Hello all,

We are excited to announce that the West Bengal Wikimedians User Group
<https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/West_Bengal_Wikimedians> is going to
organize Wiki Loves Monuments
this year again in the month of September. The organizing team
remains the same. We have a list of news to share.

   - Like previous years, we are adding more and more data about Indian
   monuments, both for designated and non-designated ones, on Wikidata
and the WLM
   lists of monuments
   are fetched from there. If you find monuments from your locality or
   district or state that are present on Wikidata but are not reflected on our
   please let us know, so that we can include them.

   - We are introducing one more way to upload photographs of monuments
   this year. In this page
   you will get a map of India with states and UTs in it and if you click on
   your desired state or UT, it will automatically direct you to the
   respective upload wizard buttons. Our 3 other options to upload in the
   tables designated for monuments, i.e. through Upload Wizard,
   Wikidocumentaries and WLM maps tools remain the same as the previous year.

   - This year, most probably, the Wikimedia Commons app
   <https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=fr.free.nrw.commons> will
   support WLM and photographers can upload easily through their mobile

   - The national prize money also remains the same as the previous year.
   But we have two more special prizes this year. For details, please
visit this

   - Also the Monuments database
   <https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons:Monuments_database> has
   our lists of monuments
   from Commons this year, which will help a bot
   <https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:ErfgoedBot> to crawl more
   Indian monuments than before to do regular maintenance works. There are
   still some bugs to resolve though.
   - We are contacting potential jury members for the national
competition. This
   will be updated as soon as we get confirmation from them.

A lot of efforts were taken to build structured databases related to Indian
monuments in the previous years. Still, most of our monuments lack
coordinates and it would be great if this gap can be filled up by the
community volunteers. Without coordinates, maps won't show the location of
the monuments and powerful tools cannot be utilized fully. If you start
adding coordinates or correcting faulty coordinates one at a time starting
from your locality, we might fill up the huge data gap one day. For
perspective, we have coordinates for more than 3000 Indian designated
monuments and still around 7000 designated monuments don't have them.

I would like to sincerely thank Krishna from the WLM international team;
André Costa and Jean-Frédéric from the Monuments database and Susanna Ånäs
from the Wikidocumentaries for partnering with us in different ways and
helping us execute our plans.

(On behalf of Wiki Loves Monuments 2021 in India team)
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