Re: [whatwg] [WF2] action=mailto: - encoding spaces

2008-12-02 Thread Julian Reschke

Ian Hickson wrote:

I actually can't find where it is defined that the + in an HTTP URI 
represents a space. (I can find where it says that a space is to be 
converted into a +, but not the other way around.)

Where does it say that? Surely not RFC 2616? RFC 3986?

My understanding, though, is that the convention that + represents a space 
is not part of the URI syntax, but part of the syntax of the format used 
to encode the data into the URI, which for HTTP URIs is generally 
application/x-www-form-urlencoded. But nothing stops this format from 


being used elsewhere, e.g. in the body of an e-mail or a POST submission.

I could be used, but I'm not sure it should. What's the advantage over 
representing SP as %20?


BR, Julian

Re: [whatwg] [WF2] action=mailto: - encoding spaces

2008-12-02 Thread Michael A. Puls II

On Tue, 02 Dec 2008 05:00:11 -0500, Ian Hickson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Tue, 2 Dec 2008, Michael A. Puls II wrote:

Consider this form:

form action=mailto:?subject=1+2; action=POST
   input type=submit value=Compose

(which contains a valid mailto URI meaning that 1+2 should be the
value of the subject)

Imagine in your browser that it supports setting the default mailto URI
handler to Gmail (a web-based client that uses *http* URIs).

If you submit that form, you'd get

Why? How so?

Are you referring to the registerProtocolHandler() API, to mailto: form
submission, or to something else?


I'm talking about a UA associating mailto: links and mailto: form submission 
with webmail clients (like Gmail for example) by whatever means, just like UAs 
can do with Thunderbird for example.

This could be done with registerProtocolHandler, but the webmail would have to 
accept a uri= in its compose URI query string and the function (at least the 
internal one) couldn't be domain-restricted.

Gmail (and most webmails) currently don't support a uri=, but I have a specific 
proposal for Gmail if I can find someone to submit it to.

To support Gmail now, registerProtocolHandler would have to be like:

registerProtocolHandler(mailto, function(e) {
   var uri = e.uri;
   // parse the URI to get the individual to, cc, bcc, subject and body hvalues
   // and use them to build a Gmail compose URI
   // Plus, escapeUnsafe and invalid characters and %HH
   // Plus, join multiple occurences of an hvalue
   // using a different algorithm depending on 
   // the type of hvalue.

}, Compose in Gmail?);

Anyway, goto 
and click on the first link. If Gmail worked like that, it could totally work around 
the '+' issue and support a registerProtocolHandler-like function. Of course, Gmail 
could simply not decode + to ' ' for its to, cc, bcc, body and su hvalues that it 
currently supports. Then though, there'd still be a bunch of other webmails that'd 
need to do it also. But, take a look at the source of the pages and the included JS. 
They show the things that are necessary to implement parsing in a compatible way and 
will help with your following question.

Could you lay out the steps that take us from a form submission using a
mailto: URL to an HTTPS request to GMail?

Maybe this will help:

Download to a folder.
Edit it and set supportForms to true.

In Opera, goto tools - preferences - advanced - content - javascript 
options and set your UserJS folder to the folder BeforeMailtoURL.js is in.

Log in to

Goto and and click compose.

In BeforeMailtoURL.js, you can look at createMailtoURIFromEnabledFormControls(form), if (supportForms), 
the MailtoURIParser class and the format() function. And, look at the if (form.method == post) part to 
see how I convert '+' to %2B in the action attribute to avoid this problem. (Note that the way I parse the form isn't 
complete. Wish: Forms should have a generateDataset() so UAs can do if for you.)

 and the whole page might help too.

But, basically, with webmail clients, you have to be careful and encode '+' as 
%2B in all parts of the submitted mailto data, including parts that come from 
the action attribute.

So, as a suggestion:

On the authoring side, making form action=mailto:?subject=1+2; method=post invalid and form 
action=mailto:?subject=1%2B2; method=post valid would help.

On a handling side for mailto:;, saying the UA should convert the + to %2B 
*if* the submitted data will end up in an http URI, might help. This is good because I 
believe UAs will do this regardless of the spec if they need to support Webmails. Having 
it specified or hinted at though would be nice.


Re: [whatwg] [WF2] action=mailto: - encoding spaces

2008-12-02 Thread Ian Hickson
On Tue, 2 Dec 2008, Michael A. Puls II wrote:
 Consider this form:
 form action=mailto:?subject=1+2; action=POST
input type=submit value=Compose
 (which contains a valid mailto URI meaning that 1+2 should be the 
 value of the subject)
 Imagine in your browser that it supports setting the default mailto URI 
 handler to Gmail (a web-based client that uses *http* URIs).
 If you submit that form, you'd get

Why? How so?

Are you referring to the registerProtocolHandler() API, to mailto: form 
submission, or to something else?

Could you lay out the steps that take us from a form submission using a 
mailto: URL to an HTTPS request to GMail?

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] [WF2] action=mailto: - encoding spaces

2008-12-02 Thread Ian Hickson
On Tue, 2 Dec 2008, Michael A. Puls II wrote:
 I'm talking about a UA associating mailto: links and mailto: form 
 submission with webmail clients (like Gmail for example) by whatever 
 means, just like UAs can do with Thunderbird for example.
 This could be done with registerProtocolHandler, but the webmail would 
 have to accept a uri= in its compose URI query string and the function 
 (at least the internal one) couldn't be domain-restricted.
 Gmail (and most webmails) currently don't support a uri=, but I have a 
 specific proposal for Gmail if I can find someone to submit it to.

GMail supports registerProtocolHandler, just use:

 Anyway, goto 
 and click on the first link. If Gmail worked like that, it could totally 
 work around the '+' issue and support a registerProtocolHandler-like 
 function. Of course, Gmail could simply not decode + to ' ' for its to, 
 cc, bcc, body and su hvalues that it currently supports. Then though, 
 there'd still be a bunch of other webmails that'd need to do it also. 
 But, take a look at the source of the pages and the included JS. They 
 show the things that are necessary to implement parsing in a compatible 
 way and will help with your following question.

I'm very confused. registerProtocolHandler() says to escape the mailto: 
URL, so no + characters make it through.

If a tool is processing a mailto: URL manually converting it to an HTTP 
URL, then it has to escape + characters too.

  Could you lay out the steps that take us from a form submission using a
  mailto: URL to an HTTPS request to GMail?
 Maybe this will help:
 Download to a folder.
 Edit it and set supportForms to true.
 In Opera, goto tools - preferences - advanced - content - javascript
 options and set your UserJS folder to the folder BeforeMailtoURL.js is in.
 Log in to
 Goto and and click compose.
 In BeforeMailtoURL.js, you can look at
 createMailtoURIFromEnabledFormControls(form), if (supportForms), the
 MailtoURIParser class and the format() function. And, look at the if
 (form.method == post) part to see how I convert '+' to %2B in the action
 attribute to avoid this problem. (Note that the way I parse the form isn't
 complete. Wish: Forms should have a generateDataset() so UAs can do if for

Right, if you convert a mailto: URL to an http: URL, you have to convert 
the bytes to be in the right format. So what? That's not a bug, it's what 
happens when you have different semantics in different formats and you 
translate from one to another.

 So, as a suggestion:
 On the authoring side, making form action=mailto:?subject=1+2; 
 method=post invalid and form action=mailto:?subject=1%2B2; 
 method=post valid would help.

That would be a change to the mailto: URL scheme, which is out of scope 
for HTML5.

 On a handling side for mailto:;, saying the UA should convert the + to 
 %2B *if* the submitted data will end up in an http URI, might help.

As far as I can tell, the spec already says that for all cases where this 
might happen.

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] [WF2] action=mailto: - encoding spaces

2008-12-02 Thread Michael A. Puls II

On Tue, 02 Dec 2008 02:48:15 -0500, Ian Hickson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Wed, 29 Oct 2008, Michael A. Puls II wrote:

On Wed, 29 Oct 2008 03:42:17 -0400, Ian Hickson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Wed, 29 Oct 2008, Michael A. Puls II wrote:
  What about the method=POST case where the query string is kept?
  form action=mailto:?subject=1+2; method=POST
  input type=text name=body value=1+2
  input type=text name=other value=1 2
  input type=submit
  When submitting that, I expect to see:
  submitted to the mail client.
  The current POST section seems to say that this would be submitted
  In other words, I think spaces in values should be emitted as %20
  for POST too and in the case there's a query string present in the
  action attribute for POST, any + in the hvalues of the query string
  should be normalized to %2B (to be consistent with a + inside a form
  control's value that gets converted to %2B)

 The idea is that the same thing as would be posted to an HTTP server
 is what is sent using the e-mail body, so I think we'd want the exact
 same + behavior as normally.

O.K., but in the case of the + that's in the mailto URI in the action
attribute, the author means a '+' and not a space (they're allowed to be
left in raw form in a mailto URI). If it gets sent to a server, the +
will be treated as a space, which is not what is intended.

I actually can't find where it is defined that the + in an HTTP URI
represents a space. (I can find where it says that a space is to be
converted into a +, but not the other way around.)

My understanding, though, is that the convention that + represents a  

is not part of the URI syntax, but part of the syntax of the format used
to encode the data into the URI, which for HTTP URIs is generally
application/x-www-form-urlencoded. But nothing stops this format from
being used elsewhere, e.g. in the body of an e-mail or a POST submission.

The workaround is of course for the author to make sure to encode that +
as %2B (or never use anything but action=mailto:; even for POST). But,
for good measure, it seems like the UA should fix that if the + will
ever end up in an HTTP URI.

I don't follow.

Of course right now, browsers only pass the data as a mailto URI to an
email program, so the + from the query string will be a + and come out
fine in the compose window. As for spaces in form control values coming
out as + (for POST) in a programs's body field, that's not as big of a
deal as there's no use-case to *see* any of the data *like that* anyway.
But it does seem incorrect to encode mailto spaces as + though.

I don't follow.

However, if for POST, if everything after 'mailto:' in the action
attribute was dropped (like get) and all you ever had was
mailto:?body=encoded_stuff that was POSTed, then the spec could say that
the value you might see in the body field represents *HTTP* url encoded

We can't drop everything, because then you'd lost the Subject: line, etc.

Or, the spec could say that if the protocol in the action attribute is
mailto:, +s in the action attribute have to be encoded as %2B and spaces
in the action attribute have to be encoded as %20. Then, the validator
can catch that and the spec can say (for POST), that the body hvalue
that gets generated from the form represents *HTTP* form data. Then,
it'll be clear why +s in the value are represented as + instead of %20.

I don't follow here either.

Or, if it's O.K. for a UA's URI normalizer/resolver to take
action=mailto:?subject=1+2 3 and normalize that to
action=mailto:?subject=1%2B2%203; for use with the form's .action
getter, I guess that might solve it to.

I think we may be talking at cross-purposes... which requirements in the
spec are you referring to?

I'll try to explain more.

Consider this form:

form action=mailto:?subject=1+2; action=POST
   input type=submit value=Compose

(which contains a valid mailto URI meaning that 1+2 should be the value of 
the subject)

Imagine in your browser that it supports setting the default mailto URI handler 
to Gmail (a web-based client that uses *http* URIs).

If you submit that form, you'd get
, which if you try, you'll see emits 1 2 instead of 1+2 in the subject 

Basically, HTML is trying to say that + is equal to  , but mailto URI 
hnames and hvalues are not application/x-www-form-urlencoded. They're close, but have less reserved 

So, the browser has to convert the + to %2B before submitting (because the 
value will end up in an http URI, in this case) to Gmail so the correct value 
ends up in the subject field. (This isn't a problem for non-web-based email 
clients because they don't treat hnames and hvalues in mailto URIs as 

If you specify 

Re: [whatwg] [WF2] action=mailto: - encoding spaces

2008-12-02 Thread Ian Hickson
On Tue, 2 Dec 2008, Julian Reschke wrote:
 Ian Hickson wrote:
  I actually can't find where it is defined that the + in an HTTP 
  URI represents a space. (I can find where it says that a space is to 
  be converted into a +, but not the other way around.)
 Where does it say that? Surely not RFC 2616? RFC 3986?

HTML4; you cited the exact reference below.

  My understanding, though, is that the convention that + represents a 
  space is not part of the URI syntax, but part of the syntax of the 
  format used to encode the data into the URI, which for HTTP URIs is 
  generally application/x-www-form-urlencoded. But nothing stops this 
  format from
  being used elsewhere, e.g. in the body of an e-mail or a POST 
 I could be used, but I'm not sure it should. What's the advantage over 
 representing SP as %20?

None whatsoever, as far as I can tell. That's why people normally use 

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] [WF2] action=mailto: - encoding spaces

2008-12-02 Thread Michael A. Puls II

On Tue, 02 Dec 2008 07:16:51 -0500, Ian Hickson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Tue, 2 Dec 2008, Michael A. Puls II wrote:

I'm talking about a UA associating mailto: links and mailto: form
submission with webmail clients (like Gmail for example) by whatever
means, just like UAs can do with Thunderbird for example.

This could be done with registerProtocolHandler, but the webmail would
have to accept a uri= in its compose URI query string and the function
(at least the internal one) couldn't be domain-restricted.

Gmail (and most webmails) currently don't support a uri=, but I have a
specific proposal for Gmail if I can find someone to submit it to.

GMail supports registerProtocolHandler, just use:

Cool thanks.

Anyway, goto
and click on the first link. If Gmail worked like that, it could totally
work around the '+' issue and support a registerProtocolHandler-like
function. Of course, Gmail could simply not decode + to ' ' for its to,
cc, bcc, body and su hvalues that it currently supports. Then though,
there'd still be a bunch of other webmails that'd need to do it also.
But, take a look at the source of the pages and the included JS. They
show the things that are necessary to implement parsing in a compatible
way and will help with your following question.

I'm very confused. registerProtocolHandler() says to escape the mailto:
URL, so no + characters make it through.

That's what I was saying.

If a tool is processing a mailto: URL manually converting it to an HTTP
URL, then it has to escape + characters too.

 Could you lay out the steps that take us from a form submission using  

 mailto: URL to an HTTPS request to GMail?

Maybe this will help:

Download to a  

Edit it and set supportForms to true.

In Opera, goto tools - preferences - advanced - content - javascript
options and set your UserJS folder to the folder BeforeMailtoURL.js is  

Log in to

Goto and and click  

In BeforeMailtoURL.js, you can look at
createMailtoURIFromEnabledFormControls(form), if (supportForms), the
MailtoURIParser class and the format() function. And, look at the if
(form.method == post) part to see how I convert '+' to %2B in the  
attribute to avoid this problem. (Note that the way I parse the form  
complete. Wish: Forms should have a generateDataset() so UAs can do if  


Right, if you convert a mailto: URL to an http: URL, you have to convert
the bytes to be in the right format. So what? That's not a bug, it's what
happens when you have different semantics in different formats and you
translate from one to another.

What I'm saying is that in this case, I shouldn't have to convert '+' to '%2B'. 
It should be part of of action attribute normalization so that it matches how 
control values are encoded. Basically, I was looking for consistency here.

For mailto:

form action=mailto:?subject=1+2; method=POST/form

should be like

form action=mailto:; method=GETinput name=subject value=1+2/form

in this case, where 1%2B2 is emitted for subject.

Converting '+' to %2B in the action attribute of the POST example doesn't 
violate the mailto URI spec any more than converting the '+' in the GET example 
to %2B.

But, since this can be avoided on the authoring side and on the implementation 
side, I'll leave it at that.



Re: [whatwg] [WF2] action=mailto: - encoding spaces

2008-12-01 Thread Ian Hickson
On Wed, 29 Oct 2008, Michael A. Puls II wrote:
 On Wed, 29 Oct 2008 03:42:17 -0400, Ian Hickson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Wed, 29 Oct 2008, Michael A. Puls II wrote:
   What about the method=POST case where the query string is kept?
   form action=mailto:?subject=1+2; method=POST
   input type=text name=body value=1+2
   input type=text name=other value=1 2
   input type=submit
   When submitting that, I expect to see:
   submitted to the mail client.
   The current POST section seems to say that this would be submitted
   In other words, I think spaces in values should be emitted as %20 
   for POST too and in the case there's a query string present in the 
   action attribute for POST, any + in the hvalues of the query string 
   should be normalized to %2B (to be consistent with a + inside a form 
   control's value that gets converted to %2B)
  The idea is that the same thing as would be posted to an HTTP server 
  is what is sent using the e-mail body, so I think we'd want the exact 
  same + behavior as normally.
 O.K., but in the case of the + that's in the mailto URI in the action 
 attribute, the author means a '+' and not a space (they're allowed to be 
 left in raw form in a mailto URI). If it gets sent to a server, the + 
 will be treated as a space, which is not what is intended.

I actually can't find where it is defined that the + in an HTTP URI 
represents a space. (I can find where it says that a space is to be 
converted into a +, but not the other way around.)

My understanding, though, is that the convention that + represents a space 
is not part of the URI syntax, but part of the syntax of the format used 
to encode the data into the URI, which for HTTP URIs is generally 
application/x-www-form-urlencoded. But nothing stops this format from 
being used elsewhere, e.g. in the body of an e-mail or a POST submission.

 The workaround is of course for the author to make sure to encode that + 
 as %2B (or never use anything but action=mailto:; even for POST). But, 
 for good measure, it seems like the UA should fix that if the + will 
 ever end up in an HTTP URI.

I don't follow.

 Of course right now, browsers only pass the data as a mailto URI to an 
 email program, so the + from the query string will be a + and come out 
 fine in the compose window. As for spaces in form control values coming 
 out as + (for POST) in a programs's body field, that's not as big of a 
 deal as there's no use-case to *see* any of the data *like that* anyway. 
 But it does seem incorrect to encode mailto spaces as + though.

I don't follow.

 However, if for POST, if everything after 'mailto:' in the action 
 attribute was dropped (like get) and all you ever had was 
 mailto:?body=encoded_stuff that was POSTed, then the spec could say that 
 the value you might see in the body field represents *HTTP* url encoded 

We can't drop everything, because then you'd lost the Subject: line, etc.

 Or, the spec could say that if the protocol in the action attribute is 
 mailto:, +s in the action attribute have to be encoded as %2B and spaces 
 in the action attribute have to be encoded as %20. Then, the validator 
 can catch that and the spec can say (for POST), that the body hvalue 
 that gets generated from the form represents *HTTP* form data. Then, 
 it'll be clear why +s in the value are represented as + instead of %20.

I don't follow here either.

 Or, if it's O.K. for a UA's URI normalizer/resolver to take 
 action=mailto:?subject=1+2 3 and normalize that to 
 action=mailto:?subject=1%2B2%203; for use with the form's .action 
 getter, I guess that might solve it to.

I think we may be talking at cross-purposes... which requirements in the 
spec are you referring to?

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] [WF2] action=mailto: - encoding spaces

2008-10-29 Thread Michael A. Puls II

On Tue, 28 Oct 2008 16:01:33 -0400, Ian Hickson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Tue, 30 Jan 2007, Shadow2531 wrote:

In mailto URIs, %20 represents a space.

form action=mailto:;
   input name=subject value=1 2
   input type=submit

If you submit that form, mailto:?subject=1+2; will be passed to the
mail client instead of mailto:?subject=1%202;. This results in 1+2
in the subject field instead of 1 2.

Are UAs allowed to use %20 instead so things come out right, or must
mail clients decode + to a space? Thunderbird, M2, and Outlook express
don't decode +s.

RFC2368 is referenced, but it and application/x-www-form-urlencoded
that the mailto: form methods are referenced under conflict with each
other on whether a space should be encoded to %20 or +.

Fixed in the HTML5 spec. Thanks.

Awesome! Thanks.

Question though.

What about the method=POST case where the query string is kept?

For example:

form action=mailto:?subject=1+2; method=POST
input type=text name=body value=1+2
input type=text name=other value=1 2
input type=submit

When submitting that, I expect to see:


submitted to the mail client.

The current POST section seems to say that this would be submitted instead:


In other words, I think spaces in values should be emitted as %20 for POST  
too and in the case there's a query string present in the action attribute  
for POST, any + in the hvalues of the query string should be normalized to  
%2B (to be consistent with a + inside a form control's value that gets  
converted to %2B)

Also, for POST only, if there isn't a subject hvalue specified in the  
action attribute, Firefox will append subject=Form%20Post%20from%20Firefox  
so that Form Post from Firefox ends up in the mail client's subject  
field. Do you think Form Post from UA should be specified?


Re: [whatwg] [WF2] action=mailto: - encoding spaces

2008-10-29 Thread Ian Hickson
On Wed, 29 Oct 2008, Michael A. Puls II wrote:
 Question though.
 What about the method=POST case where the query string is kept?

 For example:
 form action=mailto:?subject=1+2; method=POST
 input type=text name=body value=1+2
 input type=text name=other value=1 2
 input type=submit
 When submitting that, I expect to see:
 submitted to the mail client.
 The current POST section seems to say that this would be submitted instead:
 In other words, I think spaces in values should be emitted as %20 for 
 POST too and in the case there's a query string present in the action 
 attribute for POST, any + in the hvalues of the query string should be 
 normalized to %2B (to be consistent with a + inside a form control's 
 value that gets converted to %2B)

The idea is that the same thing as would be posted to an HTTP server is 
what is sent using the e-mail body, so I think we'd want the exact same 
+ behavior as normally.

 Also, for POST only, if there isn't a subject hvalue specified in the 
 action attribute, Firefox will append 
 subject=Form%20Post%20from%20Firefox so that Form Post from Firefox 
 ends up in the mail client's subject field. Do you think Form Post from 
 UA should be specified?

I don't think that's really necessary; UAs are free to implement e-mails 
however they like really.

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] [WF2] action=mailto: - encoding spaces

2008-10-29 Thread Michael A. Puls II

On Wed, 29 Oct 2008 03:42:17 -0400, Ian Hickson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Wed, 29 Oct 2008, Michael A. Puls II wrote:

Question though.

What about the method=POST case where the query string is kept?

For example:

form action=mailto:?subject=1+2; method=POST
input type=text name=body value=1+2
input type=text name=other value=1 2
input type=submit

When submitting that, I expect to see:


submitted to the mail client.

The current POST section seems to say that this would be submitted  


In other words, I think spaces in values should be emitted as %20 for
POST too and in the case there's a query string present in the action
attribute for POST, any + in the hvalues of the query string should be
normalized to %2B (to be consistent with a + inside a form control's
value that gets converted to %2B)

The idea is that the same thing as would be posted to an HTTP server is
what is sent using the e-mail body, so I think we'd want the exact same
+ behavior as normally.

O.K., but in the case of the + that's in the mailto URI in the action  
attribute, the author means a '+' and not a space (they're allowed to be  
left in raw form in a mailto URI). If it gets sent to a server, the + will  
be treated as a space, which is not what is intended.

The workaround is of course for the author to make sure to encode that +  
as %2B (or never use anything but action=mailto:; even for POST). But,  
for good measure, it seems like the UA should fix that if the + will ever  
end up in an HTTP URI.

Of course right now, browsers only pass the data as a mailto URI to an  
email program, so the + from the query string will be a + and come out  
fine in the compose window. As for spaces in form control values coming  
out as + (for POST) in a programs's body field, that's not as big of a  
deal as there's no use-case to *see* any of the data *like that* anyway.  
But it does seem incorrect to encode mailto spaces as + though.

However, if for POST, if everything after 'mailto:' in the action  
attribute was dropped (like get) and all you ever had was  
mailto:?body=encoded_stuff that was POSTed, then the spec could say that  
the value you might see in the body field represents *HTTP* url encoded  

Or, the spec could say that if the protocol in the action attribute is  
mailto:, +s in the action attribute have to be encoded as %2B and spaces  
in the action attribute have to be encoded as %20. Then, the validator can  
catch that and the spec can say (for POST), that the body hvalue that gets  
generated from the form represents *HTTP* form data. Then, it'll be clear  
why +s in the value are represented as + instead of %20.

Or, if it's O.K. for a UA's URI normalizer/resolver to take  
action=mailto:?subject=1+2 3 and normalize that to  
action=mailto:?subject=1%2B2%203; for use with the form's .action  
getter, I guess that might solve it to.

Of course, there's no use for POST and action=mailto:; right now, so I  
guess we have time to fix things later if they become a problem.


On a side, if you look at the 'if (form.method == post)' condition in, you'll see how I  
handle this. (The form dataset generation is not as complete as it should  
be though, but doing that seems complicated. Wish browsers had a  
form.generateDataset() function)


Re: [whatwg] [WF2] action=mailto: - encoding spaces

2008-10-28 Thread Ian Hickson
On Tue, 30 Jan 2007, Shadow2531 wrote:
 In mailto URIs, %20 represents a space.
 form action=mailto:;
input name=subject value=1 2
input type=submit
 If you submit that form, mailto:?subject=1+2; will be passed to the
 mail client instead of mailto:?subject=1%202;. This results in 1+2
 in the subject field instead of 1 2.
 Are UAs allowed to use %20 instead so things come out right, or must
 mail clients decode + to a space? Thunderbird, M2, and Outlook express
 don't decode +s.
 RFC2368 is referenced, but it and application/x-www-form-urlencoded
 that the mailto: form methods are referenced under conflict with each
 other on whether a space should be encoded to %20 or +.

Fixed in the HTML5 spec. Thanks.

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] [WF2] action=mailto: - encoding spaces

2008-01-17 Thread Michael A. Puls II 

This is now covered by the 3rd paragraph in ,
which is to obsolete RFC2368. Spaces SHOULD be emitted as %20 and not
+, in this case.

This is covered in my notes


[whatwg] [WF2] action=mailto: - encoding spaces

2007-01-30 Thread Shadow2531 (#4)

In mailto URIs, %20 represents a space.

form action=mailto:;
   input name=subject value=1 2
   input type=submit

If you submit that form, mailto:?subject=1+2; will be passed to the
mail client instead of mailto:?subject=1%202;. This results in 1+2
in the subject field instead of 1 2.

Are UAs allowed to use %20 instead so things come out right, or must
mail clients decode + to a space? Thunderbird, M2, and Outlook express
don't decode +s.

RFC2368 is referenced, but it and application/x-www-form-urlencoded
that the mailto: form methods are referenced under conflict with each
other on whether a space should be encoded to %20 or +.
