Wikimedia Nederland published its report on activities in May:

It is included in this message as plain text.

*COMMUNITY: supporting and mobilising volunteers and editors]*

·         *Wiki-Saturdays.*

The WMNL office was open for community members on May 10 and May 24. In
total, 12 people came to the office to discuss (inter alia) the education
programme, projectmonitoring and reporting.

·         *Wikidata - DBPedia cooperation*

The working group on Wikidata and DBPedia cooperation met at the WMNL
offices on May 15.

*WORK: content, collaboration and activity development[edit]*

·         *Wiki Loves Earth events*

The Wiki Loves Earth kick off took place in De Weerribben-Wieden National
Park on May 3. After a presentation a group of participants went into the
national park by boat with a ranger (from Staatsbosbeheer to take pictures
of this park.

On May 25, a further three Wiki Loves Earth events took place: in Sallandse
Heuvelrug National Park a sound workshop was organized to record sounds of
nature. In Utrechtse Heuvelrug National Park and Drentsche Aa National
Landscape photo workshops were organized.

·         *Editathon Women and Art, Amsterdam*

On 17 May, a group of Wikipedians held a new edit-a-thon about women and
art at De Appel art centre in Amsterdam. This event was a follow-up to the
first Dutch Art+Feminism edit-a-thon on February 1 and was also financially
supported by Wikimedia NL. Both events together have, so far, resulted in
more than 50 new or improved articles about women in the arts.

·         *Education Programme*

The two consultants engaged to carry out a feasibility study on developing
a WMNL education programme presented their interim results during the
Wiki-Saturday on May 24 . This was followed by a brainstorming session on
aims and ambitions of the programme

·         *Maps and Wikipedia meeting, Amsterdam*

Wikipedians in Residence Sandra Fauconnier and Hay Kranen have organized an
expert meeting on old maps and Wikimedia projects on Saturday 24 May in
Amsterdam. More than 20 participants, including curators / collection
managers of map collections, and Dutch Wikipedians listened to the keynote
presentation was by Susanna Ånäs (Wikimedia Finland) on the WikiMaps
project. Further presentations, and a brainstorm session, included
historical map collections from Koninklijke Bibliotheek, old maps on
Wikimedia Commons, and a case study of storytelling via maps: visualizing
the 1934 world trip of Felix Vening Meinesz, a project by TU Delft.

·         *Presentation Libraries Zeeland*

Sebastiaan ter Burg gave a presentation about cooperation between external
wiki initiatives and Wikimedia projects at the Zeeuwse Bibliotheek
(libraries in Zeeland) and met with the library of Vlissingen for future

·         *World War Two*

Board member Justus de Bruijn and director Sandra Rientjes visited NIOD
(the national institute for war, conflict and genocide studies) to explore
cooperation concerning the the topic of World War Two. NIOD is keen to make
their collections better accessible to the public.

·         *Bonnefanten Museum*

We met with the Maastricht Bonnefanten Museum to explore cooperation.


·         *Newsletter*

The newsletter was published on May 22. At the moment, 814 people receive
the WMNL newsletter.


·         *Zurich Hackathon*

Three members of the community attended the Hackathon in Zurich, supported
through a WMNL scholarship.

·         *Wikimania*

We started advertising our scholarships for Wikimania. The aim is to give
scholarships to ten members of the community.


·         *Board*

The WMNL Board met on May 8.

Sandra Rientjes
Directeur/Executive Director Wikimedia Nederland

tel.    (+31) (0)30 3200238
mob. (+31) (0)6  31786379

*Postadres*:                                                 * Bezoekadres:*
Postbus 167                                                Mariaplaats 3
3500 AD  Utrecht                                         Utrecht
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