== Callouts ==
* Readers Web needs help from RelEng with Ruby to JavaScript Cucumber
* There is a new primary deployment host, deploy1001.eqiad.wmnet (tin is
** Protip: Avoid caring about the host name and just use
deployment.eqiad.wmnet for ssh
* Please take the Beta Cluster survey:
** Announcement:
** Survey:
* Language -> SRE: DBAs Please take a look (again) at:

== Audiences ==
=== Readers ===
==== iOS native app ====
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:
** 5.8.2 w/ event logging analytics and bug fixes released to public beta ( )
** Continuing work on next major release, 6.0 - Feed customization and
design updates ( )

==== Android native app ====
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:

==== Readers Web ====
* Blocked by:
** Ruby to JS Cucumber refactor needs help from the RelEng team:
* Blocking:
* Updates:
** Page issues and A/B test framework continues
** Page previews post-en/dewiki deploy clean up and bug fixes continues
** Miscellaneous MobileFrontend / MinervaNeue refactors and maintenance.

*Quarterly goal dependency update:
1, Objective 4]]: Continue improving the ways that users can download
articles of interest for later consumption
*** Reading Web depends on SRE, RelEng, Reading Infra

==== Readers Infrastructure ====
* Blocked by: n/a
* Blocking: n/a
* Updates:
** Team now includes James F.  New contract engineer Mateus Batista Santos
(joining from São Paolo) starts next week.
** Safari browser extension for Reading Lists ( to be launched
by end of week.
** Featured feed content availability (by language) endpoint launched.
** Ongoing work with Collaboration to transition maps infrastructure
maintenance to RI beginning next fiscal year.
*Quarterly goal dependency update:
1, Objective 4]]: Continue improving the ways that users can download
articles of interest for later consumption
*** Reading Web depends on SRE, RelEng, Reading Infra
**[[Wikimedia Audiences/2017-18 Q4 Goals#Readers|Increase code sharing of
client apps by coalescing and moving more logic to the server]]
***Reading Infra depends on Parsing, Services

===== Maps =====
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:

==== Multimedia ====
* Updates
** Got rid of reliance for PHP serialization in a GWToolset job
** Looking into OOUI migration for Wikibase
** Working on indexing wikibase statements with quantity qualifiers -
stalled because of holiday
*Quarterly goal dependency update:
**[[Wikimedia Audiences/2017-18 Q4 Goals#Programs|Objective 3.1]] Prepare
for launch of the first Structured Data on Commons feature (multilingual
file captions)
***SDC depends on Multimedia,SRE, WMDE, Search Platform, MediaWiki
Platform, Research
**  [[Wikimedia Audiences/2017-18 Q4 Goals#Programs|Objective 2.1]]
Integrate structured file captions into search
*** SDC depends on Search Platform, Multimedia
4, Outcome 2]]: Develop a better understanding of existing needs for
Structured Commons- T171252
***Research depends on Multimedia

=== Contributors ===
==== Community Tech ====
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:
** GlobalPreferences will go live on Wikipedias as soon as we complete the
final round of bugfixes
** Same for CodeMirror, it's graduating from beta soon
** Working on integrating the Draft namespace into PageTriage

==== Anti-Harassment Tools ====
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:
** DateTime Selector on Special:Block has been deployed globally.
** IP Cookie Blocking is rolling out
** Working on Block Notices on Mobile
** Discussions on Granular Blocks,_namespace,_category,_and_upload_blocking

==== Editing ====
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
** Updates:

==== Parsing ====
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:
** LanguageConverter support (limited to a few vairant languages initially)
in Parsoid will be deployed today (Wed) to help Services team with RESTBase
and API design work on their end.
** Work in Progress update: The current core parser hooks extension API
exposes parsing internals that cannot be supported in Parsoid since those
internals aren’t part of Parsoid. In Parsoid, we are developing a newer API
that can support existing deployed extensions while also not exposing
implementation details. has info about
what parser hooks are currently used by which deployed extensions (data as
of Oct 2017).
** Planning to replace Tidy everywhere on July 5th. Will send an email
update once this is confirmed.
*Quarterly goal dependency update:
Support work towards unifying MediaWiki's parser implementations, in
liaison with Technology's MediaWiki team
*** Parsing depends on MediaWiki Platform, Services
**[[Wikimedia Audiences/2017-18 Q4 Goals#Readers|Increase code sharing of
client apps by coalescing and moving more logic to the server]]
Increase code sharing of client apps by coalescing and moving more logic to
the server.
*** Reading Infra depends on Parsing, Services
[[Wikimedia Technology/Goals/2017-18 Q4#Program 7. Smart tools for better
data|Outcome 2: Objective 1]]: Revision storage scaling
*** Services depends on SRE, Parsing

==== Collaboration ====
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:
** Echo multi-DC patches merged, thanks Performance team
** Preparing to graduate RCFilters on watchlist out of beta; code is riding
the train this week, deployment to real wiks won't happen until the week of
June 18

==== Language ====
* Blocked by: DBAs Please take a look (again) at:
* Blocking:
* Updates:
** Work on ContentTranslation version 2 continue.
** Planning to purge CX draft older than 1 year (See Blocked by)
*Quarterly goal dependency update:
3.1]] Improve and consolidate our unified editing platform so that it's
great on all devices
***Language depends on Editing

=== Audiences Design ===
==== UI Standardization ====
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:
** OOUI – v0.27.2 released today:;v0.27.2
*** 9 style amendments & 6 feature/code improvement. Among those
**** FieldLayout: Add 'helpInline' config (Prateek Saxena) – This allows to
inline extended help labels, provides an alternative IXD feature for
product managers/designers
**** ActionFieldLayout: Visually combine inputs and their buttons (Volker
**** WikimediaUI theme: Apply distinct “pill” appearance to tags (Volker E.)
** Continuing work on Design Style Guide, continuing 'Resources' page with
all repo resources

== Technology ==
=== Analytics ===
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:
** Druid datasources renamed to be usable with SQL querying
** Country + isp info for webrequest_sampled_128 in Druid (turnilo +
** Making plans on removing IPSec for Kafka communications (with Traffic)
** Helping IOs Team for EvenLogging Schema
** Still working on Wikistats backend resiliency

=== Cloud Services ===
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:

=== Fundraising Tech ===
* Blocked by: (scrambling to finish reviews)
* Blocking:
* Updates:
** CentralNotice: fixing some old bugs, still working on backend for new
stats pipeline:
** Audit parsers: update for contributions from main CC processor's new API
is now in review:
** DonationInterface: fixing bugs revealed in 1 hr trial of main CC
processor's new API
** CiviCRM
*** Deploying update to latest core version this afternoon:
*** Creating our own Civi extension to delete donor data on request:
*** Fixing some scrambled data from duelling merge jobs:
*** Creating another Civi extension to charge recurring donations:

=== MediaWiki Platform ===
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:
*Quarterly goal dependency update:
3.6]] Support work towards unifying MediaWiki's parser implementations, in
liaison with Technology's MediaWiki team
***Parsing depends on MediaWiki Platform, Services
**[[Wikimedia Audiences/2017-18 Q4 Goals#Programs|Prepare for launch of the
first Structured Data on Commons feature]] (multilingual file captions)
***SDC depends on Multimedia/,SRE, WMDE, Search Platform, MediaWiki
Platform, Research
** [[Wikimedia Audiences/2017-18 Q4 Goals#Programs|Objective 1.1]] Assist
with deploying MultiContent Revisions on Commons
[[phab:T174022|T174022]] Implement multi-content revisions,
[[phab:T174023|T174023]] Implement MCR storage layer,
[[phab:T174045|T174045]] DB schema migration for MCR,
[[phab:T174044|T174044]] Deploy MCR storage layer,
[[phab:T174043|T174043]]Deploy Multi-Content Revisions
***SDC depends on MediaWiki Platform, WMDE

=== Performance ===
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:
**Investigating performance issues with Chrome 67 (released last week, just
being pushed to end users).
** Performance perception study is continuing (fr/ru/catalan wiki, en
** Last jQuery dep in mediawiki.base.js removed, working to separate the
startup js from core js.  (Will remove a round trip, and allow us to defer
loading some large JS)
** Echo CR
** Getting our webperf software stack up in beta
** Found an issue with PHP7 memcached module Check-And-Set method, patched
** Additional ChronologyProtector patches

=== Release Engineering ===

* Blocked by:
** N/A
* Blocking:
** Readers Web needs help with
*** zeljkof has been busy with other tasks, however, he will get back to
this task asap.
* Updates
** Please take the Beta Cluster survey:
** Heads up: There will be more people in the normal MW Train deployment
rotation (namely: Antoine, Zeljko, and Dan to start) and we'll be doing
some Train deployments during EU hours some weeks. Exact timing TBA (soon).
** Heads up: There is a new primary deployment host, deploy1001.eqiad.wmnet
(tin is gone)
*** Reminder: just use deployment.eqiad.wmnet for ssh
*Quarterly goal dependency update:
1, Objective 4]]: Continue improving the ways that users can download
articles of interest for later consumption
*** Reading Web depends on SRE, RelEng, Reading Infra

=== Research ===
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:
*Quarterly goal dependency update:
**[[Wikimedia Audiences/2017-18 Q4 Goals#Programs|Prepare for launch of the
first Structured Data on Commons feature]] (multilingual file captions)
***SDC depends on Multimedia/,SRE, WMDE, Search Platform, MediaWiki
Platform, Research
4, Outcome 2]]: Develop a better understanding of existing needs for
Structured Commons- [[phab:T171252|T171252]]
***Research depends on Multimedia

=== Scoring Platform ===
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:

=== Search Platform ===
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:
*Quarterly goal dependency update:
**[[Wikimedia Audiences/2017-18 Q4 Goals#Programs|Prepare for launch of the
first Structured Data on Commons feature]] (multilingual file captions)
***SDC depends on Multimedia/,SRE, WMDE, Search Platform, MediaWiki
Platform, Research
**[[Wikimedia Audiences/2017-18 Q4 Goals#Programs|*Objective 2.1]]
Integrate structured file captions into search
*** SDC depends on Search Platform, Multimedia

=== Security ===
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:
*Quarterly goal dependency update:
3.6]]: Support work towards unifying MediaWiki's parser implementations, in
liaison with Technology's MediaWiki team
***Parsing depends on MediaWiki Platform, Services

=== Services ===
* Blocked by: EchoNotificationJob still not JSON serializable
* Blocking: none
* Updates:
** Videoscalers: jobs switched to kafka, scalers and jobrunners clusters
have been merged
** cirrusSearch jobs were switched, playing with concurrencies and tweaking
** medawiki.revision-score stream exposed with Analytics and ORES teams
** Cassandra upgrade to 3.11.2 ongoing right now, no impact expected
*Quarterly goal dependency update:
**[[Wikimedia Audiences/2017-18 Q4 Goals#Readers|Increase code sharing of
client apps by coalescing and moving more logic to the server.]]
***Reading Infra/Parsing, Services
3.6]] Support work towards unifying MediaWiki's parser implementations, in
liaison with Technology's MediaWiki team
***Parsing depends on MediaWiki Platform, Services
[[Wikimedia Technology/Goals/2017-18 Q4#Program 7. Smart tools for better
data|Outcome 2: Objective 1]]: Revision storage scaling
*** Services depends on SRE, Parsing

=== Site Reliability Engineering ===
* Blocked by:
** Collaboration on flow dumps
* Blocking:
** None
* Updates:
** Re-scheduled with Services the deployment of proton for Thursday EU
** Deprecation of non PFS ciphers ongoing (PS3 turns out to be an
interestingly old platform)
** Spectre is a gift that keeps on giving, lots of upgrades ongoing
** mcrouter deployed in production
*Quarterly goal dependency update:
1, Objective 4]]: Continue improving the ways that users can download
articles of interest for later consumption
*** Reading Web depends on SRE, RelEng, Reading Infra
**[[Wikimedia Audiences/2017-18 Q4 Goals#Programs|Prepare for launch of the
first Structured Data on Commons feature]] (multilingual file captions)
***SDC depends on Multimedia/,SRE, WMDE, Search Platform, MediaWiki
Platform, Research
[[Wikimedia Technology/Goals/2017-18 Q4#Program 7. Smart tools for better
data|Outcome 2: Objective 1]]: Revision storage scaling
*** Services depends on SRE, Parsing

== Wikidata ==
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:
*Quarterly goal dependency update:
**[[Wikimedia Audiences/2017-18 Q4 Goals#Programs|Prepare for launch of the
first Structured Data on Commons feature]] (multilingual file captions)
***SDC depends on Multimedia/,SRE, WMDE, Search Platform, MediaWiki
Platform, Research
**[[Wikimedia Audiences/2017-18 Q4 Goals#Programs|Objective 1.1]] Assist
with deploying MultiContent Revisions on Commons
[[phab:T174022|T174022]] Implement multi-content revisions,
[[phab:T174023|T174023]] Implement MCR storage layer,
[[phab:T174045|T174045]] DB schema migration for MCR,
[[phab:T174044|T174044]] Deploy MCR storage layer,
[[phab:T174043|T174043]]Deploy Multi-Content Revisions
***SDC depends on MediaWiki Platform, WMDE

== German Technical Wishlist ==
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:

== SoS Meeting Bookkeeping ==
* Updates:
Wikitech-l mailing list

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