Hi all,

unfortunately I have not spotted a response to this email. Could someone
from the 2017 team confirm what is the situation at this point? Or who I
should be talking with?


2016-07-07 15:53 GMT+02:00 Lodewijk <lodew...@effeietsanders.org>:

> Hey Marc, all,
> Based on this conversation, I took a look at the programme draft here
> <https://wikimania2017.wikimedia.org/wiki/Programme>. I noticed that the Round
> table discussions <https://wikimania2016.wikimedia.org/wiki/Discussions>
> (a.k.a. Discussion Room) are not scheduled. Given the description that is
> available on the wiki, I presume this is not covered by the 'birds of a
> feather'.
> I do hope we can schedule the round table discussions again, and that we
> can implement some of the lessons we're drawing from the experiences in the
> past three years on this issue (we = the small committee that organised the
> discussions this year). Feedback seemed rather positive initially (with
> some suggestions for improvement), but we'll be collecting some more in the
> upcoming weeks.
> Best,
> Lodewijk
> 2016-07-07 15:23 GMT+02:00 Marc-Andre <m...@uberbox.org>:
>> Hey,
>> On 2016-07-07 08:27 AM, Lane Rasberry wrote:
>>> Backing up - one way to improve Wikimania to meet this and other demands
>>> is to
>>> 1. Have extra spaces for small meetups
>>> 2. Put those spaces on a public schedule which can be edited by the
>>> community
>> So, in practice, that already exists for Montreal in two flavours:
>> (a) Bird-of-a-Feather sessions, which are open to anyone to schedule (in
>> advance) and have reserved meeting space.  Those will be open for
>> reservation from about three months before the event to as late as we can
>> make it and still have them appear in the programme. Those are ideal for
>> preplanned meetings and probably what you'd use for the North American
>> meetups.
>> (b) Unconferency meetups, that are *not* scheduled in advance, but for
>> which both meeting space and a common scheduling system (think
>> "whiteboard") are made available for ad-hoc meetings during the conference
>> and preconference.  Any room which had been set aside for the BoF that was
>> not used will be added to the pool, but there /will/ be meeting space even
>> if all of the BoF slots are taken.
>> -- Coren / Marc
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