Re: [whatwg] Please reconsider: Set restricted palette for input type=color

2011-03-08 Thread Anne van Kesteren
On Tue, 08 Mar 2011 12:26:56 +0100, Jukka K. Korpela   
For example, consider a date picker. Quite often, whether trying to make  
dates or selling flights, there is a known set of (non-consecutive) days  
that are possible, so we would like to write, say,



This is currently conforming, though no browser seems to make use of the  
datalist. A good implementation would open up a calendar for April, with  
only days 1, 8, 9 selectable and day 1 highlighted. Many existing  
applications use such interfaces, so there is apparent need for them.

Agreed that we should fix this, but note that  is for additional  
or pre-suggested options. The idea is that the user still has choice so  
the other days should be selectable too.

Anne van Kesteren

Re: [whatwg] Please reconsider: Set restricted palette for input type=color

2011-03-08 Thread Jukka K. Korpela

Markus Ernst wrote:

Searching for implementations of input type=color, I found that Opera
actually implemented the color picker quite similar to my suggestion.

It's a rather nice implementation, and your comments made me test it a bit 
more, and it indeed makes use of a  element if one is associated 
with the  element. Quite nice - it seems to replace the 
default palette of basic colors.

I am just mildly disappointed at the lack of color names there, as I 
expected that using, say,


would make the user inteface show the names "red", "green", and "black" for 
the colors, at least on mouseover, but it doesn't. I'm not saying that the 
implementation is nonconforming; just that it would be better if it somehow 
used the label attributes as labels for the colors, instead of just showing 
colored spots and color codes. (It's really an accessibility issue too. If I 
were colorblind and wanted to buy a car in a web shop that prompts for my 
color preference, I should be able to select a color by name, instead of 
being forced to decipher some #... codes.)

I personnally would like a possibility to hide the "Other..." button,
but this is not really a need.

Well it would be a real need in the use case I mentioned, or in general a 
context where a color choice is to be made between a limited set of colors 
as prescribed by the availability of some product or item in some colors 

I guess this would then have to be an attribute of datalist, making it 
possible to restrict the set of available choices whenever a datalist is 
used. How about "exclusive"? I would expect this to be reasonably easy to 
implement and potentially useful for other  types, too.

For example, consider a date picker. Quite often, whether trying to make 
dates or selling flights, there is a known set of (non-consecutive) days 
that are possible, so we would like to write, say,


This is currently conforming, though no browser seems to make use of the 
datalist. A good implementation would open up a calendar for April, with 
only days 1, 8, 9 selectable and day 1 highlighted. Many existing 
applications use such interfaces, so there is apparent need for them.

I'm not suggesting that such an implementation be made the norm (though it 
might be descriptively mentioned), but if the "exclusive" attribute (under 
some name) is added, then I guess it should affect the normative part. That 
is, user agents should be required to verify that the value is one of those 
listed. Technically the restriction could be implemented in different ways, 
but a good-quality implementation would prevent the choice of a non-allowed 
value at any phase.

Is it possible to spec Opera's behaviour as a standard for color
picking UIs?

Hopefully not... We should avoid making specific implementations the norm, 
though something like Opera's behavior, with some enhancements, might the 
_described_ as suggested or intended typical behavior. An alternative 
approach would show the basic color palette (either the default one or a 
-generated one), plus a "More colors" button, as visible in the 
initial state, making it easier to see the options and make a quick choice.


Re: [whatwg] Please reconsider: Set restricted palette for input type=color

2011-03-08 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 07.03.2011 18:27 schrieb Markus Ernst:

Reading on the "Color" state of the input element, I miss a
possibility how to define a set of allowed colors. For other states of
the input element there are such possibilities, such as setting min, max
and step attributes for input type=date.

As UAs are encouraged to provide a user interface, such as a color
picker, there should be a way to define a limited set of colors to be
included in the picker.

Use case:
A content management or blog system for a corporate website allows to
set font and background colors. The designers define allowed color sets
the way that the corporate design guidelines are respected, and that the
text is always readable - e.g. three light color shades for backgrounds,
and two corporate colors and black for text.

Possible solution:
Slightly strengthen the impact of the list attribute for this input
type. If there is a suggestion source element with one or more valid
colors, color pickers are required to only display the colors specified

Searching for implementations of input type=color, I found that Opera 
actually implemented the color picker quite similar to my suggestion. If 
there is a suggestion source element, Opera displays a color palette 
with the colors listed there, and an "Other..." button that leads to the 
detailled color picker.

I personnally would like a possibility to hide the "Other..." button, 
but this is not really a need. Opera's behaviour makes it possible to 
provide a consistent validation message, saying something like: "Please 
choose one of the suggested colors. Sorry, other colors are not allowed 

Is it possible to spec Opera's behaviour as a standard for color picking 

[whatwg] Please reconsider: Set restricted palette for input type=color

2011-03-07 Thread Markus Ernst
Reading on the "Color" state of the input element, I miss a 
possibility how to define a set of allowed colors. For other states of 
the input element there are such possibilities, such as setting min, max 
and step attributes for input type=date.

As UAs are encouraged to provide a user interface, such as a color 
picker, there should be a way to define a limited set of colors to be 
included in the picker.

Use case:
A content management or blog system for a corporate website allows to 
set font and background colors. The designers define allowed color sets 
the way that the corporate design guidelines are respected, and that the 
text is always readable - e.g. three light color shades for backgrounds, 
and two corporate colors and black for text.

Possible solution:
Slightly strengthen the impact of the list attribute for this input 
type. If there is a suggestion source element with one or more valid 
colors, color pickers are required to only display the colors specified 

While searching the list archives, I found a message from Ian Hickson:
He suggested to use a select element for the purpose of a restricted 
color set. Here's why I think it would be worth to reconsider this position:
- A select element would display color names or values instead of 
showing the colors, which does not make it a suitable UI for choosing 
- Restricting the color palette is actually almost as common a task, as 
defining start and end dates of a date picker, and for sure more common 
than defining a step in a date picker. Now we have the benefit of this 
specialized color input element, it is a pity if it lacks customization 
- The fact that most CMS do not have restricted color sets so far, does 
not mean there is no demand for it, but rather shows the difficulty of 
customizing tools such as TinyMCE. It is a hassle for CMS implementors 
(who are often not highly skilled JS programmers), if they are expected 
to respect corporate design guidelines.
- I assume that restricting a color set in an existing color picker is 
not too hard to implement (of course I have no evidence for this 