
crossposting from the operations list, so that all shell users see it.

this is to let you know that the service
has moved to a new backend server. From terbium to
"rutherfordium.eqiad.wmnet", which is a ganeti VM.

Also, all shelll users have access now. We don't limit it to deployers
anymore and this service is now completely separate from any mediawiki
maintenance work that is happening on terbium, and terbium can be upgraded
to hhvm.

If you are an existing user:

Please just switch from using terbium.eqiad.wmnet to the new backend

All files have been copied with rsync from terbium, you should not have to
copy anything manually, and all URLs should still work.

You just have to connect to the new place to update files. Both home
directories are backed up in Bacula.

If you did not have access to this before, but have any kind of shell

Now you also have access to people.wikimedia.org and can have an URL like
https://people.wikimedia.org/~youruser. (as opposed to just deployers
having this feature in the past).

To upload files copy them (with scp) to rutherfordium.eqiad.wmnet into a
directory called "public_html".

If that doesn't exist yet, simply create it with "mkdir public_html".
Files in that directory will be publicly accessible as

I also added a message to SAL and will update
https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/People.wikimedia.org right now.

Daniel Zahn <dz...@wikimedia.org>
Operations Engineer
Wikitech-l mailing list

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