[Wien] wrong sign of the off-diagonal magneteoptic permittivity spectra (file case.jointup)

2019-03-28 Thread Jaroslav Hamrle

Dear collegues,

based on our measurements of MOKE spectra, we think that the 
magnetooptic off-diagonal permittivity in the file case.jointup has 
opposite sign, as compared to the experiment. For example, in the case 
of [001] magnetization, column Re_eps_xy in the file case.jointup has 
opposite sign, as compared to the experimental spectra.

Namely, we made careful sign tests on bcc Fe. Then, according to our 
experiment, Re_eps_xy should be negative for energy about 2 eV, but the 
permittivity calculated by wien2k, Re_eps_xy, has positive sign.

This statement is further supported for example by spectra in article 
Oppeneer et al, PRB45 10924 (1992),

figure 3b, where after conversion of the off-diagonal conductivity to 
the permitivity (ep=i*sigma/(omega*ep0)) it provides negative real part 
of the off-diagonal permittivity at about 2eV as well.

Furthermore, we have written our own integration over BZ of the 
transition matrix elements, and transition matrix elements (files 
case.symmatup, case.mommat2up) seems to us to be sign-correct.

We think, wrong sign in Re_eps_xy simply appears in conversion from 
conductivity (calculated by Kubo formula,  OPT1.f) to the outgoing 

We think this step appears on lines 965 and 985 of file joint.f, w2k 
version 18.2:


where division by the energy makes basically conversion from the 
conductivity to the permittivity.

However, as the conversion itself handles complex numbers:
eps = i/omega * sig

the conversion between real and imaginary parts have opposite signs
eps_Im =  sigma_Re/omega  (this is correct in code)
eps_Re= - sigma_Im/omega (this is the expression for the off-diagonal 
permittivity induced by magnetization, and in this case, we think minus 
sign is missing in the code, namely for Re_eps_xy, Re_eps_xz and 
Re_eps_yz. )

Probably, those arguments will apply also for X-ray off-diagonal spectra 
elements (line 906 in joint.f).

Hoping my comment will be useful to improve w2k code.

With my best regards

Jaroslav Hamrle & Ondrej Stejskal

Mgr. Jaroslav Hamrle, Ph.D.
Institute of Physics, room F232
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Charles University
Ke Karlovu 5
121 16 Prague
Czech Republic

tel: +420-95155 1340
email: ham...@karlov.mff.cuni.cz

Wien mailing list

Re: [Wien] Magnetocrystalline anisotropy

2018-01-09 Thread Jaroslav Hamrle

Dear Xavier,

your problem somewhat resembles me my problem I had when calculating 
magnetic linear dochroism (MLD) on bcc Fe. The similarity is that we 
both want to see small changes in electronic structure when rotating 
magnetic field direction.

What help me:
1) run fine convergence criteria, such as runsp_lapw -p -cc 0.01 -ec 

2) as suggested Prof. Blaha, it was important to increase k-mesh (in my 
case up to 100), and apply fine BZ integration (TEMP or TEMPS) with 
small value as 0.001, not default TETRA.

for example change case.in2 by using command
sed '3s/^/TEMP    0.001   /' $file.in2 > $file.in2_TEMPnew
more here"

3) for some magnetization direction, I had problem with either wrong, 
either suspicious values of local rotation matrix,


Problem was that for some external magnetization directions, the local 
direction of magnetization was not [001].
In one case (external M along [-111]), the local magnetization direction 
was [-0.94281 0   -0.3] which I think is not correct, and MLD was 
wrong too.
In some case, local magnetization direction was along x or along y, 
which I dont know if it is correct. On one hand, eigenenergies agreed 
perfectly, but anyway I saw small change in MLD in those cases.

But as a blind suggestion for you, try if local rotation matrices are 
correct. Namely try if

mag_glob*R = mag_loc
where mag_glob is your (external i.e. in global coordinates) 
magnetization direction, R is local rotation matrix for each atom (can 
be found in case.struct or case.outsymso) and mag_loc is local 
magnetization direction, which in my (maybe naive and wrong) 
understanding should be [001].

Hoping it helps
With my best regards


On 09/01/18 09:44, Xavier Rocquefelte wrote:

Dear Colleagues

I recently obtained a surprising result concerning the calculation of 
the magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy (MAE) of SeCuO3.

This compound has a monoclinic symmetry (SG. P21/n) and is known to be 
antiferromagnetically ordered at low temperature.

Here I provide the results obtained for two magnetic orders, named FM 
and AFM1 (see attached document) :


These calculations have been done using WIEN2k_17, GGA = PBE, RKMAX = 
6, kmesh = 5 4 4 and in P1 symmetry. The results are the same using 
RKMAX = 7.

The AFM1 order is the more stable one, as expected.

However, as shown in the document the MAE of AFM1 order is not 
symmetric, which is not expected. In contrast the MAE for FM order is 

Based on the recent discussion "zigzag potential", it seems to me that 
the AFM1 MAE should be symmetric, because the magnetic moment is a 
pseudo-vector. Is it possible that the present problem is related to 
the fact that in the present implementation of the spin-orbit coupling 
we neglect the off-diagonal terms? Do you have any idea about the 
problem we are facing? Does someone observe such unusual MAE for other 

Best Regards


Wien mailing list

Mgr. Jaroslav Hamrle, Ph.D.
Institute of Physics, room F232
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Charles University
Ke Karlovu 5
121 16 Prague
Czech Republic

tel: +420-95155 1340
email: ham...@karlov.mff.cuni.cz

Wien mailing list

[Wien] problem with local rotation matrices in bcc Fe

2017-12-19 Thread Jaroslav Hamrle
ferent magnetization directions, where local rotation matrix rotates 
magnetization to local x/y direction compared to those rotating to local 
z direction? Numerically, the results are

very similar, but for example in MLD, we can see some difference, but
it can be due to numerical issues. For example, LM for 110 magnetization is
lm: 0 0  2 0  2 2  4 0  4 2  4 4  6 0  6 2  6 4  6 6
which seems to me to be build for preferred z-direction. On the other
hand, band energies equals within 1e-6 Ry (see below) between [110] and
[011], having magnetization in the local coordinates in x,z directions,

3) do you think/suggest, is it a good practise to replace local rotation
matrix by a matrix, which always rotates magnetization to [0 0 1]
direction in the local coordinates? I understand there is also
structural symmetry, but I'm not sure how limiting it is for simple
cases such as bcc Fe.

Thank you for any help and with our best regards

Jaroslav Hamrle
Ondrej Stejskal

=== magnetization [1  1  1] ==
--> from case.outsymso:
   magnetization direction:
   [1  1  1]
   theta , phi [deg] of the magnetization direction:
   54.7356   45.

   local rotation matrix R:
    0.4082   -0.7071    0.5774
    0.4082    0.7071    0.5774
   -0.8165 0    0.5774

--> R rotates magnetization in local coordinates to:
   [0 0 1]
---> calculated using [0 0 1]*inv(R) (should be equal to original 
magnetization direction):

   direction [0 0 1]* inv(R):
   [1 1 1] /sqrt(3)
   theta, phi [deg] of direction [0 0 1]* inv(R):
   54.7356   45.

   local rotational matrix inv(Rz(phi)*Ry(theta))
    0.4082   -0.7071    0.5774
    0.4082    0.7071    0.5774
   -0.8165 0    0.5774

=== magnetization [1  1 -1] ==
--> from case.outsymso:
   magnetization direction:
   [1  1 -1]
   theta , phi [deg] of the magnetization direction:
  125.2644   45.

   local rotation matrix R:
    0.4082   -0.7071   -0.5774
    0.4082    0.7071   -0.5774
    0.8165 0    0.5774

--> R rotates magnetization in local coordinates to:
   [0  0 -1]
---> calculated using [0 0 1]*inv(R) (should be equal to original
magnetization direction):
   direction [0 0 1]* inv(R):
   [-1 -1  1] /sqrt(3)
   theta, phi [deg] of direction [0 0 1]* inv(R):
   54.7356 -135.

   local rotational matrix inv(Rz(phi)*Ry(theta))
   -0.4082   -0.7071    0.5774
   -0.4082    0.7071    0.5774
   -0.8165    0.   -0.5774

=== magnetization [1 -1  1] ==
--> from case.outsymso:
   magnetization direction:
   [1 -1  1]
   theta , phi [deg] of the magnetization direction:
   54.7356  -45.

   local rotation matrix R:
    0.4082    0.7071    0.5774
   -0.4082    0.7071   -0.5774
   -0.8165 0    0.5774

--> R rotates magnetization in local coordinates to:
   [0  0  1]
---> calculated using [0 0 1]*inv(R) (should be equal to original
magnetization direction):
   direction [0 0 1]* inv(R):
   [1  -1  1] /sqrt(3)
   theta, phi [deg] of direction [0 0 1]* inv(R):
   54.7356  -45.

   local rotational matrix inv(Rz(phi)*Ry(theta))
    0.4082    0.7071    0.5774
   -0.4082    0.7071   -0.5774
   -0.8165 0    0.5774

=== magnetization [-1  1  1] ==
--> from case.outsymso:
   magnetization direction:
   [-1  1  1]
   theta , phi [deg] of the magnetization direction:
   54.7356  135.

   local rotation matrix R:
    0.4082    0.7071    0.5774
   -0.4082    0.7071   -0.5774
   -0.8165 0    0.5774

--> R rotates magnetization in local coordinates to:
   [-0.94281  0   -0.3]
---> calculated using [0 0 1]*inv(R) (should be equal to original
magnetization direction):
   direction [0 0 1]* inv(R):
   [1  -1  1] /sqrt(3)
   theta, phi [deg] of direction [0 0 1]* inv(R):
   54.7356  -45.

   local rotational matrix inv(Rz(phi)*Ry(theta))
   -0.4082   -0.7071   -0.5774
    0.4082   -0.7071    0.5774
   -0.8165 0    0.5774

=== magnetization [0  0  1] ==
--> from case.outsymso:
   magnetization direction:
   [0  0  1]
   theta , phi [deg] of the magnetization direction:
 0 0

   local rotation matrix R:
 1 0 0
 0 1 0
 0 0 1

--> R rotates magnetization in local coordinates to:
   [0  0  1]
---> calculated using [0 0 1]*inv(R) (should be equal to original
magnetization direction):
   direction [0 0 1]* inv(R):
   [0  0  1]
   theta, phi [deg] of direction [0 0 1]* inv(R):
 0 0

   local rotational matrix inv(Rz(phi)*Ry(theta))
 1 0 0
 0 1 0
 0 0 1

=== magnetization [0  0 -1] ==
--> from case.outsymso:
   magnetization direction:
   [0  0 -1]
   theta , phi [deg] of the magnetization direction:
   180 0

   local rotation matrix R:
 1 0 0
 0 1 0
 0 0 1

--> R rotates magnetization 

Re: [Wien] different MLD for bcc structure for magnetic equivalent directions M001, M010 and M100

2017-11-28 Thread Jaroslav Hamrle

Dear Laurence,

thank you for your detailed answer.

I have tried all your suggestions,
- I changed case.in0 with increased oversampling by factor two (new 
parameters LUSE 26 and IFFTfactor 4)

 start of case.in0 ---
NR2V  IFFT  26  (R2V)
   24   24   24    4.00  1    min IFFT-parameters, enhancement factor, 

 end of case.in0 ---

- I also tried to impose strong convergence criteria to be -cc 
0.0001 -ec 0.0001

However, in both cases, the ghost MLD remains practically identical as 
when using my default values (default Fe + convergence -cc 0.1 -ec 

Also, final :PUP 'Current' parameters remained practically the same for 
all the calculations (by about 2 digits), being like (for M001)

PW CHANGE H    K    L  Current   Change    Residue
:PUP001:  0    0    0  2.10719649E-02  5.090E-10 -7.530E-09
:PUP002:  0   -1   -1  3.67084665E-04 -7.004E-10 -3.572E-10
:PUP003:  1   -1    0  1.82124988E-04 -3.669E-10 -2.211E-10
:PUP004:  0    0   -2 -1.87471938E-03  6.192E-11  7.254E-10
:PUP005:  0   -2    0 -3.75090680E-03  1.125E-10  1.378E-09
:PUP006:  1   -1   -2 -3.46372731E-03  1.026E-10  1.378E-09
:PUP007:  1   -2   -1 -6.92804324E-03  2.418E-10  2.776E-09
:PUP008:  0   -2   -2 -7.14014083E-04  8.677E-11  2.032E-10
:PUP009:  2   -2    0 -3.57036516E-04  4.298E-11  1.121E-10
:PUP010:  0   -1   -3  2.62159615E-04  9.199E-11 -1.588E-10
:PUP011:  0   -3   -1  2.62289930E-04  9.844E-11 -1.555E-10
:PUP012:  1   -3    0  2.62219244E-04  9.133E-11 -1.551E-10
Unfortunately, all reflections seems to be allowed for bcc (H+K+L is 
even), forbidden reflections of bcc are (H+K+L=odd), so I can not see 
how they get close to zero ;-)) But the idea is excellent.

Thank you again and with my best regards


On 27/11/17 15:27, Laurence Marks wrote:
Let me clarify slightly my comment about symmetry -- as I realized the 
explanation (I think) and can also suggest something that might help.

First, concerning symmetry the explanation is I believe simple. If the 
problem has a real symmetry operation such as inversion which is being 
removed, then the Jacobian at the solution has zero's for charge 
disturbances that break this symmetry. Because of this noise due to 
numerical accuracy has a large effect, and almost certainly one has to 
tighten the convergence criteria particularly -cc. You can monitor 
this by looking at the :PUPXXX values in case.scfm and look how well 
the forbidden reflections have converged to zero.

Second, do not be surprised about numerical issues. While the 
calculations are done in double precision, there are many large sums 
and in some cases double sums, and also numerical 
integrations/differentiation. Any large sum or numerical 
integration/differentiation in general reduces the numerical accuracy. 
Hence even though double precision has an accuracy of 1D-15 the sum 
may only be accurate to 1D-10 or even 1D-7. Also, the Intel ifort 
compiler will reduce the numerical accuracy for speed if one is not 

One thing that may help is to increase the oversampling in case.in0 
for VXC, both that of the PW's and of the CLMs. A standard test is to 
use LDA and see if the problem goes away, since oversampling is much 
less relevant for this.

Of course your problem may have nothing to do with any of this

Wien mailing list

Re: [Wien] different MLD for bcc structure for magnetic equivalent directions M001, M010 and M100

2017-11-27 Thread Jaroslav Hamrle
 else has thought", Albert Szent-Gyorgi
www.numis.northwestern.edu <http://www.numis.northwestern.edu> ; 
Corrosion in 4D: MURI4D.numis.northwestern.edu 
Partner of the CFW 100% program for gender equity, 
www.cfw.org/100-percent <http://www.cfw.org/100-percent>

Co-Editor, Acta Cryst A

Wien mailing list

Mgr. Jaroslav Hamrle, Ph.D.
Institute of Physics, room F232
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Charles University
Ke Karlovu 5
121 16 Prague
Czech Republic

tel: +420-95155 1340
email: ham...@karlov.mff.cuni.cz

Wien mailing list

Re: [Wien] different MLD for bcc structure for magnetic equivalent directions M001, M010 and M100

2017-11-26 Thread Jaroslav Hamrle

Hi Gerhard,

I know that due to SO, the electronic structure calculated for 100, 010 
and 001 magnetization directions are different.

The problem I have is following:
I have three calculated electronic structures of bcc Fe, with 
magnetizations along 001, 010 and 100.
Then, for any cubic structure, the permittivity tensor elements (ep_ij) 
with the same relations with respect to the magnetization should be 
equal in all three calculated structures.

For example,
symmetry clearly states that diagonal permittivity elements parallel to 
magnetization direction must equal

ep_xx (for M=100) = ep_yy (for M=010) = ep_zz (for M=001).

My problem is, that for calculated bcc Fe they do not equal.
More specifically, they do not equal solely for bcc structures in 
wien2k, with disagreement upto 1%.
For simple cubic and fcc structures they do equal, with tiny 
disagreement upto 0.01%

Any help how to overcome this would be very helpful

Thank you and with my best regards


On 25/11/17 14:13, Fecher, Gerhard wrote:

Hi Jaroslav,

with SO, 001 is not equivalent to 001 or 010, if the magnetisation is along 001
this you see easily from the changed symmetry after initializing SO (symmetso)

regards from Dresden


DEEP THOUGHT in D. Adams; Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy:
"I think the problem, to be quite honest with you,
is that you have never actually known what the question is."

Dr. Gerhard H. Fecher
Institut of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry
Johannes Gutenberg - University
55099 Mainz
Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids
01187 Dresden

Von: Wien [wien-boun...@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at] im Auftrag von Jaroslav 
Hamrle [ham...@karlov.mff.cuni.cz]
Gesendet: Freitag, 24. November 2017 16:36
An: wien@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
Betreff: [Wien] different MLD for bcc structure for magnetic equivalent 
directions M001, M010 and M100

Dear colleagues,

We have found non-physical asymmetry related with equivalent magnetization
directions, when calculating electronic structure for bcc Fe:

We want to calculate magnetic linear dichroism, MLD, defined as a
difference between diagonal permittivity element being parallel,
perpendicular to direction of magnetization, respectively.

MLD=epzz - (epxx+epyy)/2 for M001

MLD=epyy - (epxx+epzz)/2 for M010

MLD=epxx - (epyy+epzz)/2 for M100

Obviously, MLD calculated for different equivalent magnetization
directions should
be identical. But they are not, MLD calculated for 001 is different to
MLD calculated for 010 and 100 (MLD for 010 and 100 are identical).

In most cases, we used k-mesh 30x30x30, exgange LDA (choice 5), with
convergence criteria

runsp_lapw -so -cc 0.01 -ec 0.001 -s lapw1

and the convergence was reached.

* We tested this asymmetry also for fcc structures (Ni, Co, Co2MnSi). We
tested simple cubic structure (bcc Fe, defined  as a simple cubic
structure with two Fe atoms).  In all those cases, the asymmetry
disappears. On the other hand, it also appeared also in bcc Ni.
Hence, the asymmetry seems to be specifically related with
bcc structure.

* this asymmetry can be observed already in energy levels (files
case.energysoup). Hence, we think, the asymmetry is not a feature of
Namely, there is a very good agreement for energies for M010 and M100
(in example below difference is below 2e-7Ry), but much bigger
difference between energies for M001 and (M010,M100)  (in example below
max. difference is 18e-6 Ry for band 5). Therefore it seems
that this problem arises in either lapw0 or lapw1 for bcc structure.

To demonstrate the difference, we show energy levels for the first
k-point (in vicinity of the Gamma point shifted in  111 direction from
the Gamma point):


   0.E-01 0.E-01 0.E-01 155
18  8.0
 1  -3.4390104377017581
 2  -3.4064979309023942
 3  -3.3508627657180750
 4  -3.2276472567243979
 5  -3.1955089683446780
 6  -3.1702455400854954
 7  -7.1658179115217727E-002
 8  -4.3723732810772589E-002
 9  0.37296762299903474
   10  0.37521967189559313


   0.E-01 0.E-01 0.E-01 155
18  8.0
 1  -3.4390110394480322
 2  -3.4064968725403300
 3  -3.3508644682352022
 4  -3.2276486274720977
 5  -3.1954902103327028
 6  -3.1702472318057655
 7  -7.1659013996950252E-002
 8  -4.3723316415832839E-002
 9  0.37296632778787425
10  0.37521816821120640

   0.E-01 0.E-01 0.E-01 155
18  8.0
 1  -3.4390109925234049
 2  -3.4064968346346225
 3  -3.3508643700301919
 4  -3.2276485335559135
 5  -3.195490

Re: [Wien] Optical properties with SO coupling

2017-10-06 Thread Jaroslav Hamrle

Dear Gerhard, dear Gavin,

as written in last email of Gavin, I think:

In case of spin-polarized case without so, the optical transitions for 
up, down spins are written in case.jointup, case.jointdn, each one 
containing only optical transitions for corresponding up/down electrons. 
Program kram then sums up contributions from optical transitions from 
both electrons spins.

In case of spin-polarized case with so, up and down spins are not 
described separately and written only to file 'up', like case.jointup. 
That is why in case with so coupling, all optical transitions should be 
contained with file case.jointup.

That is why I think the current version of program joint should be 
corrected in the way that case.jointup should contain all optical 
transitions. However, now, output in case.jointup is somewhat 
artificially divided by too. Of course, it can be corrected in code 
kram, but I think it is not good idea. It should be corrected in the 
joint program.

Then, x kram -up is just fine.

With my regards


On 05/10/17 15:14, Fecher, Gerhard wrote:

Hi Jaroslav,
if you check only case.jointup it has possibly only half the value because the 
other half is supposed to be in case.jointdn
(with SO they should be the same)

Did you try to copy case.jointup to case.jointdn (or run in addition everything 
for dn)
and then addjoint
then the factor 2 is included in the case.joint

The problem with spinpolarisation and SO is that case.jointup is the only 
necessary and produced, however, kram expects that case.joint exists
that's why one has to do the copy by hand (not rename, then the factor 2 will 
be missing, again !)
(one might also run optic and joint both in addition for dn, before addjoint)

Indeed, it would be nice if this behaviopur could be changed (maybe by some 
switch(es) to kram : e.g.: -so -up)

Just for curiosity, I wonder whether and how crossterms are respected, the 
selcction rules on the total angular momentum j' = j, j+-1 together with those 
on the magnetic quantum number mj
allow spin flip transitions even though the dipole operator does not act on the 
spin !


DEEP THOUGHT in D. Adams; Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy:
"I think the problem, to be quite honest with you,
is that you have never actually known what the question is."

Dr. Gerhard H. Fecher
Institut of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry
Johannes Gutenberg - University
55099 Mainz
Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids
01187 Dresden

Von: Wien [wien-boun...@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at] im Auftrag von Jaroslav 
Hamrle [ham...@karlov.mff.cuni.cz]
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 5. Oktober 2017 09:57
An: wien@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
Betreff: Re: [Wien] Optical properties with SO coupling

Dear Gavin,

I will describe my observation:
I have calculated optical (epzz) and magneto-optical (K, for example K=epxy for 
M001) spectra of permittivity elements for bcc Fe.
The electronic structure calculations are spin polarized, with spin-orbit, run 
by commands:

runsp_lapw -p
runsp_lapw -p -so -cc 0.01 -ec 0.001 -s lapw1
x lapw2 -p -fermi -up -so
x optic -p -up -so
x joint -p -up

For w2k version 16.1, the calculated spectra corresponds to the experimental 
spectra (for both epzz and K).
For w2k version 17.1, the calculated spectra are half-value for both epzz and 
K, compared to the experiment.

Figures comparing spectra are here:


In this example, I used permittivity spectra read directly from case.jointup 
files (I do not use output of kram).
In the figures:
   - solid (noisy) line is output from case.jointup
   - the symbols are smeared spectra
   - black '+' are the experimental spectra
   - blue 'o' and red 'x' are spectra calculated by w2k version 17
   - green '+' and yellow '*' are spectra calculated by w2k version 16
   - y-axis denotes permittivity*E (in eV).

That is why I have concluded that joint function in w2k version 17 has a bug in 
calculation of the optical permittivity. But I have not tested non-magnetic 
cases, I did it only for bcc Fe (sp+so).

Hoping it helps.
If I can help more, please let me know..

With my regards


On 04/10/17 16:40, Gavin Abo wrote:

Dear Jaro,

I thought the spin-polarized SO optic normalization was broken in older 
versions of WIEN2k and was fixed in 17.1:


Is it still broken?

Kind Regards,


On 10/3/2017 4:30 PM, Jaroslav Hamrle wrote:

to calculate optical properties of Ni, after calculating electronic structure 
being spin-polarized and being with spin-orbit, do:

1) create both case.inop (your file looks correct) and case.injoint

Example of case.injoint is:
 example of case.injoint ===

Re: [Wien] Optical properties with SO coupling

2017-10-05 Thread Jaroslav Hamrle

Dear Gavin,

I will describe my observation:
I have calculated optical (epzz) and magneto-optical (K, for example 
K=epxy for M001) spectra of permittivity elements for bcc Fe.
The electronic structure calculations are spin polarized, with 
spin-orbit, run by commands:

runsp_lapw -p
runsp_lapw -p -so -cc 0.01 -ec 0.001 -s lapw1
x lapw2 -p -fermi -up -so
x optic -p -up -so
x joint -p -up

For w2k version 16.1, the calculated spectra corresponds to the 
experimental spectra (for both epzz and K).
For w2k version 17.1, the calculated spectra are half-value for both 
epzz and K, compared to the experiment.

Figures comparing spectra are here:


In this example, I used permittivity spectra read directly from 
case.jointup files (I do not use output of kram).

In the figures:
  - solid (noisy) line is output from case.jointup
  - the symbols are smeared spectra
  - black '+' are the experimental spectra
  - blue 'o' and red 'x' are spectra calculated by w2k version 17
  - green '+' and yellow '*' are spectra calculated by w2k version 16
  - y-axis denotes permittivity*E (in eV).

That is why I have concluded that joint function in w2k version 17 has a 
bug in calculation of the optical permittivity. But I have not tested 
non-magnetic cases, I did it only for bcc Fe (sp+so).

Hoping it helps.
If I can help more, please let me know..

With my regards


On 04/10/17 16:40, Gavin Abo wrote:

Dear Jaro,

I thought the spin-polarized SO optic normalization was broken in 
older versions of WIEN2k and was fixed in 17.1:


Is it still broken?

Kind Regards,


On 10/3/2017 4:30 PM, Jaroslav Hamrle wrote:


to calculate optical properties of Ni, after calculating electronic 
structure being spin-polarized and being with spin-orbit, do:

1) create both case.inop (your file looks correct) and case.injoint

Example of case.injoint is:
 example of case.injoint ===
    1     : LOWER,UPPER and (optional) UPPER-VAL 

   0.    0.00100   1. : EMIN DE EMAX FOR ENERGYGRID IN ryd
eV    : output units  eV / ryd  / cm-1
 4    : SWITCH
   0.1  0.1  0.3  : BROADENING (FOR DRUDE MODEL - switch 
6,7 -



   5...Im(EPSILON) for each band combination
   6...INTRABAND contributions
   7...INTRABAND contributions including band analysis
= end example case.injoint 

Now, you have to decide if you want to calculate optics at finer 
k-mesh than electronic structure, or the same mesh. In case 
electronic structure is calculated with k-mesh 30x30x30, it is good 
enough for Imxy and MOKE.

2a) when keeping the same k-mesh for optical calculations as for 
electronic structure, do:

  x lapw2 -p -fermi -up -so
  x optic -p -up -so   (your command in your email is opticc, i.e. 
complex variant of command optic; opticc should be used when the 
structure lacks point symmetry, which Ni does not)

  x joint -up
  x kram -up

2b) when you want mesh for optical calculations to be finer, do:
  x kgen -so (to generate finer mesh)
  in third line in case.in2, change value of TETRA to be 101
  x lapw1 -p -up
  x lapw1 -p -dn
  x lapwso -up -p
  x lapw2 -p -fermi -up -so
  x optic -so -up -p
  x joint -up -p
  x kram -up

3) When using w2k version 17.1, there is a bug in the function joint 
when electronic structure is spin-polarized case with so. In this 
case, all optical constant outgoing function joint have half values 
for w2k ver 17.1 compared to previous w2k versions. So either use w2k 
version 16.1 or smaller, or with w2k version 17.1, simply multiply 
all optical constants by factor 2.

Hoping it helps
Best regards


Wien mailing list

Mgr. Jaroslav Hamrle, Ph.D.
Institute of Physics, room F232
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Charles University
Ke Karlovu 5
121 16 Prague
Czech Republic

tel: +420-95155 1340
email: ham...@karlov.mff.cuni.cz

Wien mailing list

Re: [Wien] Optical properties with SO coupling

2017-10-04 Thread Jaroslav Hamrle

Dear Lokanath,

I dont know why you have just two outgoing columns in the 
I always calculate full permittivity tensor from both case.inop and the 
case.injoint. And it always works fine for me.

In the case of the case.inop, calculation of full optical tensor means 
calculation of 10 columns (9 optical constant + one energy), with 
case.injoint being as

=== start of an example case.inop 
99 1   number of k-points, first k-point
-5.0 3.0  Emin, Emax for matrix elements, NBvalMAX
9 number of choices (columns in *outmat): 2: hex or tetrag. case
1 Re xx
3 Re zz
OFF   ON/OFF   writes MME to unit 4

= end of an example case.inop ===

Maybe problem is, that you calculated three optical constants in the 
case.inop, but asked for nine optical constants in the case.injoint.

With my regards


On 04/10/17 03:18, lokanath patra wrote:

Dear Karel and Hamrle,

Thank you for your reply.

I have followed the steps already you have mentioned. I used switch 6 
and obtained the plasma frequency. Then used it in case.inkram as my 
system is a metal.  Then again I used switch 4 in case.injoint file 
and did the calculations before proceeding for x kram -up. My question 
is as follows:

(1)When I proceed with x joint -up (with switch 4 in case.injoint) , 
the case.outputjointup file coming as follows

#  Energy  [eV]     Im_eps_xx          Im_eps_zz

      0.0     0.E+00     0.E+00
      0.01361     0.E+00     0.E+00
      0.02721     0.E+00     0.E+00
      0.04082     0.33667974E+02     0.97123076E+01
      0.05442     0.45512899E+02     0.14941513E+02
      0.06803     0.56560294E+02     0.25979180E+02
      0.08163     0.72797967E+02     0.51973076E+02
      0.09524     0.14197996E+03     0.13384727E+03
      0.10885     0.16008265E+03     0.16068757E+03
      0.12245     0.17348056E+03     0.18197670E+03
      0.13606     0.17206392E+03     0.18134116E+03
      0.14966     0.16432457E+03     0.17616364E+03
      0.16327     0.15422491E+03     0.16631451E+03

Why there is no column for xy component when my case.symmatup has all 
the three components? How to calculate epsilon or absorptivity in xy 
direction also?

Best Regards,

On Wed, Oct 4, 2017 at 4:00 AM, Jaroslav Hamrle 
<ham...@karlov.mff.cuni.cz <mailto:ham...@karlov.mff.cuni.cz>> wrote:


to calculate optical properties of Ni, after calculating
electronic structure being spin-polarized and being with
spin-orbit, do:

1) create both case.inop (your file looks correct) and case.injoint

Example of case.injoint is:
 example of case.injoint ===
    1     : LOWER,UPPER and (optional)
   0.    0.00100   1. : EMIN DE EMAX FOR ENERGYGRID IN ryd
eV    : output units  eV / ryd / cm-1
 4    : SWITCH
   0.1  0.1  0.3  : BROADENING (FOR DRUDE MODEL -
switch 6,7 -


   5...Im(EPSILON) for each band combination
   6...INTRABAND contributions
   7...INTRABAND contributions including band analysis
= end example case.injoint 

Now, you have to decide if you want to calculate optics at finer
k-mesh than electronic structure, or the same mesh. In case
electronic structure is calculated with k-mesh 30x30x30, it is
good enough for Imxy and MOKE.

2a) when keeping the same k-mesh for optical calculations as for
electronic structure, do:

  x lapw2 -p -fermi -up -so
  x optic -p -up -so   (your command in your email is opticc, 
i.e. complex variant of command optic; opticc should be used when
the structure lacks point symmetry, which Ni does not)
  x joint -up
  x kram -up

2b) when you want mesh for optical calculations to be finer, do:
  x kgen -so (to generate finer mesh)
  in third line in case.in2, change value of TETRA to be 101
  x lapw1 -p -up
  x lapw1 -p -dn
  x lapwso -up -p
  x lapw2 -p -fermi -up -so
  x optic -so -up -p
  x joint -up -p
  x kram -up

3) When using w2k version 17.1, there is a bug in the function
joint when electronic structure is spin-polarized case with so. In
this case, all optical constant outgoing function joint have half
values for w2k ver 17.1 compared to previous w2k versions. So

Re: [Wien] Optical properties with SO coupling

2017-10-03 Thread Jaroslav Hamrle


to calculate optical properties of Ni, after calculating electronic 
structure being spin-polarized and being with spin-orbit, do:

1) create both case.inop (your file looks correct) and case.injoint

Example of case.injoint is:
 example of case.injoint ===
    1     : LOWER,UPPER and (optional) UPPER-VAL 

   0.    0.00100   1. : EMIN DE EMAX FOR ENERGYGRID IN ryd
eV    : output units  eV / ryd  / cm-1
 4    : SWITCH
   0.1  0.1  0.3  : BROADENING (FOR DRUDE MODEL - switch 6,7 -


   5...Im(EPSILON) for each band combination
   6...INTRABAND contributions
   7...INTRABAND contributions including band analysis
= end example case.injoint 

Now, you have to decide if you want to calculate optics at finer k-mesh 
than electronic structure, or the same mesh. In case electronic 
structure is calculated with k-mesh 30x30x30, it is good enough for Imxy 
and MOKE.

2a) when keeping the same k-mesh for optical calculations as for 
electronic structure, do:

  x lapw2 -p -fermi -up -so
  x optic -p -up -so   (your command in your email is opticc, i.e. 
complex variant of command optic; opticc should be used when the 
structure lacks point symmetry, which Ni does not)

  x joint -up
  x kram -up

2b) when you want mesh for optical calculations to be finer, do:
  x kgen -so (to generate finer mesh)
  in third line in case.in2, change value of TETRA to be 101
  x lapw1 -p -up
  x lapw1 -p -dn
  x lapwso -up -p
  x lapw2 -p -fermi -up -so
  x optic -so -up -p
  x joint -up -p
  x kram -up

3) When using w2k version 17.1, there is a bug in the function joint 
when electronic structure is spin-polarized case with so. In this case, 
all optical constant outgoing function joint have half values for w2k 
ver 17.1 compared to previous w2k versions. So either use w2k version 
16.1 or smaller, or with w2k version 17.1, simply multiply all optical 
constants by factor 2.

Hoping it helps
Best regards


On 03/10/17 21:04, lokanath patra wrote:

Dear Wien2K experts,

I am trying to calculate the optical properties of Ni with SO 
coupling. I have prepared my case.inop file which looks like

9 1       number of k-points, first k-point
-5.0 3.0  Emin, Emax for matrix elements, NBvalMAX
3             number of choices (columns in *outmat): 2: hex or 
tetrag. case

1             Re xx
3             Re zz
7             Im xy
OFF           ON/OFF   writes MME to unit 4

Then I proceeded with x opticc -so -up and got the three components 
i.e. Re xx, Re zz and Im xy in case.symmatup file.

From here, how should I proceed with the calculations so that I can 
get all these components in the case.absorpup file after x kram -up ?

As I want to proceed with MOKE calculations, I want the xy components 
also. Please help me.

Best regards,


Lokanath Patra
Ph.D Scholar
Dept. of Physics
School of Applied and Basic Sciences
Central University of Tamil Nadu
Tamil Nadu - 610101
Ph no - +91-8675834507

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Wien mailing list

Mgr. Jaroslav Hamrle, Ph.D.
Institute of Physics, room F232
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Charles University
Ke Karlovu 5
121 16 Prague
Czech Republic

tel: +420-95155 1340
email: ham...@karlov.mff.cuni.cz

Wien mailing list