Summary: Annotations too difficult to reach in reading and much
                    too difficult to write
           Product: MediaWiki extensions
           Version: any
          Platform: All
        OS/Version: All
            Status: NEW
          Severity: enhancement
          Priority: Normal
         Component: OmegaWiki

Presently, one has to click on every meaning of an expression to see its
Moreover it's not possible to add an annotation at the same time one adds a new
translation: one has to validate first, then to click twice and wait to enter
an annotation, then to validate again, to click twice and wait to enter a
second annotation about the same word, etc.. It's boring, long and often not
done. Some annotations are crucial. It should be much easier to read and write

To simplify, I suggest this:
1) pages of expressions would not contain translations in plain, but would
contain all the annotations, in plain (not in a sub-window to open by
2) pages of definedMeanings (DM) would contain the translations but not the
annotations in plain.
DM pages and expression pages would be of different background color. When
searching a term, the reader would first see the expression page. If he wants
the translations, he will choose the meaning he is interested in, click, and
get to the DM page.

3) The writer of a translation would be led from the DM page to a page
reminding him the English word and definition if any, the original one if not
translated in English, and he would be invited to enter all the annotations at
once, in one page.
4) The writer of a new DM would do the same from a 0 result search page of from
an expression page, except that he would of course not be reminded the English
word and DM. He would be invited to define his new DM in English if possible.

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