Re: [whatwg] IPv4 parsing

2015-06-24 Thread Ryan Sleevi
On Wed, Jun 24, 2015 at 1:50 PM, Tim Streater wrote:

 On 24 Jun 2015 at 20:15, Peter Kasting wrote:

  1.66 =
  1.256 =
  1.2.66 =
  1.256.66 = invalid

 This makes no sense at all.
explains why

Quoth the text

Meanwhile, a very popular implementation of IP networking went off in
its own direction.  4.2BSD introduced a function inet_aton(), whose
job was to interpret character strings as IP addresses.  It
interpreted both of the syntaxes mentioned in [MTP] (see above): a
single number giving the entire 32-bit address, and dot-separated
octet values.  It also interpreted two intermediate syntaxes: octet-
dot-octet-dot-16bits, intended for class B addresses, and octet-
dot-24bits, intended for class A addresses.  It also allowed some
flexibility in how the individual numeric parts were specified: it
allowed octal and hexadecimal in addition to decimal, distinguishing
these radices by using the C language syntax involving a prefix 0
or 0x, and allowed the numbers to be arbitrarily long.
The 4.2BSD inet_aton() has been widely copied and imitated, and so is
a de facto standard for the textual representation of IPv4 addresses.
Nevertheless, these alternative syntaxes have now fallen out of use
(if they ever had significant use).  The only practical use that they
now see is for deliberate obfuscation of addresses: giving an IPv4
address as a single 32-bit decimal number is favoured among people
wishing to conceal the true location that is encoded in a URL.  All
the forms except for decimal octets are seen as non-standard (despite
being quite widely interoperable) and undesirable.

[whatwg] Examples where HTML5 is not multicore-ready

2010-07-26 Thread Ryan Heise
Hi everyone,

I would like this thread to be a collection of parallel algorithms that
should run faster as the number of cores increase, but in HTML5 (using
Web Workers) will actually run slower as the number of cores increase.

If there are significant and substantial examples of parallel algorithms
that actually run slower on more expensive multi-core machines, this
would be an embarrassing result that should be addressed sooner rather
than later.

I am mostly interested in realworld examples, but some synthetic
examples could also be interesting.

Realworld example #1:

Sorting an array of large objects by a key that is contained
within the objects.

Realworld example #2:

Particle systems. To understand why this is a good example,

Particle systems are often used in games and other graphics
applications. (If anyone wants to run benchmarks, here is a
starting point:

Realworld example #3:

Guido provides an interesting example that is not game related,
and also provides a synthetic demonstration.

Realworld example #4:

Game artificial intelligence that needs to analyse large data

Synthetic example #1:

for (var i = 0; i  1; i++)
array[i] = i;

Synthetic example #2

Guido's example from above.

(Although many realworld examples also follow this pattern)

For anyone who would like to contribute to these examples, here is how
to go about finding similar examples:

The kinds of examples that are likely to slow down rather than speed up
as more cores are added are those with a high memory access to cpu usage
ratio. Of these, there are two kinds:

1. Those that require heavy write access.
2. Those that mainly rely on readonly access.

Sorting and particle systems are both examples of the first kind, and
can potentially have a high memory access to cpu usage ratio.

An example of the second kind is a game artifical intelligence which
needs to analyse the entire game state without necessarily changing it.
(Beware: although the AI will not modify this memory, this is not
readonly memory. Being game state, it will surely be updated by the
physics engine.)

This thread is a follow-up to a recent thread:

Ryan Heise

Re: [whatwg] Web Workers

2010-07-22 Thread Ryan Heise
Drew Wilson wrote:

 Rather than trying to shoehorn concurrent functionality into Javascript (where
 many implementations don't support multi-threaded access down at the VM level
 anyway, so the obstacles to implementation seem fairly large) it seems like a
 better option is to use a different language entirely.

While I would ideally prefer to develop web games in any language of my
choosing, this seems to be the worse option in practice. It is important
to consider that many developers and browser vendors see value in
adopting standards. Javascript currently is that standard, and is the
only web programming language supported by IPhone, Android and Desktop

It would seem a worthwhile pursuit to improve the standard in spite of
any technical obstacles, not only because engineers love technical
obstacles, but also because part of the technical obstacle is to rework
the DOM to be threadsafe. The DOM, if my understanding is correct, is
not part of the Javascript implentation itself, and so any other
scripting language that we hope to use in place of Javascript will also
limit us in terms of its threading capabilities and interaction with the
DOM until the DOM is made threadsafe.

 There is currently no way for a program to find out how many cores
 are present in the host system. 

 Not sure if any conclusions were drawn - I think we may have kept this
 open as an option for v2 of the spec.

Thanks, that is good news to hear.

Boris Zbarsky wrote:

 On 7/21/10 4:11 PM, Ryan Heise wrote:
  Note that things might have been different had Javascript been a
  purely functional language. If this were the case, then there would
  be much safer and more efficient alternatives to making whole copies
  of data that could be implemented under the hood.
 Why does this require JS to be purely functional?  There's already
 work happening in this direction, though obviously arbitrary object
 graphs are hard due to the mutability.
 If we eliminate mutability (e.g. sealing the objects in the relevant
 graph), then the memory could in fact be shared instead of copied,

Yes, but this is not the whole story. Before I go on, let me quickly
suggest something that may help with functional-style VM optimisations
in the future, if there is a decision to pursue this. C# has the ability
to distinguish between structs which represent values, and classes which
represent references. If Javascript introduced similar syntax, then the
problem of dealing with arbitrary object graphs could be made easier.
Along similar lines, other syntax can also be added to the language to
declare certain objects as immutable, and certain functions as being
bing pure (lacking side effects). This can be used by the VM to do
various functional-style optimisations in addition to sharing read-only

But in relation to the main point, the whole story is that these data
heavy algorithms very rarely have merely readonly requirements on
memory, UNLESS you go to the extreme and support functional-style
programming in its entirety. Take, for example, a sorting algorithm. In
the imperative style of programming, any implementation, even parrallel,
will need to not only do many read operations, but also many write
operations. It is not unless you completely rework your code into a
purely functional style that it will be possible to implement a sorting
algorithm using immutable data structures, and the efficiency will be
terrible unless the VM also does heavy optimisations in light of the
functional style of programming being used. Even still, it is well known
that as far as sorting algorithms and other algorithms involving heavy
data manipulation is concerned, the functional implementation (even
optimised) will be nowhere near the performance of the imperative
implementation with in-place update.

 For all of the reasons above, I would like to see something like threads
 in Javascript.
 Note that some current JS engines support this (though not in a web
 context at the moment).
 Note also that said engines are removing said support for various
 reasons (performance penalties are a large part of it).

Clearly, it has been shown possible to implement threads efficiently in
other languages, and so I do wonder how the decision processes of those
VM developers might be affected if the spec where changed to mandate

 As a final thought, I would like to say that it is actually possible to
 detect deadlock conditions at runtime and immediately throw an exception
 rather than simply hang the web browser.
 At what performance cost in the typical case, though?

A cheap way is to rule out the possibility to acquire locks in a
circular order. The performance cost will really be negligible. Rather
than allowing the programmer to arbitrarily create locks, the API could
provide a means to obtain a reference to (as distinct from aquire!)
locks from a system-defined sequence of locks. As distinct from this,
Java-like synchronized

[whatwg] Web Workers

2010-07-21 Thread Ryan Heise
 for performance reasons. We will
want to make use of it.

For all of the reasons above, I would like to see something like threads
in Javascript. Yes, threads give rise to race conditions and deadlocks,
but this seems to be in line with Javascript's apparent philosophy of
doing very little static error checking, and letting things just happen
at runtime (e.g. nonexistent static type system). In other words, this
may be simply a case of: yes, javascript allows runtime errors to
happen. Is not allowing deadlocks important enough that we should make
it impossible for a certain class of algorithms to exploit multi-core

As a final thought, I would like to say that it is actually possible to
detect deadlock conditions at runtime and immediately throw an exception
rather than simply hang the web browser. This, in my mind, makes
deadlocks as good a user experience as any other sort of runtime error.

Before I sign off, there is one more feature which (correct me if I'm
wrong) is lacking from the current specification. There is currently no
way for a program to find out how many cores are present in the host
system. Without this, there is no way to know how many Web Workers to
create for an algorithm that could easily be parallelised to any number
of Web Workers / threads. Even, say, a parallel quicksort should not
just create a new thread for each recursive invocation, as deep as it
goes. For efficiency, this thread creation should stop as soon as enough
threads have been created to match the number of physical cores. After
this point, each core should handle its load by reverting to a
single-threaded quicksort.

Ryan Heise

[whatwg] Request to reconsider input minlength=

2009-10-29 Thread Ryan Cannon


I saw HTML5 was put into last call, and I wanted to add my request to  
reconsider adding input minlength= to HTML5. With some searching,  
I found the following threads on the topic:

From these threads, I've seen the main reasons not to add the  
attribute are:

  * Lack of use cases
  * input pattern= / can do the same job
  * Unclear how user agents should implement the UI
  * It's not compelling enough to balloon the spec

I recently completed a JavaScript form validation implementation using  
HTML5 attributes and similar DOM methods (form.checkValidity(),   
input.checkValidity() and input.setCustomValidity()). This API was  
perfect, with the exception of missing minlength=.

Use Case

Our username and password fields require a minimum of four characters.  
These fields have a simple pattern validation as well. I initially set  
up the inputs as:

input required pattern=[a-z0-9]{4,} maxlength=20 /

This performs the desired validation correctly, but the problem comes  
when reporting the validation error to the user.

validity.patternMismatch is semantically different than  

In order to correctly report the error to the user, I would have to do  
a second check of the value to figure out the problem. The only way to  
determine that the error was caused by too few characters as opposed  
to invalid characters would be to parse the pattern= attribute in  
order to determine a minimum length required by the RegExp. Yuck. If  
the value was too long, this job would be handled by maxlength=. I  
added a minlength= attribute.

The final result:

input required pattern=[a-z0-9]+ minlength=4 maxlength=20 /

Is more readable, provides a validation task I believe to be quite  
common without requiring knowledge of regular expressions.

Michael Fortin asked this question:

 Should an
 input with minlength smaller than it's value be filled with padding
 characters? Before or after the value? And what happens to those
 characters as you type?

My answer: the UI should not be altered due to the presence of  
minlength until validating the input value. There's no need to pad the  
value or prevent deletion of characters.

Although I lack formal numbers, pretty much every password field I've  
seen on the Internet requires a minimum number of characters, as do  
most usernames.

The only legitimate argument against minlength= is that there is no  
room for it in the spec, and I personally disagree with that assessment.



Ryan Cannon

Re: [whatwg] Ogg content on the Web

2007-12-12 Thread ryan

On Dec 12, 2007, at 6:23 AM, David Gerard wrote:

FWIW, Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons only allow unencumbered formats
on the site. Video MUST be Ogg Theora. Compressed audio better be Ogg. is something like #8 in the world at present, so this is
set to be a significant content repository actually used by people. A
video tag which can be relied upon to support the format in at least
Firefox would be enormously helpful to us and our readers.

So far we have had zero patent trolls come calling. I wonder why  
that is.

Because the Wikimedia Foundation doesn't have much money. Patent  
trolls are opportunistic, not idealistic.


[whatwg] *AGAINST* Removal of ogg from spec

2007-12-11 Thread Ryan McLean
After wasting what seemed like an eternity reading what can only be
described as pure and unabridged dribble from Nokia. Before I continue to
write this responce I would just like to thank Nokia for wasting 20mins of
my life. 

I must express my disappointment that w3c is caving to pressure to remove
an essentially free codec from the specification that was at best a
recommendation, after all it said *should* not *must*, as to the preferred

In fact while we are here, supporting the removal of things beneficial to
the end user, perhaps with HTML5 we should recommend that the html code be
compiled so that users cannot read it as that would benefit a few minority
companies that have done clever things with js/html/css and want to hide
those things as trade secrets/IP.

Maybe Nokia would be as good as to point out which codec is better? wmv?
divx? mov?

My argument in favour of a free codec is that all browsers could ship
with it, without fear of being sued, this would allow users to watch/listen
to clips/movies/music out of the box without scouring the Internet for
codec XYZ for a once off use. That is not to say that the use of OGG should
be explicit, of course anyone should be able to choose which codec they use
to display their clips but for people just beginning (and even experts) it
would be nice to have a single codec that is an implied standard. This way
they don't have to worry will xyz be able to watch my funny 5min clip as
they know that IE, FF, (er.. whats that mac browser called again?), etc
will play ogg out of the box (so to speak).

A good question that jumps to mind though is who are Apple / Nokia to tell
anyone what should be a web standard, surely 2 companies that (in the
scheme of things) aren't even that big (I will concede that Nokia are the
market leaders in phones, but Apple are 2nd to who?? oh yes MS??), I would
also point of that of the two companies opposing this one (apple) isn't
known for its interoperability (propriety hardware/software, DRM locked
music downloads that only play on apple products). 

Really if *anyone* should have any sway here (and I personally think that
no 1 or 2 companies should) it should be Google lets face it they are the
largest power on the Internet whether you love em/hate em/dont know who
they are..

Another is what is Nokia thinking? (what am I on about you ask.. read on my
  Nokia build phones (yea I am dead smart), phones are only just getting to
the point that they are decent enough to browse the web on but (yes i  
said but) there is no standard in place for them and lets be honest here,
if a phone user comes across a divx clip its safe to say they won't be able
to watch it.. Why? well phones generally aren't know for their ability to
download new plug-ins (eg codecs). Now say we imply that ogg should be the
default/standard for web AV (audio/visual) then all phones come with it
built in and Nokia don't have to pay anyone royalties to use it, and mister
end user (the guy that usually gets shafted by DRM and other
incompatibilities) can browse and watch ogg clips on all the HTML5
compliant pages till his little heart is content. 

So we must ask ourselves why would Nokia want to get rid of a standard
(that's not even set in stone) that is likely to mean they have to pay out
more money per unit (thereby pushing prices of end user appliances up)?
Sounds like they know something we don't (no I am not a conspiracy
theorist/paranoid nutter), I just find it strange that a company that
stands to lose profit margin would take such a stance..

Well thats my word count for the next month or so.. and a case of RSI to go
with it.. I just hope that others here believe that these are vaild points
and wont stand for companies forcing bad decisions upon the rest of us.


Ryan McLean

[whatwg] void elements vs. content model = empty

2007-04-18 Thread ryan
So, I was just trying to check my blog for HTML5 conformance [1] and  
ran into a conformance problem that I had trouble sorting out.

The conformance checker said:

   1. Fatal Error: End tag param seen even though the element is an  
empty element.

  Line 121, column 73 in resource

so, I went to 
#param to see what the restrictions on param are. In that section it  

Content model:

which brought up the question what's 'empty' mean?. In my mind, it  
could either be no content allowed or must be a void element (ie,  
no end tag).

It took me awhile to realize that empty content was the same thing as  
a void element (it is, right?), which then helped be figure out that  
param couldn't have an end tag.

It'd be nice if we could make this clearer in the spec– even though  
the language and html serialization are two different things, for the  
sake of authors it'd be nice to have pointers between the two.

Also, if there's a difference between content=empty and 'void  
elements' it deserves an explanation.



Re: [whatwg] Attribute for holding private data for scripting

2007-04-11 Thread ryan

On Apr 9, 2007, at 10:27 AM, Maciej Stachowiak wrote:

On Apr 8, 2007, at 11:12 AM, Henri Sivonen wrote:

At PPK  
suggests having an attribute for storing private data for scripts.

Currently, one can invent an attribute and it will work for  
scripts. However, it will look ugly for conformance checking.  
Since this is essentially a conformance definition issue as  
browsers would not be required to implement anything new (assuming  
a new reflecting attribute on HTMLElement is deemed unnecessary),  
adding an attribute for script-private data would be rather easy.

I think it would be worthwhile to add an attribute for script- 
private data to common attributes, so that scripters who need one  
and want to be conforming don't need to abuse e.g. title.

The class attribute can already be used for script-private data. I  
think the time script authors go for made-up attributes is when  
they need a set of key-value pairs. Class is not so great for that,  
but I'm not sure any new attribute would be either, unless it  
provided some sort of built-in key-value parsing.

If you want structured data in this attribute, why not just use JSON?


Re: [whatwg] Configure Apache to send the right MIME type for XHTML

2007-03-08 Thread ryan king

On Mar 7, 2007, at 7:09 AM, Michael(tm) Smith wrote:



It's really amusing to see people continuing to trot out
matter-of-fact statements dismissing XHTML. Those statements seem
to fall into two basic types that can be paraphrased as either:

  - The only people who author documents in XHTML are naive
developers/designers who do it just because they have been
mislead into thinking that it's the cool/right thing to do.

  - The only people who user/serve-up XHTML are pedants who are
out of touch with browser/implementation realities.

It seems to me that those who make such statements either:

  - are unaware of any useful things that can be done with
documents other than just displaying them in browsers -- or
about how having those as well-formed XML can potentially make
it easier to process them

  - have an agenda that makes them (consciously or unconsciously)
want to dissuade others from using XHTML/XML (and XSLT, etc.)
and to instead use alternatives (whatever alternatives they
happen to personally be promoting)

Or they realize that even those who (1) know what they're doing and  
(2) care, still get things wrong:


PS - my homepage is invalid, too: 

Re: [whatwg] XTech 2007 and web-app access to device GPS [was:Geolocation in the browser]

2007-02-27 Thread Ryan Sarver

Thanks for supporting the effort. It looks like Mike already took the
initiative to put something together. I look forward to meeting you at
the event.

Best, rs

-Original Message-
From: Grassel Guido (Nokia-NRC/Helsinki)
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2007 1:12 AM
To: Ryan Sarver; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [whatwg] XTech 2007 and web-app access to device GPS
[was:Geolocation in the browser]


I support a more interactive session in addition to the big hall
sessions. Subject could be something like: Web applications access to
resources - technical, security and usability challenges.

Please give it a try by contacting the chair Ed Dunkin (mailto:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]) [1]. Mention me as a supporter if you like.


- Guido

On 2/26/07 8:53 PM, ext Ryan Sarver [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Sounds like a pertinent session -- I'm really looking forward to this
 conference now. Do you know who I should contact to see about a BoF
 session or something similar around Geolocation?
 -Original Message-
 Sent: Monday, February 26, 2007 2:49 AM
 To: Ryan Sarver; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: RE: [whatwg] XTech 2007 and web-app access to device GPS
 [was:Geolocation in the browser]
 Mik, Ryan, all,
 I agree , this is a topic worth discussing in some form at Xtech (and
 why not already start on this list). My Xtech talk [1] provides some
 more motivation why controlled access from a Web App to local
 would be very useful, but also poses a significant thread if the
 security is not handled in a technically correct and usable way.
 - Guido
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of ext Ryan Sarver
 Sent: 23 February, 2007 22:10
 To: Michael(tm) Smith
 Subject: Re: [whatwg] XTech 2007 and web-app access to device
 GPS [was:Geolocation in the browser]
 XTech hadn't been on my radar, but after checking it out I
 will definitely be in attendance. I would be happy to join in
 on a panel or host a BoF if you think that would help. Let me know
 -Original Message-
 From: Michael(tm) Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, February 23, 2007 2:41 AM
 To: Ryan Sarver
 Subject: XTech 2007 and web-app access to device GPS [was:
 Geolocation in the browser]
 Ryan Sarver [EMAIL PROTECTED], 2007-02-21 15:31 -0500:
 I am the Dir of Product Development at Skyhook Wireless where we
 Wi-Fi Positioning System - think GPS, but software-only and uses
 Wireless APs instead of satellites. We have been working on
 plugin for Firefox that gives a website access to the user's
 via javascript. User's can control access to this information at the
 domain level in much the same way they control cookies and popups.
 We have been successful in exposing it through the
 Javascript DOM and
 wanted to start talking with standards bodies about coming up with a
 standard implementation to make location-aware browsing common
 functionality at the browser level.
 Are you planning to attend XTech 2007 in Paris? I ask because
 I've had a session on the XTech program that relates in part
 to enabling web-app access to locating-sensing features on devices:
  Web-app access to sensors on mobile devices, May 15 at 2pm
 It's part of the Ubiquitous Web Day that Dave Raggett is
 chairing there.
 Anyway, I've been really interested in getting related
 discussion going on some mailing lists prior to that (which is
 what you've already done here :) and in making the actual
 session an interactive one with a lot of participation from
 the audience, and in having as much further discussion around
 it at the conference as we can manage. I've already been
 talking with a few others, and I think we can manage to get a
 good number of interested people to show up, so if you can
 make it to XTech for that, I think it'll be a good opportunity
 to start to talk face-to-face with others and share ideas about this.
 Michael(tm) Smith

Re: [whatwg] Geolocation in the browser

2007-02-27 Thread Ryan Sarver
Mike, sounds good to me. Where should we create the list? I was going to
setup a wiki page capturing the progress so far and giving the document
a home and giving us a place to point to during our discussions.

Let me know how you think we should handle the setup of a new list.


-Original Message-
From: Michael(tm) Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2007 5:45 AM
To: Ryan Sarver
Cc: Dave Raggett;
Subject: Re: [whatwg] Geolocation in the browser

Ryan Sarver [EMAIL PROTECTED], 2007-02-23 15:32 -0500:

 Thanks for following up -- I echo your thoughts exactly. It's great to
 see so much momentum and support within W3 already. I would be very
 interested in the upcoming workshop -- let me know when the call for
 papers opens up.
 From your point of view, what should the next steps be for
 this and getting the ball rolling in terms of working towards

Maybe we could set up separate mailing list for specific
discussion about it?


Re: [whatwg] XTech 2007 and web-app access to device GPS [was:Geolocation in the browser]

2007-02-26 Thread Ryan Sarver

Sounds like a pertinent session -- I'm really looking forward to this
conference now. Do you know who I should contact to see about a BoF
session or something similar around Geolocation?

-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, February 26, 2007 2:49 AM
To: Ryan Sarver; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [whatwg] XTech 2007 and web-app access to device GPS
[was:Geolocation in the browser]

Mik, Ryan, all,

I agree , this is a topic worth discussing in some form at Xtech (and
why not already start on this list). My Xtech talk [1] provides some
more motivation why controlled access from a Web App to local resources
would be very useful, but also poses a significant thread if the
security is not handled in a technically correct and usable way. 


- Guido

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of ext Ryan Sarver
Sent: 23 February, 2007 22:10
To: Michael(tm) Smith
Subject: Re: [whatwg] XTech 2007 and web-app access to device 
GPS [was:Geolocation in the browser]


XTech hadn't been on my radar, but after checking it out I 
will definitely be in attendance. I would be happy to join in 
on a panel or host a BoF if you think that would help. Let me know


-Original Message-
From: Michael(tm) Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 23, 2007 2:41 AM
To: Ryan Sarver
Subject: XTech 2007 and web-app access to device GPS [was: 
Geolocation in the browser]

Ryan Sarver [EMAIL PROTECTED], 2007-02-21 15:31 -0500:

 I am the Dir of Product Development at Skyhook Wireless where we have
 Wi-Fi Positioning System - think GPS, but software-only and uses 
 Wireless APs instead of satellites. We have been working on 
 plugin for Firefox that gives a website access to the user's 
 via javascript. User's can control access to this information at the 
 domain level in much the same way they control cookies and popups.
 We have been successful in exposing it through the 
Javascript DOM and 
 wanted to start talking with standards bodies about coming up with a 
 standard implementation to make location-aware browsing common 
 functionality at the browser level.

Are you planning to attend XTech 2007 in Paris? I ask because 
I've had a session on the XTech program that relates in part 
to enabling web-app access to locating-sensing features on devices:

  Web-app access to sensors on mobile devices, May 15 at 2pm

It's part of the Ubiquitous Web Day that Dave Raggett is 
chairing there.

Anyway, I've been really interested in getting related 
discussion going on some mailing lists prior to that (which is 
what you've already done here :) and in making the actual 
session an interactive one with a lot of participation from 
the audience, and in having as much further discussion around 
it at the conference as we can manage. I've already been 
talking with a few others, and I think we can manage to get a 
good number of interested people to show up, so if you can 
make it to XTech for that, I think it'll be a good opportunity 
to start to talk face-to-face with others and share ideas about this.


Michael(tm) Smith

Re: [whatwg] Geolocation in the browser

2007-02-23 Thread Ryan Sarver

I agree with you on the idea of not always using lat/lon as the returned data 
-- this is how we have it implemented in the upcoming version of Loki to test 
it out. The inherent problem with this model is that reliance on a 
reverse-geocoding service to provide that kind of information. If we want to 
allow existing GPS and NMEA-supporting devices to play in this world, we would 
need a reverse geocoding service to supplement the lat/lon. Its interesting to 
think about, but I don't know if its feasible on a broad level.

As for your recommendation on the DOM api, I really like it:


Your use cases and implementation also make sense.

-Original Message-
From: Kornel Lesinski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2007 6:00 PM
To: Ryan Sarver
Cc: whatwg
Subject: Re: [whatwg] Geolocation in the browser

On Wed, 21 Feb 2007 20:31:11 -, Ryan Sarver  

 var location = window.getLocation();

For some applications location given in format other than lat/long may be  
more useful and less privacy-sensitive.

For example name of the city might be good enough if you order a cab from  
a nationwide company.
Postcode would be easiest way to integrate location API with existing  
services (especially via userjs/greasemonkey, where using  
location-postcode database may be difficult).
Additionally city/postcode information may be provided to desktop browsers  
by the user (for example Opera collects that information already).

Also different applications may be satisfied with different precision of  
location (searching for nearest airport vs nearest starbucks :)

There's also privacy problem with giving too precise location and  
usability problem with asking for user's permission every time.

My proposal is:

use navigator.getGeolocation instead of window.getLocation to avoid  
conflicts with existing functions (window object is a global namespace in  
JS) and to avoid confusion with window.location object.

navigator.getGeolocation() would return location with best precision  
allowed by default (without asking user every time). If user set in  
preferences that every page can get location with 10km precision, that  
would be returned.

navigator.getGeolocation(100) would request location that has precision of  
100m or better. If user's default allowed precision is lower than the  
specified one, browser would ask for permission. Browser would be allowed  
to return location with lower precision than requested (if it doesn't have  
information precise enough or because user decided so).

The function would return an object, which could be queried about various  
aspects of the location - name of the city, postcode, but also precision  
of location given (so applications would know if user is really exactly in  
the middle of the city or if browser only knows the city name).

regards, Kornel Lesiński

Re: [whatwg] XTech 2007 and web-app access to device GPS [was: Geolocation in the browser]

2007-02-23 Thread Ryan Sarver

XTech hadn't been on my radar, but after checking it out I will
definitely be in attendance. I would be happy to join in on a panel or
host a BoF if you think that would help. Let me know


-Original Message-
From: Michael(tm) Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, February 23, 2007 2:41 AM
To: Ryan Sarver
Subject: XTech 2007 and web-app access to device GPS [was: Geolocation
in the browser]

Ryan Sarver [EMAIL PROTECTED], 2007-02-21 15:31 -0500:

 I am the Dir of Product Development at Skyhook Wireless where we have
 Wi-Fi Positioning System - think GPS, but software-only and uses
 Wireless APs instead of satellites. We have been working on developing
 plugin for Firefox that gives a website access to the user's location
 via javascript. User's can control access to this information at the
 domain level in much the same way they control cookies and popups.
 We have been successful in exposing it through the Javascript DOM and
 wanted to start talking with standards bodies about coming up with a
 standard implementation to make location-aware browsing common
 functionality at the browser level.

Are you planning to attend XTech 2007 in Paris? I ask because I've
had a session on the XTech program that relates in part to
enabling web-app access to locating-sensing features on devices:

  Web-app access to sensors on mobile devices, May 15 at 2pm

It's part of the Ubiquitous Web Day that Dave Raggett is
chairing there.

Anyway, I've been really interested in getting related discussion
going on some mailing lists prior to that (which is what you've
already done here :) and in making the actual session an
interactive one with a lot of participation from the audience, and
in having as much further discussion around it at the conference
as we can manage. I've already been talking with a few others, and
I think we can manage to get a good number of interested people to
show up, so if you can make it to XTech for that, I think it'll be
a good opportunity to start to talk face-to-face with others and
share ideas about this.


Michael(tm) Smith

Re: [whatwg] Geolocation in the browser

2007-02-23 Thread Ryan Sarver

Thanks for following up -- I echo your thoughts exactly. It's great to
see so much momentum and support within W3 already. I would be very
interested in the upcoming workshop -- let me know when the call for
papers opens up.

From your point of view, what should the next steps be for documenting
this and getting the ball rolling in terms of working towards

-Original Message-
From: Dave Raggett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, February 23, 2007 9:02 AM
To: Ryan Sarver
Subject: Re: [whatwg] Geolocation in the browser

On Wed, 21 Feb 2007, Ryan Sarver wrote:


 I hear you ... the idea is really two fold -- the first part is to 
 standardize how web applications access the location information, 
 regardless of how it is determined. The second is to offer a 
 standard way of different location acquiring technologies -- GPS, 
 Wifi positioning, geocoding an user-entered address, etc -- to 
 deliver location to the browser. In this case I am proposing using 
 the NMEA standard as it is well documented and would allow for 
 compatibility with existing GPS devices.

Following on from Michael Smith's email on proosed W3C work in this 
area, I thought it might be helpful to provide a litte context.

There is a great deal of interest in location based web applications 
and the challenge is how to expose this to browsers in a way that is 
independent of how the location is determined. Web applications may 
need control over what format the information is provided, and how 
often it is updated when the device is moving.

There are obviously lots of security concerns over location and this 
is part of a broader context of giving web applications richer 
access to device capabilities. A common approach is to ask the user 
for permission each time the application is run. That raises 
usability concerns, such as is the user able to discern whether the 
application is bona fide website or whether it is a phishing site 
masquerading as a bona fide website. This is a real problem for 
desktop browsers and is likely to be an even greater challenge on 
the smaller displays on mobile devices. Walled gardens provide a 
partial solution, but don't scale to the Internet as a whole.

W3C's April 2006 workshop on transpency and usability of web 
authentication looked at some of the issues, see:

We are now planning a further workshop for June 5-6 in Dublin, 
Ireland to follow up with a broader look at the issues involved in 
declative models of distributed web applications. A public call for 
papers will be issued in the near future. An brief outline is given 

  Dave Raggett [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [whatwg] Geolocation in the browser

2007-02-22 Thread Ryan Sarver
One of the other options we have is to reverse-geocode the lat/lon and
then return different levels of granularity based on that information

42.351036, -71.049378 = 332 Congress St, Boston, MA 02210

So sites like fandango that would only require a zipcode, we would only
need to provide them a zipcode.

The biggest problem with this implementation is that it requires an
additional service on top of standard GPS. We have it built into our
service, but adding it on top of GPS becomes a hurdle. We have also
found that most users don't actually worry too much about the
specificity of the location depending on the use-case. Most of the time
they are more worried about the binary allow/deny of their location.

I think it makes sense as a first revision to just piggyback on NMEA and
just do a straight pass through of that information, with some possibly
fuzzying logic within the browser.

-Original Message-
From: Gervase Markham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2007 5:53 AM
To: Ryan Sarver
Cc: Henri Sivonen;
Subject: Re: [whatwg] Geolocation in the browser

Ryan Sarver wrote:
 There are obvious privacy concerns -- I feel they can be alleviated
 the proper level of control for the user. Currently in our prototypes,
 the browser prompts the user for each request, which they can allow or
 deny and then remember that preference for subsequent requests from
 domain. What type of privacy control are you envisioning?

I actually think it's easier to design a UI for this than many other 
things we might ask the user about. Explaining the impact of setting a 
cookie is rather hard. However, one example of the UI could be:

The website wants to know where you are.

Firefox thinks you are [ Home: XX Heene Road, Enfield, London |V]


(o) Nothing
( ) To the nearest kilometre
( ) To the nearest 100m
( ) As precisely as possible

[ OK ]


Re: [whatwg] Geolocation in the browser

2007-02-22 Thread Ryan Sarver
Gerv, this is great feedback. I agree that it's important to think of
fixed devices also being able to produce location information,
especially without needing any type of location-sensing hardware or

In terms of user's being able to give different addresses, I feel that
is the job of the app itself. The browser should provide the location of
the UA based on the user's privacy settings, and then it would be up to
the app as to how they use it and give the user options on how to change
or use that location. I think this is simple enough as instantiating a
form with your current location, but letting users change that for
subsequent requests. Or in the case of Yahoo Local, the drop down could
have the following options: Your Current Location, Home, Work, etc

Re: granularity - I agree that's a simple and functional way of
fuzzying location.

Thanks guys for all the great feedback :) keep it coming

-Original Message-
From: Gervase Markham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2007 10:08 AM
To: Ryan Sarver
Cc:; Henri Sivonen
Subject: Re: [whatwg] Geolocation in the browser

Ryan Sarver wrote:
 The biggest problem with this implementation is that it requires an
 additional service on top of standard GPS. 

I wasn't envisaging any geocoding services. In my example, the address 
would be one the user had entered, and (assuming the machine has GPS at 
all) the browser had remembered as being at particular GPS coordinates. 
For desktop machines which never move, the browser may well have 
geocoded a typed-in address once and stored the lat/long to give to 

If the machine has GPS, the default option in the dropdown might be 
Here: lat, long. But there would be other options. I think it's 
important that the user be able to give a location other than his 
current one - for example, if he's at work, but looking for the closest 
pizza restaurant to his home.

The granularity setting is for privacy; I was imagining that the 
browser would round the actual value to the nearest whatever was 
appropriate, in order to introduce the necessary degree of uncertainty.


Re: [whatwg] Geolocation in the browser

2007-02-22 Thread Ryan Sarver
Since I am a newbie in this regard, what do you think about passing something 
like User-Geolocation in the header of the request so that the server has 
access to the information as well?

Obviously this is subject to some settings and privacy control on the UA, but 
it would allow the server to process the initial page content based on the 
user's current location.


-Original Message-
From: David Latapie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2007 3:56 PM
To: Ryan Sarver
Subject: Re: [whatwg] Geolocation in the browser

On Wed, 21 Feb 2007 15:31:11 -0500, Ryan Sarver wrote:
  - would it make sense to also expose it in the request headers? This
 way the server receives it on the first request as opposed to through
 the client after the initial page request
 User-Geolocation: 43.338018, -71.817930

Surely you've heard of ICBM
(meta name=ICBM content=46.025507, 14.300186 /)

Could elaborate on what you like and dislike on this?
/david_latapie U+0F00 (English) (Français) (Slovensko)

[whatwg] Geolocation in the browser

2007-02-21 Thread Ryan Sarver
Hey guys. I have been watching the list for a bit and thought it was
time for me to jump in here and kick off a discussion on
geolocation-aware browsing. I tried to search through the archives to
see if the discussion had come up before and didn't find anything, so
please forgive me if it has.


I am the Dir of Product Development at Skyhook Wireless where we have a
Wi-Fi Positioning System - think GPS, but software-only and uses
Wireless APs instead of satellites. We have been working on developing a
plugin for Firefox that gives a website access to the user's location
via javascript. User's can control access to this information at the
domain level in much the same way they control cookies and popups.


We have been successful in exposing it through the Javascript DOM and
wanted to start talking with standards bodies about coming up with a
standard implementation to make location-aware browsing common
functionality at the browser level. I was hoping to kick off a
discussion around possible implementations and get the community's
thoughts on the topic.


Location could be exposed through a standard Javascript object/interface


var location = window.getLocation();


 - would it make sense to also expose it in the request headers? This
way the server receives it on the first request as opposed to through
the client after the initial page request


User-Geolocation: 43.338018, -71.817930


What are people's thoughts on location in the browser? Is the window
object the right object to attach to? Im interested to hear everyone's


Best, Ryan

Re: [whatwg] Geolocation in the browser

2007-02-21 Thread Ryan Sarver

The ICBM standard is for geotagging the actual content whereas we are talking 
about a standard that lets the content know the location of the User or device 
so that the website can be location-aware.

I want to use as much of the existing standards, but have more questions about 
where it should exist in ecosystem and how servers and webpages would expect to 
see it and use it.

-Original Message-
From: David Latapie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2007 3:56 PM
To: Ryan Sarver
Subject: Re: [whatwg] Geolocation in the browser

On Wed, 21 Feb 2007 15:31:11 -0500, Ryan Sarver wrote:
  - would it make sense to also expose it in the request headers? This
 way the server receives it on the first request as opposed to through
 the client after the initial page request
 User-Geolocation: 43.338018, -71.817930

Surely you've heard of ICBM
(meta name=ICBM content=46.025507, 14.300186 /)

Could elaborate on what you like and dislike on this?
/david_latapie U+0F00 (English) (Français) (Slovensko)

Re: [whatwg] Geolocation in the browser

2007-02-21 Thread Ryan Sarver
There are obvious privacy concerns -- I feel they can be alleviated with
the proper level of control for the user. Currently in our prototypes,
the browser prompts the user for each request, which they can allow or
deny and then remember that preference for subsequent requests from that
domain. What type of privacy control are you envisioning?

As for a user-interface problem, its not much different than the
allowing / blocking of popups on a per-domain basis. There are
definitely existing standards to piggy-back ontop of in terms of UI
controls and dialogs.

-Original Message-
From: Henri Sivonen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2007 4:24 PM
To: Ryan Sarver
Subject: Re: [whatwg] Geolocation in the browser

On Feb 21, 2007, at 22:31, Ryan Sarver wrote:

 What are people's thoughts on location in the browser?

My first thought is that it is a privacy problem. And per-site  
configurability of the exposure of location data is a user interface  

Henri Sivonen

Re: [whatwg] Geolocation in the browser

2007-02-21 Thread Ryan Sarver
That's a good point. I think you're right that the navigator object might 
make more sense:


// Example

var location = navigator.getLocation()

alert(location.latitude+', '+location.longitude);




From: Steve Runyon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2007 4:27 PM
To: Ryan Sarver
Subject: Re: [whatwg] Geolocation in the browser


You couldn't use window.location because that's already used:  the location 
object represents information about the URL of any currently open window or of 
a specific frame (Danny Goodman, JavaScript Bible 4e, p 486).  How about the 
navigator object? 


On 2/21/07, Ryan Sarver [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 


The ICBM standard is for geotagging the actual content whereas we are talking 
about a standard that lets the content know the location of the User or device 
so that the website can be location-aware. 

I want to use as much of the existing standards, but have more questions about 
where it should exist in ecosystem and how servers and webpages would expect to 
see it and use it.

-Original Message-
From: David Latapie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2007 3:56 PM
To: Ryan Sarver
Subject: Re: [whatwg] Geolocation in the browser

On Wed, 21 Feb 2007 15:31:11 -0500, Ryan Sarver wrote:
  - would it make sense to also expose it in the request headers? This
 way the server receives it on the first request as opposed to through 
 the client after the initial page request

 User-Geolocation: 43.338018, -71.817930

Surely you've heard of ICBM
(meta name=ICBM content=46.025507, 14.300186 /)

Could elaborate on what you like and dislike on this?
/david_latapie U+0F00 (English) (Français) (Slovensko)


Re: [whatwg] Geolocation in the browser

2007-02-21 Thread Ryan Sarver

I hear you ... the idea is really two fold -- the first part is to standardize 
how web applications access the location information, regardless of how it is 
determined. The second is to offer a standard way of different location 
acquiring technologies -- GPS, Wifi positioning, geocoding an user-entered 
address, etc -- to deliver location to the browser. In this case I am proposing 
using the NMEA standard as it is well documented and would allow for 
compatibility with existing GPS devices.

I agree, there are very few GPS-enabled laptops - in fact the only one I know 
if us a UMPC - but there are a lot of Bluetooth capable laptops and Bluetooth 
antennas to provide the location. There are also solutions like ours at Skyhook 
that are software-only and would allow people to immediately begin to provide 
their location to the browser via a simple download.

This would all obviously be configurable in the UA...

-Original Message-
From: Robert Accettura [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2007 8:29 PM
To: Ryan Sarver
Cc: Steve Runyon;
Subject: Re: [whatwg] Geolocation in the browser

Ryan Sarver wrote:

 Steve, good points…


 It’s also important to remember that this functionality would be an 
 opt-in system – unlike your cell phone :) The prototype that we are 
 working on would allow the browser to point to a COM port where it 
 could find a GPS device or any NMEA-compatible device or software. It 
 would then read the NMEA stream over the COM port and use that to 
 deliver the user’s location to the website via the DOM.


 Our software positions you based on WiFi triangulation and can emulate 
 a GPS device by streaming NMEA over  a virtual COM port so that the 
 user wouldn’t need to have a dedicated GPS antennae.

I'd think a more practical approach would be to allow for a user-entered 
location, and let GPS override should the user have a GPS capable device.  
There are many good reasons to to have geolocation (statistical, custom 
content, etc.), but few GPS capable devices.  I think more content providers 
would consider this to be a usable source of data if the UA had fallbacks (GPS, 
OS, preference in UA). 

Robert Accettura

Re: [whatwg] microformats incompatible with WebApps 1.0 ?

2006-12-11 Thread ryan king

On Dec 11, 2006, at 6:25 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:

On Mon, 11 Dec 2006, Michel Fortin wrote:
And since profiles can now be applied on individual elements,  
there's no
real need to keep the redundant vcard class name since it could  

be implied by the profile being specified on that element:

div profile=hcard
 a class=url fn href=;Tantek Çelik/a
 div class=orgTechnorati/div

How is that?

It's one step away from:

 div class=vcard
  a class=url fn href=;Tantek Çelik/a
  div class=orgTechnorati/div

...which would work just as well, and has the added advantage that  
it is

compatible with how hCard is used today.

Indeed. Michel's proposal is equivalent to your example, Ian.

I think there's a middle way here that would work and maps to current  
practice. In our design of microformats, we make sure to do 2 things:

1. Use the same class name to mean the same thing, no matter what  
context. So, 'fn' is always a 'formatted name', no matter what  
microformat you're working with.

2. In the case of structured microformats (more than one value), we  
use a very rare term as a root class name. In the case of hCard, the  
root class name is 'vcard', which is rarely used in the wild for  
anything other than hCard. This greatly reduces the probability of  

Now, if I were to register the class name 'vcard' for use with hCard,  
would I really need to register all of it's child properties, like  
'given-name' or 'family-name'? I don't think I should, because those  
only make sense when contained within an element with a class name of  
'vcard'. We have a flat namespace, but it's disambiguated by context.

So, here's a possible middle way:

Keep profiles, but ditch the profile attribute. Instead of  
registering class names, register *root* class names and map them to  
XMDP profile URLs and documents[1]. I believe this is essentially  
equivalent to today's practice, though better organized.

This means that community efforts like can go ahead  
without interruption and that individual publishers can register  
their own root class names. For example, yahoo could register 'yahoo- 
com' then use this on all of their pages:

body class=yahoo-com

The first question is likely, what if yahoo wants to use hCard?  
Well, there's already plans to add the ability for one XMDP document  
to refer to another (this reminds me that I need to bug Tantek about  
that :D). So, Yahoo's XMDP document could point at the hCard XMDP  
document in order to make use of it on their website.



Re: [whatwg] foreign attributes Re: several messages about XML syntax and HTML5

2006-12-05 Thread ryan king

On Dec 4, 2006, at 11:04 PM, Elias Torres wrote:
If you can read in the uF wiki [1] there's really not much guidance  
on how to parse

one or all of them.

There is more documentation than you suggest. See [1], which  
documents how to parse hcards. Much of the hCard parsing guideline  
apply more generally (extracting those common bits is on my todo list).

Also, please note that we have a suite of test cases. The stable and  
agreed upon ones are here [2] and you can see work in progress in our  
mercurial repository [3].



Re: [whatwg] foreign attributes Re: several messages about XML syntax and HTML5

2006-12-05 Thread ryan king

On Dec 5, 2006, at 2:11 PM, Elias Torres wrote:

There's plenty of documentation/code/test cases for *specific*
microformats but no general rules for let's say additional fields  
in an

hCard. Let me know if I'm missing any other documentation or overall
principle in microformats.

You're not missing anything. There is no documentation for  
additional fields in an hCard. There is no extensibility mechanism  
for individual microformats because it's not necessary. If you want  
to create a  new vocabulary to use along with hCard, just start using  
it in your markup. If it becomes popular enough, you might be able to  
get it added to hCard (if it ever in the future diverges from a 1:1  
mapping from vCard).


ryan king wrote:

On Dec 4, 2006, at 11:04 PM, Elias Torres wrote:
If you can read in the uF wiki [1] there's really not much  
guidance on

how to parse
one or all of them.

There is more documentation than you suggest. See [1], which  

how to parse hcards. Much of the hCard parsing guideline apply more
generally (extracting those common bits is on my todo list).

Also, please note that we have a suite of test cases. The stable and
agreed upon ones are here [2] and you can see work in progress in our
mercurial repository [3].



Re: [whatwg] hash Attribute

2006-11-12 Thread ryan king

On Nov 8, 2006, at 8:28 AM, Ian Hickson wrote:

Given the various mechanisms that already exist to do this, it  
seems like

adding yet another one would be a bad idea.

I concur. If people are already using these technologies, we could  
learn from their usage and find ways to improve the technology. If  
they aren't being used widely, it would be wise to question whether  
there is demand for this functionality.


Re: [whatwg] Google research into web authoring techniques

2006-01-25 Thread Ryan King

On Jan 25, 2006, at 12:45 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:

Google recently published some (not-very-scientific) research which
people on this list will probably find interesting:

I plan to use this data to guide the development of HTML5. In  

we probably need a copyright element.

Would be helpful here?


[whatwg] Re: Web Forms 2.0

2005-10-07 Thread Ryan Cannon


In attempting to write a javascript implementation of Web Forms 2.0  
attributes, I came across a stumbling block. At times, form  
validation requires a not pattern result, i.e. if a certain pattern  
matches the element value, the validation engine should return an  
error. The best real-world example of this type of implementation  
would be a form field with an initial value that must be changed in  
order to be processed as valid.

I would suggest an attribute name notPattern, implemented as a  
reverse of the pattern attribute.


input type=text required=required notPattern=First Name\s*  
value=First Name /

I hope it is not too late in this versions timeframe to bring such  
functionality in, as it seems impossible right now.

Ryan Cannon

Wordslinger, Webwright