Wonderful set of pictures. Kudos to every one participated!

On Tue, Nov 6, 2012 at 10:23 PM, Theo10011 <de10...@gmail.com> wrote:

> There is actually very little that is as disappointing as people who never
> did the work, complaining about people who actually did. I don't recall any
> previous organization of WLM from you or the chapter in the last year. It
> is easy to nitpick an incoming batch of young volunteers, doing something
> for the first time, it is harder to actually do something. I didn't have
> the time or the energy to take this up, neither did you, but I won't
> criticize them now over trivial matters on an announcement email.
> On Tue, Nov 6, 2012 at 6:57 PM, Arjuna Rao Chavala 
> <arjunar...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>> I'm not sure how familiar you are with WLM. But if you look on the
>>> commons page for the winners[1], a large majority of them are redlinks with
>>> next to no information about real names and locations of photographers. I
>>> believe the competition has more to do with the pictures themselves than
>>> the photographers. Some of the winners created their account for the sole
>>> purpose of uploading the pics, some chose their names, some didn't. It is
>>> their right if they choose to not declare their real name and location.
>>> Putting this information on commons without their permission, can be
>>> tantamount to WP:OUTING[2] and against the Wikimedia privacy policy.
>> I very much am involved with WLM and also know the policies.  You seem to
>> have missed some mails on this topic from me.
> Ah, I must have forgotten the time you organized WLM in the past. Lucky
> for you, all mails are archived[1]. Why don't you go ahead and find it? I
> only see a single relevant email from you in the last year mentioning the
> IRC meeting time related to WLM and other business. I wasn't talking about
> WLM policy, just general privacy policy, which would require that
> information oversighted on en.wp, and commons, and the offender warned in
> most cases.
>> BTW, this is just not a virtual world event  as there is lot of prize
>> money at stake. I am not advocating  that Karthik share  the real names
>> without contacting the winners. If my mail was not clear in that aspect, I
>> am sorry.
> Yes, it wasn't clear. You are not just haranguing what might be, a small
> oversight publicly, which is really supportive of these new office bearers.
>>> On Mon, Nov 5, 2012 at 5:01 PM, Arjuna Rao Chavala <arjunar...@gmail.com
>>> > wrote:
>>>> Disappointed that there are no user pages or  information on background
>>>> of contributors of winning entries.
>>> Let's try and contain the disappointment, shall we? ;) This was a big
>>> initiative taken by such a young group of volunteers. They deserve to
>>> lauded for their achievement. The information about the individual
>>> photographer is rarely a priority during these initiatives.
>> Sorry to disagree. As mentioned, this is just not a pure  virtual world
>> event. Once we know the winning photographs, there is a curiosity to know
>> the author/photographers of the award winning entries.
> Apparently, you seem to be the only one with this burning curiosity.
> Actually to correct you again, it is not a "pure virtual world event", in
> most countries, it had photo-walks, local cultural institute partnerships,
> sponsors, promotion, juries, and yes, prizes among other things. (Beh,
> clarify here please!) As I mentioned before it's a photo contest, not a
> photographer contest.
>> Also after spending quite a lot of effort and money, there are more
>> expectations on leveraging this for the movement. May be some of these
>> people will become passionate Wikimedians and start initiatives to improve
>> media about India.
> Yes, and they are answerable to you? Anyway, I must be missing where your
> criticism fills the gap and inspires them.
>>  Hope the winners will take  action to update their pages soon so that
>>>> the community knows bit about them and their passion for
>>>> Photography/monuments and their approach towards the contest and also few
>>>> words about their winning entry.
>>> If they choose to mention those details, sure. They don't have to do
>>> anything, like the majority of winners from other countries.
>> Agreed. Again there is an opportunity for India to be different while
>> respecting the policies. That is the focus of my message.
> It's not.
> You actually just seemed petty, this all might have just been an oversight
> on the organizer's part, which you could have mentioned to Karthik and
> others in private, and they would have corrected. Instead, you nitpicked on
> a public list to a group of 20 year old (Karthik I think is even younger),
> for something, let's face it, that you, I and others, were too busy or lazy
> to organize ourselves.
> -Theo
> P.S. When you reply inline, try and leave a gap so that the quote doesn't
> get truncated with the reply.
> [1]http://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/wikimediaindia-l/
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