Re: [Wikimedia-l] [Wikimedia Announcements] PRISM, government surveillance, and Wikimedia: Request for community feedback

2013-06-15 Thread Bjoern Hoehrmann
* Geoff Brigham wrote:

You are not making a good case there as to what to do and why and how
this community is affected and needs to act. An immediate question seems
to be whether the Wikimedia Foundation should become signatory of the
Stop Watching Us open letter. No, the letter puts too much emphasis on
people in the United States and domestic spying and the Foundation
should not give the impression that that is a special kind of bad. In
the posting above you write:

  Freedom of speech and access to information are core Wikimedia values.
  These values can be compromised by surveillance: editors and readers
  understandably are less willing to write and inform themselves as 
  honestly and freely.

Should the U.S. stop gathering intelligence on people in Iran that con-
tribute on the arabic Wikipedia in articles on nuclear physics? Should
the U.S. carefully limit which signals going in and out of North Korea
it intercepts to protect the privacy of the people there, or would it
be okay if the U.S., say, simply intercepts all Internet traffic and
phone calls and filters the data for anything interesting? Should there
be a special committee to investigate, report, and reveal to the public
the extent of all the foreign intelligence activity of the U.S.? And
bad countries may do all the same things that good countries may do?

I can see nothing obvious that the Foundation could say or do in this
regard at this time, and would expect the community to develop answers
to questions like mine above before calling for action. So, no, I don't
think the Foundation should join those other organisations at this time.
Björn Höhrmann · ·
Am Badedeich 7 · Telefon: +49(0)160/4415681 ·
25899 Dagebüll · PGP Pub. KeyID: 0xA4357E78 · 

Wikimedia-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimedia-l] [Wikimedia Announcements] PRISM, government surveillance, and Wikimedia: Request for community feedback

2013-06-15 Thread Jon Davies
Speaking as an individual and not on behalf of the chapter (and not as an
American obviously) I think this seems a proportional response but would
encourage everyone in the UK community to share their thoughts.
I think it would be naive to think this was not aimed at US citizens as
well, despite denials, but it certainly has implications for our freedoms
in Europe.

Jon Davies

On 15 June 2013 00:59, Geoff Brigham wrote:

 Note:  German (Deutsch) and Spanish (Español) versions are below.


 Hi all,

 We want to direct your attention to our blog post ( )
 about the PRISM situation involving government intelligence
 surveillance on the Internet.  We are asking for Wikimedia community
 feedback on a proposed course of action ( ). In short, we are inclined to
 recommend that the Wikimedia Foundation collaborate with organizations
 including Mozilla, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, the Free
 Software Foundation, and the Center for Democracy and Technology.
 These groups have now prepared an open letter to the US congress
 ( ), calling for transparency,
 investigation, reform, and accountability, and have asked other
 organizations (including the Wikimedia Foundation) to join them in
 their efforts.

 We ask you to read the blog post for more details, and encourage you
 to tell us your views on this.

 Many thanks,

 Geoff and Luis

 Geoff Brigham
 General Counsel

 Luis Villa
 Deputy General Counsel
 Wikimedia Foundation

 Note:  We expect to have a couple more translations of this
 announcement in the next couple of days.  We would like to ask the
 international Wikimedia community to help translate the blog posting
 and feedback page (which are almost the same) as well as people’s
 feedback given throughout the course of this consultation period.  Due
 to tight time limits, we hope to have professional translations for
 these documents posted by next Tuesday for at least German, French,
 Spanish, and Japanese.




 Wir würden eure Aufmerksamkeit gern auf unseren Blogeintrag ( )
 zur PRISM-Situation und geheimdienstlicher Überwachung des Internets
 lenken. Wir bitten die Wikimediagemeinschaften um Rückmeldung zum
 vorgeschlagenen Vorgehen. (

 Kurz zusammengefasst tendieren wir dazu zu empfehlen, dass die
 Wikimedia Foundation mit Organisationen wie Mozilla, der Electronic
 Frontier Foundation, der Free Software Foundation und dem Zentrum für
 Demokratie und Technologie zusammenarbeitet. Diese Gruppen haben einen
 offenen Brief an den Kongress der Vereinigten Staaten
 ( vorbereitet um Transparenz,
 Untersuchung der Vorgänge, Reform sowie Rechenschaftspflicht
 einzufordern und haben andere Organisationen (einschließlich der
 Wikimedia Foundation) darum gebeten dieses Vorhaben zu unterstützen.

 Wir bitten euch den Blogeintrag mit den zugehörigen Details zu lesen
 und uns eure Meinung zu dem Vorschlag mitzuteilen.

 Vielen Dank,

 Geoff und Luis

 Geoff Brigham
 General Counsel

 Luis Villa
 Deputy General Counsel
 Wikimedia Foundation

 Hinweis: Wir würden die internationale WIkimediagemeinschaft gern
 darum bitten bei der Übersetzung des Blogeintrags und der
 Feedbackseite (die beiden sind fast identisch) sowie der Rückmeldungen
 aus der Community während der Konsultationsperiode mitzuhelfen. Durch
 die kurze Vorbereitungszeit hoffen wir bis Dienstag zumindest
 professionelle Übersetzungen für die Dokumente zumindest in Deutsch,
 Französisch, Spanisch und Japanisch zu haben.



 Queremos dirigir su atención a nuestra entrada en el blog ( )
 sobre la situación PRISM involucra la vigilancia de inteligencia del
 gobierno en Internet. Estamos pidiendo Wikimedia retroalimentación de
 la comunidad sobre un curso de acción propuesto. ( ) En resumen, nos sentimos
 inclinados a recomendar que la Fundación Wikimedia colaborar con
 organizaciones como Mozilla, la Fundación Fronteras Electrónicas, la
 Fundación para el software libre y el Centro para la Democracia y la
 Tecnología. Estos grupos han preparado una carta abierta al Congreso
 de EE.UU. (, exigiendo la transparencia,
 la investigación, la reforma y la rendición de cuentas, y han pedido a
 otras organizaciones (entre ellas la Fundación Wikimedia) a unirse a
 ellos en sus esfuerzos.

 Le pedimos que lea el blog para más detalles, y le animamos a decirnos
 sus puntos de vista sobre esto.

 Muchas gracias,

 Geoff y Luis

 Geoff Brigham
 General Counsel

 Luis Villa
 Deputy General Counsel
 Wikimedia Foundation

 Nota: Nos gustaría pedir a la 

Re: [Wikimedia-l] [Wikimedia Announcements] PRISM, government surveillance, and Wikimedia: Request for community feedback

2013-06-15 Thread Gerard Meijssen
From my perspective ... I live outside the USA, PRISM only brings the
American people the same surveillance the rest of the world has had for a
long time. The only difference is that the pretence that the US populace is
not watched is known to be a fiction.

On 15 June 2013 17:57, Jon Davies wrote:

 Speaking as an individual and not on behalf of the chapter (and not as an
 American obviously) I think this seems a proportional response but would
 encourage everyone in the UK community to share their thoughts.
 I think it would be naive to think this was not aimed at US citizens as
 well, despite denials, but it certainly has implications for our freedoms
 in Europe.

 Jon Davies

 On 15 June 2013 00:59, Geoff Brigham wrote:

  Note:  German (Deutsch) and Spanish (Español) versions are below.
  Hi all,
  We want to direct your attention to our blog post ( )
  about the PRISM situation involving government intelligence
  surveillance on the Internet.  We are asking for Wikimedia community
  feedback on a proposed course of action ( ). In short, we are inclined to
  recommend that the Wikimedia Foundation collaborate with organizations
  including Mozilla, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, the Free
  Software Foundation, and the Center for Democracy and Technology.
  These groups have now prepared an open letter to the US congress
  ( ), calling for transparency,
  investigation, reform, and accountability, and have asked other
  organizations (including the Wikimedia Foundation) to join them in
  their efforts.
  We ask you to read the blog post for more details, and encourage you
  to tell us your views on this.
  Many thanks,
  Geoff and Luis
  Geoff Brigham
  General Counsel
  Luis Villa
  Deputy General Counsel
  Wikimedia Foundation
  Note:  We expect to have a couple more translations of this
  announcement in the next couple of days.  We would like to ask the
  international Wikimedia community to help translate the blog posting
  and feedback page (which are almost the same) as well as people’s
  feedback given throughout the course of this consultation period.  Due
  to tight time limits, we hope to have professional translations for
  these documents posted by next Tuesday for at least German, French,
  Spanish, and Japanese.
  Wir würden eure Aufmerksamkeit gern auf unseren Blogeintrag ( )
  zur PRISM-Situation und geheimdienstlicher Überwachung des Internets
  lenken. Wir bitten die Wikimediagemeinschaften um Rückmeldung zum
  vorgeschlagenen Vorgehen. (
  Kurz zusammengefasst tendieren wir dazu zu empfehlen, dass die
  Wikimedia Foundation mit Organisationen wie Mozilla, der Electronic
  Frontier Foundation, der Free Software Foundation und dem Zentrum für
  Demokratie und Technologie zusammenarbeitet. Diese Gruppen haben einen
  offenen Brief an den Kongress der Vereinigten Staaten
  ( vorbereitet um Transparenz,
  Untersuchung der Vorgänge, Reform sowie Rechenschaftspflicht
  einzufordern und haben andere Organisationen (einschließlich der
  Wikimedia Foundation) darum gebeten dieses Vorhaben zu unterstützen.
  Wir bitten euch den Blogeintrag mit den zugehörigen Details zu lesen
  und uns eure Meinung zu dem Vorschlag mitzuteilen.
  Vielen Dank,
  Geoff und Luis
  Geoff Brigham
  General Counsel
  Luis Villa
  Deputy General Counsel
  Wikimedia Foundation
  Hinweis: Wir würden die internationale WIkimediagemeinschaft gern
  darum bitten bei der Übersetzung des Blogeintrags und der
  Feedbackseite (die beiden sind fast identisch) sowie der Rückmeldungen
  aus der Community während der Konsultationsperiode mitzuhelfen. Durch
  die kurze Vorbereitungszeit hoffen wir bis Dienstag zumindest
  professionelle Übersetzungen für die Dokumente zumindest in Deutsch,
  Französisch, Spanisch und Japanisch zu haben.
  Queremos dirigir su atención a nuestra entrada en el blog ( )
  sobre la situación PRISM involucra la vigilancia de inteligencia del
  gobierno en Internet. Estamos pidiendo Wikimedia retroalimentación de
  la comunidad sobre un curso de acción propuesto. ( ) En resumen, nos sentimos
  inclinados a recomendar que la Fundación Wikimedia colaborar con
  organizaciones como Mozilla, la Fundación Fronteras Electrónicas, la
  Fundación para el software libre y el Centro para la Democracia y la
  Tecnología. Estos grupos han preparado una carta abierta al Congreso
  de EE.UU. 

Re: [Wikimedia-l] [Wikimedia Announcements] PRISM, government surveillance, and Wikimedia: Request for community feedback

2013-06-15 Thread Jon Davies
The reporting in the UK is that it is aimed at 'foreigners'. I think that
is us! Of course that may be for domestic US consumption.

On 15 June 2013 17:56, Gerard Meijssen wrote:

 From my perspective ... I live outside the USA, PRISM only brings the
 American people the same surveillance the rest of the world has had for a
 long time. The only difference is that the pretence that the US populace is
 not watched is known to be a fiction.

 On 15 June 2013 17:57, Jon Davies wrote:

  Speaking as an individual and not on behalf of the chapter (and not as an
  American obviously) I think this seems a proportional response but would
  encourage everyone in the UK community to share their thoughts.
  I think it would be naive to think this was not aimed at US citizens as
  well, despite denials, but it certainly has implications for our freedoms
  in Europe.
  Jon Davies
  On 15 June 2013 00:59, Geoff Brigham wrote:
   Note:  German (Deutsch) and Spanish (Español) versions are below.
   Hi all,
   We want to direct your attention to our blog post ( )
   about the PRISM situation involving government intelligence
   surveillance on the Internet.  We are asking for Wikimedia community
   feedback on a proposed course of action ( ). In short, we are inclined to
   recommend that the Wikimedia Foundation collaborate with organizations
   including Mozilla, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, the Free
   Software Foundation, and the Center for Democracy and Technology.
   These groups have now prepared an open letter to the US congress
   ( ), calling for transparency,
   investigation, reform, and accountability, and have asked other
   organizations (including the Wikimedia Foundation) to join them in
   their efforts.
   We ask you to read the blog post for more details, and encourage you
   to tell us your views on this.
   Many thanks,
   Geoff and Luis
   Geoff Brigham
   General Counsel
   Luis Villa
   Deputy General Counsel
   Wikimedia Foundation
   Note:  We expect to have a couple more translations of this
   announcement in the next couple of days.  We would like to ask the
   international Wikimedia community to help translate the blog posting
   and feedback page (which are almost the same) as well as people’s
   feedback given throughout the course of this consultation period.  Due
   to tight time limits, we hope to have professional translations for
   these documents posted by next Tuesday for at least German, French,
   Spanish, and Japanese.
   Wir würden eure Aufmerksamkeit gern auf unseren Blogeintrag ( )
   zur PRISM-Situation und geheimdienstlicher Überwachung des Internets
   lenken. Wir bitten die Wikimediagemeinschaften um Rückmeldung zum
   vorgeschlagenen Vorgehen. (
   Kurz zusammengefasst tendieren wir dazu zu empfehlen, dass die
   Wikimedia Foundation mit Organisationen wie Mozilla, der Electronic
   Frontier Foundation, der Free Software Foundation und dem Zentrum für
   Demokratie und Technologie zusammenarbeitet. Diese Gruppen haben einen
   offenen Brief an den Kongress der Vereinigten Staaten
   ( vorbereitet um Transparenz,
   Untersuchung der Vorgänge, Reform sowie Rechenschaftspflicht
   einzufordern und haben andere Organisationen (einschließlich der
   Wikimedia Foundation) darum gebeten dieses Vorhaben zu unterstützen.
   Wir bitten euch den Blogeintrag mit den zugehörigen Details zu lesen
   und uns eure Meinung zu dem Vorschlag mitzuteilen.
   Vielen Dank,
   Geoff und Luis
   Geoff Brigham
   General Counsel
   Luis Villa
   Deputy General Counsel
   Wikimedia Foundation
   Hinweis: Wir würden die internationale WIkimediagemeinschaft gern
   darum bitten bei der Übersetzung des Blogeintrags und der
   Feedbackseite (die beiden sind fast identisch) sowie der Rückmeldungen
   aus der Community während der Konsultationsperiode mitzuhelfen. Durch
   die kurze Vorbereitungszeit hoffen wir bis Dienstag zumindest
   professionelle Übersetzungen für die Dokumente zumindest in Deutsch,
   Französisch, Spanisch und Japanisch zu haben.
   Queremos dirigir su atención a nuestra entrada en el blog ( )
   sobre la situación PRISM involucra la vigilancia de inteligencia del
   gobierno en Internet. Estamos pidiendo Wikimedia retroalimentación de
   la comunidad sobre un curso de acción propuesto. ( ) En resumen, nos 

Re: [Wikimedia-l] [Wikimedia Announcements] PRISM, government surveillance, and Wikimedia: Request for community feedback

2013-06-15 Thread Fred Bauder
 The reporting in the UK is that it is aimed at 'foreigners'. I think that
 is us! Of course that may be for domestic US consumption.

Yes, the thing is, we are an international organization, and, frankly, we
don't vet people politically before they can create an account or edit.
Our trust system is based on their behavior here, not what else they may
be doing in their life. It is inevitable that from time to time we may be
in communication with people that are out of favor with the United States
government. However, I think that is so rare that neither American
intelligence services nor us should waste much time on it. There is a
vanishingly small chance that a request might be directed to us. I doubt
expending hundreds of thousands of dollars fighting such a request is the
best use of our money, but consensus may be different. It is pretty cheap
putting on a brave face when there is little actual danger.


Wikimedia-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimedia-l] [Wikimedia Announcements] PRISM, government surveillance, and Wikimedia: Request for community feedback

2013-06-15 Thread MZMcBride
Bjoern Hoehrmann wrote:
* Geoff Brigham wrote:

You are not making a good case there as to what to do and why and how
this community is affected and needs to act. An immediate question seems
to be whether the Wikimedia Foundation should become signatory of the
Stop Watching Us open letter. No, the letter puts too much emphasis on
people in the United States and domestic spying and the Foundation
should not give the impression that that is a special kind of bad.


I can see nothing obvious that the Foundation could say or do in this
regard at this time, and would expect the community to develop answers
to questions like mine above before calling for action. So, no, I don't
think the Foundation should join those other organisations at this time.

I think I mostly agree with what you wrote.

As I commented on the Meta-Wiki talk page,[1] I'd much rather see
Wikimedia Foundation time and energy focused on defining what we stand for
in documents like Sue's recent Guiding Principles[2] or the older
Values pages.[3][4]

Would most Wikimedians disagree with the type of behavior exhibited by the
U.S. government? I think so. The NSA's actions don't seem to align well
with our values of transparency and openness and user privacy. Does that
mean it's something that we need to formally denounce? No, we should just
keep doing what we're doing. And, as discussed on the Meta-Wiki talk page
and in the blog post, we can work to bolster efforts such as HTTPS support,
which may have a real impact on the underlying issue. These types of
efforts are surely a better use resources rather than signing letters.

Spending limited resources denouncing the latest government abuse (or
potential future abuse) that happens to be in the news (SOPA, PRISM, etc.)
feels faddish (all of our San Fran neighbors are doing it!) and doesn't
seem particularly mature or productive. I think it's great for the
Wikimedia Foundation to reiterate its values (cf. links 2–4 below) and
work toward creating a world in which we can freely share in the sum of
all human knowledge. Let's do that.



Wikimedia-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimedia-l] [Wikimedia Announcements] PRISM, government surveillance, and Wikimedia: Request for community feedback

2013-06-15 Thread James Alexander
To try and keep the discussion in one place it would be great if
people could put their comments on the meta talk page (either as well
as the mailing list or as well as) I'm going to try and copy some
responses there (and from the blog) as well but possibly not
discussions as that gets more complicated.

James Alexander
Legal and Community Advocacy
Wikimedia Foundation
(415) 839-6885 x6716 @jamesofur

On Sat, Jun 15, 2013 at 2:16 PM, MZMcBride wrote:
 Bjoern Hoehrmann wrote:
* Geoff Brigham wrote:

You are not making a good case there as to what to do and why and how
this community is affected and needs to act. An immediate question seems
to be whether the Wikimedia Foundation should become signatory of the
Stop Watching Us open letter. No, the letter puts too much emphasis on
people in the United States and domestic spying and the Foundation
should not give the impression that that is a special kind of bad.


I can see nothing obvious that the Foundation could say or do in this
regard at this time, and would expect the community to develop answers
to questions like mine above before calling for action. So, no, I don't
think the Foundation should join those other organisations at this time.

 I think I mostly agree with what you wrote.

 As I commented on the Meta-Wiki talk page,[1] I'd much rather see
 Wikimedia Foundation time and energy focused on defining what we stand for
 in documents like Sue's recent Guiding Principles[2] or the older
 Values pages.[3][4]

 Would most Wikimedians disagree with the type of behavior exhibited by the
 U.S. government? I think so. The NSA's actions don't seem to align well
 with our values of transparency and openness and user privacy. Does that
 mean it's something that we need to formally denounce? No, we should just
 keep doing what we're doing. And, as discussed on the Meta-Wiki talk page
 and in the blog post, we can work to bolster efforts such as HTTPS support,
 which may have a real impact on the underlying issue. These types of
 efforts are surely a better use resources rather than signing letters.

 Spending limited resources denouncing the latest government abuse (or
 potential future abuse) that happens to be in the news (SOPA, PRISM, etc.)
 feels faddish (all of our San Fran neighbors are doing it!) and doesn't
 seem particularly mature or productive. I think it's great for the
 Wikimedia Foundation to reiterate its values (cf. links 2–4 below) and
 work toward creating a world in which we can freely share in the sum of
 all human knowledge. Let's do that.



 Wikimedia-l mailing list

Wikimedia-l mailing list

[Wikimedia-l] [Wikimedia Announcements] PRISM, government surveillance, and Wikimedia: Request for community feedback

2013-06-14 Thread Geoff Brigham
Note:  German (Deutsch) and Spanish (Español) versions are below.


Hi all,

We want to direct your attention to our blog post ( )
about the PRISM situation involving government intelligence
surveillance on the Internet.  We are asking for Wikimedia community
feedback on a proposed course of action ( ). In short, we are inclined to
recommend that the Wikimedia Foundation collaborate with organizations
including Mozilla, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, the Free
Software Foundation, and the Center for Democracy and Technology.
These groups have now prepared an open letter to the US congress
( ), calling for transparency,
investigation, reform, and accountability, and have asked other
organizations (including the Wikimedia Foundation) to join them in
their efforts.

We ask you to read the blog post for more details, and encourage you
to tell us your views on this.

Many thanks,

Geoff and Luis

Geoff Brigham
General Counsel

Luis Villa
Deputy General Counsel
Wikimedia Foundation

Note:  We expect to have a couple more translations of this
announcement in the next couple of days.  We would like to ask the
international Wikimedia community to help translate the blog posting
and feedback page (which are almost the same) as well as people’s
feedback given throughout the course of this consultation period.  Due
to tight time limits, we hope to have professional translations for
these documents posted by next Tuesday for at least German, French,
Spanish, and Japanese.




Wir würden eure Aufmerksamkeit gern auf unseren Blogeintrag ( )
zur PRISM-Situation und geheimdienstlicher Überwachung des Internets
lenken. Wir bitten die Wikimediagemeinschaften um Rückmeldung zum
vorgeschlagenen Vorgehen. (

Kurz zusammengefasst tendieren wir dazu zu empfehlen, dass die
Wikimedia Foundation mit Organisationen wie Mozilla, der Electronic
Frontier Foundation, der Free Software Foundation und dem Zentrum für
Demokratie und Technologie zusammenarbeitet. Diese Gruppen haben einen
offenen Brief an den Kongress der Vereinigten Staaten
( vorbereitet um Transparenz,
Untersuchung der Vorgänge, Reform sowie Rechenschaftspflicht
einzufordern und haben andere Organisationen (einschließlich der
Wikimedia Foundation) darum gebeten dieses Vorhaben zu unterstützen.

Wir bitten euch den Blogeintrag mit den zugehörigen Details zu lesen
und uns eure Meinung zu dem Vorschlag mitzuteilen.

Vielen Dank,

Geoff und Luis

Geoff Brigham
General Counsel

Luis Villa
Deputy General Counsel
Wikimedia Foundation

Hinweis: Wir würden die internationale WIkimediagemeinschaft gern
darum bitten bei der Übersetzung des Blogeintrags und der
Feedbackseite (die beiden sind fast identisch) sowie der Rückmeldungen
aus der Community während der Konsultationsperiode mitzuhelfen. Durch
die kurze Vorbereitungszeit hoffen wir bis Dienstag zumindest
professionelle Übersetzungen für die Dokumente zumindest in Deutsch,
Französisch, Spanisch und Japanisch zu haben.



Queremos dirigir su atención a nuestra entrada en el blog ( )
sobre la situación PRISM involucra la vigilancia de inteligencia del
gobierno en Internet. Estamos pidiendo Wikimedia retroalimentación de
la comunidad sobre un curso de acción propuesto. ( ) En resumen, nos sentimos
inclinados a recomendar que la Fundación Wikimedia colaborar con
organizaciones como Mozilla, la Fundación Fronteras Electrónicas, la
Fundación para el software libre y el Centro para la Democracia y la
Tecnología. Estos grupos han preparado una carta abierta al Congreso
de EE.UU. (, exigiendo la transparencia,
la investigación, la reforma y la rendición de cuentas, y han pedido a
otras organizaciones (entre ellas la Fundación Wikimedia) a unirse a
ellos en sus esfuerzos.

Le pedimos que lea el blog para más detalles, y le animamos a decirnos
sus puntos de vista sobre esto.

Muchas gracias,

Geoff y Luis

Geoff Brigham
General Counsel

Luis Villa
Deputy General Counsel
Wikimedia Foundation

Nota: Nos gustaría pedir a la comunidad internacional Wikimedia para
ayudar a traducir la entrada de blog y la página de comentarios (que
son casi lo mismo), así como la retroalimentación de las usuarios que
recibieron durante este período de consulta. Debido a los plazos
ajustados, esperamos contar con traducciones profesionales para los
documentos enviados por el próximo martes por lo menos alemán,
francés, español y japonés.

Please note: all replies sent to this mailing list will be immediately directed 
to Wikimedia-l, 

Re: [Wikimedia-l] [Wikimedia Announcements] PRISM, government surveillance, and Wikimedia: Request for community feedback

2013-06-14 Thread Tomasz W. Kozlowski

I'm a bit lost here now that I've read that translation notice more 
carefully — are you really saying you want to have this post translated 
into German, French, Spanish and Japanese by Tuesday, June 18, and then 
for the local communities to comment on it by Friday, June 21?

There is just no way that this can scale in this world.

FYI, I posted a message asking for translations at, 
and I'm sure that our amazing volunteer translators can get it 
translated into those four languages (and more) by noon on Sunday (PST).

(And again—doing this kind of things on a Friday is a Very Bad Idea[TM].)

-- Tomasz

Wikimedia-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimedia-l] [Wikimedia Announcements] PRISM, government surveillance, and Wikimedia: Request for community feedback

2013-06-14 Thread Samuel Klein
Thank you Geoff, it is excellent to see this public statement of
intent and discussion.

And thank you Tomasz for getting the word out to our translators!


On Fri, Jun 14, 2013 at 9:19 PM, Tomasz W. Kozlowski wrote:
 I'm a bit lost here now that I've read that translation notice more
 carefully — are you really saying you want to have this post translated into
 German, French, Spanish and Japanese by Tuesday, June 18, and then for the
 local communities to comment on it by Friday, June 21?

 There is just no way that this can scale in this world.

 FYI, I posted a message asking for translations at,
 and I'm sure that our amazing volunteer translators can get it translated
 into those four languages (and more) by noon on Sunday (PST).

 (And again—doing this kind of things on a Friday is a Very Bad Idea[TM].)

 -- Tomasz

 Wikimedia-l mailing list

Samuel Klein  @metasj   w:user:sj  +1 617 529 4266

Wikimedia-l mailing list