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MediaWiki Upgrades and Extension Dependencies – Ideas for Improvement
Friday, December 13, 2013, 19:00 UTC

Facilitators: Mark Hershberger and Markus Glaser.

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#wikimedia-dev IRC for URL details.

Upgrading MediaWiki is easy, upgrading a MediaWiki site using extensions
is not. Versioning extensions and aligning them with MediaWiki versions
is not done consistently. And how would you know which extension version
works for your slightly older MediaWiki, e.g. because you are using a
LTS version? The talk explores the various possiblities of remedy for
this issue. It'll cover:

    * the current situation
    * the question of how we version extensions
    * the question of how we manage dependencies
    * an idea of using our users' power to know what's working
    * of course, a discussion

Technically, we'll touch issues of LTS versions, git tagging and
branching, Composer support, WikiApiary, usage statistics and crowd

Quim Gil
Technical Contributor Coordinator @ Wikimedia Foundation

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