[Wikitech-l] Bugzilla Weekly Report

2013-11-24 Thread reporter
MediaWiki Bugzilla Report for November 18, 2013 - November 25, 2013

Status changes this week

Reports changed/set to UNCONFIRMED:  8 
Reports changed/set to NEW:  23
Reports changed/set to ASSIGNED   :  47
Reports changed/set to REOPENED   :  8 
Reports changed/set to PATCH_TO_RE:  102   
Reports changed/set to RESOLVED   :  254   
Reports changed/set to VERIFIED   :  38

Total reports still open  : 13064 
Total bugs still open : 7597  
Total non-lowest prio. bugs still open: 7385  
Total enhancements still open : 5467  

Reports created this week: 362   

Resolutions for the week:

Reports marked FIXED :  183   
Reports marked DUPLICATE :  29
Reports marked INVALID   :  14
Reports marked WORKSFORME:  16
Reports marked WONTFIX   :  13

Specific Product/Component Resolutions & User Metrics 

Created reports per component

MediaWiki extensions  Flow  32  
VisualEditor  General   20  
MediaWiki extensions  CommonsMetadata   19  
VisualEditor  Editing Tools 19  
MediaWiki extensions  MobileFrontend (Beta) 12  

Created reports per product

MediaWiki extensions  172   
VisualEditor  57
Wikimedia 47
MediaWiki 41
Parsoid   15

Top 5 bug report closers

jforrester [AT] wikimedia.org 37
marc [AT] uberbox.org 21
mtraceur [AT] member.fsf.org  15
matma.rex [AT] gmail.com  15
mail [AT] tgries.de   11

Most urgent open issues

Product   | Component | BugID | Priority  | LastChange | Assignee   
  | Summary  
Analytics | Tech communit | 53489 | Highest   | 2013-10-31 | 
acs[AT]bitergia.com  | Relating tech contributors with organ

Analytics | Tech communit | 57038 | Highest   | 2013-11-20 | 
acs[AT]bitergia.com  | Metrics about contributors with +2 pe

MediaWiki | Categories| 55630 | Highest   | 2013-11-22 | 
wikibugs-l[AT]lists. | When using UCA collations, Persian di

MediaWiki | JavaScript| 52659 | Highest   | 2013-11-18 | 
wikibugs-l[AT]lists. | [Regression]: mediawiki.notification:

MediaWiki ext | CentralAuth   | 54195 | Highest   | 2013-11-19 | 
csteipp[AT]wikimedia | CentralAuth not caching Special:Centr

MediaWiki ext | CirrusSearch  | 57210 | Highest   | 2013-11-19 | 
wikibugs-l[AT]lists. | CirrusSearch:  Improve elasticsearch 

MediaWiki ext | CirrusSearch  | 56798 | Highest   | 2013-11-22 | 
wikibugs-l[AT]lists. | CirrusSearch shouldn't use SQL to fig

MediaWiki ext | Echo  | 53569 | Highest   | 2013-11-18 | 
wikibugs-l[AT]lists. | [Regression] Echo: Sending 2 e-mails 

MediaWiki ext | Flow  | 56680 | Highest   | 2013-11-18 | 
wikibugs-l[AT]lists. | Flow must respect the per-wiki VE opt

MediaWiki ext | MassMessage   | 57464 | Highest   | 2013-11-25 | 
wikibugs-l[AT]lists. | MassMessage thinks namespaces that do

MediaWiki ext | Translate | 53748 | Highest   | 2013-11-19 | 
wikibugs-l[AT]lists. | QueryMessageGroups is very slow on me

MediaWiki ext | TranslationNo | 54242 | Highest   | 2013-11-12 | 
wikibugs-l[AT]lists. | JavaScript error after submitting a n

MediaWiki ext | UniversalLang | 54725 | Highest   | 2013-11-15 | 
amir.aharoni[AT]mail | JavaScript error on TwnMainPage if se

MediaWiki ext | UniversalLang | 56885 | Highest   | 2013-11-21 | 
amir.aharoni[AT]mail | Font preference is not saved 

MediaWiki ext | UniversalLang | 57091 | Highest   | 2013-11-21 | 
wikibugs-l[AT]lists. | onSkinTemplateOutputPageBeforeExec ho

MediaWiki ext | WikidataRepo  | 55901 | Highest   | 2013-10-28 | 
wikidata-bugs[AT]lis | Invalid commons media data are accept

MediaWiki ext | WikidataRepo  | 52385 | Highest   | 2013-11-05 | 
wikidata-bugs[AT]lis | Query by one property and one value (

MediaWiki ext | WikidataRepo  | 52916 | Highest   | 2013-11-13 | 
wikidata-bugs[AT]lis | implement numbers data type  

MediaWiki ext | WikidataR

[Wikitech-l] Status update on new Collections PDF Renderer

2013-11-24 Thread Matthew Walker
Hey All,

For those who are not aware, the WMF is currently attempting to replace the
backend renderer for the Collection extension (mwlib). This is the renderer
that creates the PDFs for the 'Download to PDF' sidebar link and creates
books (downloadable in multipe formats and printable via PediaPress), using
Special:Book. We're taking the data centre migration as our cue to replace
mwlib for several reasons; high among them being the desire to use Parsoid
to do the parsing from wikitext into something usable by an external tool
-- mwlib currently does this conversion internally. This should allow us to
solve several other long standing mwlib issues with respect to the
rendering of non latin languages.

Last week we started work on the new parser, which we're calling the
'Collection Offline Content Generator' or OCG-C. Today I can say that where
we are is promising but by no means complete. We as yet only have basic
support for rendering articles, and a lot of complex articles are failing
to render. For the curious we have an the alpha product [1] and a public
coordination / documentation page [2] -- you can also join us in

In broad strokes [3]; our solution is a LVS fronted Node.JS backend cluster
with a Redis job queue. Bundling (content gather from the wiki) and
Rendering are two distinct processes with an intermediate file [4] in
between. Any renderer should be able to pick the intermediate file up and
produce output [5]. We will store bundle files and generated documents
under a short timeout in Swift, and have a somewhat longer frontend cache
period in varnish for the final documents. Deployments will be happening
via Trebuchet, and node dependencies are stored in a seperate git
repository -- much like Parsoid and eventually Mathoid [6].

The Foundation is still partnering with PediaPress to provide print on
demand books. However, bundling and rendering will in future be performed
on their servers.

The team will continue to work on this project over the coming weeks. Big
mileposts in no particular order are table support, puppetization into beta
labs, load testing, and multilingual support. Our plan is have something
that the community can reliably beta test soon with final deployment into
production happening, probably, early January [7]. Decommisioning of the
old servers is expected to happen by late January, so that's our hard
deadline to wrap things up.

Big thanks to Max, Scott, Brad & Jeff for all their help so far, and to
Faidon, Ryan and other ops team members for their support.

If you'd like to help, ping me on IRC, and you'll continue to find us on
#mediawiki-pdfhack !

~ Matt Walker

[1] http://mwalker-enwikinews.instance-proxy.wmflabs.org/Special:Book
[2] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/PDF_rendering
[3] More detail available at
[4] The format is almost exactly the same as the format mwlib uses, just
with RDF instead of HTML
[5] Right now the alpha solution only has a LaTeX renderer, but we have
plans for a native HTML renderer (both for PDF and epub) and the ZIM
community has been in contact with us about their RDF to ZIM renderer.
[6] Mathoid is the LaTeX math renderer that Gabriel wrote which will run on
the same servers as this service. Both falling under this nebulous category
of node based 'Offline Content Generators'
[7] I'm being hazy here because we have other duties to other teams again.
Tuesdays until Jan 1 are my dedicated days to working on this project, and
I become full time again to this project come Jan 1. Erik will reach out to
organize a follow-up sprint.
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Re: [Wikitech-l] Facebook Open Academy

2013-11-24 Thread Platonides

On 23/11/13 02:03, Marc A. Pelletier wrote:

Interestingly enough, I /do/ have a project I'd be happy to put forward
that's quite in scope if we'd like to touch on something more
system-level than our usual UX fare:  there is a serious hole in
reasonably self-contained distributed cron-like schedulers in the open
source world, and I can see a number of valuable uses for one in Tool
Labs (and probably some spots in prod!).

I've had that idea at the back of my mind for some time, and I was
planning on starting it myself but for the lack of actual free time.
This is a very well delineated project of sufficiently modest scope that
a small team of students may well be able to tackle succesfully in that
kind of timeframe, and it's sufficiently generally useful that it makes
for a worthwhile open source project.

Thoughts?  Is it worth suggesting and putting forward?

-- Marc

Looks very good.

Wikitech-l mailing list

[Wikitech-l] Making MediaWiki extensions installable via Composer

2013-11-24 Thread Jeroen De Dauw
Hey all,

Several MediaWiki extensions, such as Maps and Semantic MediaWiki, are now
installable via Composer. Lately I've been getting quite a few questions
from developers on how to have their extensions support this awesome
dependency manager, and decided to write down the most important points
that are not obviously evident in the Composer documentation down.



Jeroen De Dauw
Don't panic. Don't be evil. ~=[,,_,,]:3
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