Re: [Wikitech-l] Code review process (was: Status of more regular code deployments)

2011-06-02 Thread Robert Leverington
Thank you for posting this Erik.

I initially didn't reply on this thread because to me it just seems to
be the same as the 3 or 4 times we've had the same discussion before.
No technical or procedural change is going to solve a problem that is
ultimately caused by a lack of time assigned to it.  I was somewhat
disappointed by the suggestion that the onus should be on volunteers to
find a reviewer for their code, as this is just as unworkable without
staff time assigned to doing it - and perhaps could be even more
demotivating than the status quo.

Having review be a portion of staff time was always how I assumed it
would be arranged.  The justification for not assigning time to review
has often been that one person or team doing it all the time would
result in burn-out, and I agree with this.  As a (part-time) developer I
certainly wouldn't want to spend all my time doing service work, even
for just one or two weeks at a time.  The idea of having a single
person/team assigned for each deploy/release cycle is nice, but I think
that it would lead to burn-outs and conflicts with existing
responsibilities those people have.  Whatever model is implemented, I
hope it can finally be successful.

I reject the notion that we need a change in our review processes.
Empirical evidence shows that when staff time is assigned to it, our
code review system *does* work.  (Of course there are always minor
changes that would improve efficiency, such as automating some of the
reporting tasks that have traditionally been done manually.)

Updates on how this is going would be nice, as again it took MZMcBride
to bring it up before anyone senior posted about it - and this is still
the big issue for volunteer developers.


On 2011-06-01, Erik Moeller wrote:
 On Wed, Jun 1, 2011 at 4:50 PM, Brion Vibber wrote:
  This is one of the reasons I tend to advocate shorter
  development/review/deployment cycles. By keeping the cycle short, we can
  help build up regular habits: run through some reviews every couple days. Do
  a deployment update *every* week. If you don't think your code will be
  working within that time, either work on it outside of trunk or break it up
  into pieces that won't interfere with other code.
  With a long cycle, review gets pushed aside until it's no longer habit, and
  gets lost.
 Right. And just to weigh in quickly on the resources issue -- the
 review/deploy/release train is clearly not moving at the pace we want.
 This does affect WMF staffers and contractors as well, but we know
 that it's especially frustrating for volunteers and third party
 committers. We kicked around the idea of a 20% rule for all funded
 engineers (IMO not just senior staff) in Berlin and in the office
 yesterday, and I think Roan mentioned it earlier in this thread: i.e.
 ensuring that every WMF-funded engineer spends one day a week on
 service work (code review, design/UX review, deployment, shell bugs,
 software bugs, bug triaging, etc.).
 An alternative model is to have rotating teams that do this work. I
 personally prefer the 20% model because it gives more
 consistency/predictability and less churn, but I'm curious what other
 folks think, and I'm comfortable with us continuing this discussion
 openly on this list.
 Whether that would get us to a healthier balance remains to be seen,
 but I think there's pretty broad agreement that adding more support to
 the review/deployment/release process is a necessary precondition for
 any other process changes like moving towards pre-commit review.
 Clearly what's been said in this thread is true -- there are lots of
 things that can be done to reduce our technical debt and make it
 easier to accommodate and manage new changes, but without added
 dedicated capacity, the train won't move at a speed that we're happy
 with. We can't change that overnight (because we need to figure out
 the right rhythm and the right processes together), but we will change
 Erik Möller
 Deputy Director, Wikimedia Foundation
 Support Free Knowledge:
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Re: [Wikitech-l] Converting to Git?

2011-03-23 Thread Robert Leverington
On 2011-03-23, Neil Kandalgaonkar wrote:
 On 3/22/11 6:05 PM, Rob Lanphier wrote:
 Our code review tool is pretty nice, but we can't let it
  be the tail that wags the dog.
 At the risk of being impolite -- our code review tool is not that nice. 
 (I don't expect that anyone who worked on it would even disagree with me 
 It happens to be our home grown tool, and it uses a framework that more 
 of us are familiar with. But it's not such an overwhelming asset that we 
 should consider staying on SVN because of it. In 2011 there are lots of 
 code review frameworks out there to choose from.

There's nothing stopping a Git backend being created for the code review


Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] WMF and IPv6

2011-02-03 Thread Robert Leverington
I believe the WMF intends to participate in World IPv6 Day [1],
additionally they publish some IPv6 statistics [2].  See also the IPv6
deployment page [3].



On 2011-02-03, George Herbert wrote:
 I just checked and determined that there appear to be no  records
 yet for the WMF servers.
 I have to admit to having been negligent in examining the IPv6
 readiness of the Mediawiki software.  Is it generally working and
 ready to go on IPv6?
 Does the Foundation have a IPv6 support plan ready to go?
 The importance of this is going to be high in the Asia-Pacific region
 within a few months:
 (APNIC runs out of IPv4 space to give to providers somewhere around
 August, statistically; RIPE in Feb or March 2012, ARIN in July 2012).
 In each region, ISPs then will start running out of IPv4 to hand out
 within a month to three months of the registry exhaustion.
 We have a few months, but by the end of 2012, any major site needs to
 be serving IPv6.
 Out of curiosity, is anyone from the Foundation on the NANOG mailing lists?
 -george william herbert
 Wikitech-l mailing list

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Inclusion request for the Validator extension

2011-01-12 Thread Robert Leverington
On 2011-01-13, Jeroen De Dauw wrote:
 Although the tag name issue is a valid point, it has nothing to do with my
 original email. So please start a separate discussion rather then hijacking
 this thread.

It is entirely to do with your originl e-mail, as it is a valid reason
why your original request (inclusion of Validator in core) should not be
carried out at this time, and discussion of it is important (at least if
you intend to improve the extension to overcome this issue).


Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Draft plan for 1.17 branch next week (Code review and making it to 1.17)

2010-12-04 Thread Robert Leverington
On 2010-12-03, Rob Lanphier wrote:
 Hi everyone,
 On IRC, Trevor lead the charge to Etherpad!, and some of us
 followed.  This was the result:

It is unclear to me whether the plan is to branch from the latest
reviewed code or trunk HEAD, assuming the latter then I think that code
review needs to be a part of the schedule as it is by far the most time
consuming part of the process and presumably needs to be complete before
a deployment.  The schedule suggests an intial deployment in January,
but my understanding is that even if there were no further commits it
would still take until March for it to catch up with HEAD.


Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Draft plan for 1.17 branch next week (Code review and making it to 1.17)

2010-12-04 Thread Robert Leverington
On 2010-12-04, Roan Kattouw wrote:
 2010/12/4 Robert Leverington
  The schedule suggests an intial deployment in January,
  but my understanding is that even if there were no further commits it
  would still take until March for it to catch up with HEAD.
 March has been mentioned by a few people now, and now you're even
 suggesting that /even with no further commits/ it would take that
 long. To me that seems overly pessimistic. The code review backlog in
 /trunk/phase3 was 775 revisions last time I checked (Saturday around
 01:15 UTC). It shouldn't take 3 months to catch up with that.

The pessimism was not intentional, just noting my understanding of what
others said.  What you say sounds reasonable.

 Of course less than 3 months doesn't necessarily mean it'll be a
 manageable amount of time, and there's WMF-deployed extensions to
 consider too. So I do think we should look at where the unreviewed
 revs are concentrated; if it turns out they're mostly recent, that'd
 be a strong case for moving the branch point into the past.

On the other hand this creates a huge amount of work in identifying and
backporting any essential bug fixes between the branch point and HEAD at
branching - I imagine probably more than it alleviates (albeit for
different people).

Either way this is something that needs to be considered prior to
branching as it will change the schedule and allocation of resources
(to me the current schedule seems overly optimistic in this respect).


Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] recursiveTagParse makes data vanish

2010-11-16 Thread Robert Leverington
On 2010-11-17, Dmitriy Sintsov wrote:
 What if my ajax call PHP function is required for extension's client 
 scripts only and is meaningless to bots? (On-page interactivity). Why 
 should everything to be an API, ajax is more than bots?

Because it provides a consistent, clean framework for making and
handling requests with the potential to reduce duplication in a lot of
cases.  The API is not just for bots.

Adding an API module is fairly trivial and is the correct way to provide
AJAX interactivity.


Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Bugzilla keywords for deployment queues?

2010-11-02 Thread Robert Leverington
On 2010-11-02, Rob Lanphier wrote:
 We'd then pick off the keywords as we step through the process (e.g.
 once it's reviewed, remove the need-review keyword).  We could then
 generate three queries to get us the three queues I alluded to above:
 1.  Issues with all three keywords.  These are features that someone
 would like to see deployed and launched, but needs to be reviewed
 2.  Issues with need-deploy and need-enabled.  These are
 extensions that have been reviewed, but need to be checked into the
 production branch
 3.  Issues with need-enabled only.  These are extensions/features
 that just need action from ops.
 Does this make sense?  If so, I'll add the keywords and start
 documenting the process and retrofitting existing feature requests
 into this system.

This sounds like a good idea, however I think it would be better to
only use a single keyword per state - and as each state is completed
it is replaced by the next keyword.  Otherwise you cannot just do a
keyword search for need-enabled or need-deploy and find just the
ones that can actually be processed.

Additionally, since this system seems to be targetted at extensions, I
think it might be more intuitive to have them labelled as such, i.e.:
 - extension-need-review
 - extension-need-deploy
 - extension-need-enabled
Currently I believe the need-review keyword is used for patches that
need review aswell as extensions, so using a conflicting namespace
could become confusing.

Finally, some extensions have a bug report open purely for their
review and several open for being enabled/deployed - so this might be
a good time to consolidate extension review/enable bugs.


Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Bugzilla keywords for deployment queues?

2010-11-02 Thread Robert Leverington
On 2010-11-02, Trevor Parscal wrote:
 The idea of dividing deploy and enable seems strange to me. Only in the 
 case of a feature-flagged bit of core code or extension which has not 
 been deployed yet would this even work, in all other cases deployment is 
 enabling because you've just updated active code.
 Additionally, the idea of having a division between need-review and 
 need-deploy is counter to the arguments made in D.C. which were that 
 essentially review is a by-product of deployment, not the other way 
 around. Marking something as need-deploy shows reviewers what should be 
 reviewed and merged into the deployment branch.
 So essentially all we need is a single queue or tag, which indicates 
 this is a revision that affects deployed/to-be-deployed software.

I wasn't present in D.C. so can't comment on the arguments made there,
but it is my understanding that there are people who are responsible for
reviewing code who aren't able/willing to deploy it - so this isn't
something that has a binary state.  Also, I think it would be useful
to document the movement between review, deployment, and enabling - as
even if this is done by a single person they might not be able to
complete it in one session, and the transparency is nice.

 An even in this case where I've reduced it to a single tag, someone has 
 to actually mark revs with that tag, but the nature of the tag isn't 
 really based on any single revision, it's based on a resource.
 Code-review needs a way to tag files and directories rather than just 
 revisions. These resource-tags would be persistent between revisions, 
 allowing us to say show me 'new' revisions that affect 'deployment' 
 files and directories or some such. This would likely be core + some 
 The more work we have to do over and over (such as adding and managing 
 tags on revisions) the less likely we are to keep it up.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe we're talking specifically about
completely unreviewed extensions that need looking at entirely - not
incrementally.  Certainly once an extension has been initially
reviewed and deployed, the existing code review system would come in to
effect - and I don't think we need to change anything with that at the


Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Vector extension naming

2010-10-13 Thread Robert Leverington
On 2010-10-13, Trevor Parscal wrote:
   Thank you, everyone, for responding so far (not trying to stop you 
 here). Here's where it seems we're at.
1. Having an extension called Vector is neither descriptive or
   clear, and it is anticipated to cause confusion.
2. System administrators are not enjoying things being switched
   around on them, and would prefer the name either not change or for
   the extension to be merged into core.
3. 3 out of 5 code reviewers are voting that it should be merged into
   core (Brion and Tim have not weighed in yet).

I did not realise decisions were now being voted on by code reviewers,
this is very concerning.

 My original hesitation to merge Vector (not to be lumped together with 
 WikiEditor) into core was always that we were going to be extremely lean 
 on CodeReview prior to 1.17 due to Tim Starling's limited availability 
 right now. Since then we've added Roan, Chad, and me, and even brought 
 Brion back for a bit part time to help out, thus increasing our capacity 
 beyond what was originally expected. I think under these new 
 circumstances, if we have Roan and Chad willing to help me integrate it 
 into core and sign off on it, it will likely be of very little 
 additional effort for our release manager (Tim Starling) to sign off as 
 well, thus alleviating my apprehension about merging it prior to 1.17.

Since it has been deployed to the Wikimedia cluster, has it not already
had more than sufficient review that we would be comfortable including it
in a release?

 So, unless there's any objection, I will go ahead and merge the Vector 
 extension into core as part of the Vector skin immediately, rather than 
 waiting until after 1.17.

That would be great.


Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Is the $_SESSION secure?

2010-09-23 Thread Robert Leverington
On 2010-09-24, Dmitriy Sintsov wrote:
 One probably can rename it to another temporary name? Then move to final 
 location during the next request, according to previousely passed 
 Speaking of cookies, there are millions ways of looking at them, FF's 
 WebDeveloper extension, HTTP headers extension, Wireshark application to 
 name just few. Absolutely non-secure, when unencrypted.

Session data is not stored in cookies, only a unique session identifier
is passed to the client.


Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] MediaWiki 1.17 release target (Re: UsabilityInitiative extension...)

2010-09-21 Thread Robert Leverington
On 2010-09-21, Rob Lanphier wrote:
 On Tue, Sep 21, 2010 at 6:29 AM, Max Semenik wrote:
  On 21.09.2010, 6:09 Rob wrote:
  I'm not sure what you mean by this.  October 15 would be the branch
  point, not the release date.  Are you saying that we have to release
  to production one month before even branching off of trunk?
  Yes, if we really care what we release.
 Doesn't this kinda depend on what our priorities are and what the
 priorities of people running MediaWiki are?  There are many demands
 placed by Wikipedia that most websites don't have.  In the rest of the
 software world, high traffic websites are the *last* ones to upgrade,
 not the first.  Don't we want to get the benefit of other people using
 the software more heavily before we put it on Wikipedia?
 I realize that this isn't how it's traditionally been done, but then
 again, I think our tradition has drifted.  Once upon a time, trunk was
 very regularly deployed in production.  Providing releases was merely
 an alternative to telling MediaWiki admins just go checkout trunk;
 that's what we're using.  Now that we're a lot more cautious about
 what we put into production, we should question whether we still need
 to be even more cautious about what we release as MediaWiki.

It was my impression that production release had slowed down due to a
lack of resources, not due to additional caution.  Has this changed

End users have an expectation that the software released by us is of
the high standard we have always provided, and this is in part due to
it being run on one of the worlds largest websites.  End users are not
and should not be guinea pigs for Wikipedia.

The last release took a year, so I see no reason why we shouldn't delay
this one until we are in a position to release reviwed and reasonably
tested code.


Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Community vs. centralized development

2010-09-08 Thread Robert Leverington
On 2010-09-07, Ryan Kaldari wrote:
 I am both a long-time community member and a new WMF paid developer (in 
 the SF office) so I think I'm in a unique position to clear up some 
 First of all, all this talk of secret listservs and IRC channels is 
 malarkey. Yes, there are private listservs and IRC channels. All of them 
 are private for very specific and well-established reasons. Most of them 
 are only used in very specific circumstances (for example if there was a 
 security breach that needed to be discussed privately) and tend to be 
 very low traffic. They are not the places where important decisions are 

This has been repeated several times in this thread.  But from a
volunteers perspective it is difficult to imagine where discussion
between staff members is going on then.  Until after this topic started
I have seen very little discussion of staff projects on this mailing
list, no discussion on the IRC channel, and very little on the MediaWiki
wiki.  These are three of the main enshrined development channels, and
up until this discussion of staff activity on them was minimal.  I find
it difficult to believe that this is all the discussion that is going on,
or is everything else in face to face meetings - if so where are the
minutes and notes for these, because seems the obvious
place to put them?  And furthermore where is all the project
documentation that you say has been produced?

Sorry, but from the point of view of a volunteer the only logical reason
there is/was no activity in any of these development channels is that
there must be various private ones.

 Secondly, the idea that developers here in the office don't interact 
 with the community is absurd. The developers here interact with the 
 community constantly. We discuss community opinion and ideas, we talk 
 with community members all day long on IRC, listservs, and on-wiki. I'm 
 amazed that the developers here ever get anything done considering how 
 much time they spend documenting what they are working on and 
 interacting with the community about it. The problem is they can't 
 interact with everyone everywhere: Code Review, IRC, listservs, the Tech 
 Blog, meta, Signpost, etc. So no matter what, someone is going to feel 
 like they are out of the loop.

This may well be true for the community in general, but this discussion
is specifically about the volunteer developer community, which is
clearly being left out of the loop in a large respect - otherwise this
discussion would not exist.

They are arguably the most important members of the community from a
technology perspective as volunteer developers have the time and
initiative to actively improve MediaWiki, and development cannot survive
on ideas and feedback alone.  By readily involving the dev. community
the WMF creates an environment where there is the potential (not
everything will recieve a community response, but the potential for it
then exists) for more ideas are implemented cost-free, and paid
development time can be focused more on what it needs to be to maximise
gain for all stakeholders.

 The WMF is extremely interested in new developers interacting with the 
 community, indeed they try to hire developers from within the community 
 when possible. The notion that the foundation is hiring corporate drones 
 who are only going to listen to their task masters is completely 
 unfounded. Yes, there have been situations where the foundation has been 
 given grant money for very specifically defined projects and those 
 projects have been implemented without adequate community involvement. 
 Everyone (including the foundation) knows that that's not how we want to 
 do development in the future. As has been discussed throughout the past 
 year, the foundation wants to move away from accepting any money with 
 strings attached and away from relying on grants in general. Hopefully, 
 if this year's fundraiser goes well, we won't have to worry about these 
 issues in the future.

There is nothing wrong with recieiving technology grants for specific
projects, and with the correct transparency and integration I think they
can be a good thing as they are likely to improve areas that were
previously ignored and bring new developers, and their insight, on to
the paid staff.

Transparency and integration were the main things the usability
initiative lacked, but on their whole the contribution to MediaWiki and
the WMF projects is undoubtedly very large.


Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Community vs. centralized development

2010-09-03 Thread Robert Leverington
On 2010-09-02, Aryeh Gregor wrote:
 Over the last couple of years, MediaWiki development has moved from
 being almost entirely volunteer-based to having a large contingent of
 paid developers.  A lot of people have noted that this has led to a
 lot of work being done without much community involvement.  Just for a
 basic statistic, in July, I estimate that about 90% of
 non-localization commits to extensions/UsabilityInitiative/ were by
 paid employees.  (I use employee loosely in this post, to include
 all paid staff, such as contractors.)  By contrast, about 25%
 (ballpark figure) of non-localization commits to phase3/ were by paid
 employees, and the number of volunteer commits to phase3/ was much
 higher than the total number of commits to UsabilityInitiative, so
 this isn't just a matter of community members not doing as much work


I'd just like to repeat what others have said, and note that I agree
with Aryeh's comments and replies 100%.

It's very dissapointing to see many of the suggestions discarded almost
immediatley by most of the staff members replying as unrealistic.
These are well thought out points and I think a decent amount of
consideration should be given to all of them, regardless of anyones


Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Community vs. centralized development

2010-09-03 Thread Robert Leverington
On 2010-09-03, Neil Kandalgaonkar wrote:
 On 9/3/10 4:55 PM, Robert Leverington wrote:
 It's very dissapointing to see many of the suggestions discarded almost
 immediatley by most of the staff members replying as unrealistic.
 I can't speak for others, but I have to say that the idea of having
 paid developers without a space for them to work together in person
 is very unrealistic.

In the past all paid developers worked remotely (at least, not in the
same office as one another), and there still are paid developers who
work remotely.  Additionally, all volunteers work remotely.  Based on my
experience with MediaWiki I would say that development in the past was
significantly more efficient and community involved than it is currently.

I can understand how this suggestion in particular might not be
entirely realistic, but it is only one of the suggestions that have been
put forward and regardless of whether it is taken as a whole has some
amount of merit in the context of this discussion.


Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] [HTML5] Improving Commons upload interface

2010-09-02 Thread Robert Leverington
On 2010-09-02, MZMcBride wrote:
 Aryeh Gregor wrote:
  What's the alternative?  There are *always* going to be many more
  ideas than implementers.  Ideas are cheap.  Wikimedia has to decide
  which features are the most critical to invest developer time in.
  Their decision is not going to make everyone happy.  The only
  guarantee you can ever have is if you do it yourself.  Happily,
  MediaWiki is open-source, so you *do* have that option!  On
  practically any other major website, you couldn't add a feature no
  matter how much you wanted to.
 The current status of Wikimedia code deployment makes this no longer
 applicable to Wikimedia either.

See also:

All asking for a feature which has been implemented since April 2008 to
be reviewed and installed.


Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Some suggestions about the edit page.

2010-01-13 Thread Robert Leverington
On 2010-01-13, Tei wrote:
 %% The Death of Wiki %%
 Ultimatelly, al wikis lose the war against entropy and are abandoned.
 This will hit all wikipedia wikis, and all based on mediawiki.  While
 you can't stop that, you can code something so the resulting dead body
 of wiki is not pure shit.   A possible idea could be to auto-protect
 pages without edit in N years (4 years), and save id of the last know
 good version, this can be done flagging the pages as dirty after a
 edit, and flag pages as clean wen a logged editor say so.  Something
 like Page Milestones.  Maybe the History view of a page sould list
 first the last 10 milestones (newer first), then the dump of all
 edits. There are probably about more than 10 years to think about this

The AbsenteeLandlord extension may fulfil this to a certain extent. [1]



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Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] FW: [FOSDEM] News : Call For Developer Rooms

2009-10-26 Thread Robert Leverington
On 2009-10-26, Siebrand Mazeland wrote:
 Forwarding a post with a call for developer rooms at FOSDEM 2010 (2010-02-06 
 to 2009-02-07). Last year we made a request for a dev room and it was denied.
 A question and a proposal, in case the question is to be answered with 'yes':
 Q: Would we like MediaWiki to be present at FOSDEM 2010?

There are many European developers, and the success of the Berlin meetup
suggests doing something at FOSDEM would be worthwhile.

 P: I would like to try and make a proposal with other CMS projects (like 
 Joomla, Drupal, Typo3, Wordpress, etc.) for a dev room. Reason for not 
 applying for a MediaWiki dev room' is that I expect that this will not be 
 honored because it has too tight a scope. I spoke to one of the people of the 
 program committee last year, and I was advised to find a broader scope. 
 Alternatively we could request a dev room with other wiki engines (tikiwiki, 
 docuwiki, etc.). Personally I have no preference on which projects we would 
 cooperate with, just as long as we will make a proposal that will get us the 
 best chance to have a presence at FOSDEM 2010. Open to suggestions...

I spent a bit of time discussing this with you and a few of the FOSDEM
staff a while ago and this seems like the best way to do it.
 Additionally, I would like a reply from people interested in coordination of 
 the talks in this event. In case we would get a dev room together with the 
 other CMS/wiki projects, I would expect that we would have slots for ~4 talks 
 on MediaWiki, and possibly one or two talks in cooperation with the other 
 projects on common problems/solutions/whatever.

I will be coming to FOSDEM '10 and am interested in helping to
coordinate talks.

Robert Leverington

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Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Announce: Brion moving to StatusNet

2009-09-29 Thread Robert Leverington
On 2009-09-28, Brion Vibber wrote:
 I'd like to share some exciting news with you all... After four awesome
 years working for the Wikimedia Foundation full-time, next month I'm
 going to be starting a new position at StatusNet, leading development on
 the open-source microblogging system which powers and other sites.

Good luck.

 Erik Moeller will be the primary point of contact for WMF tech
 management issues starting October 12, until the new CTO is hired. I'll
 support the hiring process as much as I can, and we're hoping to have a
 candidate in the door by the end of the year.

Is the Senior Software Architect position that was originally going to
be opened for you to move to still planned, or will the new CTO have a
simillar number of responsibilities?

Robert Leverington

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Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] MW test infrastructure architecture

2009-08-11 Thread Robert Leverington

On 2009-08-11, dan nessett wrote:
 There is a way to easily add tests, but it requires some community
 discipline. phpunit has a --skeleton command (actually two variations
 of it) that automatically generates unit tests. (see All
 developers have to do is add assertions (which have the appearance of
 comments) to their code and call phpunit with the --skeleton flag. If
 you want even more hand holding, Netbeans will do it for you.
 This is all wonderful, but there are problems:
 * Who is going to go back and create all of the assertions for
 existing code? Not me (at least not alone). This is too big a job for
 one person. In order for this to work, you need buy in from at least a
 reasonable number of developers. So far, the number of developers
 expressing an interest in code quality and testing is pretty small.

This doesn't need to be done straight away, providing all new code is
has proper unit tests built for it the old stuff will get done
eventually or when it breaks.

 * What motivation is there for those creating new code to do the work
 to add assertions with good code coverage? So far I haven't seen
 anything in the MW code development process that would encourage a
 developer to do this. Without some carrots (and maybe a few sticks)
 this approach has failure written all over it.

We don't do unit tests properly yet, that's probably why.  If there is a
decent infrastructure in place then it might be possible to encourage
developers to do this.
 * Even if we get a bunch of Unit tests, how are they integrated into a
 useful whole? That requires some decisions on test infrastructure.
 This thread begins the discussion on that, but it really needs a lot more.

We have started integrating parser tests in to code review, so something
like this could be done for the unit tests so they won't stagnate, etc.

 * MW has a culture problem. Up to this point people just sling code
 into trunk and think they are done. As far as I can tell, very few
 feel they have any responsibility for ensuring their code won't break
 the product. [Perhaps I am being unkind on this. Without any testing
 tools available, it is quite possible that developers want to ensure
 the quality of their code, but don't have the means of doing so.]

I completely agree, blatant syntax errors are regularly being checked
in - and now there is a post-commit review process very few developers
actually get someone else to look over their patches before commiting
them which is far from ideal IMO.

 I realize these observations may make me unpopular. However, someone
 has to make them. If everyone just gets mad, it doesn't solve the
 problem. It just pushes it out to a time when it is even more serious.

I don't think you have anything to worry about, you bring up some valid
points that are more often that not, ignored.


Please can you properly break your lines in e-mail though, to 73(?)
characters per a line - should be possible to specify this in your

Robert Leverington

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Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] A deployment branch for the rest of us

2009-07-30 Thread Robert Leverington
On 2009-07-30, Brian wrote:
 Can we please have a the WMF deployment branch be a branch of an untainted
 branch of the particular revision that is considered stable?

This is, and always has been, the latest release (e.g. MediaWiki
1.15.1).  If you want to run beyond-stable you cannot expect developers
who already don't have enough time to spoon feed you information they
don't have.  The WMF deployment branch is already well beyond what end
users should expect.

Robert Leverington

Description: Digital signature
Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] A deployment branch for the rest of us

2009-07-30 Thread Robert Leverington
On 2009-07-30, Brian wrote:
 The versioning interactions between mediawiki and its extensions are so
 complicated that it is simply not feasible to run the latest release while
 simultaneously using a variety of extensions.

Please can you explain more; last time I tried, branched versions of
extension generally worked with branched versions of MediaWiki?  If this
isn't the case then it should be fixed.

 Additionally, I strongly disagree with your definition of the code being
 used on Wikipedia as beyond stable.

Code in trunk is under development, that is what defines trunk - it
hasn't been tested to the same level as releases.  Although I think this
is case where everyone will have different opinions, I'm not sure of the
current official stance.

Robert Leverington

Description: Digital signature
Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] A deployment branch for the rest of us

2009-07-30 Thread Robert Leverington
On 2009-07-30, Brian wrote:
 You seem confused, perhaps you should re-read the thread. I never asked
 anyone to do anything except make a branch.

That *is* non-trivial.  Someone will have to maintain that branch.
Someone will have to make a judgement about when to update that branch.

Generally these aren't things that a single person can answer, which is
one reason why we have a multiple release canidate policy when declaring
versions stable.

Robert Leverington

Description: Digital signature
Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Proposal: switch to HTML 5

2009-07-08 Thread Robert Leverington
On Wed, Jul 08, 2009 at 10:58:43AM -0400, William Allen Simpson wrote:
 My thought is that the 5 tags that are marked as well-supported could be
 used, but be very cautious about abandoning 4.  There are a lot of old
 machines out there, and many cannot upgrade to newer browsers, because
 they cannot upgrade their underlying operating systems.
 For example: schools, already heavy *pedia users.  And political campaigns
 often use cast-off machines.  Win98 or 2K means no upgrades.

I don't think there is any suggestion that backwards compatibility
should be broken.  MediaWiki is a project which has strived to keep full
compatibility with most browsers since its creation.


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