[Wikimania-l] Sensory overloads

2018-08-15 Thread Romaine Wiki
Hi everyone,

In our movement we have a lot of different people, including people with a
different neurodiversity.

Then it can happen that with events organised by the Wikimedia movement,
there are people that get sensory overloads. it basically means that the
input through the senses gets too much at some point. This can result in an
emotional outburst, an instant heavy headache/migraine attack, or in my
case I go (almost) completely blank.

It is really hard to complain how it is like to people who have no
experiences with it.
I think however that we need as inclusive movement to be more aware of the
huge amount of varieties of people and there needs. For that reason I like
to share a thread on Twitter with you how a user I know well has
experienced it herself.

Read at: https://twitter.com/dodocurieux/status/1029743772584865792

Thank you!

Wikimania-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimania-l] Friendly Space Policy (was: Sad news)

2018-08-14 Thread Romaine Wiki
In the world we have a big problem of violence against women, but also
towards to the LGBT+ community and I think these problems are a serious
problem we all can recognise. To create clarity we have a Friendly Space
Policy what clearly defines what is unacceptable, something that we all can

But what should happen when somebody feels uncomfortable, while there is no
violation of the Friendly Space Policy?

And in addition, if that somebody does not indicate to feel uncomfortable,
so the other person has no way to know someone is uncomfortable. And thus
can't fix/help to remove the uncomfortable part of the situation.

If then actions are taken towards the person who apparently created an
uncomfortable feeling without knowing that, who also got no indication as
such to fix, then this raises to me a lot of questions.
What then happens is that the Trust and Safety team creates for that person
an unsafe environment.
And not just for this person, but to anyone who has interaction with
another person.

And the more interactions you have with people, the higher is the risk that
there is someone feeling uncomfortable.
Especially those people, maybe you have seen them, that walk around to help
others, answer questions, etc, (there are various of them at Wikimania),
especially those people are at high risk.

If *then* the Trust and Safety team is taking action, something goes wrong,
then an event is no longer safe.

> What we can do as a community is debate *principles*, i.e. the policy

I think it is not the policy that is the actual subject for debate, but it
is about how the policy is used, or otherwise the way how we deal as
movement with this kind of situations.
What are the general principles according how the trust and Safety team
acts. Those can be open and should not be a black box.

A second thing (or maybe the same) that is something we can talk about is
what do we do as movement when somebody feels uncomfortable (as described)?
How can we help this person with this feeling to be comfortable again?


2018-07-29 20:57 GMT+02:00 Andy Mabbett :

> On 29 July 2018 at 18:27, Chris Keating 
> wrote:
> > Lots of opinions from people going "well this person didn't harass
> > me" or "I don't know the specifics but maybe it's just cultural
> > differences"
> I'm one of the people who commented, early on, on that original
> thread; and I don't believe that describes my post.
> I did note that there was prima face evidence that a community member
> who had a disability (my word for it; not theirs) appeared to have
> been discriminated against, at least in part, due to the effects of
> that disability. I would expect or "safe space" policy to ensure that
> this did not happen.
> I have not seen a single response, to date, that has addressed this
> point; either specifically or in general.
> --
> Andy Mabbett
> @pigsonthewing
> http://pigsonthewing.org.uk
> ___
> Wikimania-l mailing list
> Wikimania-l@lists.wikimedia.org
> https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimania-l
Wikimania-l mailing list

[Wikimania-l] Celebrating Wikimania 2018 online

2018-07-23 Thread Romaine Wiki
 The official part of Wikimania is over, this does not prevent ourselves
from celebrating Africa's first Wikimania online, in more particular:
writing Wikipedia articles.

Africa is under represented in Wikipedia, by writing about it we both
celebrate our great conference as well as we work on solving the Africagap

With some Dutchies we started the idea of having a list of like 10-20
articles of subjects from Cape Town and surrounding area. For example:

Well-known park in Cape Town:

The often referred to Dassie:

Input needed!

Wikimania-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimania-l] Sad news

2018-07-20 Thread Romaine Wiki
Dear James,

As I made clear in our conversation yesterday, this happened to me, but has
can and could have happened to almost everyone of the other participants at
this conference.

Yes, we need to respect the privacy of the people who reported they were
uncomfortable, and it is a very very very sad thing they have been
But this whole situation makes me very uncomfortable. I am trying to be
always as friendly as possible, to help anyone the best as possible, it is
sad for me to feel that we do not know any longer if you help someone if
you are then still safe or getting reported about you.

In the past 24 hours I have been touched (hands, hugs, hand on shoulder,
etc) over 50 times by various people, many I know, some I don't. Only once
I was asked if I was fine with it. In many regions in the world it is
normal to shake hands, hug someone, etc etc. We do need to be aware of that
in some cultures this is not common, as well as individuals do not find it
comfortable. We also need to be aware that we as humans cannot switch off
the way we are. We need to create a friendly space for *everyone*.
To my feeling the focus is too much on not giving some people a bad
feeling, but we also must respect the nature of people, how people normally
are, because if we don't, we create an unfriendly space for them.

Now too many people are scared to touch someone else, scared to make a
mistake. That is bad. It is good to have awareness of cultural differences,
it is good if everyone tries to respect each others personal space.

It is not right that if someone tries to be nice, this gives a bad feeling
to the other.
If then someone gets punished ("action is taken"), we are putting the
health of our community at risk.

You said to me in our conversation yesterday that you do not recommend me
to send the earlier mail I did send. I can understand why you ask this, but
for my feeling I had no other choice. Every day many many people greet me
and ask me how I am feeling. If I am feeling bad, I say so. I am too
emotional to explain it to every one of them.
A second reason I raised attention for what happened to me, is because the
whole goal of the friendly space policy is to create a friendly space,
while now it is actually an unfriendly space for many just because of the
action you took.
In my case, you say it is not punishment, but it has bad consequences that
are only a placebo and do not help to solve the situation and certainly
does not improve the situation. That is a very bad thing.

The friendly space policy is intended to create a friendly space for
everyone, now however many perceive an unfriendly space, that is a serious
problem. We need to get a better and balanced situation in how is dealt
with these situations.

At this conference it might be a bit early to discuss the topic in general,
but still I think it we need to be aware that this problem exist.
I also think we need to have a dialogue in our movement about this kind of
situations where people perceive harassment while the other has the best


2018-07-20 12:28 GMT+02:00 James Alexander :

> Hey all,
> I am, as always, sorry, that this has spilled out into the public sphere
> more I do not think that is ever a good thing as discussion of specific
> situations like this only serves to increase discomfort, make people feel
> even less safe and make victims of everyone.
> Event Safety and Friendly Spaces is a top priority of any conference
> whether big or small as well as one of the issues that can be most
> difficult to deal with since it is always a balance of situations, feelings
> and people who are frequently acting in good faith. I can confirm that
> Trust & Safety was involved here and, like most people who are working on
> Friendly Spaces, we never aim to take serious actions if we are able to
> avoid it. Most issues are dealt with by local attendees or organizing
> volunteers with only short reminders or chats and escalate from there only
> as things become more serious or repetitive. The same is true for T who
> generally doesn't even become involved until it is a larger situation. I
> will admit that whenever a local organizer or volunteer is involved the
> seriousness is increased some because they are, rightly or wrongly, seen as
> in a position of influence and power which amplifies any and all issues
> that arise. It does not, however, change the focus of trying to take the
> least amount of actions possible.
> I will be the first to admit (and did when talking to Romaine yesterday)
> that he has done an enormous amount of great work for events and nothing we
> did was meant to demean that even if it felt that way to Romaine. Like any
> Friendly Spaces actions nothing we did was meant as a punishment (even
> though, again, I understand it can feel that way) but was done because we
> felt they were the best thing to do for event safety. I can certainly
> guarantee that the decision was not taken lightly.

[Wikimania-l] Sad news

2018-07-19 Thread Romaine Wiki
Dear all,

Right now I am feeling much hurt after a conversation I just had.

What has happened?
- People say I have been talking to loud, however I do not know where that
was, but for those who complained about that: I am very sorry, not my
intention. Please be aware I have a hearing problem and I do hear myself
much less, as well as I have periodically tinnitus
I would appreciate it very much if anyone who notices I speak to loud, to
tell me, I do not want to disturb or invasive or ...

- People have said that with some people I have been standing to close to
them or I may have touched a shoulder. I am very very sorry if that gave
anyone a bad feeling. Such is never my intention. Because of my bad hearing
I might also stand closer to people.
I am pretty sensitive myself to this as well, and I always try to respect
the personal space of others as I would love anyone at the conference to
feel well.

About two years ago I was the subject of harassment myself, resulting in
that I felt horrible for two weeks and couldn't do anything in the
movement. Having it experienced myself, I am feeling horrible that I
brought others in the situation that made them feel terrible.
It feels for me really bad with helping someone that it results in the
other having an uncomfortable feeling.

Also during the day I walked in a room during a session to hand out, on
request, something to the someone in the room, and left almost immediately.
Some hours later I heard that one of the presenters in the room got
stressed by my short presence in the room. I feel sorry if I may have
disturbed this session in some way, and hope that the presenter will not
hold a grudge. I am open for a conversation if needed.
Either way, this resulted in an official complaint on my address.

Because of these complaints, it was demanded to step down as a volunteer
organiser for this year's Wikimania.

I am very sorry that it has influence on my support of this conference, but
I will be around.

Kind regards,

Wikimania-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimania-l] Meetup tonight

2018-07-15 Thread Romaine Wiki
Hi Andy,

We can meet in the bar in the lobby of the Souther Sun Cape Sun hotel.
Hopefully others can join after their meals.


2018-07-15 18:25 GMT+02:00 Andy Mabbett :

> Is there a meetup at the hotel, or elsewhere, this evening?
> --
> Andy Mabbett
> @pigsonthewing
> http://pigsonthewing.org.uk
> ___
> Wikimania-l mailing list
> Wikimania-l@lists.wikimedia.org
> https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimania-l
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Re: [Wikimania-l] Raining in Cape Town

2018-07-14 Thread Romaine Wiki
Hi Andy,

I took the CitySightseeing tour as it took me also to other interesting
places I wanted to see and to have an overview of the city. It brings you
directly to the lower station of the cable car.
Besides the clouded mountain I especially enjoyed the beach with rushing


2018-07-14 20:21 GMT+02:00 Andy Mabbett :

> How did you get to Table Mountain from the city centre?
> --
> Andy Mabbett
> @pigsonthewing
> http://pigsonthewing.org.uk
> On Sat, 14 Jul 2018 18:49 Romaine Wiki,  wrote:
>> Hi Mina,
>> Depends on what you plan to do. In the city it is a reasonable
>> temperature and a lighter jacket will do. But on top of Table Mountain it
>> was very cold and very windy today.
>> Casual meetups certainly take place every evening at the bar of the
>> Southern Sun Cape Sun hotel. I can buy you a drink if you come there.
>> Romaine
>> 2018-07-14 0:09 GMT+02:00 Mina Theofilatou :
>>> Hello Romaine!
>>> Rain is not a problem... when there are happy faces :)
>>> I will be packing tomorrow and I was wondering whether I will be needing
>>> my heavy winter jacket, or whether a lighter one will do... is it just
>>> rainy, or also cold and windy?
>>> Looking forward to seeing everyone again. I will be there on the 16th
>>> around noon, if there are any casual meet-ups for the evening I will be
>>> happy to be there :)
>>> Best,
>>> Mina (Greece)
>>> On Fri, 13 Jul 2018, 23:24 Romaine Wiki,  wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> An hour ago I arrived in Cape Town, in the rain!
>>>> People with happy faces in the rain.
>>>> Even while it is dark here, the Table Mountain in full dark is
>>>> extremely beautiful thanks to the clouds behind it.
>>>> The staff of the hotel is exited for all you to come next week!
>>>> Welcome all to South Africa!
>>>> Greetings,
>>>> Romaine
>>>> ___
>>>> Wikimania-l mailing list
>>>> Wikimania-l@lists.wikimedia.org
>>>> https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimania-l
>>> ___
>>> Wikimania-l mailing list
>>> Wikimania-l@lists.wikimedia.org
>>> https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimania-l
>> ___
>> Wikimania-l mailing list
>> Wikimania-l@lists.wikimedia.org
>> https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimania-l
> ___
> Wikimania-l mailing list
> Wikimania-l@lists.wikimedia.org
> https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimania-l
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Re: [Wikimania-l] Plugs in South Africa

2018-07-14 Thread Romaine Wiki
In my hotel room there are two types of plugs, the europlug
 and the South
African plug.


2018-07-05 7:58 GMT+02:00 Joe Sutherland :

> Hey all - asking this here since I imagine others may have the same
> question :)
> There are apparently three types of plug used in South Africa. Which of
> them is most widely used in Cape Town?
> thanks!
> Joe
> --
> *Joe Sutherland* (he/him or they/them)
> Trust and Safety Specialist
> Wikimedia Foundation
> ___
> Wikimania-l mailing list
> Wikimania-l@lists.wikimedia.org
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Wikimania-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimania-l] Raining in Cape Town

2018-07-14 Thread Romaine Wiki
Hi Mina,

Depends on what you plan to do. In the city it is a reasonable temperature
and a lighter jacket will do. But on top of Table Mountain it was very cold
and very windy today.

Casual meetups certainly take place every evening at the bar of the
Southern Sun Cape Sun hotel. I can buy you a drink if you come there.


2018-07-14 0:09 GMT+02:00 Mina Theofilatou :

> Hello Romaine!
> Rain is not a problem... when there are happy faces :)
> I will be packing tomorrow and I was wondering whether I will be needing
> my heavy winter jacket, or whether a lighter one will do... is it just
> rainy, or also cold and windy?
> Looking forward to seeing everyone again. I will be there on the 16th
> around noon, if there are any casual meet-ups for the evening I will be
> happy to be there :)
> Best,
> Mina (Greece)
> On Fri, 13 Jul 2018, 23:24 Romaine Wiki,  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> An hour ago I arrived in Cape Town, in the rain!
>> People with happy faces in the rain.
>> Even while it is dark here, the Table Mountain in full dark is extremely
>> beautiful thanks to the clouds behind it.
>> The staff of the hotel is exited for all you to come next week!
>> Welcome all to South Africa!
>> Greetings,
>> Romaine
>> ___
>> Wikimania-l mailing list
>> Wikimania-l@lists.wikimedia.org
>> https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimania-l
> ___
> Wikimania-l mailing list
> Wikimania-l@lists.wikimedia.org
> https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimania-l
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[Wikimania-l] Raining in Cape Town

2018-07-13 Thread Romaine Wiki
Hi all,

An hour ago I arrived in Cape Town, in the rain!
People with happy faces in the rain.

Even while it is dark here, the Table Mountain in full dark is extremely
beautiful thanks to the clouds behind it.

The staff of the hotel is exited for all you to come next week!

Welcome all to South Africa!


Wikimania-l mailing list

[Wikimania-l] Reminder: sign-up on the Meta page

2017-08-10 Thread Romaine Wiki
Hi all,

During the Hackathon many participants were asking where to find the page
where they could sign up for supporting cuteness in the movement. That page
is on Meta at:

Go to the section Users that support cuteness in the Wikimedia movement

and add your name there.

If you have shown your support, you can get have free stickers for your
badge and laptop to show your support. (Look for me to get some!)


PS: The board of the Wikimedia Cuteness Association is working on the
Cuteness Space Policy, to complete the Friendly Space Policy
 and to ensure a
save space for mascots, cuties, humanoids and any other lifeforms.
Wikimania-l mailing list

[Wikimania-l] Village of 760 Inhabitants to Host Wikipedia World Congress

2016-05-27 Thread Romaine Wiki
Village of 760 Inhabitants to Host Wikipedia World Congress
World Congress to be held in Esino Lario, a small village overlooking Lake
Como, with visitors put up in local homes


+in Archived:


Wikimania-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimania-l] How to value good contributions?

2016-01-22 Thread Romaine Wiki
Hi Marc,

After our big success in the Dutch Wikipedia, and also the success of our
German colleagues, we thought of organising and shortly analysed the
situation and we came to the conclusion that it's mostly a scale problem.
In other words, tech support is needed.

We are very much aware of the delicacy it has.

I think however that it should not focus on only one person/project as
there are certainly multiple each year that should get attention. To me it
would sound better if there will be a video shown with the largest and/or
most successful projects of the past year so that we all can learn and get
inspired by all those successful projects.


Op maandag 18 januari 2016 heeft Marc A. Pelletier <m...@uberbox.org> het
volgende geschreven:

> On 2016-01-17 11:21 PM, Romaine Wiki wrote:
>> At the same time I sense something important is missing. I miss in the
>> large plenary sessions the attention for specific users and their projects
>> that are of most value for the movement.
> Yes, and no.  I agree with you in principle (that is, the plenary sessions
> tend to have too little focus on direct volunteer impact), but that is not
> something that is missing by design but by lack of an actual session to
> present.
> I made a presentation on the featured speakers track in London that was
> all about specific users and projects and it was very enthusiastically
> received - by the programme committee and the audience - so it's clear that
> there is desire to have such presentations.  But they first have to be
> proposed (please do so!).
> That said, one idea I had been toying with for 2017 was to have an award
> ceremony for the most impactful volunteers of the (2016) year - kinda like
> Jimmy's Wikipedian of the year award, only selected by the community and
> with a much wider scope.  It's only half-baked, because it's a really
> complicated and delicate thing to do *right* (who picks, how are
> nominations made, how to avoid neglecting the non-english-Wikipedia
> contributors, etc).  If it can be made to work right, I'd make it a big
> focus of the closing ceremony.  And probably try to find where Philippe
> found the actual physical barnstars to give out.  :-)
> And I'd very much like this to become a yearly thing; not just a one-off
> for 2017.
> -- Marc
> ___
> Wikimania-l mailing list
> Wikimania-l@lists.wikimedia.org
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[Wikimania-l] How to value good contributions?

2016-01-17 Thread Romaine Wiki
Hello all!

Two days ago, around the 15th birthday of Wikipedia, the Dutch Wikipedia
community awarded in seven categories the users and projects most valued
for their contributions to Wikipedia in the past year.

In seven categories a WikiOwl has been awarded, symbolizing the ancient
Greek owl for wisdom and knowledge. Free knowledge!

The WikiOwls given recognition and appreciation for all the work done by
the users and their projects. Recognition and appreciation that stimulates
and gives much enthusiasm to enrich the world of free knowledge even more,
essential for Wikipedia's continuation.



This makes me think again about Wikimania in the past years. The
conferences are great and have a nice program. At the same time I sense
something important is missing. I miss in the large plenary sessions the
attention for specific users and their projects that are of most value for
the movement.

Wikimania is the conference intended for contributors to share their
experiences, learn about best practises, work together to use the synergy
to get done more. That is what this community conference is about.

Hopefully we will fill this small but important gap of the plenary
session(s) with the coming Wikimania, and have more attention for the
specific contributions that we as community value most. Let's have many
many users inspired by great ideas that they can bring home and into

Thank you.

Wikimania-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimania-l] Fwd: Wikimania Scholarship

2015-08-01 Thread Romaine Wiki
I also agree with the points Kerry brings in.

(As I have no experience with South America, Africa or Asia, I can only
speak of my experiences in Europe.)

I do not think national conferences are the solution to this. For large
countries it can help. Also national conferences are certainly needed. But
in Europe we have many relatively small countries, and most countries have
their own language. Seeing the large number of participants at Wikimania
2014 in London, there is a huge need in Europe for interaction between the
various language communities, which otherwise are not really connected
much, even while they live relatively close to each other. Therefore I
would suggest that there will come a continental conference in Europe (if
there is no Wikimania in Europe).


2015-08-02 6:03 GMT+02:00 Pine W wiki.p...@gmail.com:

 I like several of Kerry's points.

 I did mention to Luis at WMCON that it might be more cost-effective, and
 potentially higher impact for some participants, to put more emphasis on
 national (or thematic) conferences and less on the general Wikimania


 On Sat, Aug 1, 2015 at 8:55 PM, Kerry Raymond kerry.raym...@gmail.com

 I think you put your finger on a key point here. We have a large
 community of “totally deserving people” but mostly get little/no
 recognition of their contribution.

 Most organisations that rely on volunteers have a range of ways to
 recognising their efforts. In the world of WMF, other editors can give you
 a “thanks” or a barnstar/Wikilove but WMF itself does not seem to do much
 to recognise volunteers.  So when “totally deserving” people apply for a
 Wikimania scholarship, of course people are going to see this as a chance
 to  be recognised by WMF for their contributions. As most of the “totally
 deserving” will be unsuccessful in gaining a Wikimania scholarship, of
 course they are going to  feel it as “demotivating”, “unfair” and “likely
 to reduce their contributions” as the surveying suggests. Sure there’s
 disappointment at not going to Wikimania, but I suspect the bigger issue is
 that the apparent lack of recognition of their contribution that comes as
 part and parcel of it. And a standard rejection letter that says “We
 appreciate your contribution, but alas there aren’t enough scholarships”
 fall a little short on the “recognition” front!

 Perhaps if the WMF looked at ways of recognising the “totally deserving”
 volunteers in other ways, then the Wikimania scholarships would not become
 as big an issue. One example might be cheaper scholarships to attend a
 national event (which also avoids visa issues) or funding towards hosting a
 local event within their community at which their contribution can be
 recognised among their peers. Announcing an award to them in their local
 media might be something people might value. Others might like a trophy for
 their mantelpiece suitably inscribed. I am sure others can think of more
 ideas and I note that we may need different ideas for different communities
 as what people value is different. For example,  although the merchandise
 giveaway is well-intended,


 has anyone considered if short-sleeved thin T-shirts are something
 everyone in the world sees as a recognition? What about the countries were
 the arms are kept covered for modesty or sun exposure? What about the
 countries where T-shirts are seen as a “low status clothes”?

 I also note that a return to partial scholarships would mean more people
 were recognised wrt to Wikimania. The comment that the administration of
 partial scholarships was too much work for WMF staff sends an unpleasant
 signal about how WMF values its staff time relative to the time spent by
 “totally deserving” volunteers.

 In summary, I think WMF has a problem with its “totally deserving”
 volunteers feeling unappreciated which is much larger than Wikimania. Given
 the cost and effort of running annual Wikimanias for a relatively small
 number of people, perhaps they should be less frequent with other kinds of
 events and forms of recognition using the equivalent cost and effort in
 between in order to spread the “wikilove” a bit more widely?


 *From:* wikimania-l-boun...@lists.wikimedia.org [mailto:
 wikimania-l-boun...@lists.wikimedia.org] *On Behalf Of *Osmar Valdebenito
 *Sent:* Friday, 31 July 2015 11:24 PM
 *To:* Wikimania general list (open subscription) 
 *Subject:* Re: [Wikimania-l] Fwd: Wikimania Scholarship

 The problem is myths and rumours will arise always in a process that is
 not (and should not) be objective. We can't just give some

 It is a subjective process where you evaluate so many people, with
 different backgrounds and different contributions. What is more important?
 Founding a chapter or making 100,000 edits on English Wikipedia? 5,000
 edits on a smaller Wikipedia or 10,000 images on 

Re: [Wikimania-l] Wikimania '15 group photo

2015-07-22 Thread Romaine Wiki
A group photo is online at

The (or a?) photographer seems to have chosen this photo instead of the
later photo I am on. (this starts to be a tradition ;)


2015-07-19 22:38 GMT+02:00 Pierre-Selim pierre-se...@huard.info:


 is the group photo online already online ? I was looking for it on
 Wikimedia Commons but could not find it.

 2015-07-18 11:24 GMT-05:00 Ivan Martínez gala...@gmail.com:

 Hi folks,

 Just a reminder, the Wikimania '15 group photo will be taken today at
 Museo Soumaya lobby at 9 pm.


 *Iván Martínez*

 *Wikimanía 2015 Chief CoordinatorUser:ProtoplasmaKid

 Hemos creado la más grande colección de conocimiento compartido. Ayuda a
 proteger a Wikipedia, dona ahora:

 Wikimania-l mailing list


 Wikimania-l mailing list

Wikimania-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimania-l] Wikiwomen's meetup photo

2015-07-22 Thread Romaine Wiki
I noticed that of a lot of groups (like committees, the Wikiwomen's Meetup,
the group of organising volunteers, etc) had a photo taken of them.
Therefore I created this category for those:

I added the photo to this category.


2015-07-18 21:13 GMT+02:00 Caitlin Cogdill ccogd...@wikimedia.org:

 Victor just posted the photo on Commons. Thanks again to Netha and Siko
 for organizing this lunch, and to Victor for the nice and expedient photo!
 It's been great to meet and talk with the women in our movement.


 Caitlin Cogdill
 Global Fundraising Email Manager
 Wikimedia Foundation

 Imagine a world in which every single human being can freely share in
 the sum of all knowledge. Help us make it a reality!

 *https://donate.wikimedia.org https://donate.wikimedia.org/*

 Wikimania-l mailing list

Wikimania-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimania-l] Wikimania '15 group photo

2015-07-22 Thread Romaine Wiki
There was also a photo made a few moments later, which has a certain detail
different: me. On this one I am not on it, on the photo of a few moments
later I am.

(Or if this is the photo in case, then I was wearing my cloak of
invisibility, which I can't I remember I brought it with me. ;)


2015-07-23 2:49 GMT+02:00 Ivan Martínez gala...@gmail.com:

 Yes, the photo is here:

 2015-07-22 15:23 GMT-05:00 Romaine Wiki romaine.w...@gmail.com:

 A group photo is online at

 The (or a?) photographer seems to have chosen this photo instead of the
 later photo I am on. (this starts to be a tradition ;)


 2015-07-19 22:38 GMT+02:00 Pierre-Selim pierre-se...@huard.info:


 is the group photo online already online ? I was looking for it on
 Wikimedia Commons but could not find it.

 2015-07-18 11:24 GMT-05:00 Ivan Martínez gala...@gmail.com:

 Hi folks,

 Just a reminder, the Wikimania '15 group photo will be taken today at
 Museo Soumaya lobby at 9 pm.


 *Iván Martínez*

 *Wikimanía 2015 Chief CoordinatorUser:ProtoplasmaKid

 Hemos creado la más grande colección de conocimiento compartido. Ayuda
 a proteger a Wikipedia, dona ahora:

 Wikimania-l mailing list


 Wikimania-l mailing list

 Wikimania-l mailing list

 *Iván Martínez*

 *Presidente - Wikimedia México A.C.User:ProtoplasmaKid @protoplasmakid*

 Hemos creado la más grande colección de conocimiento compartido. Ayuda a
 proteger a Wikipedia, dona ahora:

 Wikimania-l mailing list

Wikimania-l mailing list

[Wikimania-l] Wikimedia Cuteness Meetup

2015-07-15 Thread Romaine Wiki
Hello all,

Because the members of the Wikimedia Cuteness Association
http://wca.commonists.org/wiki/Cuteness:Board_of_Cuties rarely have the
chance to meet, they try to arrange a board meeting.

This board meeting will be open for both board members, assistants of the
board members and cute fans.

Topics to discuss:
* Can Rory https://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Rory_%28WMF%29 become a
full member of the Wikimedia Cuteness Association?
* How to deal with other staff that is not a full members of the Wikimedia
Cuteness Association?
** Like Penguin
* Why aren't we still on the page Wikimedia thematic organizations

On behalf of Wendy the Weasel

Wikimania-l mailing list

[Wikimania-l] Your chapter, user group, or thematic organization at Wikimania

2015-07-09 Thread Romaine Wiki
Hi all,

Already some chapters and a user group have created a page for them on the
Wikimania 2015 wiki. There they list who come to Wikimania, what talks they
give, materials they are presenting, presentation of the organisation,
office hours, and so on.

An overview page is created at

Add your created pages to this category:

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