I have been playing around with phpunit, in particular its facility for 
generating tests from existing PHP code. You do this by processing a suitably 
annotated (using /* @assert ... */ comment lines) version of the file with 
phpunit --skeleton. Unfortunately, the --skeleton option assumes the file 
contains a class with the same name as the file.

For example, I tried annotating Hook.php and then processing it with phpunit 
--skeleton. It didn't work. phpunit reported:

Could not find class "Hook" in ".../phase3/tests/Hook.php"

(where I have replaced my path to MW with "...").

Since there are many MW files that do not contain classes of the same name as 
the file (or even classes at all), the --skeleton is probably not very useful 
for MW phpunit test generation.

You can still use phpunit by inserting the appropriate test code manually, but 
the objective of automatically generating tests with the same convenience as 
adding lines to parserTests.txt isn't available.



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