Re: [Wien] Unable to see Li K edges in ELOSS file. Kindly guide.

2024-03-01 Thread Pranjal Nandi
Dear Peter,

Thanks for the reply. I would like to clarify some misunderstandings.

There are two files for which I am doing the simulation, they are for LiFePo4 
and LiTi2(PO4)3. (Note the addition of Ti in the second sample)

The image I had shared was from Optics. I am discussing both the results below.

For the optics results.

-   For LiFePO4, I do not see any Li edge structure.
-   For LiTi2(PO4)3, I do not see any Li edge structure. What I see is a 
new peak compared to LiFePO4 at around 35 eV whose shape is very close to the 
shape of Ti and not of Li.

For the TELNES results.

For both the files, I see an initial start of the Li K edge but it stops midway 
and the graph is incomplete (the graph is only from 0-15 eV, as 0 is the 55 eV, 
so effectively I get the results from 55-70 eV but I would like to get it till 
100 eV). I tried to increase the energy range but nothing works.

Hope you could understand my message.

Thank you once again.

With warm regards,

-Original Message-
From: Wien  On Behalf Of Peter Blaha
Sent: Friday, March 1, 2024 9:13 PM
Subject: Re: [Wien] Unable to see Li K edges in ELOSS file. Kindly guide.

> 13. Once the scf is converged, I do the following for the ELOSS 14.
> Edit .in1 file put the value of MAX L IN WF to 10 and set nbans to 200
> 15. x kgen 16. x lapw 1 -p 17. x lapw2 -fermi – p 18. Edit .inop file
> (set Emax for matrix elements = 10)
Probably nonsense. More important is Emin (-5.0), but probably the Li-1s 
eigenvalue is anyway at higher energy).
> 19. x optic -p
> 20. Edit .injoint file (emax set at 10.00) 21. x joint 22. x kram
> (with the default values in .inkram) 23. Then I plot the eloss files.

So the plot was from optics, not from telnes3 ?
I saw a peak near 55 eV in that plot. This corresponds probably to the Li 
1s--2p transition. Why do yu say you do not see anything at 55 eV ?
Note, that absolute DFT energies are wrong, so the position of this peak will 
usually not coincide with experiment.
As I said before, the shape is important.

> For the TELNES3
> 24. Edit .innes file (choose the atom as Li, edge K, n=1, l=0, edge
> onset 55 ev, energy grid 0 – 100 eV in steps of 0.05 eV, rest I
> leave it at their default values ) 25. .in1, same as step no 7 26.
> x lapw1 27. x telnes3 28. x broadening 29. Plot and save

What do you see there ??

> The image which you saw in larger mail, the extra peaks are due to Ti
> in one of them. But no Li signature is found.

Was the image from optics or telnes3 ?

>  2. Even when I do the Telness of Li , I only get the details till 15 eV
> (55+15). I would like to have it for more range from 55-100 eV for
> example. I want to get a proper Li edge

As I said before, you don't get absolute positions in Telnes. You can consider 
the 0 eV in the plot as 55 eV for the spectrum. So you need only the 15 eV or 

Peter BLAHA, Inst.f. Materials Chemistry, TU Vienna, A-1060 Vienna
Phone: +43-1-58801-165300
Wien mailing list

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Re: [Wien] Unable to see Li K edges in ELOSS file. Kindly guide.

2024-03-01 Thread Peter Blaha

13. Once the scf is converged, I do the following for the ELOSS
14. Edit .in1 file put the value of MAX L IN WF to 10 and set nbans to 200
15. x kgen
16. x lapw 1 -p
17. x lapw2 -fermi – p
18. Edit .inop file (set Emax for matrix elements = 10)
Probably nonsense. More important is Emin (-5.0), but probably the Li-1s 
eigenvalue is anyway at higher energy).

19. x optic -p
20. Edit .injoint file (emax set at 10.00)
21. x joint
22. x kram (with the default values in .inkram)
23. Then I plot the eloss files.

So the plot was from optics, not from telnes3 ?
I saw a peak near 55 eV in that plot. This corresponds probably to the 
Li 1s--2p transition. Why do yu say you do not see anything at 55 eV ?
Note, that absolute DFT energies are wrong, so the position of this peak 
will usually not coincide with experiment.

As I said before, the shape is important.

For the TELNES3
24. Edit .innes file (choose the atom as Li, edge K, n=1, l=0, edge
onset 55 ev, energy grid 0 – 100 eV in steps of 0.05 eV, rest I
leave it at their default values )
25. .in1, same as step no 7
26. x lapw1
27. x telnes3
28. x broadening
29. Plot and save

What do you see there ??

The image which you saw in larger mail, the extra peaks are due to Ti in 
one of them. But no Li signature is found.

Was the image from optics or telnes3 ?

 2. Even when I do the Telness of Li , I only get the details till 15 eV
(55+15). I would like to have it for more range from 55-100 eV for
example. I want to get a proper Li edge

As I said before, you don't get absolute positions in Telnes. You can 
consider the 0 eV in the plot as 55 eV for the spectrum. So you need 
only the 15 eV or so.

Peter BLAHA, Inst.f. Materials Chemistry, TU Vienna, A-1060 Vienna
Phone: +43-1-58801-165300
Wien mailing list

Re: [Wien] Unable to see Li K edges in ELOSS file. Kindly guide.

2024-03-01 Thread Pranjal Nandi
Dear Peter,

Thanks for the reply. I am explaining the steps I did. They are as follows.

  1.  x nn
  2.  x sgroup
  3.  Use struct-file generated by sgroup? (Usually NO, unless WARNINGS 
appeared above) – No
  4.  x symmetry
  5.  Instgen_lapq (with no spin polarisation)
  6.  x lstart (PBE GGA - -10Ry charge localisation)  - with this there is no 
charge leakage.
  7.  Check LiFePO4.in1_st (Rkmax set at 8)
  8.  Prepare the input files
  9.  x kgen (1000 k points)
  10. x dstart (checking gmax>gmin)
  11. Person spin ploarised calc? (no)
  12. Run scf in parallel mode (convergence criteria 0.0001 Ry) (I also edited 
the number of machines file)
  13. Once the scf is converged, I do the following for the ELOSS
  14. Edit .in1 file put the value of MAX L IN WF to 10 and set nbans to 200
  15. x kgen
  16. x lapw 1 -p
  17. x lapw2 -fermi – p
  18. Edit .inop file (set Emax for matrix elements = 10)
  19. x optic -p
  20. Edit .injoint file (emax set at 10.00)
  21. x joint
  22. x kram (with the default values in .inkram)
  23. Then I plot the eloss files.

For the TELNES3
  24. Edit .innes file (choose the atom as Li, edge K, n=1, l=0, edge onset 55 
ev, energy grid 0 – 100 eV in steps of 0.05 eV, rest I leave it at their 
default values )
  25. .in1, same as step no 7
  26. x lapw1
  27. x telnes3
  28. x broadening
  29. Plot and save

The image which you saw in larger mail, the extra peaks are due to Ti in one of 
them. But no Li signature is found.

As instructed, I will check the literature (I had already checked and that is 
why core hole process came to my mind). I will also check the mailing list to 
find out how to do it.

It would be helpful if you could kindly comment on anything that I am missing 
or doing wrong.

  1.  I tried with higher number of k points, played with the RK Max, Changed 
the number of Bands, did the same on a supercell (after creating a vacancy). 
But nothing worked.

  1.  Even when I do the Telness of Li , I only get the details till 15 eV 
(55+15). I would like to have it for more range from 55-100 eV for example. I 
want to get a proper Li edge

Another thing, for the TELNES, I am having issue when I do the SCF in parallel 
mode (running QTL in parallel mode so: Undefined variable. 0.026u 0.024s 
0:03.96 1.0% 0+0k 0+24io 0pf+0).  But I think this is due to an older version 
of Wien2k (found one thread in the email archive). For the time being, I reran 
the scf in serial mode to see the results which I have mentioned just before 
this paragraph.

Hope I could explain myself well. Please let me know if you need more 

Thank you. Looking forward to hearing from you.

With warm regards,

From: Wien  On Behalf Of Peter Blaha
Sent: Friday, March 1, 2024 11:01 AM
Subject: Re: [Wien] Unable to see Li K edges in ELOSS file. Kindly guide.

You have to tell us exactly the steps you did to get the   eloss spectra.

What do you mean by that ?
However, despite multiple variations and calculations, I am unable to see the K 
edge of Li (55 eV) in any of them. Could you kindly suggest if there is 
something I need to do (read something about core hole excitation but have no 
knowledge how to do it or if it is needed in this case).

In one of your larger mails, I could see a plot and also a significant 
difference between the 2 compounds, so why don't you see the Li K-edge ??? 
(EELS and XAS calculations do not yield the absolute position of the edge (55 
eV), but the shape and intensity of the near-edge region. The plot starts at 
zero (which is set to your EF). Compare the shapes !

Yes, in insulating cases you should use a supercell with a core hole. This is a 
bit tricky for Li, since the 1s state is treated as valence. It can be done 
with a 2-window ("semicore") calculation. If I remember correctly, I described 
this some time ago in the mailing list (search it).

PS: Read some wien2k papers with ELOSS spectra (even the UG has some references 
...; lecture notes from previous workshops, ...



Peter Blaha,  Inst. f. Materials Chemistry, TU Vienna, A-1060 Vienna

Phone: +43-158801165300




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Re: [Wien] Unable to see Li K edges in ELOSS file. Kindly guide.

2024-03-01 Thread Peter Blaha

You have to tell us exactly the steps you did to get the   eloss spectra.

What do you mean by that ?

However, despite multiple variations and calculations, I am unable to 
see the K edge of Li (55 eV) in any of them. Could you kindly suggest 
if there is something I need to do (read something about core hole 
excitation but have no knowledge how to do it or if it is needed in 
this case).

In one of your larger mails, I could see a plot and also a significant 
difference between the 2 compounds, so why don't you see the Li K-edge 
??? (EELS and XAS calculations do not yield the absolute position of the 
edge (55 eV), but the shape and intensity of the near-edge region. The 
plot starts at zero (which is set to your EF). Compare the shapes !

Yes, in insulating cases you should use a supercell with a core hole. 
This is a bit tricky for Li, since the 1s state is treated as valence. 
It can be done with a 2-window ("semicore") calculation. If I remember 
correctly, I described this some time ago in the mailing list (search it).

PS: Read some wien2k papers with ELOSS spectra (even the UG has some 
references ...; lecture notes from previous workshops, ...

Peter Blaha,  Inst. f. Materials Chemistry, TU Vienna, A-1060 Vienna
Phone: +43-158801165300   
WWW:   WIEN2k:

Wien mailing list

[Wien] Unable to see Li K edges in ELOSS file. Kindly guide.

2024-03-01 Thread Pranjal Nandi
Dear All,

Hope you are doing well.

I am trying to simulate the eloss data for LiFePo4 and LiTi2(PO4)3.

However, despite multiple variations and calculations, I am unable to see the K 
edge of Li (55 eV) in any of them. Could you kindly suggest if there is 
something I need to do (read something about core hole excitation but have no 
knowledge how to do it or if it is needed in this case).

I have attached the relevant files (couldnot upload eloss file due to size 
limitations of the email). The WIEN2K version I am using is 21 and I am now in 
the process of installing the latest version of 23.1

Thank you. Looking forward to your kind assistance.

With warm regards,

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Description: LiFePO4.struct

Description: LiTiPO4.struct

Description: LiFePO4.dayfile

Description: LiTiPO4.dayfile
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