Re: [Wikimediaeg-l] Photographic project on Egyptian archeological sites

2015-01-10 Thread Mohamed Mostafa ouda
Hi Fanny

Seems it is interesting project , I would like to join , could you please
send more details and how can I help .

On Sat, Jan 10, 2015 at 10:27 AM, Meno25  wrote:

> Hi. I recommend that you contact User:Mohamed Ouda or User:Samir I.
> Sharbaty.
> <
> >
> <
> >
> Also, this issue would be better discussed on the Arabic Wikipedia Village
> Pump.
> <
> >
> --User:Meno25
> On Thu, Jan 8, 2015 at 11:45 PM, Fanny Schertzer <
>> wrote:
>> [Sorry for the double-posting but my subscription to this list was not
>> complete the first time.]
>> Dear Egyptian friends
>> I am Fanny, User:Inisheer, mostly active on fr.wikipedia and as a
>> photographer on Commons – especially on sports events and in museums,
>> where, along with fellow contributors and with the support of the Swiss
>> chapter, Wikimedia CH, I established numerous contacts with events
>> organizers and cultural institutions.
>> I am contacting you today because I am considering a big photographic
>> project in Egypt and I would like to know if some of you would be willing
>> to join in a way or another. The goal is to get authorizations to
>> photograph the interiors of the tombs in the Valley of the Kings and the
>> Valley of the Queens and, depending on the agenda, the temples of Abu
>> Simbel and some less known sites (yet to be defined). The precise budget
>> will be defined during the next months and the action would take place in
>> February or March 2016. I can spend up to two weeks on site, so it is
>> possible to achieve something interesting.
>> Feel free to ask whatever question you could have.
>> Kind regards
>> Fanny
>> ___
>> WikimediaEG-l mailing list
> ___
> WikimediaEG-l mailing list

Mohamed Mostafa Ouda
WikimediaEG-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimediaeg-l] Photographic project on Egyptian archeological sites

2015-01-25 Thread Mohamed Mostafa ouda
Hi Fanny

very intersting and I wish to join , is there wikipedia page for this
project ?

On Sun, Jan 18, 2015 at 10:12 PM, Fanny Schertzer <> wrote:

> Hello Mohamed, thank you for your interest.
> There are many ways you can join. Of course, if you are a photographer,
> you will surely be interested in coming to take the pictures on site. You
> might also know other photographers, accomplished or beginners, who could
> share their know-how or benefit from a training.
> First of all, we must define the sites to photograph. The Valley of the
> Kings and Valley of the Queens are a must, but there are many others to
> consider: rock paintings and engravings (most pictures on Commons are in a
> very small definition, not suitable for printing), less known temples, etc.
> At this stage, we will already set priorities but without excluding
> anything.
> Once we will have a list, I will submit it to an Egyptian partner in
> Luxor. He is no wikimedian but is a cultural mediator who both knows the
> sites very well and has contacts with the competent authorities. He can
> help us to refine the list, define the final budget and be our guide on
> site.
> Then, a few weeks before the actual operations begin, we will contact
> newspapers and other medias in Egypt and in Switzerland. As I do not speak
> Arabic, I will not be able to take the Egyptian part – and even if I would,
> it would much more appropriately done by Egyptians.
> How does it sound to you?
> Kind regards
> 2015-01-10 16:32 GMT+01:00 Mohamed Mostafa ouda :
>> Hi Fanny
>> Seems it is interesting project , I would like to join , could you please
>> send more details and how can I help .
>> On Sat, Jan 10, 2015 at 10:27 AM, Meno25  wrote:
>>> Hi. I recommend that you contact User:Mohamed Ouda or User:Samir I.
>>> Sharbaty.
>>> <
>>> >
>>> <
>>> >
>>> Also, this issue would be better discussed on the Arabic Wikipedia
>>> Village Pump.
>>> <
>>> >
>>> --User:Meno25
>>> On Thu, Jan 8, 2015 at 11:45 PM, Fanny Schertzer <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> [Sorry for the double-posting but my subscription to this list was not
>>>> complete the first time.]
>>>> Dear Egyptian friends
>>>> I am Fanny, User:Inisheer, mostly active on fr.wikipedia and as a
>>>> photographer on Commons – especially on sports events and in museums,
>>>> where, along with fellow contributors and with the support of the Swiss
>>>> chapter, Wikimedia CH, I established numerous contacts with events
>>>> organizers and cultural institutions.
>>>> I am contacting you today because I am considering a big photographic
>>>> project in Egypt and I would like to know if some of you would be willing
>>>> to join in a way or another. The goal is to get authorizations to
>>>> photograph the interiors of the tombs in the Valley of the Kings and the
>>>> Valley of the Queens and, depending on the agenda, the temples of Abu
>>>> Simbel and some less known sites (yet to be defined). The precise budget
>>>> will be defined during the next months and the action would take place in
>>>> February or March 2016. I can spend up to two weeks on site, so it is
>>>> possible to achieve something interesting.
>>>> Feel free to ask whatever question you could have.
>>>> Kind regards
>>>> Fanny
>>>> ___
>>>> WikimediaEG-l mailing list
>>> ___
>>> WikimediaEG-l mailing list
>> --
>> Mohamed Mostafa Ouda
>> ___
>> WikimediaEG-l mailing list

Mohamed Mostafa Ouda
WikimediaEG-l mailing list

[Wikimediaeg-l] Grant for new activities in Egypt

2015-08-09 Thread Mohamed Mostafa ouda
Hello All

we have started the application for a grant
for our Wikimedia projects activities in Egypt. You can add your comments
on this talk page or on our mailing list.

Mohamed Mostafa Ouda
WikimediaEG-l mailing list

[Wikimediaeg-l] ترشيح ممثل لمؤتمر برلين 2019

2018-11-26 Thread Mohamed Mostafa ouda
السلام عليكم

نظرا للجدل الدائر حول تمثل الموجوعة في مؤتمر برلين ، تم انشاء هذه الصفحة

لعمل تصويت علني لمن يريد ان يمثل المجموعة و نهاية التصويت 10 ديسمبر 2018

Mohamed Mostafa Ouda
WikimediaEG-l mailing list

[Wikimediaeg-l] نقاش حول المجلس العربي

2020-07-19 Thread Mohamed Mostafa ouda
السلام عليكم

 تم عمل نقاش مطول على الميتاويكي

بخصوص المجلس العربي و يتم النقاش الأن علي فكرة تسجيله كمجموعة مستخدمين و
كجمعية غير ربحية.،.

أتمنى معرفة رأي كل الأعضاء في هذا الموضوع .وعرض رأيكم علي الميتا

Mohamed Ouda
WikimediaEG-l mailing list

[Wikimediaeg-l] نقاش حول استراتيجية ويكيميديا 203

2020-10-10 Thread Mohamed Mostafa ouda
سيُعقد يوم السبت القادم الموافق 17 أكتوبر الساعة الخامسة مساءً حسب التوقيت
العالمي حدث لنقاش استراتيجية ويكيميديا 2030 كتعاون بين كل من: المجلس
العربي، وويكيميديا المغرب، وويكيميديا بلاد الشام. وويكيميديا مصر  هدف الحدث
هو مناقشة التوصيات وتحديد الأولويات التي يحتاج المجتمع العربي تنفيذها في
غضون الـ18 شهرًا القادمة (سنة ونصف).
خلال العامين الماضيين، صِيغت 10 توصيات وما يقرب من 50 مبادرة للاستراتيجية
نُشِرَت بصيغتها النهائية في شهر مايو 2020. ومن الضروري الآن مشاركة أفراد
المجتمع العربي في مناقشة هذه المبادرات لتحديد أي منها يجب إعطاؤها أولوية
أكبر في مرحلة التنفيذ القادمة.
سيكون الحدث عبر منصة زووم (zoom) وسيستمر لمدة ساعتين حيث ستكون الأجندة
- الساعة الأولى⬅️ الافتتاح وشرح موجز للتوصيات
- الساعة الثانية⬅️ نقاش الأولويات العالمية وأولويات المجتمع العربي بصفة
خاصة، والمتطلبات التي يحتاجها المجتمع للتنفيذ.
يُمكنكم الاطلاع على التوصيات إذا لم يسبق لكم ذلك عبر هذا الرابط:
للاطلاع على المزيد من التفاصيل عن هذه الفعالية وغيرها من فعاليات تحديد
الأولويات (على الميتا):
رابط الحدث على الفيسبوك⬅️

محمد عودة
WikimediaEG-l mailing list

[Wikimediaeg-l] اجتماع مع مجموعة مصر 17 فبراير 2021 لمُناقشة اختيار مُمثلي المُجتمع العربي في مجلس الإدارة

2021-02-16 Thread Mohamed Mostafa ouda
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

أتمنى أن تكونوا في أفضل حال، سيعقد اليوم اجتماع مع أعضاء مجموعة مستخدمي مصر
اختيار مُمثلي المُجتمع العربي في مجلس الإدارة

. إن شاء الله سيكون الاجتماع يوم الأربعاء، 17 فبراير، الساعة 9 مساءًا
بتوقيت القاهرة . رابط اللقاء:

Mohamed Ouda
WikimediaEG-l mailing list