[Wien] vol opt problem of spin-pol hematite

2008-03-18 Thread swati chaudhury
Dear Wien users,
  I want to do volume optimization calculation of  of 
spin-polarized hematite. But volume is not optimized even at ?-12%?. By using 
optimum inputs as I used in non-magnetic hematite calculation c/a of spin-pol 
case is completed smoothly at ?1.5%? but failed in vol-opt case. Is there any 
problem in my inputs or way of calculation? Please suggest to rectify the 
  I have used following inputs:
  a = b = 5.035 ang, c = 13.72 ang
  Space group: 167 R-3c
  Rmt (Fe) = 1.70, Rmt (O) = 1.70
  Cut-off = -9.0
  RmtKmax = 7.65, Emin = -9.0, Emax = 2.5
  Mixing factor = 0.40
  Gmax =14.0, 13 GGA is chosen.
  K-points = 1400
  I have used wien_07.3 version.
  In addition, I have noticed strange observations that calculated binding 
energy is highly negative than experimental value using optimized inputs (e.g 
k-points, RmtKmax etc.) in some cases. Why is it so?  
  Thanks in advance.
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[Wien] vol-opt problem of spin-pol hematite

2008-01-24 Thread swati chaudhury
Hi Peter and all Wien users,
  Thanks for your help and sorry for late response. Will you help once 
more please? I want to calculate spin-polarised hematite. Its normal scf is 
o.k. But problem is in volume optimization. I have edited optimization. job 
script- by changing run_lapw to runsp_lapw  uncommented x dstart. d start 
completed nicely. But then I have got error in lapw0 unknown with forrt1: 
severe (174):SIGSEGV, segmentation fault even at 0% volume optimization. I 
can?t detect what problem basically is it? Please suggest the remedy. I am 
using ifort 10.0.023  mkl 9.1.023 and I have performed ulimit stack size 
  Thanks in advance.

swati chaudhury swati at rcais.res.in wrote:Dear all Wien users,
I have noticed some strange observations with Al2O3 supercell in Wien. 
I am little bit confused is there any problems in Wien or the problem is only 
for this particular rhombohedral system?
For (222) supercell of Al2O3(167 R-3c space group)in w2web,
When slab is given in x-dir,it is added with 'c' value(cell parameter).
But slab is not added when it is putting in y-dir or z-dir.In 
cell-script,slab-addition is offered only in z-dir.No possibility of addition 
of slab in either x-dir or y-dir.
The same observations have noticed with (221) and (111) type of Al2O3 supercell.
Please tell me clearly basically what problem is it?
  Thanks in advance.

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