[Wikimania-l] minor issue with languages

2011-07-11 Thread dror1975


 Hmmm... That's interesting. According to the criterion Deryck Chan mentioned, 
I'm he-5, en-5, ar-5, fr-3 and es-2. In various occasions I was a teacher of 
he, en and ar, but I always write ar-3 because I can read and write quite 
easily though my speech fluency needs some improvement...

But back to the problem itself - Is it just standard templates that are missing 
from the Wikimania 2011 website?

Dror K

Wikimania-l mailing list

[Wikimania-l] A trip to Petra after Wikimania

2011-07-05 Thread dror1975


Here are two useful links from Jordan Tourism Board:

 - List of border crossing. My advice: Either go eastwards across the Lower 
Galilee from Haifa to Beit Shean, cross the border at Sheikh Hossein Bridge and 
continue southward in Jordan, or go southward along the Israeli coast, then go 
to Beersheba, then on the road to Eilat cross the border at the Wadi Araba 
Crossing (Petra is quite near). Don't use the Allenby/King Hossein Bridge 
because it is the main gate from and into the West Bank, which means three 
kinds of authorities (Israeli, Palestinian and Jordanian), more people waiting 
in line, more forms to fill in and more potential headaches. According to this 
site, Jordanian visas are issued on the spot at the crossing. Note - unlike the 
Israeli authorities, the Jordanian authorities insist on stamping the passport 
http://www.visitjordan.com/default.aspx?tabid=63 - Views of Petra on that site. 
It is considered one of the most remarkable sites in the region, and the most 
prominent tourist attraction in Jordan. Jordan is tourist-friendly and quite 
cheap. Most people can communicate in English. Please note that August falls on 
Ramadan, so most people you are going to meet in Jordan will be fasting during 
daylight hours. Be considerate. One more warning - this is August and Petra is 
in the middle of the desert. Temperature might rise as high as 40 centigrade. 
Cars, buses and most rooms are air-conditioned, but when you walk outside, 
cover yourself well with light clothes and drink a lot (but not in front of 
those who fast).
Dror K

Wikimania-l mailing list

[Wikimania-l] Claims by BDS / Palestinian outreach

2011-07-05 Thread dror1975


 I personally contacted people from the Palestinian community of Israel and 
spread the word in the meetings I had with Palestinians from the West Bank. 
People showed some interest, some of them were not too acquainted with 
Wikipedia and asked questions, but apparently it didn't bring them to the 
registration page. Furthermore, I was responsible to the translation of the 
whole site into Arabic, including the landing page and registration page. This 
means that Wikimania in Haifa pops up in Arabic in Google or any other search 
engines. I also translated the press release about the event and I know it was 
sent to the major Arabic-language newspapers in the country.

That said, I am more than willing to contact any person in the West Bank in 
order to promote Palestinian participation. Many Palestinians have permanent 
entry permits into Israel, so they can reach Haifa easily, and there are many 
with Jerusalemite residency, who also don't need any bureaucratic arrangements. 
In case some bureaucracy is required, I do my best effort, as I have the 
necessary phone numbers at hand.

It is important to note that we encountered this year unprecedented attempts to 
discourage people, particularly Arab people, from coming to the event. I don't 
blame anyone, and I respect the freedom of speech of everybody, but it is very 
hard to promote an event among Arabic-speaking people, when there are FaceBook 
groups and blogs, some of them initiated by Wikipedians, calling upon Arab 
people not to attend, and even spreading false information.

Dror K

Wikimania-l mailing list

[Wikimania-l] Claims by BDS / Resp. to Thomas

2011-07-05 Thread dror1975

 Hello Thomas,

In terms of accessibility, Israel is much more accessible to Palestinians and 
Jordanians than any other location suggested for Wikimania 2011.
It is even more accessible to them than Alexandria, Egypt, the venue of 
Wikimania 2008, and I say it after I checked this matter with the relevant 
When Wikimania was last held in the Middle East, namely in Egypt, there was 
only one Palestinian who wished to participate, and he couldn't get a visa to 
Egypt from the Egyptian authorities.
The EG authorities probably had their reasons, and I don't mention it in an 
attempt to blame someone, not at all.
I just wanted to note, that even then, when Wikimania was held in an Arab 
country, not far away from the Palestinian Territories, the interest in the 
event within this community was extremely low.
Many Palestinians can come to Haifa without our help. They can simply take a 
bus, as they do every day when they come to work in Israel. For some 
Palestinians the process is somewhat more complicated, but something that can 
certainly be handled, especially with the help of the organizers.
As for Jordan, there were three Jordanians in Wikimania 2007 in Taipei. I met 
two of them also in Alexandria in 2008. I'm not sure whether there were more 
Jordanians in 2008. I didn't see any in Buenos Aires 2009. For a Jordanian, 
obtaining a visa requires some form filling at the embassy in Amman. After 
having the visa, s/he can simply take a bus to the border crossing, and then 
another bus to Haifa. Many Jordanians have families in northern Israel, so some 
of them don't even need accommodations. And yet they need to have interest in 
this event.
One can lead the horse to the water, but one cannot make it drink.
Dror K


Wikimania-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimania-l] Claims by BDS

2011-06-29 Thread dror1975



Just to clarify a few points -

1. The term Palestinian-Arabs refers to people who identify themselves as part 
of the Palestinian People, but they hold various nationalities. Many of them 
are Israeli citizens, so they can arrive at Haifa just as any other Israeli 
(and like other Israelis, they might register at the last moment, since they 
don't need accommodations). Those who live in East Jerusalem are not 
necessarily Israeli nationals, but they have free access to any place in Israel 
(they hold Israeli IDs, which are more-or-less like Green Cards in the US). 
Those living in Jordan and have Jordanian nationality should obtain visa from 
the Israeli embassy in Amman. Those who live in the West Bank and are under the 
jurisdiction of the Palestinian Authority enter Israel with their Palestinian 
internal ID and a permit which the PA office obtain for them from the Israeli 
authorities (so they need to file the request at the local PA office). Many of 
them have a permanent permit - these are usually WB residents who work in 
Israel. The main problem is with residents of the Gaza Strip, due to the very 
delicate political situation there. It is possible to obtain permits for them 
too, but it requires some coordinations with the relevant authorities. I 
personally made some phone calls, and received detailed information about how 
to start the process, but unfortunately, I received no information about people 
from Gaza who actually filed requests to enter Israel for attending Wikimania.

2. Palestinians have good access to Internet. Currently, the Palestinian ISPs 
relies on the Israeli infrastructure, so it might seem as if they connect from 
Israel, though in many cases I saw Palestinian Territories as the designation 
of location for people connecting from the WB and Gaza. That said, Wikipedia is 
not very popular among Palestinians, as far as I can judge. Wikipedia and 
Wikimedia projects are extremely popular among Hebrew-speaking Israelis, but 
Arabic-speaking Israelis and Palestinians in the WB and Gaza are much more into 
writing blogs, posting comments in various Arabic-speaking web-forums etc. When 
I was interviewed in Arabic about Wikipedia, the Palestinian person who was 
interviewed with me was not a Wikipedian, but rather the head of a Palestinian 
bloggers' union.

3. I talked with some Egyptians who considered coming to Haifa. It wouldn't be 
fair to reveal information given to me in private conversations, but I can say 
that the current situation in Egypt poses unexpected difficulties to Egyptians 
who wish to visit Israel. The Israeli embassy in Cairo and the consulate in 
Alexandria work normally, and visa procedures have not changed, and yet being 
listed as someone who crossed the border to Israel is something many of those 
I've talked with prefer to avoid at the current state of affairs. I'm afraid 
this is beyond the control of any of us, and it is an unexpected development of 
the past five months or so.

Dror K

Wikimania-l mailing list

[Wikimania-l] global south strategy meeting, 2011-08-02, wikimania preconf prog

2011-06-29 Thread dror1975



I asked two people from the Ben Gurion University's Africa Center to attend 
Wikimania for as much as they can, in order to talk with
developers and other people involved in offline projects and devnations 
initiatives. These two students were part of the Israeli mission to
Santchou, Cameroon, earlier this year, and they had a lot of success with 
installing offline versions of the French Wikipedia there. I wrote
about it in Hebrew on wm-il's blog, and Amir sent an English self-translation 
to the Foundation's blog, I hope it would be published soon.

Anyway, one of these students is engaged in other volunteering projects 
throughout the summer, but this time in Israel, so he said that if he
would be in the vicinity of Haifa on 2-3 August he will come to talk with 
anyone who would like to hear about his experience. The other student 
agreed to come on Friday to talk about their success story during the main 
event. She was unsure whether she could come on 2-3 August too
due to her working schedule (it ain't cheap being a student in this country...)

Anyway, I suggest anyone involved in the devnations initiatives be in or 
around the hall, where the talk about Africa is held, so we could gather
with her after the talk and ask some useful questions.

Dror K

Wikimania-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimania-l] Boycott Wikimania 2011

2011-04-01 Thread dror1975


 I didn't mean to tell this story, but I feel I have to. Two days before I went 
to Wikimania 2008 I heard on the news about a warning on behalf of the Israeli 
authorities for Israeli citizens not to visit Egypt due to risk of kidnapping 
and attacks. I looked up the number of this government office and told them 
there was an important international conference in Alexandria and urged them to 
publish more details about how Israelis can get there safely. It was obvious 
that this government office didn't know about Wikimania. They told me that 
there were specific alerts, but going by plane, rather than by land, would be 
safe. I also called the Israeli embassy in Cairo. They told me things were not 
as bad as they might have sounded in the news, but recommended going by plane 
from Tel Aviv to Cairo. I spread the news among local Wikimedians. Those who 
planned to go, told me they would go by land anyway and so we crossed the 
border two days later. All went perfectly fine and we felt safe. While in 
Alexandria I received a phone call from the Israeli radio asking to interview 
me about my experience. I was interviewed twice - to the Hebrew and Arabic 

I honestly don't expect anyone to do things which might involve risk of any 
kind - if someone think that visiting Israel might be harmful for him/her due 
to political, social or any other reason - I respect that. If someone think 
s/he should avoid visiting Israel due to his political views - I can't help 
that. It is his/her right to choose his political views and act accordingly, 
whether I like it or not. All I am asking is to be fair, respect the effort 
done by fellow Wikimedians, and especially not to spread false information.

Dror K

Wikimania-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimania-l] Boycott extremists. Support Wikimania 2011

2011-04-01 Thread dror1975



There is a word in Hebrew which describes what you are doing here - chutzpa. 
You have the nerve of making political propaganda in a forum that was not meant 
for political discussion. You can spread your propaganda in many places on the 
net, but you chose to do it here in order to force disruption. You know well 
that propaganda is about half-truths, and this is exactly what you are doing: 
name dropping, inaccurate and incomplete citations and misleading arguments. I 
am NOT going to comment on you allegations here, because this is absolutely not 
the place for that and because people here are intelligent enough to recognize 
you manipulations. You are enjoying the freedom of speech and keep enjoying it 
even though you abuse it.

Dror K

Wikimania-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimania-l] Boycott Wikimania 2011

2011-03-31 Thread dror1975

 Just to give you some background on the issue - There is currently an 
aggressive campaign by certain pro-Palestinian groups to boycott Israel. The 
campaigners are well organized and they will probably continue to send messages 
to this mailing list. The campaign is political, however it is not supported by 
any government, nor is it supported by the Palestinian Authority or any of the 
moderate Palestinian organizations. After about four years of growing 
cooperation between Israelis and Palestinians (despite the remaining 
disagreements, which are hard to resolve), there are people and organizations 
who try to pour fuel on the extinguishing fire. Unfortunately, they do not 
respect this forum and its participants.

I would also like to note that when Alexandria was rightfully chosen to host 
Wikimania (and its team did a wonderful work), there were Israelis among the 
bid team and the sponsors. The question of the Arab-Israeli conflict was never 
raised and it was deemed totally irrelevant. When Wikimania was held in Taiwan, 
I personally called the Taiwanese representations in Tel Aviv and Amman to 
check if they can issue a visa to an Egyptian citizen who wanted to participate 
and had difficulties as there was no Taiwanese representation in Egypt.

I hope this is the last message in this subject.

Dror K 




-Original Message-
From: wikimania-l-requ...@lists.wikimedia.org
To: wikimania-l@lists.wikimedia.org
Sent: Fri, Apr 1, 2011 6:07 am
Subject: Wikimania-l Digest, Vol 61, Issue 1

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When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
than Re: Contents of Wikimania-l digest...

Today's Topics:

   1. Re: Boycott Wikimania 2011 (Evangeline Han)
   2. Re: Boycott Wikimania 2011 (Anonyme)
   3. Re: Israel = apartheid (Anonyme)


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 1 Apr 2011 09:03:37 +0700
From: Evangeline Han evanbe...@gmail.com
Subject: Re: [Wikimania-l] Boycott Wikimania 2011
To: Wikimania general list (open subscription)
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

Hey guys,

Just a thought. If you want to boycott Wikimania, there is no need to
announce it on the list. We're not interested if you've already made up your
mind to boycott. It's pretty immature to boycott and then announce it to
everyone... unless you're canvassing...?


On Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 5:12 AM, Alejandro Farah fa...@astro.unam.mx wrote:

 I agree with the boycott... I am sorry about Palestinians, but more sorry
 about human stupidity...

 On Thu, Mar 31, 2011 at 4:03 PM, Mohamed Mostafa ouda mmusta...@gmail.com

 Hi All

 I Also decided to boycott of Wikimania 2011 due to Israel's brutal
 politics against Palestinians .

 On Thu, Mar 31, 2011 at 11:51 PM, Anonyme cautio...@gmail.com wrote:

 But fine, while you're there, think about the oppression that the people
 of Gaza are under...

 Have a fine time


 Le 2011-03-31 ? 17:38, Gerard Meijssen a ?crit :

 I am really happy that Haifa will not be missing among all the Wikimanias
 I will be at. I will be happy to meet many of my friends and I will drink in
 Haifa to absent friends. I hope we will have great streaming so that you can
 get an impression of how awesome Wikimania is.

 On 31 March 2011 23:08, Anonyme cautio...@gmail.com wrote:

 I decided to do a complete boycott of Wikimania 2011 due to Israel's
 politics and the situation in the Gaza Strip and the illegal colonization 
 the West Bank.
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 Mohamed Mostafa Ouda

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 Dr. Alejandro Farah
 Instituto de Astronomia, UNAM, CU
 M?xico DF, CP 04510