Dear all,

There is something that had slipped my mind ... Victoria Doronina said
November last year, on-wiki:

"Equity Grants were an idea of the previous CEO who is no longer with the
Foundation so there isn't a chance of them recurring. The Board has done
its main job - changed the CEO."

I thought at the time, with the money having been returned to the WMF, that
the Knowledge Equity Fund had been discontinued. So what happened?


On Fri, Aug 18, 2023 at 5:05 PM Steven Walling <>

> Biyanto,
> Thanks for your reply on this, very much appreciate the context and more
> information.
> On Fri, Aug 18, 2023 at 3:41 AM Biyanto <> wrote:
>> From the beginning, the Knowledge Equity Fund was designed as an
>> experiment: a pilot fund to improve the pool of knowledge resources on
>> underrepresented topics that can then be used to strengthen content on the
>> Wikimedia projects. Because it is a pilot project with a limited pool of
>> funds, our intention is to experiment with different approaches, and see
>> where we can learn what works. The size of the initial Equity Fund, $4.5
>> million, was from the Foundation’s 2019-2020 fiscal year operating budget,
>> when the Foundation had a budget underrun
>> <>
>> due to COVID-19 and set aside funds for this pilot. No new funds from the
>> Foundation’s revenue have been added to the Fund, and it is not meant to
>> replace or compete with the other and larger grant programs
>> <> for community members and
>> Wikimedia groups.
> This budget context is pretty critical context, and as far as I can tell
> isn't clearly communicated on Meta or in the blog posts about the program
> anywhere. Is it somewhere already and I have missed it? I would suggest
> putting something almost exactly like this in an FAQ, because your
> statement here is the clearest thing I've read to date on it.
> Ultimately I think to the community of editors and donors it isn't super
> convincing to say "we allocated this $4.5 million (which, to the average
> person who doesn't read our global movement budget and grant reports,
> sounds like an enormous sum of money) and therefore we have to stick to
> that plan despite the fact that we can't measure the impact of this work at
> all". In any healthy functioning organization, if you couldn't get results
> from investing a few million dollars, you'd change the plan and consider
> moving the funds elsewhere after a year.
>> I understand it is frustrating that we cannot yet measure impact directly
>> to the Wikimedia projects. This is an area that we hope to improve in this
>> new round, and to do so we are connecting each of our new grantees directly
>> with groups in the Wikimedia movement. We believe that we cannot build
>> stronger projects without building and strengthening alliances with other
>> institutions working to create knowledge.
>> One example I can explain using my local context is with Indonesian
>> Wikipedia, and how we are connecting them with two of our new grantees:
>> AMAN <> and Project Multatuli
>> <>. I am coming from Indonesia where
>> indigenous topics are still marginalized issues and they are left behind.
>> Sure, there has been some improvement for the last decade, but it is not
>> enough. AMAN has an initiative to build an Indigenous Peoples Glossary, so
>> Indonesian people in general can benefit from this resource. As indigenous
>> peoples are marginalized, sometimes we still use some insensitive words
>> toward them, and even some Indonesian Wikipedia articles still use these
>> words. We cannot rely solely on resources that are coming from outside of
>> indigenous people realm to define who they are, what we should call them.
>> By having this initiative, we firmly believe our community can later use
>> the Indigenous Peoples Glossary as one of useful resources for Indonesian
>> indigenous people related topics. Project Multatuli is a non-profit
>> journalism organization working with indigenous women topics for this grant
>> and they also can collaborate to empower more indigenous people as citizen
>> journalists.
> It would help if the blog post about learnings from the first year (
> and a first year report on Meta acknowledged the major gap in ability to
> measure impact.
> None of the previous communication really acknowledged this issue in any
> serious way. If the folks working on this at the WMF and the committee do
> agree it is an area for improvement, we should have said that in the
> communication about evaluating the first year and talked openly with the
> community (i.e. on wiki ideally) about potential strategies for improving
> the measurability of the program. Instead the blog post pretty much ignored
> any objections about the effectiveness and impact of the program, and just
> talked about visibility into the work.
> Examples like the one you gave really help, because it points to a clear
> theory of change (we fund investment in potential source material on
> underrepresented topics, Wikipedians use those sources eventually) that
> could actually be measurable. Today the time horizon might be very long,
> but maybe that's okay.
> I’m also sharing details about the relationships that we’re building in
>> the movement with some of our other new grantee.
> I do not agree that generically "building relationships" is worth funding
> $4.5 million of grants. I think Erik makes some really good points
> previously that if we funded specific Wikimedian in residence / fellowship
> type programs that were more akin to the GLAM movement or related movement
> work on Art+Feminism then we could get both relationship building with
> sister organizations *and* some kind of clear direct impact on Wikimedia
> projects.
>> Black Cultural Archives <>: Given
>> BCA’s focus, we have connected them with Wikimedia UK, Wiki Library User
>> Group and Whose Knowledge to help them better understand how to connect
>> their work and archives with the Wikimedia projects.
>> Create Caribbean Research Institute <>:
>> As the first digital humanities centre in the Caribbean, Create Caribbean
>> has natural alignment with Wiki Cari UG, as well as Noircir, Whose
>> Knowledge, Projet:Université de Guyane, and WikiMujeres. We also plan to
>> connect them to present or speak at Wiki Con North America.
>> Criola <>
>> Criola is a civil society organization dedicated to advocating for the
>> rights of Black women in Brazilian society. We have connected them with Whose
>> Knowledge, WikiMujeres, Mujeres (mulheres) latino americanas in Wikimedia,
>> and we will be connecting them with Mais_Teoria_da_Historia Na Brasil.
>> Data for Black Lives <>
>> Given D4BL’s focus in the US, we have connected them with AfroCROWD and
>> Black Lunch Table.
>> Filipino American National Historical Society
>> <>: FANHS is focused on Filipino
>> American heritage, and as members of the diaspora we are connecting them
>> with the PhilWiki Community, Wiki Advocates of Philippines and Wiki
>> Libraries User Group.
>> If you have other ideas for how we can improve, please reach out and let
>> us know. Our email is
>> Best,
>> Biyanto Rebin
>> (committee member, Knowledge Equity Fund)
>> On Fri, 18 Aug 2023 at 09:01, Samuel Klein <> wrote:
>>> ++.  Anything we can learn + apply from Outreachy (and their own
>>> community of mentors, alums, and practitioners!) would be wonderful.
>>> Their impact per unit of funding seems, at very casual inspection, well
>>> ahead of all comparable initiatives.  And we could even fund them directly,
>>> who have often helped us in turn. ;)
>>> On Fri, Aug 18, 2023 at 12:13 AM Erik Moeller <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> On Wed, Aug 16, 2023 at 10:23 PM Steven Walling
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>> > With the money allocated to Knowledge Equity in the last couple
>>>> years, we could have hired
>>>> > at least a couple more software engineers to do work like fulfill
>>>> community wishlist requests.
>>>> I disagree with that framing. Wikimedia Foundation, even with reduced
>>>> fundraising goals, is a very well-endowed organization that can easily
>>>> shift more of its existing effort towards community wishlist requests.
>>>> _All_ areas in which it spends money are deserving of healthy
>>>> scrutiny, not just this new program. I feel it's best to evaluate this
>>>> program on its own merits -- and to make a separate argument regarding
>>>> the community wishlist & prioritization of software engineering
>>>> ventures.
>>>> To me, the question with these grants is whether there's a plausible
>>>> theory of change that ties them back to the Wikimedia mission and
>>>> movement. I share some skepticism about broad objectives around
>>>> "improving quality of sources about X" without any _obvious and
>>>> direct_ connection to the movement's work (i.e. concrete commitments
>>>> about licensing and availability of information, or collaboration with
>>>> Wikimedians). The Borealis Journalism Fund grant report [1] explicitly
>>>> states:
>>>> # of new images/media added to Wikimedia articles/pages: 0
>>>> # of articles added or improved on Wikimedia projects: 0
>>>> Absolute value of bytes added to or deleted from Wikimedia projects: 0
>>>> (There are qualifiers in the report, but frankly, they're not very
>>>> plausible ones.)
>>>> I see a lot of value in WMF having new connections with these grantees
>>>> -- these are organizations Wikimedia _should_ have a relationship
>>>> with. But do we best accomplish that by directly funding their
>>>> operations? This statement from the latest announcement stands out to
>>>> me:
>>>> > The Equity Fund Committee [...] have also connected each of these
>>>> grantees with regional
>>>> > and relevant partners in the Wikimedia movement, including local and
>>>> established
>>>> > movement affiliates who can support knowledge equity work and help
>>>> grantees learn about
>>>> > how to connect back to the work of free knowledge on the Wikimedia
>>>> projects.
>>>> That's great, and I look forward to hearing what comes from these
>>>> connections. I do worry a bit about slipping into a transactional
>>>> framework -- "we give you support for your core mission, and to
>>>> maintain good relations with us, you have some meetings with friendly
>>>> Wikimedians in your area". Many grant-giving organizations tend to
>>>> adopt transactional frameworks, sometimes overtly, sometimes without
>>>> even realizing it. In the worst case, the grantee experiences it as a
>>>> chore -- a checklist item to complete to apply for the next round of
>>>> funding. Not saying that's where this program is at, just that it's
>>>> something I would suggest watching out for.
>>>> Personally, I see potential in the direction of well-scoped
>>>> fellowships/residencies/internships paid by WMF, where both parties
>>>> understand fully that engagement with the Wikimedia movement is part
>>>> of what they're signing up for. There are pitfalls here as well:
>>>> avoiding paid editing; making sure that the fellows themselves are
>>>> diverse, etc. But these issues seem "closer to the metal" of
>>>> Wikimedia's work, i.e. "the right kinds of of problems".
>>>> There's a lot of institutional history to look back on & learn from,
>>>> from GLAM residencies to WMF's internal fellowship program which you,
>>>> Steven, went through so many years ago. I'd also encourage a close
>>>> look at Outreachy, who have done amazing work getting diverse new
>>>> contributors to join open source & open science projects. And that may
>>>> be what you mean with "try less controversial methods to improve
>>>> knowledge equity", but I feel this should be entirely about
>>>> effectiveness and mission alignment, not about avoiding controversy.
>>>> In general, I'd love to hear more from both the staff and community
>>>> members on the committee how they came to their funding decisions
>>>> (i.e. what set the successful grantees apart from the unsuccessful
>>>> ones, and what theory of change animated the decisions), and where
>>>> they'd like to see the program go in future.
>>>> Warmly,
>>>> Erik
>>>> [1]
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