Re: [whatwg] input type=text accept=

2006-08-15 Thread Ian Hickson
On Wed, 31 May 2006, James Graham wrote:

 Ian Hickson wrote:
  The Mozilla guys propose (in bug 339127) to make the accept= attribute on
  input elements also apply to types other than type=file, with the same
  meaning as we currently have on textarea. Their particular use case is to
  use this as a hook for showing or hiding the spell-check UI.
  What do people think? Good idea? Bad idea?
 Sounds like an ideal use-case. The spec should support this.

Many other people also replied on this thread.

Based on the various feedback, I've backed out from this now and we'll 
just have an attribute per feature.

spellcheck= won't be added to WF2, but it will probably be in HTML5.

On Wed, 31 May 2006, Michel Fortin wrote:
 Since you're reviewing this, I have some issues/commentary to I'd like 
 to put to your attention:
 *  Very often, HTML content in a textarea is just a snippet, not
a full document. What should we expect of the content of an
input or a textarea with accept=text/html?

No idea. We need implementation experience.

 *  Going a little further, should there be a way to tell which elements
are allowed and which are disallowed within an HTML snippet? I suppose
it may complicate things a little too much. But this remains one
of the things most often found around a textarea and, yet, there is no
semantical way of passing this useful information which could be used by
a potential more appropriate editor or to syntax highlighting. A way
of passing such things as parameters may be a good idea.

Yeah, there's a lot of requests for this.

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] input type=text accept=

2006-06-15 Thread Sander Tekelenburg
At 22:36 +0200 UTC, on 2006-06-09, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

 Quoting Matthew Raymond [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


 [...] I don't see the utility of enforcing the
 use of a specific language via a vocabulary list.

 It's not about enforcing or preventing submission at all. It's about
 aiding users. As far as I understand that's what the inline spell
 checking is for.

I do see the use for allowing authors to indicate what language submitted
content should be in, so that a user-agent can offer spell-/syntax checking
if the user wants to. But I don't see at all why you would want to allow
authors to flat out state that a spellchecker should be on or off. Just like
authors cannot know what font size is best for a user they cannot know
whether a spellchecker is useful or a nuisance.

(That aside, you can't rely on user-side validation anyway. You need to do
that server-side, after the data has been submitted. Thus by allowing authors
to state that a spellchecker must be on, you could end up in a stupid 'loop'
when the spellchecker guides the user to do one thing, and the server wants
another thing.)

Sander Tekelenburg,

Re: [whatwg] input type=text accept=

2006-06-11 Thread Matthew Raymond
Anne van Kesteren wrote:
 [...] I don't see what baring that has on syntax
 highlighting, though.
 Highlighting omissions or errors for example...

   Do you have an example of this? What would such highlighting look
like for text editing? I'm not sure I see the use case here.

 [...] I don't see the utility of enforcing the
 use of a specific language via a vocabulary list.
 It's not about enforcing or preventing submission at all. It's about  
 aiding users. As far as I understand that's what the inline spell  
 checking is for.

   I think this is a misunderstanding as to what you meant by accept
input. Let me requote:

 For spell checking you might want to provide an external dictionary
 file, because you think the UA might not support the language you
 accept input in [...]

   I was interpreting this as meaning that the UA doesn't support the
language the server expects the input to be in. Even if you just meant a
dictionary of words for the UA to use in case it lacked specific
language support, I don't see the point, since the UA will likely
support whatever languages the end user can read and write.

   If, however, we're really just talking about adding words to the UA
dictionary temporarily and for a specific site, couldn't we just do that
with meta using the same format as we do with keywords?

| meta name=vocabulary lang=en-us
|  content=HTML5, WHATWG, WF2, WA1, WD1, CSS3-UI, TARDIS, ZPM, DHD

   Are there actually situations where different controls would need
different vocabulary?!?

Re: [whatwg] input type=text accept=

2006-06-11 Thread Lachlan Hunt

L. David Baron wrote:
The original use case, as I understand it, was roughly authors want 
to disable spell checking on some textareas.

Authors should not have such control.  Spell checking is a user agent 
feature for the *user* and the UA should allow the user to turn it on or 
off whenever they like.  Why should the author have any say about that?

Is the reason that they want to disable spellchecking only that the 
contents are not text/plain? I doubt it.  Doing what you propose, 
especially if it is extended to other features, will just encourage 
authors to use incorrect MIME types to get particular side-effects in 
particular user agents.

If the MIME type is to be used for anything related to spell checking, 
it should be used in a way that improves the spell checker's logic, not 
determine whether or not to enable it.  For example, given a textarea 
with either accept=text/plain, no accept attribute (since text/plain 
should be considered the default for textarea); or any unknown or 
unsupported MIME type, then the UA can just use its ordinary spell 
checking algorithm.

If, however, it uses accept=text/html or application/xml, etc., the 
spell checker could be made more intelligent by ignoring elements, 
attributes and their values (except for some special cases, like 
alt=... and title=..., where spell checking those values may still 
be useful).

For determining whether or not to provide spell checking for input 
type=text, browsers should generally do so by default, unless it can 
be determined that it logically wouldn't be desired by the user.

We will soon have type=email, url, etc. which covers quite a few use 
cases where spell checking wouldn't be desired.  For other cases, 
browsers could use more intelligence to guess what the field is expecting.

e.g. Password managers in UAs already guess fairly accurately when a 
username is being entered and that's another case where spell checking 
probably wouldn't be desired.

For other unknown fields, browsers could use some Artificial 
Intelligence (AI) to learn what a user typically enables and disables 
spell checking for.  e.g. If a user constantly disables spell checking 
for fields with input name=address1 or a labelAddress/label 
associated with the control (or similar variations), the AI could use 
that to determine that spell checking wouldn't be desired for similar 

Using this approach, authors have no direct control over user agent 
behaviour, like spell checking.  Instead, it is in their best interest 
to provide accurate information to enhance the user's experience.  So it 
seems less likely to be abused by authors providing incorrect 
information in the hope of achieving specific behaviour.

Lachlan Hunt

Re: [whatwg] input type=text accept=

2006-06-11 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Alexey Feldgendler wrote:
Maybe features like spellckeching, syntax highlighting and so on should 
be controlled via CSS?

No, spell checking is a user agent feature that should be controlled by 
the UA and the user.  Authors should have no explicit control over it. 
Besides, spell checking *is not*  presentation, it is UA functionality 
and so it does not belong in the presentation layer.

Lachlan Hunt

Re: [whatwg] input type=text accept=

2006-06-11 Thread Alexey Feldgendler
On Sun, 11 Jun 2006 20:11:39 +0700, Lachlan Hunt  

Maybe features like spellckeching, syntax highlighting and so on should  
be controlled via CSS?

No, spell checking is a user agent feature that should be controlled by  
the UA and the user.  Authors should have no explicit control over it.

One can also say that authors should not have explicit control over  
whether hyperlinks are underlined or not.

Besides, spell checking *is not*  presentation, it is UA functionality  
and so it does not belong in the presentation layer.

Visual elements  = Presentation
Interactive elements = Behavior

I think these are similar relationships. BTW, isn't the cursor CSS  
property about behavior?

Alexey Feldgendler [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[ICQ: 115226275]

Re: [whatwg] input type=text accept=

2006-06-11 Thread Anne van Kesteren

Quoting Alexey Feldgendler [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
One can also say that authors should not have explicit control   
over whether hyperlinks are underlined or not.

The difference is that underlining is presentation, spell checking   
is not.  The functionality of a link cannot be changed with CSS,   
likewise spell checking shouldn't either.

Enabling or disabling spell checking doesn't change the functionality
of an input. It can still be used to submit arbitrary text to the
server. But misspelled words in an input with spellchecking enabled are
underlined with a wavy red line (and the underlining style could even
be changed by CSS), and that's presentation.

And providing alternate suggestions, synonyms et cetera is too? Having  
some kind of semantic sheets would be cool I guess for these kind of  
things... I guess it looks like it would fit in CSS because the  
functionality is not strictly needed, but I'm unsure if it's really  
just presentation...

Anne van Kesteren

Re: [whatwg] input type=text accept=

2006-06-11 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Alexey Feldgendler wrote:
On Sun, 11 Jun 2006 21:54:16 +0700, Lachlan Hunt 

 One can also say that authors should not have explicit control over 
whether hyperlinks are underlined or not.

The difference is that underlining is presentation, spell checking is 
not.  The functionality of a link cannot be changed with CSS, likewise 
spell checking shouldn't either.

Enabling or disabling spell checking doesn't change the functionality of 
an input.

While the core functionality of allowing the user to enter text isn't 
changed, I'd consider spell checking to be part of the control's 
functionality, and so disabling it would change the functionality for 
the user.

But misspelled words in an input with spellchecking enabled are 
underlined with a wavy red line (and the underlining style could even be 
changed by CSS), and that's presentation.

Arguably, yes, but allowing authors to alter the presentation of 
misspelled words from the UAs default settings would only introduce 
usability problems.  Users may not easily recognise any presentation set 
by the author as representing a missplled word.  UAs may provide a way 
for the user to set their preferred presentation using some UA-specific 
means, but there's no need at all for the author to have any control 
over it.

Lachlan Hunt

Re: [whatwg] input type=text accept=

2006-06-11 Thread Alexey Feldgendler
On Sun, 11 Jun 2006 23:29:39 +0700, Anne van Kesteren  

One can also say that authors should not have explicit control  over  
whether hyperlinks are underlined or not.

The difference is that underlining is presentation, spell checking  is  
not.  The functionality of a link cannot be changed with CSS,   
likewise spell checking shouldn't either.

Enabling or disabling spell checking doesn't change the functionality
of an input. It can still be used to submit arbitrary text to the
server. But misspelled words in an input with spellchecking enabled are
underlined with a wavy red line (and the underlining style could even
be changed by CSS), and that's presentation.

And providing alternate suggestions, synonyms et cetera is too? Having  
some kind of semantic sheets would be cool I guess for these kind of  

I'd say behavior sheets, not semantic sheets.

I guess it looks like it would fit in CSS because the functionality is  
not strictly needed, but I'm unsure if it's really just presentation...

Ok, it's not just presentation. It's about behavior, too. But I don't  
think that it's wrong to use CSS for behavior. In fact, IE already does  
so, and I think it's one of IE's strengths.

Alexey Feldgendler [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[ICQ: 115226275]

Re: [whatwg] input type=text accept=

2006-06-11 Thread Matthew Raymond
Anne van Kesteren wrote:
 Quoting Matthew Raymond [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
If, however, we're really just talking about adding words to the UA
 dictionary temporarily and for a specific site, couldn't we just do that
 with meta using the same format as we do with keywords?

 | meta name=vocabulary lang=en-us
 |  content=HTML5, WHATWG, WF2, WA1, WD1, CSS3-UI, TARDIS, ZPM, DHD
 That seems a bit limited. For larger vocabularies you want those files  
 to be cached, at some point you might want to provide other options as  
 well like synonyms etc., but perhaps I'm making this too complicated.

   It would be nice to have some advanced vocabulary features, but I
suspect that most web authors won't need anything more than what my
meta element concept provides, and my approach builds on prior web
development knowledge.

Are there actually situations where different controls would need
 different vocabulary?!?
 Sure, multilingual sites.

   No, you can handle that by just using multiple meta elements and
the |lang| attribute:

| meta name=vocabulary lang=en-us content=[US English Words]
| meta name=vocabulary lang=en content=[English Words]
| meta name=vocabulary lang=fr content=[French Words]

   This is exactly how the HTML 4.01 spec handles keywords in multiple
language, by the way:
| When several META elements provide language-dependent information
| about a document, search engines may filter on the lang attribute to
| display search results using the language preferences of the user.

   Well, we're not dealing with search engines, but you get the idea.

   Hmm... Automatically add meta keywords to the spell checker's
vocabulary? Nah, that wouldn't work, because in most of the cases where
you'd need such vocabulary (like forums), such keywords wouldn't make
logical sense. Furthermore, adding keywords solely for spell checker
vocabulary would distort the results from search engines. Better to have
a specific |name| in the meta element for vocabulary than trip up
search engines by abusing existing markup.

Re: [whatwg] input type=text accept=

2006-06-11 Thread Matthew Raymond
Alexey Feldgendler wrote:
 On Sun, 11 Jun 2006 23:34:00 +0700, Lachlan Hunt  
  Enabling or disabling spell checking doesn't change the functionality  
 of an input.
 While the core functionality of allowing the user to enter text isn't  
 changed, I'd consider spell checking to be part of the control's  
 functionality, and so disabling it would change the functionality for  
 the user.
 There's nothing really bad in allowing CSS to control behavior to some  

   There is if you want to maintain the separation of presentation and
behavior that CSS and Javascript/DOM were designed for.

 CSS is a good rule-based language, and there is a use case -- why  
 not reuse the CSS engine (selectors, cascading etc)?

   Because XBL2 already exists, it's more flexible, and it's not really
that hard once you know how to use it:

| binding: url('example.xbl#binding1');

| ?xml version=1.0?
| xbl xmlns=;
|   binding id=binding1
| handlers
|   handler event=click button=0 action=LeftClick();/
|   handler event=mouseup button=1 action=MiddleUp();/
|   handler event=click button=2 action=RightClick();/
| /handlers
|   /binding
| /xbl

   Besides, people are already complaining about how the fact that CSS
is non-XML. Adding behavioral markup (beyond binding) will just give
them more of a reason to bitch.

 But misspelled words in an input with spellchecking enabled are  
 underlined with a wavy red line (and the underlining style could even  
 be changed by CSS), and that's presentation.
 Arguably, yes, but allowing authors to alter the presentation of  
 misspelled words from the UAs default settings would only introduce  
 usability problems.  Users may not easily recognise any presentation set  
 by the author as representing a missplled word.  UAs may provide a way  
 for the user to set their preferred presentation using some UA-specific  
 means, but there's no need at all for the author to have any control  
 over it.
 It's not a bigger problem than is the author's ability to style  
 hyperlinks. Such ability exists for years, but actually on most websites  
 there are no problems with spotting links. Though authors theoretically  
 can use CSS to make their sites unusable, almost noone does so.

   Unlike hyperlinks, which typically display the URL in the status bar
when you hover over them, spell checking has no discovery short of
right-clicking and hoping it shows the corrected spelling. Furthermore,
you don't have to follow a link, but you usually do have to correct your
spelling when submitting text that may be posted publicly. So which
one's more critical?

Re: [whatwg] input type=text accept=

2006-06-11 Thread Matthew Raymond
Alexey Feldgendler wrote:
 On Sun, 11 Jun 2006 23:29:39 +0700, Anne van Kesteren  
 I guess it looks like it would fit in CSS because the functionality is  
 not strictly needed, but I'm unsure if it's really just presentation...
 Ok, it's not just presentation. It's about behavior, too. But I don't  
 think that it's wrong to use CSS for behavior. In fact, IE already does  
 so, and I think it's one of IE's strengths.

   IE supports HTML Controls (HTC), and from what I hear, the
implementation of this proprietary standard has so many problems it
should be considered one of IE's weaknesses, not one of its strengths.
By comparison, XBL is so powerful that Dean Edwards used it to implement
HTC support in Mozilla.

   IE supports HTCs via a CSS property called behavior, which is
pretty much the same as -moz-binding. (Only you can actually tell that
the latter is a vendor extension.) In both cases, we're talking about
the use of a single property in CSS, with the rest of the work being
done in markup (either XBL or HTC). Note also that XBL can included
inside XML compound documents and can bind to elements without CSS
properties, which means that XBL can add behavior to markup without CSS.

   While behavioral styling has its uses, support for behavior in CSS
should not exceed what behavior/-moz-binding does. Going further than
that doesn't just corrupt CSS, it brings nothing new to the table. In
the future, behavior not linked to a specific style sheet will hopefully
be done via XHTML+XBL, with a binding property and XBL handling the rest.

Re: [whatwg] input type=text accept=

2006-06-09 Thread Anne van Kesteren

Quoting L. David Baron [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

On Friday 2006-06-09 01:49 +, Ian Hickson wrote:

I don't think it's an option because:


...gets out of hand very fast.

It may be out of hand (although I don't think it is), but it's much
easier for authors and implementors to understand, and much more likely
to be interoperably implemented, than what you're proposing.

I tend to agree. If you just give some media type it's very unclear  
what the particular side effects of such a media type would be. Also,  
it's unclear what text/html would mean for things like syntax  
highlighting that are mentioned here given that you mostly edit a  
snippet of it and not a whole document.

For spell checking you might want to provide an external dictionary  
file, because you think the UA might not support the language you  
accept input in or you're using some really special terms not commonly  

Anne van Kesteren

Re: [whatwg] input type=text accept=

2006-06-09 Thread Matthew Raymond
Anne van Kesteren wrote:
 If you just give some media type it's very unclear  
 what the particular side effects of such a media type would be.

   No more unclear that the potential side effects of |class|, given the
existence of microformats.

 it's unclear what text/html would mean for things like syntax  
 highlighting that are mentioned here given that you mostly edit a  
 snippet of it and not a whole document.

   Hmm. We may need a fragment MIME type or something similar, like
x-fragment/html. I don't see what baring that has on syntax
highlighting, though. The MIME type would, however, be confusing with
regards to possibly triggering a WYSIWYG editing feature. My suggestion
would be that input type=text and textarea always be for
text-based editing regardless of the MIME type, but this shouldn't
prevent the use of type-specific macros and syntax highlighting.

 For spell checking you might want to provide an external dictionary  
 file, because you think the UA might not support the language you  
 accept input in or you're using some really special terms not commonly  

   While the idea of supplying additional works for spell checking would
be nice (especially in forums that deal with specific topics that tend
to have their own vocabulary), I don't see the utility of enforcing the
use of a specific language via a vocabulary list. If you really want to
enforce the use of a language, I would think the |lang| attribute makes
more sense. Using a list of vocabulary words would just be a pointless
hack since you can't reasonably expect the UA to prevent submission
based on spelling. If submission was suppressed, the first time you'd
use a person's name in a text field, the submission would be blocked
until you removed it.

Re: [whatwg] input type=text accept=

2006-06-09 Thread Matthew Raymond
Michel Fortin wrote:
 What about input class=spellcheck /? It surely validates with  
 HTML4, and it doesn't get in the way of any other feature. It does  
 not really need to be part of the HTML spec either.

   This is nothing more than storing boolean attribute values as
classes. It's essentially a validation hack.

 I know that according to the current spec, the class attribute should  
 carry no meaning whatsoever. But I ask the question: is this worse  
 than implying that spell checking should be enabled or disabled based  
 on a particular MIME type? The later could break spell checking when  
 introducing new text types, say text/x-markdown, or text/x- 
 mediawiki, for lightweight formatting syntaxes.

   MIME types allow for things other than spell checking, like syntax
highlighting and UI for tag insertion. For those purposes, a MIME type
would actually be quite useful. I'd agree that it's a poor fit for spell
checking, but considering there have already been suggestions for
specifying the dictionary file to be used for spell checking, I suspect
a simple true/false approach to spell check support may be too limited.

Re: [whatwg] input type=text accept=

2006-06-09 Thread Anne van Kesteren

Quoting Matthew Raymond [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

If you just give some media type it's very unclear
what the particular side effects of such a media type would be.

   No more unclear that the potential side effects of |class|, given the
existence of microformats.

As I understand Ian is what you do with a media type up the the  
implementation. From what I heard microformats have some formal  
definition on what is expected when you see a particular class name  
while a particular URI is inside the profile attribute of the head  
element. I'm not really sure why you're making this comparison either.

[...] I don't see what baring that has on syntax
highlighting, though.

Highlighting omissions or errors for example...

[...] I don't see the utility of enforcing the
use of a specific language via a vocabulary list.

It's not about enforcing or preventing submission at all. It's about  
aiding users. As far as I understand that's what the inline spell  
checking is for.

Anne van Kesteren

Re: [whatwg] input type=text accept=

2006-06-08 Thread Ian Hickson
On Wed, 31 May 2006, L. David Baron wrote:
  I don't see why the same attribute _shouldn't_ be used to determine 
  the type of data to allow, and whether to do spell checking or not. 
  After all, whether to spell-check is directly related to what kind of 
  data it is.
 This sounds a lot like object, which allowed for tons of features but 
 didn't specify them precisely.  Are you planning to specify exactly what 
 the semantics of every MIME type are for all of these features?

No, because I don't know what those are, and want to allow for browser 
vendors to increase their feature set without having to have the spec 
updated each time.

It doesn't seem like this is an area that requires interoperability (who 
cares if one browser auto-indents and another colours and spell-checks, 
other than the user of each browser?).

 And any others people might want?  And are there really MIME types that 
 accurately represent the semantics of all the combinations of even just 
 the 4 features you list above that authors will want?  If every 
 combination needs a name, what if people want to toggle six different 

This sounds hypothetical.

Given that requiring a new flag per feature is not an option (as it 
would require a central authority to add these features, slowing the 
introduction of new features and discouraging experimentation), what 
solution would _you_ propose?

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] input type=text accept=

2006-06-08 Thread L. David Baron
On Friday 2006-06-09 00:42 +, Ian Hickson wrote:
 On Wed, 31 May 2006, L. David Baron wrote:
   I don't see why the same attribute _shouldn't_ be used to determine 
   the type of data to allow, and whether to do spell checking or not. 
   After all, whether to spell-check is directly related to what kind of 
   data it is.
  This sounds a lot like object, which allowed for tons of features but 
  didn't specify them precisely.  Are you planning to specify exactly what 
  the semantics of every MIME type are for all of these features?
 No, because I don't know what those are, and want to allow for browser 
 vendors to increase their feature set without having to have the spec 
 updated each time.
 It doesn't seem like this is an area that requires interoperability (who 
 cares if one browser auto-indents and another colours and spell-checks, 
 other than the user of each browser?).

The original use case, as I understand it, was roughly authors want to
disable spell checking on some textareas.  Is the reason that they want
to disable spellchecking only that the contents are not text/plain?  I
doubt it.  Doing what you propose, especially if it is extended to other
features, will just encourage authors to use incorrect MIME types to get
particular side-effects in particular user agents.

It seems more likely to be that the textarea is expected to contain a
particular type of text, such as abbreviations or some form of code.
The content is unlikely to have an assigned MIME type.  I suppose one
could be made up, but that would presumably disable everything a UA did
on the basis of the contents, which wouldn't necessarily be appropriate.


L. David BaronURL: 
   Technical Lead, Layout  CSS, Mozilla Corporation

Description: PGP signature

Re: [whatwg] input type=text accept=

2006-06-08 Thread Ian Hickson
On Thu, 8 Jun 2006, L. David Baron wrote:
 The original use case, as I understand it, was roughly authors want to
 disable spell checking on some textareas.

That, and enable it on input fields. Similarly, there is a desire to 
indicate that certain textareas should have spell-checking enabled but 
with an expanded vocabulary that also allows HTML tags (or that disables 
the spell-checking, if the UA doesn't know how to do that).

Looking forwards, there have also been multiple requests to be able to 
tell the UA that the contents of the field should be syntax-highlighted 
according to the rules of various languages (typically HTML or XML, and
sometimes various programming languages).

 Is the reason that they want to disable spellchecking only that the 
 contents are not text/plain?  I doubt it.  Doing what you propose, 
 especially if it is extended to other features, will just encourage 
 authors to use incorrect MIME types to get particular side-effects in 
 particular user agents.

 It seems more likely to be that the textarea is expected to contain a 
 particular type of text, such as abbreviations or some form of code. The 
 content is unlikely to have an assigned MIME type. I suppose one could 
 be made up, but that would presumably disable everything a UA did on the 
 basis of the contents, which wouldn't necessarily be appropriate.

There is certainly that possibility; indeed one of the use cases I've 
heard mentioned is disable spell checking because the text field contains 
a list of e-mail addresses, which has no MIME type.

Given that requiring a new flag per feature is not an option (as, as 
mentioned before, it would require a central authority to add these 
features, slowing the introduction of new features and discouraging 
experimentation), what solution would you propose instead?

I don't see a better solution. I'm certainly open to better solutions if 
there are any.

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] input type=text accept=

2006-06-08 Thread L. David Baron
On Friday 2006-06-09 01:17 +, Ian Hickson wrote:
 Given that requiring a new flag per feature is not an option (as, as 
 mentioned before, it would require a central authority to add these 
 features, slowing the introduction of new features and discouraging 
 experimentation), what solution would you propose instead?

I think it is an option, and I don't see why you're so insistent that it
isn't.  Authors are actually going to want interoperability; to get
that, it's required.


L. David BaronURL: 
   Technical Lead, Layout  CSS, Mozilla Corporation

Description: PGP signature

Re: [whatwg] input type=text accept=

2006-06-08 Thread Ian Hickson
On Thu, 8 Jun 2006, L. David Baron wrote:

 On Friday 2006-06-09 01:17 +, Ian Hickson wrote:
  Given that requiring a new flag per feature is not an option (as, as 
  mentioned before, it would require a central authority to add these 
  features, slowing the introduction of new features and discouraging 
  experimentation), what solution would you propose instead?
 I think it is an option, and I don't see why you're so insistent that it
 isn't.  Authors are actually going to want interoperability; to get
 that, it's required.

I don't think it's an option because:

   input type=text required maxlength=80 name=subject
  spellcheck list=subjects value=Hey there
  inputmode=user startUpper


   input type=text required name=formula spellcheck=math 
  inputmode=math highlight=math auto-evaluate


   textarea name=source rows=80 spellcheck=off autoindent=C++
 highlight=C++ auto-evaluate=off

...gets out of hand very fast.

input already has 27 element-specific attributes, plus 5 global 
attributes, plus 1 deprecated attribute, plus an uncountable number of 
event handler attributes. Going the road of one-attribute-per-feature 
would escalate that even faster, especially given that these features 
don't affect anything other than the way the user interacts with the 
input field (i.e. they don't affect the actual allowed values, etc).

(Also, apparently Mozilla's implementors for this feature have received a 
request that the feature validate per HTML4's DTD. While I don't consider 
this a sensible request, and it doesn't affect my opinion of how the 
feature should be added, it is worth noting that accept= on input 
elements does current validate per the HTML4 DTD.)

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] input type=text accept=

2006-06-08 Thread Michel Fortin

Le 8 juin 2006 à 21:17, Ian Hickson a écrit :

I don't see a better solution. I'm certainly open to better  
solutions if

there are any.

What about input class=spellcheck /? It surely validates with  
HTML4, and it doesn't get in the way of any other feature. It does  
not really need to be part of the HTML spec either.

I know that according to the current spec, the class attribute should  
carry no meaning whatsoever. But I ask the question: is this worse  
than implying that spell checking should be enabled or disabled based  
on a particular MIME type? The later could break spell checking when  
introducing new text types, say text/x-markdown, or text/x- 
mediawiki, for lightweight formatting syntaxes.

Michel Fortin

Re: [whatwg] input type=text accept=

2006-06-01 Thread James Graham

L. David Baron wrote:
I don't see why the same attribute _shouldn't_ be used to determine the 
type of data to allow, and whether to do spell checking or not. After all, 
whether to spell-check is directly related to what kind of data it is.

This sounds a lot like object, which allowed for tons of features but
didn't specify them precisely.  Are you planning to specify exactly what
the semantics of every MIME type are for all of these features?  And any
others people might want?  And are there really MIME types that
accurately represent the semantics of all the combinations of even just
the 4 features you list above that authors will want?  If every
combination needs a name, what if people want to toggle six different

I don't think anyone was planning to specify textarea elements with
accept='text/plain' should enable a UA spellcheck feature, if present.
At least, I very much hope not. Rather, UAs would be expected to make
intelligent decisions about their capabilities for different types of
content - in the same way that most offline text editors use different
editing features based on the file extension of the content that they
are using. This is why, in the Mozilla bug, I am nervous about
specifying only text/plain as the MIME type that supports spellchecking
since many uses of textarea actually accept a limited subset of
text/html, and I don't believe these textareas should have their
accept attribute set as text/plain just to ensure that spellchecking works.

Re: [whatwg] input type=text accept=

2006-06-01 Thread Mikko Rantalainen

Lachlan Hunt wrote:

L. David Baron wrote:

We might want to use the accept attribute in the future to indicate what
types of content can be sent, and thus what types of input the user
agent should allow.  Overloading that to get a boolean for whether
spellchecking should be enabled seems broken.

AIUI, the accept attribute is just describing what type of input to 
allow.  In this example, when text/plain is specified, the UA has just 
automatically determined that spell checking would be helpful for the 
user.  Similarly, if text/html, application/javascript or */*+xml were 
specified, the browser could provide syntax checking.

I agree.

I don't think the spec should explicitly define type=text/plain as 
meaning UAs should provide spell checking, it can just provide that as 
an example of something a UA can do with it.

That would be a nice example. Make sure that you mention that spell 
checker should be enabled only if spell checker supports the 
language the content is supposed to be written with. If UA only 
supports spell checking for English and you have

input accept=text/plain lang=fi /
then the spell checker should be disabled.

What should the UA do with accept=text/plain;charset=X, where X is 
some charset that potentially differs from the page's encoding?

e.g. if the page were served as text/html;charset=UTF-8 and contained
input type=text accept=text/plain;charset=ISO-8859-1

Then how would that interact with form accept-charset=X?

I'd expect the UA to warn the user if he uses characters outside the 
intersect of ISO-8859-1 and X (that is, the input is expecting 
characters from ISO-8859-1 character set and the UA is expected to 
encode those characters with encoding X. I'd assume that ISO-8859-1 
in the 'accept' parameter tries to hint that the backend is able to 
support ISO-8859-1 characters only.

In more general sense, if you have HTTP header Content-Type: 
text/html;charset=H for the page source, accept-charset=F in the 
form element and accept=text/plain;charset=I in the input field 
then allowed characters should be those that can be found in all 
the character sets H, F and I. The idea is that storage backend is 
only able to support I, user input should be transferred with 
charset F to the server and the output is later (probably) going to 
be displayed with charset H, too, so using characters outside those 
character sets is going to raise problems later on.

If I were to decide everybody would be forced to use either UTF-8 or 


Re: [whatwg] input type=text accept=

2006-06-01 Thread Michel Fortin

Le 1 juin 2006 à 10:01, Mikko Rantalainen a écrit :

That would be a nice example. Make sure that you mention that spell  
checker should be enabled only if spell checker supports the  
language the content is supposed to be written with. If UA only  
supports spell checking for English and you have

input accept=text/plain lang=fi /
then the spell checker should be disabled.

Your idea and example are fine, but it should also be clear that the  
spell checker should not assume this to be an input for English text  

label lang=en
  Name: input accept=text/plain

Very often the interface of a web application isn't available in all  
languages. but that shouldn't preclude people from writing text in  
other languages in the form. So if Mikko's idea is mentioned in the  
spec it should be made clear that the input language expectation  
isn't inherited from ancestor elements.

Michel Fortin

[whatwg] input type=text accept=

2006-05-31 Thread Ian Hickson

The Mozilla guys propose (in bug 339127) to make the accept= attribute 
on input elements also apply to types other than type=file, with the 
same meaning as we currently have on textarea. Their particular use case 
is to use this as a hook for showing or hiding the spell-check UI.

What do people think? Good idea? Bad idea?

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] input type=text accept=

2006-05-31 Thread L. David Baron
On Wednesday 2006-05-31 19:51 +, Ian Hickson wrote:
 The Mozilla guys propose (in bug 339127) to make the accept= attribute 
 on input elements also apply to types other than type=file, with the 
 same meaning as we currently have on textarea. Their particular use case 
 is to use this as a hook for showing or hiding the spell-check UI.
 What do people think? Good idea? Bad idea?

This seems like a bad idea to me.

We might want to use the accept attribute in the future to indicate what
types of content can be sent, and thus what types of input the user
agent should allow.  Overloading that to get a boolean for whether
spellchecking should be enabled seems broken.

I'd rather see a new attribute for this.


L. David BaronURL: 
   Technical Lead, Layout  CSS, Mozilla Corporation

Description: PGP signature

Re: [whatwg] input type=text accept=

2006-05-31 Thread Lachlan Hunt

L. David Baron wrote:

We might want to use the accept attribute in the future to indicate what
types of content can be sent, and thus what types of input the user
agent should allow.  Overloading that to get a boolean for whether
spellchecking should be enabled seems broken.

AIUI, the accept attribute is just describing what type of input to 
allow.  In this example, when text/plain is specified, the UA has just 
automatically determined that spell checking would be helpful for the 
user.  Similarly, if text/html, application/javascript or */*+xml were 
specified, the browser could provide syntax checking.

I don't think the spec should explicitly define type=text/plain as 
meaning UAs should provide spell checking, it can just provide that as 
an example of something a UA can do with it.

What should the UA do with accept=text/plain;charset=X, where X is 
some charset that potentially differs from the page's encoding?

e.g. if the page were served as text/html;charset=UTF-8 and contained
input type=text accept=text/plain;charset=ISO-8859-1

Then how would that interact with form accept-charset=X?

Lachlan Hunt

Re: [whatwg] input type=text accept=

2006-05-31 Thread L. David Baron
On Thursday 2006-06-01 00:41 +, Ian Hickson wrote:
 Well, we want to avoid adding attributes for each feature (spellcheck=on 
 autoindent=on syntaxhighlight=on syntaxcheck=off, as browsers add each 
 feature) -- instead it is better, IMHO at least, to let the UA determine 
 how it should behave based on some semantic information, such as, in this 
 case, the type that is expected to be entered.
 I don't see why the same attribute _shouldn't_ be used to determine the 
 type of data to allow, and whether to do spell checking or not. After all, 
 whether to spell-check is directly related to what kind of data it is.

This sounds a lot like object, which allowed for tons of features but
didn't specify them precisely.  Are you planning to specify exactly what
the semantics of every MIME type are for all of these features?  And any
others people might want?  And are there really MIME types that
accurately represent the semantics of all the combinations of even just
the 4 features you list above that authors will want?  If every
combination needs a name, what if people want to toggle six different

Generic parameters to MIME types might be a nice solution, but I think
we're past that point, unless you want to invent a syntax that
represents MIME type - parameter list pairs.


L. David BaronURL: 
   Technical Lead, Layout  CSS, Mozilla Corporation

Description: PGP signature