Hi everyone,
We’re preparing for the April 2019 research newsletter and looking for 
contributors. Please take a look at https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/WRN201904 
and add your name next to any paper you are interested in covering. Our target 
publication date is on April 30 UTC. If you can't make this deadline but would 
like to cover a particular paper in the subsequent issue, leave a note next to 
the paper's entry in the etherpad. As usual, short notes and one-paragraph 
reviews are most welcome.
Highlights from this month:
   - A season for all things: Phenological imprints in Wikipedia usage and 
their relevance to conservation   

   - Assessing the quality of information on wikipedia: A deep-learning approach
   - Crosslingual Document Embedding As Reduced-Rank Ridge Regression   

   - Detecting and Gauging Impact on Wikipedia Page Views   

   - Eliciting New Wikipedia Users' Interests via Automatically Mined 
Questionnaires: For a Warm Welcome, Not a Cold Start   

   - Female scholars need to achieve more for equal public recognition   

   - Finding Prerequisite Relations using the Wikipedia Clickstream   

   - Interactive Quality Analytics of User-generated Content: An Integrated 
Toolkit for the Case of Wikipedia   

   - Participation of New Editors After Times of Shock on Wikipedia   

   - Searching News Articles Using an Event Knowledge Graph Leveraged by 

   - Tor Users Contributing to Wikipedia: Just Like Everybody Else?   

   - Uncertainty During New Disease Outbreaks in Wikipedia   

   - WikiLinkGraphs: A complete, longitudinal and multi-language dataset of the 
Wikipedia link networks   

   - Wikipedia Cultural Diversity Dataset: A Complete Cartography for 300 
Language Editions   

Mohammed Abdulai and Tilman Bayer
[1] http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Research:Newsletter
Wiki-research-l mailing list

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