Re: [Wikidata-l] Call for development openness

2015-02-21 Thread Markus Kroetzsch

On 20.02.2015 17:58, Gerard Meijssen wrote:

Obviously you forgot about OmegaWiki. It can still do things Wikidata is
incapable of.

I will never forget OmegaWiki. It has a firm place in the history of 
Wikidata. Experiences with OmegaWiki have directly influenced Wikidata 
through our conversations with Erik. At the very least, OmegaWiki was 
the first project using the name Wikidata for a Wikimedia-related 
project/software (this part of the history is somewhat hard to discover 
right now since it was mainly discussed in late 2004-2006; the historic 
page is at

Anyway, our discussion was about the role of RDF, not about a 
comprehensive history of Wikidata. Nevertheless, be assured that if 
anybody would contest the contributions of OmegaWiki, I will react in a 
similar fashion.


Markus Kroetzsch
Faculty of Computer Science
Technische Universität Dresden
+49 351 463 38486

Wikidata-l mailing list

Re: [Wikidata-l] Call for development openness

2015-02-20 Thread Gerard Meijssen
I have waited for some time to reply. FIrst of all. Wikidata is not your
average data repository. It would not be as relevant as it is if it were
not for the fact that it links Wikipedia articles of any language to
statements on items.

This is the essence of Wikidata. After that we can all complain about the
fallacies of Wikidata.. I have my pet pieves and it is not your RDF SPARQL
and stuff. That is mostly stuff for academics and it its use is largely
academic and not useful on the level where I want progress. Exposing this
information to PEOPLE is what I am after and by and large they do not live
in the ivory towers where RDF and SPARQL live.

I am delighted to learn that a production grade replacement of WDQ is being
worked on. I am delighted that a front-end (javascript) ? developers is
being sought. That is what it takes to bring the sum of al knowledge to all
people. It is in enriching the data in Wikidata not in yet another pet
project where we can make a difference because that is what the people will
see. When SPARQL is available with Wikidata data.. do wonder how you would
serve all the readers of Wikipedia.. Does SPARQL sparkle enough when it is
challenged in this way ?

On 18 February 2015 at 21:25, Paul Houle wrote:

 What bugs me about it is that Wikidata has gone down the same road as
 Freebase and Neo4J in the sense of developing something ad-hoc that is not
 well understood.

 I understand the motivations that lead there,  because there are
 requirements to meet that standards don't necessarily satisfy,  plus
 Wikidata really is doing ambitious things in the sense of capturing
 provenance information.

 Perhaps it has come a little too late to help with Wikidata but it seems
 to me that RDF* and SPARQL* have a lot to offer for data wikis in that
 you can view data as plain ordinary RDF and query with SPARQL but you can
 also attach provenance and other metadata in a sane way with sweet syntax
 for writing it in Turtle or querying it in other ways.

 Another way of thinking about it is that RDF* is formalizing the property
 graph model which has always been ad hoc in products like Neo4J.  I can say
 that knowing what the algebra is you are implementing helps a lot in
 getting the tools to work right.  So you not only have SPARQL queries as a
 possibility but also languages like Gremlin and Cypher and this is all
 pretty exciting.  It is also exciting that vendors are getting on board
 with this and we are going to seeing some stuff that is crazy scalable (way
 past 10^12 facts on commodity hardware) very soon.

 On Tue, Feb 17, 2015 at 12:20 PM, Jeroen De Dauw


 As Lydia mentioned, we obviously do not actively discourage outside
 contributions, and will gladly listen to suggestions on how we can do
 better. That being said, we are actively taking steps to make it easier for
 developers not already part of the community to start contributing.

 For instance, we created a website about our software itself [0], which
 lists the MediaWiki extensions and the different libraries [1] we created.
 For most of our libraries, you can just clone the code and run composer
 install. And then you're all set. You can make changes, run the tests and
 submit them back. Different workflow than what you as MediaWiki developer
 are used to perhaps, though quite a bit simpler. Furthermore, we've been
 quite progressive in adopting practices and tools from the wider PHP

 I definitely do not disagree with you that some things could, and should,
 be improved. Like you I'd like to see the Wikibase git repository and
 naming of the extensions be aligned more, since it indeed is confusing.
 Increased API stability, especially the JavaScript one, is something else
 on my wish-list, amongst a lot of other things. There are always reasons of
 why things are the way they are now and why they did not improve yet. So I
 suggest to look at specific pain points and see how things can be improved
 there. This will get us much further than looking at the general state,
 concluding people do not want third party contributions, and then
 protesting against that.



 Jeroen De Dauw -
 Software craftsmanship advocate
 Evil software architect at Wikimedia Germany

 Wikidata-l mailing list

 Paul Houle
 Expert on Freebase, DBpedia, Hadoop and RDF
 (607) 539 6254paul.houle on Skype

 Wikidata-l mailing list

Wikidata-l mailing list

Re: [Wikidata-l] Call for development openness

2015-02-20 Thread Denny Vrandečić
Also, Gerard - you are one to quickly chide others for not being
constructive in their criticism, and I very much appreciate you doing so.

I would like to ask you to reconsider whether your contribution to this
thread meets your own threshold for being constructive.

Can we please stop being hurtful and dismissive of each other? We have a
great project, riding an amazing wave, and there's too much for each one of
us to do to afford to hurt each other and make this a place less nice than
it could be.

On Fri Feb 20 2015 at 1:44:53 PM Denny Vrandečić

 Regarding Paul's comment:

 I first heard about Wikidata at SemTech in San Francisco and I was told
 very directly that they were not interested in working with anybody who was
 experienced with putting data from generic database in front of users
 because they had worked so hard to get academic positions and get a grant
 from the Allen Institute and it is more cost-effective and more compatible
 with academic advancement to hire a bunch of young people who don't know
 anything but will follow orders.

 I am, frankly, baffled by this story. It very likely was me, presenting
 Wikidata at SemTech in SF, so it probably was me you have been talking
 with, but I have no recollection of a conversation going the way you
 describe it.

 If I remember the timing correctly, I didn't have an academic position at
 the time of SemTech. Actually, I gave up my academic position to move to
 Berlin and work on Wikidata.

 The donors on Wikidata never exercised any influence on the projects,
 beyond requiring reports on the progress.

 I cannot imagine that I would ever have said that we were not interested
 in working with anybody who was experienced with putting data from generic
 database in front of users, because, really, that would make no sense to
 say. I also do not remember having gotten an application from you.

 Regarding the team that we wanted and eventually did hire, I would sternly
 disagree with the description of a bunch of young people who don't know
 anything but will follow orders - from the applications we got we choose
 the most suitable team we could pull together. And considering the
 discussions we had in the following months, following orders was neither
 their strength nor the qualification they were chosen for. Nor did they
 consist only of young people. Instead, it turned out, they were exactly the
 kind of independent thinkers with dedication to the goal and quality that
 we were aiming for. Fortunately, for the project.

 Maybe the conversation went differently than you are remembering it.
 E.g. I would have insisted on building Wikidata on top of MediaWiki (for
 operational reasons).
 E.g. I would have insisted on everyone to work on Wikidata to move to
 Berlin (because I thought it would be the only possibility to get the
 project to an acceptable state in the original timeframe, so that we can
 ensure its future sustainability).
 E.g. I would have disagreed on being able to use RDF/SPARQL backends back
 then out of the box to be Wikidata's backend (but I would have been open
 for anyone showing me that I was wrong, and indeed very happy because,
 seriously, I have an unreasonable fondness for SPARQL and RDF).
 E.g. I would have disagreed that our job as Wikimedia is to spend too many
 resource in pretty frontends (because that is something the community can
 do, and as we see, is doing very well - I think Wikimedia should really
 concentrate on those pieces of work that cannot and are not being done by
 the community).
 E.g. I would have insisted on not outsourcing any major part of the
 development effort to an external service provider.
 E.g. it could be that we already had all positions filled, and simply no
 money for more people (really depends on the timing).
 So there are plenty of points we might have disagreed with, and which,
 maybe misunderstood, maybe subtly altered by the passage of time in a
 fallible memory, have lead to the recollection of our conversation that you
 presented, but, for the reasons mentioned above, I think that your
 recollection is incorrect.

 On Fri Feb 20 2015 at 12:42:44 PM Daniel Kinzler wrote:

 Hi Paul!

 I understand your frustration, but let me put a few things into

 For reference: I'm employed by WMDE and work on wikibase/wikidata. I have
 working on MediaWiki since 2005, and am being payed for it since 2008.

 Am 20.02.2015 um 19:14 schrieb Paul Houle:
  I am not an academic.  The people behind Wikidata are.

 To the extend that most of us have some college degree. The only full
 involved is Markus Krötzsch, who together with Denny Vrandecic developed
 many of
 the concepts behind Wikidata. He acts as an advisor to the Wikidata
 project, but
 doesn't have any formal position.

 Oh, we also have a group of students working on their bachelor project
 with us.

  I first heard about Wikidata at 

Re: [Wikidata-l] Call for development openness

2015-02-20 Thread Daniel Kinzler
Hi Paul!

I understand your frustration, but let me put a few things into perspective.

For reference: I'm employed by WMDE and work on wikibase/wikidata. I have been
working on MediaWiki since 2005, and am being payed for it since 2008.

Am 20.02.2015 um 19:14 schrieb Paul Houle:
 I am not an academic.  The people behind Wikidata are.

To the extend that most of us have some college degree. The only full academic
involved is Markus Krötzsch, who together with Denny Vrandecic developed many of
the concepts behind Wikidata. He acts as an advisor to the Wikidata project, but
doesn't have any formal position.

Oh, we also have a group of students working on their bachelor project with us.

 I first heard about Wikidata at SemTech in San Francisco and I was told very
 directly that they were not interested in working with anybody who was
 experienced with putting data from generic database in front of users because
 they had worked so hard to get academic positions and get a grant from the 
 Institute and it is more cost-effective and more compatible with academic
 advancement to hire a bunch of young people who don't know anything but will
 follow orders.

Auch. Working with such people would be a drag. Luckily, we have an awesome team
of full blooded programmers. Not that we get everything right, or done in 

 RDF* and SPARQL* do not come from an academic background but from a commercial
 organization that expects to make money by satisfying people's needs and it is
 being supported by a number of other commercial organizations.  See

You'll be happy to hear that we are working with high priority to finally
provide full query functionality. We are still evaluating options (WMF's Nik and
Stas have been visiting the WMDE office for this, just this week - have a safe
trip home, guys!), but the current favorite is, in fact, BlazeGraph, formerly
BigData, by the people who came up with RDF* and RDR. If we end up using that,
chances are good that we will be exposing a SPARQL endpoint directly.

We may still find a deal breaker though, so no promise. Another option would be
Neo4J, using a graph oriented mapping. We could still expose SPARQL (building
upon Gremlin, IIRC), but I suspect that we'd probably rather expose something
more domain specific, perhaps based on Magnus' WDQ syntax, that operates
directly on the graph.

 This is something that builds on everything successful about RDF and SPARQL 
 adds the missing links that it takes to implement data wikis.  If somebody 
 starting Wikidata today or if the kind of billionaire who buys sports teams 
 way I might buy a game console wanted to fund an effort to keep Freebase 
  RDF*/SPARQL* is the way to do it.

I still stand by the decision not to use a triple store as the primary storage
for wikidata, for various reasons (MediaWiki integration, especially versioning,
being among the most important ones).

But I'm all for mapping our internal model to RDF, and exposing a SPARQL
endpoint, if we can do that in a reliable manner with the available resources.
I'd rather have limited query functionality with five nines uptime than a SPARQL
endpoint that is down half the time.

Speaking of mapping to RDF: Have you read

 Wikidata is playing to whims of a few rich
 people and it could disappear at any time when those people get tired of it or
 decide they have what they want and don't want to make it any easier for
 competitors to follow them.

Wikidata development and hosting is funded by donations to Wikimedia, like all
Wikimedia projects. The first year of development was indeed funded by large
companies and trusts (AI2, Google, and the Moore Foundation), but to my
knowledge they never tried to influence our decisions.

We have never had academic funding. I don't think we are going to say no if we
can get any, though.

 The trouble is that most people interested in open data seem to think their 
 is worth nothing and other people's time is worth nothing and aren't 
 in paying even a small amount for services so the producers throw stuff that
 almost works over the wall.  I don't think it would be all that difficult for 
 to do for Wikidata what I did for Freebase but I am not doing it because you
 aren't going to pay for it.

If you mail me an application/offer, I'm happy to forward and, depending on
content, champion it. Wikimedia doesn't pay as well as big tech companies
(Wikimedia operates on a shoe string budget, compared to other sites with
upwards of 100k hits per second), but the pay isn't shoddy either. Come and
visit! Let's talk!

Daniel Kinzler
Senior Software Developer

Wikimedia Deutschland
Gesellschaft zur Förderung Freien Wissens e.V.

Wikidata-l mailing list

Re: [Wikidata-l] Call for development openness

2015-02-20 Thread Denny Vrandečić
Regarding Paul's comment:

I first heard about Wikidata at SemTech in San Francisco and I was told
very directly that they were not interested in working with anybody who was
experienced with putting data from generic database in front of users
because they had worked so hard to get academic positions and get a grant
from the Allen Institute and it is more cost-effective and more compatible
with academic advancement to hire a bunch of young people who don't know
anything but will follow orders.

I am, frankly, baffled by this story. It very likely was me, presenting
Wikidata at SemTech in SF, so it probably was me you have been talking
with, but I have no recollection of a conversation going the way you
describe it.

If I remember the timing correctly, I didn't have an academic position at
the time of SemTech. Actually, I gave up my academic position to move to
Berlin and work on Wikidata.

The donors on Wikidata never exercised any influence on the projects,
beyond requiring reports on the progress.

I cannot imagine that I would ever have said that we were not interested
in working with anybody who was experienced with putting data from generic
database in front of users, because, really, that would make no sense to
say. I also do not remember having gotten an application from you.

Regarding the team that we wanted and eventually did hire, I would sternly
disagree with the description of a bunch of young people who don't know
anything but will follow orders - from the applications we got we choose
the most suitable team we could pull together. And considering the
discussions we had in the following months, following orders was neither
their strength nor the qualification they were chosen for. Nor did they
consist only of young people. Instead, it turned out, they were exactly the
kind of independent thinkers with dedication to the goal and quality that
we were aiming for. Fortunately, for the project.

Maybe the conversation went differently than you are remembering it.
E.g. I would have insisted on building Wikidata on top of MediaWiki (for
operational reasons).
E.g. I would have insisted on everyone to work on Wikidata to move to
Berlin (because I thought it would be the only possibility to get the
project to an acceptable state in the original timeframe, so that we can
ensure its future sustainability).
E.g. I would have disagreed on being able to use RDF/SPARQL backends back
then out of the box to be Wikidata's backend (but I would have been open
for anyone showing me that I was wrong, and indeed very happy because,
seriously, I have an unreasonable fondness for SPARQL and RDF).
E.g. I would have disagreed that our job as Wikimedia is to spend too many
resource in pretty frontends (because that is something the community can
do, and as we see, is doing very well - I think Wikimedia should really
concentrate on those pieces of work that cannot and are not being done by
the community).
E.g. I would have insisted on not outsourcing any major part of the
development effort to an external service provider.
E.g. it could be that we already had all positions filled, and simply no
money for more people (really depends on the timing).
So there are plenty of points we might have disagreed with, and which,
maybe misunderstood, maybe subtly altered by the passage of time in a
fallible memory, have lead to the recollection of our conversation that you
presented, but, for the reasons mentioned above, I think that your
recollection is incorrect.

On Fri Feb 20 2015 at 12:42:44 PM Daniel Kinzler wrote:

 Hi Paul!

 I understand your frustration, but let me put a few things into

 For reference: I'm employed by WMDE and work on wikibase/wikidata. I have
 working on MediaWiki since 2005, and am being payed for it since 2008.

 Am 20.02.2015 um 19:14 schrieb Paul Houle:
  I am not an academic.  The people behind Wikidata are.

 To the extend that most of us have some college degree. The only full
 involved is Markus Krötzsch, who together with Denny Vrandecic developed
 many of
 the concepts behind Wikidata. He acts as an advisor to the Wikidata
 project, but
 doesn't have any formal position.

 Oh, we also have a group of students working on their bachelor project
 with us.

  I first heard about Wikidata at SemTech in San Francisco and I was told
  directly that they were not interested in working with anybody who was
  experienced with putting data from generic database in front of users
  they had worked so hard to get academic positions and get a grant from
 the Allen
  Institute and it is more cost-effective and more compatible with academic
  advancement to hire a bunch of young people who don't know anything but
  follow orders.

 Auch. Working with such people would be a drag. Luckily, we have an
 awesome team
 of full blooded programmers. Not that we get everything right, or done in

  RDF* and SPARQL* do not 

Re: [Wikidata-l] Call for development openness

2015-02-20 Thread Markus Kroetzsch

Dear Gerard:


This is the essence of Wikidata. After that we can all complain about
the fallacies of Wikidata.. I have my pet pieves and it is not your RDF
SPARQL and stuff. That is mostly stuff for academics and it its use is
largely academic and not useful on the level where I want progress.
Exposing this information to PEOPLE is what I am after and by and large
they do not live in the ivory towers where RDF and SPARQL live.

It seems that, in this bright future, you are forgetting our past. Those 
very ivory towers that you so scold are where Wikidata has been 
conceived. RDF is the reason why we have properties as first-class 
objects in Wikidata. Even before such technical details, the vision of 
a Semantic Web that enables the free exchange of information beyond 
system boundaries for Denny and myself has been the first and foremost 
inspiration for much of the work that went into preparing and realizing 
Wikidata. Surely not all of Wikidata came from this one source of 
inspiration -- e.g., the crucial insight that all of this should be in a 
single multilingual site is due to Erik Moeller -- but without all of 
the work in semantic technologies we would not have Wikidata today.

People from different backgrounds are working together here. If you want 
to be part of such a community, you should abandon outdated stereotypes, 
and in particular stop using academic as a pejorative.


Wikidata-l mailing list

Re: [Wikidata-l] Call for development openness

2015-02-20 Thread Gerard Meijssen
Obviously you forgot about OmegaWiki. It can still do things Wikidata is
incapable of.

On 20 February 2015 at 17:21, Markus Kroetzsch wrote:

 Dear Gerard:


 This is the essence of Wikidata. After that we can all complain about
 the fallacies of Wikidata.. I have my pet pieves and it is not your RDF
 SPARQL and stuff. That is mostly stuff for academics and it its use is
 largely academic and not useful on the level where I want progress.
 Exposing this information to PEOPLE is what I am after and by and large
 they do not live in the ivory towers where RDF and SPARQL live.

 It seems that, in this bright future, you are forgetting our past. Those
 very ivory towers that you so scold are where Wikidata has been
 conceived. RDF is the reason why we have properties as first-class objects
 in Wikidata. Even before such technical details, the vision of a Semantic
 Web that enables the free exchange of information beyond system boundaries
 for Denny and myself has been the first and foremost inspiration for much
 of the work that went into preparing and realizing Wikidata. Surely not all
 of Wikidata came from this one source of inspiration -- e.g., the crucial
 insight that all of this should be in a single multilingual site is due to
 Erik Moeller -- but without all of the work in semantic technologies we
 would not have Wikidata today.

 People from different backgrounds are working together here. If you want
 to be part of such a community, you should abandon outdated stereotypes,
 and in particular stop using academic as a pejorative.


 Wikidata-l mailing list

Wikidata-l mailing list

Re: [Wikidata-l] Call for development openness

2015-02-20 Thread Paul Houle

I should probably keep my mouth shut about this but I am so offended
but what you say that I am not.

I am not an academic.  The people behind Wikidata are.

I am a professional programmer who has spent a lot of time being the guy
who finishes what other people started;  I typically come on when a project
has been two years late for two years and I do whatever it takes to get the
product in front of the customer.

I know that building a system in PHP to do what Wikidata is the road to
hell not because I hate PHP but because I have done it myself and learned
it through experience.

I first heard about Wikidata at SemTech in San Francisco and I was told
very directly that they were not interested in working with anybody who was
experienced with putting data from generic database in front of users
because they had worked so hard to get academic positions and get a grant
from the Allen Institute and it is more cost-effective and more compatible
with academic advancement to hire a bunch of young people who don't know
anything but will follow orders.

If you hire 3x the people you need and have good management you can make
that work;  just the fact that the project has a heavyweight project
manager is a very good sign.  I mean that is how the CMM 5 shops in India
do it,  and perhaps they have done that because actually Wikidata has
succeeded quite well from a software engineering perspective.

Now so far as RDF and SPARQL go if you'd seen my history you'd see I am an
American in the Winston Churchill sense that I've tried everything except
for the right thing and finally settled on it.  I really had my conversion
when I discovered I could take data from Freebase and put it through
something more like a reconstruction than a transformation,  convert it to
RDF and I could write SPARQL queries that just worked.

RDF* and SPARQL* do not come from an academic background but from a
commercial organization that expects to make money by satisfying people's
needs and it is being supported by a number of other commercial
organizations.  See

This is something that builds on everything successful about RDF and SPARQL
and adds the missing links that it takes to implement data wikis.  If
somebody was starting Wikidata today or if the kind of billionaire who buys
sports teams the way I might buy a game console wanted to fund an effort to
keep Freebase going,  RDF*/SPARQL* is the way to do it.

What happens when you build a half-baked system from scratch and don't what
algebra is using is that you run into problems that get progressively worse
and you wind up like woman who ate the cat because she ate the rat and so
forth.  If I had a dime for every time I had to fix up some application
where people could not figure out how to make primary keys that are unique
or every boss who didn't want me to take my time to understand a race
condition and wished I would be like the guy who made the race conditions,
 just trying random things until it sorta works I would be a billionaire
and I would take Freebase over and fix all the things that are wrong with
it.  (Which are really not that bad,  but never happened because Google
didn't have any incentive to say,  improve the book database.)

Or would I?

A structural problem with open data is that people are NOT paying for it.
If you were paying for it,  the publishers of the data would have an
incentive to serve the PEOPLE who are using it.  Wikidata is playing to
whims of a few rich people and it could disappear at any time when those
people get tired of it or decide they have what they want and don't want to
make it any easier for competitors to follow them.

 Most conventional forms of academic funding that come from governments
have the same problems.  I mean,  you get your grant,  you publish a paper,
 it doesn't particularly matter that what you did worked or not.  There is
also the perpetual project orientation which is not suitable for things
like or DBpedia which are really programs or operations.  You can
have a very hard time finding $400k a year for something that is high
impact (i.e. 50,000 scientists use it every day),  while next door there is
somebody who got $5 million to make something that goes nowhere (i.e. the
postdoc wants to use Hadoop to process the server logs but the number of
hits is small enough you could do it by hand.)

In terms of producing a usable product Wikidata has made some very good
progress in terms of having data that is clean (if not copious),  but in
terms of having a usable query facility or dump files that are easy to work
with,  it is still behind DBpedia.  I mean,  you can do a lot with the
DBpedia files with grep and awk and tools like that and it is not that hard
to load it into a triple store and you have SPARQL 1.1 which is eminently
practical because you can use your whole bag of tricks that you use with
relational databases.

In the big picture 

Re: [Wikidata-l] Call for development openness

2015-02-20 Thread Gerard Meijssen
big grin

My background in computing is in mini mainframes. I know about huge
databases. I had my own organisation and it was involved in what started as
Ultimate Wiktionary, it became OmegaWiki and I am proud of it.

I understand your frustration. When I look at Wikidata and how it is
presented... I use Reasonator when I look at Wikidata's items. I use WDQ
when I query the data. Wikidata is so useless without these additional
tools. Magnus who wrote those tools said about RDF I can do RDF on top of

The proint of WDQ is that it scales, it does load balancing. Not so much
for performance reasons but because it occasionally crashes.

RDF and SPARQL may be great but for me the point is very much in providing
the same data in multiple languages and THAT is something we can do with
Reasonator really well.

Having read your rant, I am sorry. However, I am not sorry to say that
Wikidata is very much a tool that is not used, is hardly usable. The
current crop of RDF tools are not linked to Wikidata, there is no way that
you see effects of data entry affect the results like in WDQ.

I do however believe in Wikidata.. currently I have over 2 million edits to
my credit. YES. Wikidata is underfunded and underresourced.

PS I am proud of this in Wikidata...

On 20 February 2015 at 19:14, Paul Houle wrote:


 I should probably keep my mouth shut about this but I am so offended
 but what you say that I am not.

 I am not an academic.  The people behind Wikidata are.

 I am a professional programmer who has spent a lot of time being the guy
 who finishes what other people started;  I typically come on when a project
 has been two years late for two years and I do whatever it takes to get the
 product in front of the customer.

 I know that building a system in PHP to do what Wikidata is the road to
 hell not because I hate PHP but because I have done it myself and learned
 it through experience.

 I first heard about Wikidata at SemTech in San Francisco and I was told
 very directly that they were not interested in working with anybody who was
 experienced with putting data from generic database in front of users
 because they had worked so hard to get academic positions and get a grant
 from the Allen Institute and it is more cost-effective and more compatible
 with academic advancement to hire a bunch of young people who don't know
 anything but will follow orders.

 If you hire 3x the people you need and have good management you can make
 that work;  just the fact that the project has a heavyweight project
 manager is a very good sign.  I mean that is how the CMM 5 shops in India
 do it,  and perhaps they have done that because actually Wikidata has
 succeeded quite well from a software engineering perspective.

 Now so far as RDF and SPARQL go if you'd seen my history you'd see I am an
 American in the Winston Churchill sense that I've tried everything except
 for the right thing and finally settled on it.  I really had my conversion
 when I discovered I could take data from Freebase and put it through
 something more like a reconstruction than a transformation,  convert it to
 RDF and I could write SPARQL queries that just worked.

 RDF* and SPARQL* do not come from an academic background but from a
 commercial organization that expects to make money by satisfying people's
 needs and it is being supported by a number of other commercial
 organizations.  See

 This is something that builds on everything successful about RDF and
 SPARQL and adds the missing links that it takes to implement data wikis.
 If somebody was starting Wikidata today or if the kind of billionaire who
 buys sports teams the way I might buy a game console wanted to fund an
 effort to keep Freebase going,  RDF*/SPARQL* is the way to do it.

 What happens when you build a half-baked system from scratch and don't
 what algebra is using is that you run into problems that get progressively
 worse and you wind up like woman who ate the cat because she ate the rat
 and so forth.  If I had a dime for every time I had to fix up some
 application where people could not figure out how to make primary keys that
 are unique or every boss who didn't want me to take my time to understand a
 race condition and wished I would be like the guy who made the race
 conditions,  just trying random things until it sorta works I would be a
 billionaire and I would take Freebase over and fix all the things that are
 wrong with it.  (Which are really not that bad,  but never happened because
 Google didn't have any incentive to say,  improve the book database.)

 Or would I?

 A structural problem with open data is that people are NOT paying for it.
 If you were paying for it,  the publishers of the data would have an
 incentive to serve 

Re: [Wikidata-l] Call for development openness

2015-02-19 Thread Lydia Pintscher
On Thu, Feb 19, 2015 at 12:03 AM, Legoktm wrote:
 I used to be more active in Wikidata development but was put off after
 discovering that WMDE developers can directly push commits without review,
 and if they need to be reverted I need to spend 20 minutes trying to figure
 out how to use Github to submit a pull request. And even though I am trusted
 with +2 on mediawiki/*, that doesn't give me +2 on these repos to revert
 obviously bad commits.

Why didn't you come to me to talk about this? Folks, if something
upsets you that much you need to come and talk to me. I can't promise
I can always fix it but I will try and if I don't know about it I
definitely can't. You can reach me via email, irc, facebook, twitter,
face-to-face etc.
In this particular case: Noone should push without review. If someone
does then I need to know. And you could obviously have gotten the
necessary rights on that repo.  (And still can if you want that.) But
again I need to know to make that happen.


Lydia Pintscher -
Product Manager for Wikidata

Wikimedia Deutschland e.V.
Tempelhofer Ufer 23-24
10963 Berlin

Wikimedia Deutschland - Gesellschaft zur Förderung Freien Wissens e. V.

Eingetragen im Vereinsregister des Amtsgerichts Berlin-Charlottenburg
unter der Nummer 23855 Nz. Als gemeinnützig anerkannt durch das
Finanzamt für Körperschaften I Berlin, Steuernummer 27/681/51985.

Wikidata-l mailing list

Re: [Wikidata-l] Call for development openness

2015-02-19 Thread Denny Vrandečić
Also, the problem most SPARQL backend developers worried about was not
Wikidata's size, but it's dynamicity. Not the number of triples, but the
frequency of edits. And we did talk to many of those people.

On Thu, Feb 19, 2015, 07:05 Markus Krötzsch

 Hi Paul,

 Re RDF*/SPARQL*: could you send a link? Someone has really made an
 effort to find the least googleable terminology here ;-)

 Re relying on standards: I think this argument is missing the point. If
 you look at what developers in Wikidata are concerned with, it is +90%
 interface and internal data workflow. This would be exaclty the same no
 matter which data standard you would use. All the challenges of
 providing a usable UI and a stable API would remain the same, since a
 data encoding standard does not help with any of this. If you have
 followed some of the recent discussion on the DBpedia mailing list about
 the UIs they have there, you can see that Wikidata is already in a very
 good position in comparison when it comes to exposing data to humans
 (thanks to Magnus, of course ;-). RDF is great but there are many
 problems that it does not even try to solve (rightly so). These problems
 seem to be dominant in the Wikidata world right now.

 This said, we are in a great position to adopt new standards as they
 come along. I agree with you on the obvious relationships between
 Wikidata statements and the property graph model. We are well aware of
 this. Graph databases are considered for providing query solutions to
 Wikidata, and we are considering to set up a SPARQL endpoint for our
 existing RDF as well. Overall, I don't see a reason why we should not
 embrace all of these technologies as they suit our purpose, even if they
 were not available yet when Wikidata was first conceived.

 Re It is also exciting that vendors are getting on board with this and
 we are going to seeing some stuff that is crazy scalable (way past 10^12
 facts on commodity hardware) very soon. [which vendors?] [citation
 needed] ;-) We would be very interested in learning about such
 technologies. After the recent end of Titan, the discussion of query
 answering backends is still ongoing.



 On 18.02.2015 21:25, Paul Houle wrote:
  What bugs me about it is that Wikidata has gone down the same road as
  Freebase and Neo4J in the sense of developing something ad-hoc that is
  not well understood.
  I understand the motivations that lead there,  because there are
  requirements to meet that standards don't necessarily satisfy,  plus
  Wikidata really is doing ambitious things in the sense of capturing
  provenance information.
  Perhaps it has come a little too late to help with Wikidata but it seems
  to me that RDF* and SPARQL* have a lot to offer for data wikis in that
  you can view data as plain ordinary RDF and query with SPARQL but you
  can also attach provenance and other metadata in a sane way with sweet
  syntax for writing it in Turtle or querying it in other ways.
  Another way of thinking about it is that RDF* is formalizing the
  property graph model which has always been ad hoc in products like
  Neo4J.  I can say that knowing what the algebra is you are implementing
  helps a lot in getting the tools to work right.  So you not only have
  SPARQL queries as a possibility but also languages like Gremlin and
  Cypher and this is all pretty exciting.  It is also exciting that
  vendors are getting on board with this and we are going to seeing some
  stuff that is crazy scalable (way past 10^12 facts on commodity
  hardware) very soon.
  On Tue, Feb 17, 2015 at 12:20 PM, Jeroen De Dauw wrote:
  As Lydia mentioned, we obviously do not actively discourage outside
  contributions, and will gladly listen to suggestions on how we can
  do better. That being said, we are actively taking steps to make it
  easier for developers not already part of the community to start
  For instance, we created a website about our software itself [0],
  which lists the MediaWiki extensions and the different libraries [1]
  we created. For most of our libraries, you can just clone the code
  and run composer install. And then you're all set. You can make
  changes, run the tests and submit them back. Different workflow than
  what you as MediaWiki developer are used to perhaps, though quite a
  bit simpler. Furthermore, we've been quite progressive in adopting
  practices and tools from the wider PHP community.
  I definitely do not disagree with you that some things could, and
  should, be improved. Like you I'd like to see the Wikibase git
  repository and naming of the extensions be aligned more, since it
  indeed is confusing. Increased API stability, especially the
  JavaScript one, is something else on my wish-list, amongst a lot of

Re: [Wikidata-l] Call for development openness

2015-02-19 Thread Markus Krötzsch

Hi Paul,

Re RDF*/SPARQL*: could you send a link? Someone has really made an 
effort to find the least googleable terminology here ;-)

Re relying on standards: I think this argument is missing the point. If 
you look at what developers in Wikidata are concerned with, it is +90% 
interface and internal data workflow. This would be exaclty the same no 
matter which data standard you would use. All the challenges of 
providing a usable UI and a stable API would remain the same, since a 
data encoding standard does not help with any of this. If you have 
followed some of the recent discussion on the DBpedia mailing list about 
the UIs they have there, you can see that Wikidata is already in a very 
good position in comparison when it comes to exposing data to humans 
(thanks to Magnus, of course ;-). RDF is great but there are many 
problems that it does not even try to solve (rightly so). These problems 
seem to be dominant in the Wikidata world right now.

This said, we are in a great position to adopt new standards as they 
come along. I agree with you on the obvious relationships between 
Wikidata statements and the property graph model. We are well aware of 
this. Graph databases are considered for providing query solutions to 
Wikidata, and we are considering to set up a SPARQL endpoint for our 
existing RDF as well. Overall, I don't see a reason why we should not 
embrace all of these technologies as they suit our purpose, even if they 
were not available yet when Wikidata was first conceived.

Re It is also exciting that vendors are getting on board with this and 
we are going to seeing some stuff that is crazy scalable (way past 10^12 
facts on commodity hardware) very soon. [which vendors?] [citation 
needed] ;-) We would be very interested in learning about such 
technologies. After the recent end of Titan, the discussion of query 
answering backends is still ongoing.



On 18.02.2015 21:25, Paul Houle wrote:

What bugs me about it is that Wikidata has gone down the same road as
Freebase and Neo4J in the sense of developing something ad-hoc that is
not well understood.

I understand the motivations that lead there,  because there are
requirements to meet that standards don't necessarily satisfy,  plus
Wikidata really is doing ambitious things in the sense of capturing
provenance information.

Perhaps it has come a little too late to help with Wikidata but it seems
to me that RDF* and SPARQL* have a lot to offer for data wikis in that
you can view data as plain ordinary RDF and query with SPARQL but you
can also attach provenance and other metadata in a sane way with sweet
syntax for writing it in Turtle or querying it in other ways.

Another way of thinking about it is that RDF* is formalizing the
property graph model which has always been ad hoc in products like
Neo4J.  I can say that knowing what the algebra is you are implementing
helps a lot in getting the tools to work right.  So you not only have
SPARQL queries as a possibility but also languages like Gremlin and
Cypher and this is all pretty exciting.  It is also exciting that
vendors are getting on board with this and we are going to seeing some
stuff that is crazy scalable (way past 10^12 facts on commodity
hardware) very soon.

On Tue, Feb 17, 2015 at 12:20 PM, Jeroen De Dauw wrote:


As Lydia mentioned, we obviously do not actively discourage outside
contributions, and will gladly listen to suggestions on how we can
do better. That being said, we are actively taking steps to make it
easier for developers not already part of the community to start

For instance, we created a website about our software itself [0],
which lists the MediaWiki extensions and the different libraries [1]
we created. For most of our libraries, you can just clone the code
and run composer install. And then you're all set. You can make
changes, run the tests and submit them back. Different workflow than
what you as MediaWiki developer are used to perhaps, though quite a
bit simpler. Furthermore, we've been quite progressive in adopting
practices and tools from the wider PHP community.

I definitely do not disagree with you that some things could, and
should, be improved. Like you I'd like to see the Wikibase git
repository and naming of the extensions be aligned more, since it
indeed is confusing. Increased API stability, especially the
JavaScript one, is something else on my wish-list, amongst a lot of
other things. There are always reasons of why things are the way
they are now and why they did not improve yet. So I suggest to look
at specific pain points and see how things can be improved there.
This will get us much further than looking at the general state,
concluding people do not want third party contributions, and then
protesting against that.


Re: [Wikidata-l] Call for development openness

2015-02-18 Thread Paul Houle
What bugs me about it is that Wikidata has gone down the same road as
Freebase and Neo4J in the sense of developing something ad-hoc that is not
well understood.

I understand the motivations that lead there,  because there are
requirements to meet that standards don't necessarily satisfy,  plus
Wikidata really is doing ambitious things in the sense of capturing
provenance information.

Perhaps it has come a little too late to help with Wikidata but it seems to
me that RDF* and SPARQL* have a lot to offer for data wikis in that you
can view data as plain ordinary RDF and query with SPARQL but you can also
attach provenance and other metadata in a sane way with sweet syntax for
writing it in Turtle or querying it in other ways.

Another way of thinking about it is that RDF* is formalizing the property
graph model which has always been ad hoc in products like Neo4J.  I can say
that knowing what the algebra is you are implementing helps a lot in
getting the tools to work right.  So you not only have SPARQL queries as a
possibility but also languages like Gremlin and Cypher and this is all
pretty exciting.  It is also exciting that vendors are getting on board
with this and we are going to seeing some stuff that is crazy scalable (way
past 10^12 facts on commodity hardware) very soon.

On Tue, Feb 17, 2015 at 12:20 PM, Jeroen De Dauw


 As Lydia mentioned, we obviously do not actively discourage outside
 contributions, and will gladly listen to suggestions on how we can do
 better. That being said, we are actively taking steps to make it easier for
 developers not already part of the community to start contributing.

 For instance, we created a website about our software itself [0], which
 lists the MediaWiki extensions and the different libraries [1] we created.
 For most of our libraries, you can just clone the code and run composer
 install. And then you're all set. You can make changes, run the tests and
 submit them back. Different workflow than what you as MediaWiki developer
 are used to perhaps, though quite a bit simpler. Furthermore, we've been
 quite progressive in adopting practices and tools from the wider PHP

 I definitely do not disagree with you that some things could, and should,
 be improved. Like you I'd like to see the Wikibase git repository and
 naming of the extensions be aligned more, since it indeed is confusing.
 Increased API stability, especially the JavaScript one, is something else
 on my wish-list, amongst a lot of other things. There are always reasons of
 why things are the way they are now and why they did not improve yet. So I
 suggest to look at specific pain points and see how things can be improved
 there. This will get us much further than looking at the general state,
 concluding people do not want third party contributions, and then
 protesting against that.



 Jeroen De Dauw -
 Software craftsmanship advocate
 Evil software architect at Wikimedia Germany

 Wikidata-l mailing list

Paul Houle
Expert on Freebase, DBpedia, Hadoop and RDF
(607) 539 6254paul.houle on Skype
Wikidata-l mailing list

Re: [Wikidata-l] Call for development openness

2015-02-18 Thread Legoktm

On 02/17/2015 03:43 AM, Ricordisamoa wrote:

I recently started following mediawiki/extensions/Wikibase on Gerrit,
and quite astonishingly found that nearly all of the 100 most recently
updated changes appear to be owned by WMDE employees (exceptions being
one change by Legoktm and some from L10n-bot). This is not the case, for
example, with mediawiki/core.

I used to be more active in Wikidata development but was put off after 
discovering that WMDE developers can directly push commits without 
review, and if they need to be reverted I need to spend 20 minutes 
trying to figure out how to use Github to submit a pull request. And 
even though I am trusted with +2 on mediawiki/*, that doesn't give me +2 
on these repos to revert obviously bad commits.

Sorry if this sounds like a slap in the face, but it had to be said.

Thank you.

-- Legoktm

Wikidata-l mailing list

Re: [Wikidata-l] Call for development openness

2015-02-17 Thread Lydia Pintscher
On Tue, Feb 17, 2015 at 1:33 PM, Ricordisamoa wrote:
 Out of curiosity, was GitHub chosen because it fitted with your workflow?

Several reasons but mostly exposure to other users of libraries that
are not tied to MediaWiki and workflow.

 Will you embrace Differential when it comes?

That's a discussion we need to have when it is available. In general though yes.

 Finally, the ever-changing client-side APIs make gadgets development a pain
 in the ass.

 Agreed but as I said this is going to be painful for a little longer
 until we have done the UI redesign. After that I want it to be more
 stable again obviously.

 Thanks. Is there a task/page where progress is tracked? and its subtasks are what I
use for tracking the whole redesign. We do this in steps. The
sitelinks have been revamped but still need a few more fixes. Header
area is getting close. Next up is the statement section. And then
polishing on the whole thing.


Lydia Pintscher -
Product Manager for Wikidata

Wikimedia Deutschland e.V.
Tempelhofer Ufer 23-24
10963 Berlin

Wikimedia Deutschland - Gesellschaft zur Förderung Freien Wissens e. V.

Eingetragen im Vereinsregister des Amtsgerichts Berlin-Charlottenburg
unter der Nummer 23855 Nz. Als gemeinnützig anerkannt durch das
Finanzamt für Körperschaften I Berlin, Steuernummer 27/681/51985.

Wikidata-l mailing list

Re: [Wikidata-l] Call for development openness

2015-02-17 Thread Jeroen De Dauw

As Lydia mentioned, we obviously do not actively discourage outside
contributions, and will gladly listen to suggestions on how we can do
better. That being said, we are actively taking steps to make it easier for
developers not already part of the community to start contributing.

For instance, we created a website about our software itself [0], which
lists the MediaWiki extensions and the different libraries [1] we created.
For most of our libraries, you can just clone the code and run composer
install. And then you're all set. You can make changes, run the tests and
submit them back. Different workflow than what you as MediaWiki developer
are used to perhaps, though quite a bit simpler. Furthermore, we've been
quite progressive in adopting practices and tools from the wider PHP

I definitely do not disagree with you that some things could, and should,
be improved. Like you I'd like to see the Wikibase git repository and
naming of the extensions be aligned more, since it indeed is confusing.
Increased API stability, especially the JavaScript one, is something else
on my wish-list, amongst a lot of other things. There are always reasons of
why things are the way they are now and why they did not improve yet. So I
suggest to look at specific pain points and see how things can be improved
there. This will get us much further than looking at the general state,
concluding people do not want third party contributions, and then
protesting against that.



Jeroen De Dauw -
Software craftsmanship advocate
Evil software architect at Wikimedia Germany
Wikidata-l mailing list

Re: [Wikidata-l] Call for development openness

2015-02-17 Thread Lydia Pintscher
On Tue, Feb 17, 2015 at 1:40 PM, Ricordisamoa wrote:
 Upd: I found, and, but they're marked as experimental
 splits and have no commits since Oct 2014, so I suppose they're dead.

Yeah ignore those for now. They are scratchpads basically.


Lydia Pintscher -
Product Manager for Wikidata

Wikimedia Deutschland e.V.
Tempelhofer Ufer 23-24
10963 Berlin

Wikimedia Deutschland - Gesellschaft zur Förderung Freien Wissens e. V.

Eingetragen im Vereinsregister des Amtsgerichts Berlin-Charlottenburg
unter der Nummer 23855 Nz. Als gemeinnützig anerkannt durch das
Finanzamt für Körperschaften I Berlin, Steuernummer 27/681/51985.

Wikidata-l mailing list

Re: [Wikidata-l] Call for development openness

2015-02-17 Thread Lydia Pintscher
On Tue, Feb 17, 2015 at 12:43 PM, Ricordisamoa wrote:
 I recently started following mediawiki/extensions/Wikibase on Gerrit, and
 quite astonishingly found that nearly all of the 100 most recently updated
 changes appear to be owned by WMDE employees (exceptions being one change by
 Legoktm and some from L10n-bot). This is not the case, for example, with
 While this may be desired by the Wikidata team for corporate reasons, I feel
 that encouraging code review by volunteers would empower both Wikidata and
 third-party communities with new ways of contributing to the project and
 raise awareness of the development team's goals in the long term.

How would you like to see us encourage this more? It is nothing we
actively do not want of course.

 The messy naming conventions play a role too, i.e. Extension:Wikibase is
 supposed to host technical documentation but instead redirects to the
 Wikibase portal, with actual documentation split into Extension:Wikibase
 Repository and Extension:Wikibase Client, apparently ignoring the fact that
 the code is actually developed in a single repository (correct me if I'm
 wrong). Just to add some more confusion, there's also Extension:Wikidata
 build with no documentation.

There are different repositories. They just get merged into one for deployment.

 And what about wmde on GitHub with countless creatively-named repos? They
 make life even harder for potential contributors.

Agreed. Something we want to tackle.

 Finally, the ever-changing client-side APIs make gadgets development a pain
 in the ass.

Agreed but as I said this is going to be painful for a little longer
until we have done the UI redesign. After that I want it to be more
stable again obviously.


Lydia Pintscher -
Product Manager for Wikidata

Wikimedia Deutschland e.V.
Tempelhofer Ufer 23-24
10963 Berlin

Wikimedia Deutschland - Gesellschaft zur Förderung Freien Wissens e. V.

Eingetragen im Vereinsregister des Amtsgerichts Berlin-Charlottenburg
unter der Nummer 23855 Nz. Als gemeinnützig anerkannt durch das
Finanzamt für Körperschaften I Berlin, Steuernummer 27/681/51985.

Wikidata-l mailing list

Re: [Wikidata-l] Call for development openness

2015-02-17 Thread Ricordisamoa

Il 17/02/2015 12:53, Lydia Pintscher ha scritto:

On Tue, Feb 17, 2015 at 12:43 PM, Ricordisamoa wrote:

I recently started following mediawiki/extensions/Wikibase on Gerrit, and
quite astonishingly found that nearly all of the 100 most recently updated
changes appear to be owned by WMDE employees (exceptions being one change by
Legoktm and some from L10n-bot). This is not the case, for example, with
While this may be desired by the Wikidata team for corporate reasons, I feel
that encouraging code review by volunteers would empower both Wikidata and
third-party communities with new ways of contributing to the project and
raise awareness of the development team's goals in the long term.

How would you like to see us encourage this more? It is nothing we
actively do not want of course.
Using a single code review system and a simpler repository structure 
will indirectly encourage them.
I'm now seeing Wikibase/Programmer's guide to Wikibase, 
which seems fairly detailed but partly duplicates the Gerrit help pages.

The messy naming conventions play a role too, i.e. Extension:Wikibase is
supposed to host technical documentation but instead redirects to the
Wikibase portal, with actual documentation split into Extension:Wikibase
Repository and Extension:Wikibase Client, apparently ignoring the fact that
the code is actually developed in a single repository (correct me if I'm
wrong). Just to add some more confusion, there's also Extension:Wikidata
build with no documentation.

There are different repositories. They just get merged into one for deployment.
Really? AFAICS development occurs on mediawiki/extensions/Wikibase 
and on GitHub.
and mediawiki/extensions/WikibaseClient 
also exist but have always been empty.
Even mediawiki/extensions/WikibaseRepo 
appears to exist according to Gitblit, but not according to Gerrit nor 

And what about wmde on GitHub with countless creatively-named repos? They
make life even harder for potential contributors.

Agreed. Something we want to tackle.
Out of curiosity, was GitHub chosen because it fitted with your 
workflow? Will you embrace Differential when it comes?

Finally, the ever-changing client-side APIs make gadgets development a pain
in the ass.

Agreed but as I said this is going to be painful for a little longer
until we have done the UI redesign. After that I want it to be more
stable again obviously.

Thanks. Is there a task/page where progress is tracked?


Wikidata-l mailing list

Re: [Wikidata-l] Call for development openness

2015-02-17 Thread Ricordisamoa

Il 17/02/2015 13:33, Ricordisamoa ha scritto:

Il 17/02/2015 12:53, Lydia Pintscher ha scritto:

On Tue, Feb 17, 2015 at 12:43 PM, Ricordisamoa  wrote:

I recently started following mediawiki/extensions/Wikibase on Gerrit, and
quite astonishingly found that nearly all of the 100 most recently updated
changes appear to be owned by WMDE employees (exceptions being one change by
Legoktm and some from L10n-bot). This is not the case, for example, with
While this may be desired by the Wikidata team for corporate reasons, I feel
that encouraging code review by volunteers would empower both Wikidata and
third-party communities with new ways of contributing to the project and
raise awareness of the development team's goals in the long term.

How would you like to see us encourage this more? It is nothing we
actively do not want of course.
Using a single code review system and a simpler repository structure 
will indirectly encourage them.
I'm now seeing Wikibase/Programmer's guide to Wikibase, 
which seems fairly detailed but partly duplicates the Gerrit help pages.

The messy naming conventions play a role too, i.e. Extension:Wikibase is
supposed to host technical documentation but instead redirects to the
Wikibase portal, with actual documentation split into Extension:Wikibase
Repository and Extension:Wikibase Client, apparently ignoring the fact that
the code is actually developed in a single repository (correct me if I'm
wrong). Just to add some more confusion, there's also Extension:Wikidata
build with no documentation.

There are different repositories. They just get merged into one for deployment.
Really? AFAICS development occurs on mediawiki/extensions/Wikibase 
and on GitHub.
and mediawiki/extensions/WikibaseClient 
also exist but have always been empty.
Even mediawiki/extensions/WikibaseRepo 
appears to exist according to Gitblit, but not according to Gerrit nor 
Upd: I found, and, but they're marked as experimental 
splits and have no commits since Oct 2014, so I suppose they're dead.

And what about wmde on GitHub with countless creatively-named repos? They
make life even harder for potential contributors.

Agreed. Something we want to tackle.
Out of curiosity, was GitHub chosen because it fitted with your 
workflow? Will you embrace Differential when it comes?

Finally, the ever-changing client-side APIs make gadgets development a pain
in the ass.

Agreed but as I said this is going to be painful for a little longer
until we have done the UI redesign. After that I want it to be more
stable again obviously.

Thanks. Is there a task/page where progress is tracked?


Wikidata-l mailing list