"Hashar" changed the status of MediaWiki.r112458 to "resolved"
URL: http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:Code/MediaWiki/112458

Old status:  ok
New status: resolved

Commit summary for MediaWiki.r112458:

[CodeReview/DiffHighlighter] Restore inline wrapper for diff text
* Restore inline wrapper for diff text to allow styling of the diff text with 
the correct inline content width (style for td.ins/td.del styles the entire 
line rather than just the text)
* Use Html::element() consistently in both the top and bottom of formatLine() 
for the line-numbers. No need to allow raw html in td.linenumbers, and if it 
does it should be documented and also allowed in other parts of the code.
* main change:
- Html::Element( 'td', $classAttr, $content )
// $inlineWrapEl is span, ins or del
+ Html::rawElement( 'td', $classAttr, Html::element( $inlineWrapEl, array() , 
$content ) )

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