[Wicket-user] RE: combo box displaying choose one

2006-05-31 Thread Andrew Strickland

If you call setNullValid(true) the default "null" value will be an empty string instead of "Choose One"


"When I reach with the selection in a combo box, to the first item in the list, wicket places a "Choose one" option as the first item in the combo. Am I doing something wrong or ... does anybody know how to avoid this ? "

Re: [Wicket-user] RE: combo box displaying choose one

2006-05-31 Thread Vincent Jenks

add(new DropDownChoice(dropdown, model, values)
protected String getDefaultChoice(final Object selected)
   return ; //this fixes your problem...

public String getDisplayValue(Object object)
return object.toString();

public String getIdValue(Object object, int index)
return object.toString();

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