[Wien] Run-time problem

2009-06-12 Thread Debojyoti Mukherjee
Dear Dr. Blaha,

Thank you for your reply. As you have asked, here is the result of the



which lapw1

Also I am using C-shell and the .cshrc file has the entries from wien2k.

Permission denied)

I have also opened the user interface w2web and found that after
constructing the the structure file (.struct) it is not generating the .inst
file which should generate automatically, I think.

Please help me in sorting this out.
Debojyoti Mukherjee
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[Wien] tetra produces NaN

2009-06-12 Thread Ulrich Wedig
Dear colleagues,
when using tetra (WIEN2k 9.1), compiled with the Intel Fortran compiler
11.0, occasionally the calculation of DOS and partial DOSs results in
'NaN' for single energy values. This is a matter of numerical precision.
When compiling tetra with the option:
-fp-model precise
, which disables optimization that can change the result of
floating-point calculations, the problem wasn't observed up to now.
The effect of this compiler option on the performance of the program
seems to be marginal.

Best regards

Ulrich Wedig

Dr. Ulrich Wedig  Tel. 0711/6891535
Max-Planck-Institut fuer Festkoerperforschung FAX  0711/6891502
Heisenbergstr. 1
70569 Stuttgart   U.Wedig at fkf.mpg.de