Hello All,

A summary of the current quality initiatives within WE and a request
for participation.

I have been co-facilitating a Learning4Content workshop and recently
made some comments on the DAY 1 activities. I held off making any
comments to let people have thier say before I voiced my opinion(s). I
found the student lead discussions on open authoring and quality a
very high level. It would seem the understanding of these topics is
increasing across new wiki contributors. This is a great thing.

The main themes I saw in the discussion were;

1) the importance of professionalism and on-going skills transfer for
continuous improvement of quality.
2) open authoring does not ensure high quality content. Though quality
could be encouraged through peer review and accountability. Open
authoring does encourage diversity within the content.
3) The idea of peer reviews to encourage quality was offered most
4) Summative learning questionnaires were mentioned as a way for
quality improvement.
5) Concerns regarding copyright, motivation to participate and payment
for content created were present.

What I think is important is that all of these themes are not new to
the WE community and they are currently being addressed within
WikiEducator (WE). This is what I am familiar with in regards to
projects relating to quality within WE. If others are available please
include them in this discussion.

1) The WE community has become very professional where a majority of
the contributors are over 40 and experienced educators. Skills
transfer is a priority as evidenced by this workshop and the growing
number of WE courses within the technology and authoring subject area.
WE projects are underway to encourage continuous improvement of
a) Featured Works 
Also see discussion page for background
b) Conribution Levels - this is where peer reviews is being encouraged
c) eLearning Maturity Model - this should provide continuous
improvement to the WE infrastructure and organization
d) a number of options are available to continue developing WE skills

2) Peer review and accountability is somewhat built into the wiki
software via its discussion pages and associating edits with user
profiles. The quality assurance initiative under developemnt aims to
formalize the peer review;
I developed the opinion that an open authoring approach does encourage
quality improvement in itself. My belief in this comes from a paper I
wrote a while back; http://www.wikieducator.org/User:Prawstho/WikiQuality
- any feedback / editing would be most appretiated...

3) WE agrees that the peer review is the final measure for content
quality. WE is also sensitive that the idea of a peer review can be
intimidating for newbie WE contributors. WE is developing contributor
levels so the level of requested quality review is "somewhat" in the
hands of the author; 
Then of course, given the openness of the wiki environment all works
are always open to comment / doscussion / review...

4) A number of learning design discussions have included the use of
summative questionnaires. Look around the wiki, some of the courses
have "Summary & FAQs" pages, and some of these pages include quizzes
and questionnaires.

5) This theme touches upon "the philosophy" of why people contribute
to wikis and OER. It's a big topic... and through time I believe
everyone developes a position with it that best suits them. In the
end, how a perosn sits with OER become an important personal choice.

I hope this kicks off further discussion and further involvement in
the QAF (http://www.wikieducator.org/
WikiEducator:Quality_Assurance_Framework) project.


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