, or
intermediaries allowing a more scalable and robust end-to-end experience.

Although multiple protocols exist as starting points for both the short and
long term, backward compatibility with these protocols is not a requirement.
In particular, the working group will liaison with the HTML5 working group
of the W3C around the websockets protocol; if agreed by both parties, the
HyBi working group may take over the development of the websockets protocol.

The Working Group should consider:
* Implementer experience
* Impact on existing implementations and deployments
* Ability to achieve broad implementation
* Ability to address broader use cases than may be contemplated by the
original authors

The Working Group will produce one or more documents suitable for
consideration as Proposed Standard that will:
* Define requirements for short- and long-term solutions, including
characterization of the design space
* Define a short-term solution for the bi-directional web, deployable on
today's Internet
* Define a long-term solution for the bi-directional web, which will likely
require modifications to the web infrastructure

hybi mailing list

[whatwg] HyBi BOF announcement

2009-09-12 Thread Salvatore Loreto

Peter Saint-Andre, Joe Hildebrand and I are organizing an HyBi BOF in 
If you would like to participate, please join the 
<> mailing list ( ).
There is also a wiki page that will be update to keep all the 

We are still working on the Charter Proposal and on the Agenda so all 
the proposal and comments are welcome!

The purpose of this BoF and eventual WG is to work on
"HTTP bidirectional" communication and both its improvement and 
evolution in new a protocol(s)

Here are the topics we are thinking to include in the charter proposal:

   *   Characterize and describe the design space for long-poll
   *   list the Requirements for new browser protocol
   *   New browser protocol. WebSockets as a possible starting point.
   *   at the same time, while waiting for new eventual protocol to be
   we envision the need to continue to improve the long-poll approach:
 o a suggested long-poll approach
 o how to improve or optimize middle-box (e.g. proxy)
 o Protocol bindings into the long-poll approach

best regards
Salvatore Loreto