== Callouts ==
* Fundraising campaigns

== Audiences ==

=== Contributors ===

==== Community Tech ====
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:

==== Anti-Harassment Tools ====
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:

==== Editing ====
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
** Updates:

==== Growth ====
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:

==== Language ====
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:

=== Readers ===
==== iOS native app ====
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:
**Finishing up 6.2 (,
release that contains editing & syntax highlighting. Should be wrapped up
this week.

==== Android native app ====
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:

==== Readers Web ====
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:
** Summary: the team is back from All Hands, MobileFrontend
Webpackification is complete, upcoming MobileFrontend Architecture work is
being planned, and we're continuing the Advanced Mobile Contributions

** Responsive website (MinervaNeue / MobileFrontend):

*** Advanced mobile contributions
**** Design updates to Settings page & opt-in toggle T214195
**** Add informational links to opt-in toggle T214180
**** Page/talk toggle v1 T212216
**** Build opt-in toggle T211197

*** Invest in the MobileFrontend & MinervaNeue frontend architecture
**** Webpackify editing T213340 (MobileFrontend is now Webpack'd!!!)
**** Enable Babel transpiling in MobileFrontend T202746
**** Separate lazy loading from Skin T214658
**** Migrate deprecated calls T208915

*** Page issues
**** Miscellaneous bug fixes and maintenance T212376 T212371

*** ExternalGuidance extension review and support

*** Miscellaneous bug fixes and maintenance T213336 T202374 T214955 T211724

** Desktop website (Vector, Popups)

*** Popups
**** WMDE reference previews review and support T67114
**** Miscellaneous bug fixes and maintenance T214974

** PDF rendering (Proton)
*** Remaining work tracked in deploy Proton T181084

==== Readers Infrastructure ====
* Blocked by:
** need guidance from SRE / Service Ops on how to handle system package /
npm package version sync for Proton:
** could use some info from SRE / Traffic on how Varnish interacts with
Proton (not urgent)
* Blocking:
* Updates:
** RfC on best method for incorporating PCS data into page HTML: - looking for feedback from SRE /
Service Ops mainly
** App Editor Tasks work in progress

==== Multimedia ====
* Updates

==== Parsing ====
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:

==== UI Standardization ====
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:

== Technology ==
=== Analytics ===
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:

=== Cloud Services ===
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:

=== Fundraising Tech ===
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:
** Looking at possibility of recurring upsell - i.e. asking donors if they
want to recur after a successful one-time donation
** Civi version upgrade
** Still making tweaks for Payments-wiki PHP and mediawiki upgrade
** Starting work on decoupling last link between payments-wiki frontend and
civi db backend
** Working on reducing volume of TY emails for monthly donors

=== MediaWiki Core Platform ===
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:
** Last week: ALL HANDS

=== Performance ===
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:
** runbooks: Grafana best practices (initial version).
** Assisted RelEng w/migrating various repos' Jenkins tests from node6 to
node10 (in progress)
** Continued work on registry cleanup sprint
** Initial performance review of Extension:ExternalGuidance
** Patch to make addWiki.php easier to re-run in case of certain DBs having

=== Release Engineering ===
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:
** Train Health:
*** Last week: No train, WMF ALL HANDS!
*** This week: 1.33.0-wmf.16 - -
no problemo
*** Next week: 1.33.0-wmf.17 -

=== Research ===
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:

=== Scoring Platform ===
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:

=== Search Platform ===
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:

=== Security ===
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:
**Last week allhands

=== Services ===
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:

=== Site Reliability Engineering ===
* Blocked by:
** None
* Blocking:
** None
* Updates:
** Slow week after allhands, no updates

== Wikidata ==
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:

== German Technical Wishlist ==
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:

== Multi-Content Revisions ==
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:

== SoS Meeting Bookkeeping ==
* Updates:
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