Re: Pajama Sam's unmanaged window

2002-01-31 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

Ori Pessach [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Since this is probably not the case, perhaps it's better to check for the
  popup menu class in is_window_managed(), something like
   if (GetClassLongA(win-hwndSelf, GCW_ATOM) == POPUPMENU_CLASS_ATOM) return
 Ah ha! Exactly what I had in mind. After thinking about this, it seemed to me 
 that is_window_managed() should examine the window's class, as well as its 
 style bits, since the class will give a more accurate indication of what kind 
 of window we're dealing with than just the style bits.

Unfortunately this aproach does not work well in all cases, especially in
the case of subclassed windows.


Re: C testing framewok. Updated. SystemParametersInfo unit test.

2002-01-17 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

Andriy Palamarchuk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 One more important change in C framework is support of
 Unicode in testing.
 Dimitry, can you look at it? See how it is used in
 sysparams.c, search for has_unicode function call. 
 I'm interested in your comments.

I would suggest to explicitly use A and W suffixes to avoid confusion:
not just SystemParametersInfo, but SystemParametersInfoA.


Re: Filesystem Regression Test, was: Re: RESEND: Fix return value ...

2002-01-16 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

Andriy Palamarchuk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I mean real Windows 95. Tests should be compiled and
 run on all the Windows platforms to insure their
 Is there a way to check whether given version of Win32
 supports UNICODE?

Probably some tests should be marked as expected to fail on 9x, NT4,
2000 to predict failures on particular version of windows. Please
take into account that there are considerable number of API calls
are not supported on one of Windows incarnations (unicode, thunks,
crypto API, native APIs, additions to the server versions, etc.).


Re: Filesystem Regression Test, was: Re: RESEND: Fix return value ...

2002-01-15 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

Uwe Bonnes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Please let us know if you find some sensible way to test filesystem
 functions. What I do now is 
 - export some filesystem tree with SMB(NCP)
 - import it in Vmware with some drive letter
 - use the same drive letter in the wine-config for the same filesystem tree
 I don't think this solution is very sensible for a more generalized test...

Well, I thought about very simple test case like this one (in C):

#include assert.h
#include string.h
#include windows.h

int main(void)
UINT len, len_with_null;
char buf[MAX_PATH];

strcpy(buf, foo);
len_with_null = GetSystemDirectory(buf, 1);
assert(strcmp(buf, foo) == 0);

strcpy(buf, foo);
len = GetSystemDirectory(buf, len_with_null - 1);
assert(len == len_with_null);

strcpy(buf, foo);
len = GetSystemDirectory(buf, len_with_null);
assert(strcmp(buf, foo) != 0);
assert(len == strlen(buf));
assert(len == (len_with_null - 1));

return 0;

If anybody could provide some hints how to integrate it into the winetest
system, I and other people will certainly appreciate it.


Re: Filesystem Regression Test, was: Re: RESEND: Fix return value ...

2002-01-15 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

Uwe Bonnes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 GetSystemDirectory seems easier then other filesystemn functions, as you
 know exactly what to get. Other functions, like GetLongPathname has zillions
 of possible combinations of dots, slashes and backslashes that complicates
 things enormous. I think only by comparing test output produced with Wine
 and Win32 we can see whether Wine behaves right.

Exactly. Why just to not hardcode values retrieved from the running the test
under Windows and compare them in the test run? To simplify things it should
be possible to merge GetLongPathName with CreateFile and CreateDirectory
in the single test case. That would give us completely predictable results.


Re: Filesystem Regression Test, was: Re: RESEND: Fix return value ...

2002-01-15 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

Andriy Palamarchuk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Dmitry, I changed the your test to use the C testing
 framework I posted today. The test is attached.

It looks good to me, but we should not forget to test both
unicode and ANSI versions of functions. There are two
approaches to accomplish this task:
1. Have two separate tests for A and W functions.
2. Have single test without using A or W suffix and choose
appropriate test by [not] defining UNICODE before including

Does anybody have other suggestions or ideas?


Re: WinSpool Ordinal Addition

2002-01-10 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

Mark G. Adams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Here's the message output on startup if those functions are not exported at 
 the expected ordinals:
 err:win32:PE_fixup_imports No implementation for WINSPOOL.DRV.201 imported 
 from C:\OmniMark\EnterpriseStudio6_1_1\OmniMark-Enterprise-Studio.exe, 
 setting to 0xdeadbeef
 Unless i'm mistaken, that's an ordinal import.

This application will not work either under win9x or win2000 because they
have different functions assigned to ordinal 201:
win95 OSR2 PE and win98 SE: StartDocPrinterA
win2000: GetDefaultPrinterA

It should be clear even for you, since you have submitted two different
patches with ordinal 201 assigned to absolutely different functions and
presumably both variants have worked for you. Apparently just adding
100 stub OrdinalBase
should work for you too.

Probably the right fix would be to add new parameter to the wine .spec
files: ordinal base, because for WINSPOOL.DRV it's equal to 100 in all
variants of that DLL for me.


Re: WinSpool Ordinal Addition

2002-01-10 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

Mark G. Adams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The fact that it worked with different functions there did surprise me. My 
 assumption (not having a good idea on how ordinal importing works) was that, 
 at this point, it's just checking for the presence of a function but not 
 executing it. Very little of the application works under WINE, so I'm not 
 able to actually test out printing currently.
 Given the above, I agree there's no point in assigning ordinals to those two 

Could you please test the attached patch which implements the ordinal base
functionality in winebuild and sets ordinal base 100 for WINSPOOL.DRV?


Description: Binary data

Re: configure broken?

2001-12-15 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

Oliver Sampson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks!   How does one know that it was this type of problem, as
 opposed to another type of problem?

Well, just solve that type of problem at least twice...


Re: thread safing dlls

2001-12-03 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

Michael Zayats [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have a dll that is not thread safe (i.e. has many global variables, about
 500). I have the sources for the dll.
 The target is to make it thread safe.
 Moving all the variables to thread specific storage is very complicated.
 Making it thread safe on ansi C level is very, very complicated too. I guess
 that you thoroughly deal with PE format.
 Is there a way to play with executable sections, such that every thread will
 use it's own copy of the data?
 I know one guy, that claimed that he has achieved this with 20 lines of code
 by directly modifying smth in executable, he doesn't want to tell me what he
 has done :(
 I also heard of __attribute((section... in gcc that should do the work (I am
 generally talking about windoze platform only), can you explain me what does
 it do in gcc?

All you need is to place all initialized data you want to make thread safe
to a separate section and then place a pointer to that data in the PE header
[IMAGE_FILE_THREAD_LOCAL_STORAGE]. Creating custom section is an easy part,
but I don't know how to fulfill the second part with gcc.


Re: Another pack4 issue (fwd)

2001-11-22 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

Francois Gouget [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  What is really fun, that usage of FILETIME instead of LARGE_INTEGER leads
  to differences in size of structures.
That's very strange. It would be good to understand why because this
 should not happen.

Any ideas, why does it happen? Is it due to the LONGLONG usage?

 -if (ft) *ft = info-LastWriteTime;
 +if (ft) *ft = *(FILETIME *)info-LastWriteTime;
This cast should not be necessary. Both sides are FILETIMEs.

It's because according to ntddk.h from NT4 DDK info-LastWriteTime
is LARGE_INTEGER. Please look at my patch a bit carefully.

 -FILETIME modif;
 -RtlSecondsSince1970ToTime( req-modif, modif );
 +RtlSecondsSince1970ToTime( req-modif, (FILETIME *)modif );
Here I don't understant why you changed modif to a LARGE_INTEGER
 since RtlSecondsSince1970ToTime takes a FILETIME*

Same comment as above.

 +LPVOID  pvFilter;
I don't see these two fields on Windows. Same thing for the W
 version. That's with the VC 6 headers.

It's in July 2000 PlatformSDK as well as in MSDN online.

  typedef struct {
  DWORD cb;
 -BYTE DeviceName[32];
 -BYTE DeviceString[128];
 +CHAR DeviceName[32];
 +CHAR DeviceString[128];
  DWORD StateFlags;
 +CHAR DeviceID[128];
 +CHAR DeviceKey[128];
Hmm, no. It is 'BYTE' on Windows. And I don't see the two extra
 fields either.

Same comment as above.

  } CONTEXT86;
I don't have this field in CONTEXT86, but it is there in
 CONTEXT. It seems that it's our definition of CONTEXT which is wrong:

Same comment as above.

  typedef struct _IMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION
   DWORD VirtualAddress;
   DWORD SizeOfBlock;
 +#ifdef __WINE__
   WORD TypeOffset[1];
Do we handle this correctly in the code? I.e. is there APIs where the
 application gives us a pointer to a struct without the field and we
 write to it? I wonder how this is supposed to work.

In winnt.h from the PlatformSDK it is just commented, but as you could assume
Wine loader uses this field to relocate images.

 +#include pshpack4.h
  typedef struct _LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES {
LUID   Luid; 
DWORD  Attributes; 
 +#include poppack.h
Is this really necessary? LUID is 8 bytes so the DWORD should be
 aligned just fine with or without the pack4...

Without pshpack4.h sizeof(LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES)=16 instead of 12. Don't ask
me why. Both NT4 DDK (ntddk.h) and PlatformSDK (winnt.h) headers surround
LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES definition by pshpack4.h/poppack.h pair.

Thanks for your comments.


Re: Another pack4 issue (fwd)

2001-11-22 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

Ulrich Weigand [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Without pshpack4.h sizeof(LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES)=16 instead of 12. Don't ask
  me why. 
 Because the size of a structure is always padded to the next multiple of 
 its alignment (so that in an array of structures, every element is properly
 aligned iff the array is).  By changing the alignment, you therefore also
 sometimes change the size of a structure ...

Ulrich, thanks for explanations. I believe that's the case for the FILETIME
vs. LARGE_INTEGER issue too.


Re: LYES is a NO NO!!!

2001-10-31 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

Francois Gouget [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Wine cannot use Unicode strings literals. When you write LYES this
 is a 32bit Unicode string, not a 16bit unicode string. This means that
 when you pass it to lstrcmpiW, which expects 16bit Unicode strings like
 all the APIs in Wine, what it sees is this: Y\0E\0S\0\0\0. And this is
 obviously different from YES.
I guess it pays to check the warnings form time to time!

Sure. Why not to change L'\0' to a simple 0 in your patch then?

@@ -447,10 +451,10 @@
switch (type) {
case REG_SZ:
data[9] = L'\0'; /* set end of string */


Re: Don't TRACE NULL strings

2001-10-13 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

François Gouget [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 - TRACE((%p %p %x)\n,pidl,szOut,uOutSize);
 + TRACE((%p %p %x)\n,pidl,debugstr_a(szOut),uOutSize);
   ^^ ^
Please recheck for pointer format vs. string argument mismatches.


Re: SHGetSpecialFolderPathA and CSIDL_FOLDER_MASK

2001-10-11 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

Chris Green [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've been looking at this function, and I am starting to suspect we have the 
 wrong definition of CSIDL_FOLDER_MASK (currently 0x00ff). What I've been 
 seeing (eg. installing MS Office 97) seems to imply that only the lower 6 
 bits, rather than 8, are related to the folder, and the others are something 
 else. Does anyone else think that the mask should be 0x003f?

Yes, 0x3f seems to be reasonable according to ShlObj.h from the Platform SDK.


Re: err:edit:EDIT_LockBuffer no buffer ... please report

2001-10-07 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov


 Okay, I reported it, attached is an unexpurgated --debugmsg +edit trace
 of me trying to open the lcc-win/lccpub/bin/wedit.hlp file from
 with wine's builtin winhelp program.

Please let me know whether attached (untested) patch fixes it.

Defer edit style correction until EDITSTATE is fully initialized.


Description: Binary data

Re: OLEAUT32 patch

2001-09-30 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

Andreas Mohr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 this is a rewrite of OaBuildVersion().
 Now we just return the highest version value possible (0x) and
 have a config file option to tweak the version value to return if this
 is causing problems.
 Added docu for it, of course.

I suspect too much of extra RegCloseKey(hkey) statements in OLEAUT32_GetAppKey()


Re: _NET_WM_NAME support patch

2001-09-27 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

Ilya Konstantinov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This patch adds a _NET_WM_NAME(UTF8_STRING) property to every window,
 storing it's title in non-ambigous UTF8 encoding. This is a part of the
 NET_WM standard. The UTF8 title feature is currently implemented only
 by KWin (KDE's window manager), but is adopted by both GNOME and KDE

@@ -746,12 +748,32 @@ BOOL X11DRV_SetWindowText( HWND hwnd, LP
 return FALSE;
 WideCharToMultiByte(text_cp, 0, text, -1, buffer, count, NULL, NULL);
+count = utf8_wcstombs(text, strlenW(text), utf8_buffer, 0);

Why didn't you use win32 call instead of a purely internal one?

count = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_UTF8, 0, text, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL );
utf8_buffer = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, count );
count = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_UTF8, 0, text, -1, utf8_buffer, count, NULL, NULL );


NG: Wine and cyrillic input and output ?

2001-09-25 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

Hello all.

This patch fixes a couple of problems with keyboard group switching
reported in the news group:
1. Group switch had never worked before, if the keyboard has been
switched outside of Wine.
2. I was clearly stated that Group switch is active if event-state  0x2000,
not event-state  0x6000.

Please test it on your local configurations and report back. If there will be
no objections, I'll send it to wine-patches.




Re: NG: Wine and cyrillic input and output ?

2001-09-25 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

Nerijus Baliunas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In my XF86Config-4 I have:
 Option XkbLayout  lt
 Option XkbOptions grp:ctrl_shift_toggle - it means Ctrl+Shift switches layouts.
 I switched layouts 2 times in notepad.
 Without patch:
 err:keyboard:X11DRV_ToUnicode Please report: no char for keysym FE0A 
(ISO_Prev_Group) :
 err:keyboard:X11DRV_ToUnicode (virtKey=10,scanCode=2A,keycode=32,state=5)
 err:keyboard:X11DRV_ToUnicode Please report: no char for keysym FE0A 
(ISO_Prev_Group) :
 err:keyboard:X11DRV_ToUnicode (virtKey=10,scanCode=2A,keycode=32,state=5)
 With patch:
 err:keyboard:X11DRV_ToUnicode Please report: no char for keysym FE0A 
(ISO_Prev_Group) :
 err:keyboard:X11DRV_ToUnicode (virtKey=10,scanCode=2A,keycode=32,state=5)
 err:keyboard:X11DRV_ToUnicode Please report: no char for keysym FE0A 
(ISO_Prev_Group) :
 err:keyboard:X11DRV_ToUnicode (virtKey=10,scanCode=2A,keycode=32,state=2005)
 As you see, with patch state is different when switching layout second time.

Sure. Wine corrects state according to its internal lpKeyState. Difference
between internal and actual state value is due to the fact that Wine does not
see (or better X does not show) some keyboard events. Since I also have
grp:ctrl_shift_toggle I had seen the same state correction.

Perhaps Wine should ignore ISO_Prev_Group/ISO_Next_Group keyboard events to not
confuse users.


Re: GDI_CheckNotLock strikes again

2001-09-13 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

Huw D M Davies [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Does this help?

Yes, it does. But application (a heavily modified MS glyph sample
from 1993) doesn't show anything. I could send you the source code
if you are interested to fix it.


Re: Win16 calls by Win32 functions

2001-06-25 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

Patrik Stridvall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Noticing that you (Dimitry) have send in a few patch
 replacing Win16 calls by Win32 ones, I wish to
 point out that winapi_check can detect illegal
 calls from Win32 to Win16.
 Just do 
 winapi_check --cross-call-win32-win16

Great! Why didn't you just make a patch and submit it?

 Unfortunately there is a bug in the CVS version
 of winapi_check (fixed in my tree) that makes this
 option output too many messages. However until
 it is updated just do grep 'illegal call' on
 the output.
 The result this is included below.
 Note that some of the fixes in your (Dimitry's)
 patches is not included in the result below
 because they are Win16 functions calling Win16
 I do not say this is nessary wrong, but are
 you (Dimitry) really sure this is how it should be?

Well, as Alexandre already has pointed out, Win16 should be
mostly implemented by using Win32. I agree with him that use
of the 16-bit code should be eliminated as much as possible.
Moreover, until now I just have replaced only obvious places:
16-bit functions which just thunk up to win32 without any
argument processing.

 Sure it probably runs a little faster, but then Win16
 applications on a modern computer are likely to be 
 _very_ fast, so it is really worth risking potential
 compabillity errors because of some probably irrelavant
 speed differences.
 Not that functions like DeleteObject are likely to
 have such problems but still...

I'm not going to blindly replace 16-bit calls by 32-bit.
I look into the code and do think twice before submitting
a patch.

Anyway, thanks for your comments.

Re: PATCH: Move 16-bit COMM stuff to USER, where it belongs

2001-06-18 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

Alexandre Julliard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 While the idea of the patch is correct, I think it would be much
 better to fix the huge code duplication while everything is in the
 same file. The 16-bit stuff should be implemented on top of the 32-bit
 stuff, instead of duplicating most of it.

Alexandre, you are right that that code should be revised and duplications
must be remove. But since I'm not an expert in the win32 communications code,
I can't do it without risk to break a working code. This patch was mostly
inspired by the fact, that while USER exports 16-bit comm stuff, that stuff
is not in the USER code. Instead of doing an ugly thing exporting 16-bit comm
functions from KERNEL I decided to move the code around. Please consider the
applying of the patch as it is now. Code duplication can be removed later.


Re: PATCH: mirc dcc send

2001-05-25 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

Marcus Meissner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 + /* This might be a DOS device we do not handle yet ... */
 + FIXME((%) not detected as DOS device!\n,devname);
Seems a typo to me.

Re: Add missing newline to WARN messages

2001-05-09 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

Francois Gouget [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  * I scanned the source for TRACE/WARN/ERR/FIXME statements without a
 terminating newline. There are few cases where this is justified because
 of following DPRINTFs. But most of the time there should be a \n
 otherwise the trace will not be flushed to disk immediately and the logs
 will look bad.

You forgot to remove redundant ' around %s in the traces when output is made
by debugstr_a or debugstr_w. Actually you removed some of them, but not all.

Re: PATCH: wineps passthrough postscript

2001-05-07 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

Marcus Meissner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It works now much better, except it somehow cannot upload fonts(?) and
 queries support for escapes 4568 and 4567 which are unknown to me.

PlatformSDK July 2000 defines
#define SPCLPASSTHROUGH2 4568   /* new escape for NT5 pscript driver */

From its name, it means HP PCL pass through mode.

Apparently 4567 is defined in the Win2000 DDK.

Re: Quickbooks 5 and printing

2001-05-01 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

Dan Engel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Okay, here are the traces.  Here 
 ( is the QB4 trace.  QB4 
 printing works.
 The other ( is the QB5 trace.  
 QB5 printing doesn't work.

Please try the attached patch. It tries to solve the root of the problem:
for now Wine Postscript Driver lives in wineps.dll, but should be in wineps.drv.

Rename wineps.dll to wineps.drv. Replace all occurences of wineps by wineps.drv
in the sources and documentation.


Re: Quickbooks 5 and printing

2001-04-25 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

Dan Engel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Using --debugmsg warn+all,+relay,+text,+string I found that it's trying 
 to load wineps.drv.dll which translates into  This 
 doesn't work, and it appears that the QB code is what's adding the .DRV to 
 the WINEPS print driver name.
 I hacked around that by checking for WINEPS.DRV at the beginning of 
 BUILTIN_LoadModule and replacing it with WINEPS.

First of all, you didn't tell what type of application is QB: 16 or 32 bit.
16-bit applications nearly always look for printer driver themself.
They look at win.ini in the following sections:
[devices], [PrinterPorts] or just [windows].device=

Starting from Win3.1, where common dialogs were introduced, applications
started just call common dialog, which allowed easy printer selection.

Vast majority of 32-bit applications also use common dialogs, but some advanced
(read - stupid) appications try do read registry or even use old Win3.x
method described above.

You should look at all places (win.ini and registry), find all references
to WINEPS and remove any extension from it (be it .DRV or .DLL). If that
will not help, post somewhere a +relay,+module trace.

Re: Virtual memory under Win95

2001-04-22 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

Ulrich Weigand [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 VirtualQuery in Win95, however, appears to completely ignore the 
 KERNEL32 list of views, but always calls the _PageQuery VMM service
 and returns VMM's opinion on the status of the pages.  This explains
 why VirtualQuery shows the pages still present after UnmapViewOfFile.

Perhaps applications which use assumptions about Win95 virtual memory
management should be considered as broken? Or it is worth to support them?

In my case installer works very well with -winver nt40 switch, but certainly
there are other applications written for Win9x in mind only...

Re: Virtual memory under Win95

2001-04-22 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

I wtote:

 Rein Klazes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  win95 on a vmware machine.
  hMapping = 0005
  p = 826DB000
  VirtualQuery(826DB000) ret=0x1c
  BaseAddress = 826DB000
  AllocationBase = 826DB000
  AllocationProtect = 0x0001
  RegionSize = 0x0400f000
  State = 2000
  Protect = 0001
  Type = 0002
 This means that Win95/98 doesn't free region allocated with SEC_RESERVE flag set.
 Could you please test other SEC_ flags? Is the result the same?

Comment about SEC_RESERVE in memory/virtual.c tells enough, besides the fact that Win95
does not unmap regions allocated with that flag set. Attached patch makes the debugged
installer proceed much further with -winver win95 switch now. Unfortunately currently
there is no way to distinguish regions allocated with SEC_RESERVE flag set.

Now installer DebugBreak's after another VirtualQuery call.

Could you (or anybody else with a Win95 machine) add the following lines at the end
of the previous test program and report the result?

dwRet = VirtualQuery(p + 0x1, info, sizeof(info));
printf(VirtualQuery(%p) ret=0x%lx\n
BaseAddress = %p\n
AllocationBase = %p\n
AllocationProtect = 0x%08lx\n
RegionSize = 0x%08lx\n
State = %08lx\n
Protect = %08lx\n
Type = %08lx\n,
p + 0x1, dwRet,

As usually thanks in advance (to Uwe Bonnes too! He sent his result privately).


Re: Virtual memory under Win95

2001-04-21 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

"Rein Klazes" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 win95 on a vmware machine.
 hMapping = 0005
 p = 826DB000
 VirtualQuery(826DB000) ret=0x1c
 BaseAddress = 826DB000
 AllocationBase = 826DB000
 AllocationProtect = 0x0001
 RegionSize = 0x0400f000
 State = 2000
 Protect = 0001
 Type = 0002

This means that Win95/98 doesn't free region allocated with SEC_RESERVE flag set.
Could you please test other SEC_ flags? Is the result the same?

Re: Strange crash

2001-04-17 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

"Rein Klazes" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Exception occurs when pen-logpen.lopnWidth.x = 0 and dc-xformWorld2Vport.eM11 = 
  It's very strange. Attached patch helps to eliminate crash. But I don't understand
  where the source of problem.
 | 0x40897fde (X11DRV_PEN_SelectObject+0x8e [pen.c:69]): fldcw 0xfffe(%edx)
 This instruction loads the control status word with a new value. Bit 5
 of the CW (0x20) ,PM Precision Mask , is the mask bit for this
 Find out how this bit has become zero (disassembly of the instructions
 before the crash). If I put a breakpoint on the instruction above, the
 CW is loaded with 0x37f: all FP exceptions are off.

I have attached full assembly listing of graphics/x11drv/pen.c produced by gcc.
I removed -g option to reduce the output size and added -S -fverbose-asm.


Re: Traces: fs - tid

2001-04-10 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

"Francois Gouget" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I noticed that fs was replaced by tid in relay (and snoop  co too
 now). I propose a slightly different version based on the following
  * when suspecting a threading problem it could be nice to tag each
 trace with the id of the thread that emits it
  * when there's no thread issue, then fs and tid are unnecessary and
 only clutter the traces by making lines longer and harder to read
  * I find that lines are more readable if the thread id comes first as
 it's always the same length and doesn't mess up the alignment of the
 other fields
So this patch adds a debug channel called 'tid' which activates
 printing the tid as the first field of all traces. Actually, it might
 make sense to merge 'tid' with the 'thread' debug channel.

The point was to be able to easy track down problems in multiprocess/multithreaded
environment with just +relay trace. You never know, what surprise you will see
analysing the traces from the news group. Besides that, at least I always start
searching for the problem with +relay trace: it would be too late to add +tid
(or whatever) to notice, that the actual problem is related to process/thread

Regarding too long lines: it is not the actual problem (doesn't it?). I would
complain about too large files with the trace logs :-)

Re: Make PostScript driver less loquacious

2001-04-04 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

"Ian Pilcher" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Well, the only paper size missing is DMPAPER_11X17, presumable because
 it isn't mentioned in Adobe's documentation.
 For the bin types, if someone can tell me how to map the following PPD
 file bin types, I'll do it:

Since we have a fairly limited set of available DMBIN_???, some approximation
could be used. For all missing bins we could just assign some reasonable value,
for instance DMBIN_AUTO:

 AnyLargeFormat -- DMBIN_LARGEFMT
 AutoSelect -- DMBIN_AUTO
 Auto_Tray1 -- DMBIN_AUTO
 Auto_Tray2 -- DMBIN_AUTO
 Automatic -- DMBIN_AUTO
 Autoselect -- DMBIN_AUTO
 Autotray -- DMBIN_AUTO
 Bottom -- DMBIN_LOWER
 Bottomtray -- DMBIN_LOWER
 Cassette1 -- DMBIN_CASSETTE
 Cassette2 -- DMBIN_CASSETTE
 Cassette3 -- DMBIN_CASSETTE
 Cassette4 -- DMBIN_CASSETTE
 Cassette5 -- DMBIN_CASSETTE
 EnvelopeFeeder -- DMBIN_ENVELOPE
 EnvelopeTray -- DMBIN_ENVELOPE
 LargeLower -- DMBIN_LOWER
 LargeUpper -- DMBIN_UPPER
 Largesheet -- DMBIN_LARGEFMT
 Lower1 -- DMBIN_LOWER
 Lower2 -- DMBIN_LOWER
 Lower250SheetFeeder -- DMBIN_LOWER
 Lower500SheetFeeder -- DMBIN_LOWER
 LowerOptTray -- DMBIN_LOWER
 LowerTray -- DMBIN_LOWER
 MainTray -- DMBIN_AUTO
 ManualBypass -- DMBIN_MANUAL
 ManualEnvelope -- DMBIN_ENVMANUAL
 ManualFeed -- DMBIN_MANUAL
 ManualFeedTray -- DMBIN_MANUAL
 ManualFeeder -- DMBIN_MANUAL
 ManualNormal -- DMBIN_MANUAL
 ManualPaper -- DMBIN_MANUAL
 ManualThick -- DMBIN_MANUAL
 ManualTransparency -- DMBIN_MANUAL
 Middle250SheetFeeder -- DMBIN_MIDDLE
 Middle500SheetFeeder -- DMBIN_MIDDLE
 Middletray -- DMBIN_MIDDLE
 Multi-Feeder -- DMBIN_AUTO
 Multi-MediaFeeder -- DMBIN_AUTO
 Multi-Purpose -- DMBIN_AUTO
 MultiPurpose -- DMBIN_AUTO
 Multipurpose -- DMBIN_AUTO
 MultipurposeTray -- DMBIN_AUTO
 NotSpec -- DMBIN_AUTO
 OptionalCassette -- DMBIN_CASSETTE
 OptionalCassette1 -- DMBIN_CASSETTE
 OptionalCassette2 -- DMBIN_CASSETTE
 PrinterDefault -- DMBIN_AUTO
 SecondCassette -- DMBIN_CASSETTE
 Standard -- DMBIN_AUTO
 StandardCassette -- DMBIN_CASSETTE
 StandardTray -- DMBIN_AUTO
 StandardTray  -- DMBIN_AUTO
 Toptray -- DMBIN_UPPER
 TrayManual -- DMBIN_MANUAL
 Tray_Auto -- DMBIN_AUTO
 Universal -- DMBIN_AUTO
 UpperOptTray -- DMBIN_UPPER
 UpperTray -- DMBIN_UPPER

Re: Make PostScript driver less loquacious

2001-04-03 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

"Ian Pilcher" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is it really appropriate to spit out a FIXME every time we encounter a
 paper size or bin type that we don't recognize?

I would agree with you, if you have added all regular possible values listed
in wine/include/wingdi.h and only then replaced FIXME's by WARN's.

Re: Allow loading of built-in dlls with LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE flag set

2001-03-20 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

"Alexandre Julliard" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I think it would be better to keep the existing support for native
 dlls, and simply fall back to loading the builtin library if
 SearchPath fails.

Does the attached patch look as applicable?


Re: Allow loading of built-in dlls with LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE flag set

2001-03-19 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

"Alexandre Julliard" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I think it's reasonable to give the native dll priority when doing
 LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE. An app using this wants to poke inside the
 dll binary file and we are much better off giving it the 'real' thing
 in this case IMO.

Perhaps version.dll code should use DONT_RESOLVE_DLL_REFERENCES instead of

Will DONT_RESOLVE_DLL_REFERENCES work with built-in dlls somewhere in the future?

Re: [PATCH] Version info for comctl32.dll

2001-03-17 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov


  I guess it doesn't look at all of it though.  I will try later with
  2.20.4055 if this is a minimum or it wants the one it installed.
 It likes 2.20.4055, and 2.21.4053, but turns up its nose at 2.20.4053,
 so I guess 2.20.2054 is its minimum oleaut32.
 Will you submit a patch for that, or should I?  I haven't really looked
 at what you were doing with loader/module.c, but I've applied it and I
 don't see any harm from it, I think.

Well, you can of course submit a patch for the oleaut32 version info.
But it completely useless without loader/module.c modification if the
requested built-in library was not yet loaded :-(

I'll look at my patch ones more, split it into two distinct patches and
submit them tomorrow.

Re: [PATCH] Version info for comctl32.dll

2001-03-17 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov


  Could you please experiment some more and try to replace 2,20,4054,1 and
  "2.20.4054" to the something more simple: 2,0,0,0 and "2.0". If with that
  numbers juno will not work 2,1,0,0 and "2.1", then 2,2,0,0 and "2.2" and
  so forth?
 Okay.  2.20.4054 is the minimum, it seems, but I'll try 2.21 and so on

Perhaps we should use some bogus version value (say 10.0) for all wine built-in dlls?
I just don't like an idea to hunt down all that cases when some application will want
that strange version numbers. Will 10.0 work for you?

Re: [PATCH] Version info for comctl32.dll

2001-03-17 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov


  I just don't like an idea to hunt down all that cases when some application will 
  that strange version numbers. Will 10.0 work for you?
 Yes.  I can't promise it will work for other apps, and maybe in time we
 will have to go to "255.0" or something, but for now, 10.0 works for me.


 #define WINE_FILEVERSION 10,0,0,0
 #define WINE_FILEVERSION_STR "10.0"
 #define WINE_FILENAME_STR "oleaut32.dll"
 #include "wine/wine_common_ver.rc"
 If you get this letter, it works.

I'm sorry, I didn't focus you on the subject that FILEVERSION and PRODUCTVERSION
are distinctly different things? How about to experiment with different 

Sorry, if it is not the same as you expected from me...

Re: [PATCH] Version info for comctl32.dll

2001-03-17 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov


  Could you please experiment some more and try to replace 2,20,4054,1 and
  "2.20.4054" to the something more simple: 2,0,0,0 and "2.0". If with that
  numbers juno will not work 2,1,0,0 and "2.1", then 2,2,0,0 and "2.2" and
  so forth?
 Okay.  2.20.4054 is the minimum, it seems, but I'll try 2.21 and so on

Perhaps we should use some bogus version value (say 10.0) for all wine built-in dlls?
I just don't like an idea to hunt down all that cases when some application will want
that strange version numbers. Will 10.0 work for you?

Re: [PATCH] Version info for comctl32.dll

2001-03-17 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov


  I guess it doesn't look at all of it though.  I will try later with
  2.20.4055 if this is a minimum or it wants the one it installed.
 It likes 2.20.4055, and 2.21.4053, but turns up its nose at 2.20.4053,
 so I guess 2.20.2054 is its minimum oleaut32.
 Will you submit a patch for that, or should I?  I haven't really looked
 at what you were doing with loader/module.c, but I've applied it and I
 don't see any harm from it, I think.

Well, you can of course submit a patch for the oleaut32 version info.
But it completely useless without loader/module.c modification if the
requested built-in library was not yet loaded :-(

I'll look at my patch ones more, split it into two distinct patches and
submit them tomorrow.

Re: [PATCH] Version info for comctl32.dll

2001-03-16 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov


  Strange, I tested my patch with About.exe and it worked for me.

From the trace you sent me directly my patch works just fine.

  You could try replace version.rc by the following version resource, and
  to see if it will help (even better try to use both and report the result):
  oleaut32.dll from the original win95:
 I am sorry, I can't work out just now how to get this into the source
 and make it compile.  Maybe tomorrow I will be a bit cleverer.

I can send a patch if you wish :-). Basically you should add #include "winver.h"
as the very first line and then copy completely all other strings starting with

Since juno doesn't query some specific version value (according to your trace),
but wants to get complete version info
Ret version.1: GetFileVersionInfoA() retval=0001 ret=12032703 fs=008f
Call version.12: VerQueryValueA(40dd0f40,1207c090 "\\",40576db4,40576d6c) ret=12032750 
trace:ver:VerQueryValueA (0x40dd0f40,"\\",0x40576db4,0x40576d6c)
Ret version.12: VerQueryValueA() retval=0001 ret=12032750 fs=008f
Call user32.226: GetActiveWindow() ret=120300c4 fs=008f
Ret user32.226: GetActiveWindow() retval= ret=120300c4 fs=008f

it would be great if you could experiment with changing version numbers:
FILEVERSION 2,10,3024,1 --- (in Wine it is 1,0,0,0)
VALUE "FileVersion", "2.1" --- (in Wine it is "1.0")
VALUE "ProductVersion", "2.1"  --- (in Wine it is "1.0")

Make sure to change them all simultaneously.

Re: [PATCH] Version info for comctl32.dll

2001-03-16 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov


 Nuts!  Parse errors still, until I added
 before it, then it compiles clean, but all values except Translation are
 null.  So I tried with this dlls/oleaut32/version.rc, and it works (if
 you get this letter):
 #define WINE_FILEVERSION 2,20,4054,1
 #define WINE_FILEVERSION_STR "2.20.4054"
 #define WINE_FILENAME_STR "oleaut32.dll"
 #include "wine/wine_common_ver.rc"

Very good!
Could you please experiment some more and try to replace 2,20,4054,1 and
"2.20.4054" to the something more simple: 2,0,0,0 and "2.0". If with that
numbers juno will not work 2,1,0,0 and "2.1", then 2,2,0,0 and "2.2" and
so forth?

 Those numbers I lifted from the output of
 wine --dll oleaut32=n About.exe oleaut32.dll
 I am still not easy in my mind with --dll directly controlling version
 in this way.

--dll controls dll loading. Is it so hard to understand? Version info is
retrieved from resources of the already loaded dll then.

Re: [PATCH] Version info for comctl32.dll

2001-03-16 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov


  Could you please experiment some more and try to replace 2,20,4054,1 and
  "2.20.4054" to the something more simple: 2,0,0,0 and "2.0". If with that
  numbers juno will not work 2,1,0,0 and "2.1", then 2,2,0,0 and "2.2" and
  so forth?
 Okay.  2.20.4054 is the minimum, it seems, but I'll try 2.21 and so on

Perhaps we should use some bogus version value (say 10.0) for all wine built-in dlls?
I just don't like an idea to hunt down all that cases when some application will want
that strange version numbers. Will 10.0 work for you?

Re: [PATCH] Version info for comctl32.dll

2001-03-16 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov


  Could you please experiment some more and try to replace 2,20,4054,1 and
  "2.20.4054" to the something more simple: 2,0,0,0 and "2.0". If with that
  numbers juno will not work 2,1,0,0 and "2.1", then 2,2,0,0 and "2.2" and
  so forth?
 Okay.  2.20.4054 is the minimum, it seems, but I'll try 2.21 and so on

Perhaps we should use some bogus version value (say 10.0) for all wine built-in dlls?
I just don't like an idea to hunt down all that cases when some application will want
that strange version numbers. Will 10.0 work for you?

Re: [PATCH] Version info for comctl32.dll

2001-03-16 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov


  I guess it doesn't look at all of it though.  I will try later with
  2.20.4055 if this is a minimum or it wants the one it installed.
 It likes 2.20.4055, and 2.21.4053, but turns up its nose at 2.20.4053,
 so I guess 2.20.2054 is its minimum oleaut32.
 Will you submit a patch for that, or should I?  I haven't really looked
 at what you were doing with loader/module.c, but I've applied it and I
 don't see any harm from it, I think.

Well, you can of course submit a patch for the oleaut32 version info.
But it completely useless without loader/module.c modification if the
requested built-in library was not yet loaded :-(

I'll look at my patch ones more, split it into two distinct patches and
submit them tomorrow.

Re: [PATCH] Version info for comctl32.dll

2001-03-15 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

"gerard patel" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Getting the common controls  to  the 4.72 version at least is the *whole*
 purpose of the patch. There are applications testing the version number of the
 common controls  - tons of them : all the apps written with modern
 Borland tools. Their behaviour change  accordingly because Ms changed
 things quite a lot with 4.72. Wine does not emulate the old behaviour, so it's 
 needed to return a recent version number to get some apps to work correctly.

Sure. The same should be done at least for OLE dlls too.

 Well, all right I'll do like it's done in include/wine. I did not search far enough,
 I used the file in commdlg as an example :-)
 I found another problem you missed btw, there is a special function to retrieve
 the dll version directly, it returns hard coded values; I'll add code to retrieve
 these from the resource.


On the related note:
Lawson Whitney reported that juno 2.0.11 checks version info of oleaut32.dll and
with my recent patch (which has disabled searching of version resources if dll was
loaded but version resources were not found) refuses to load.

Well, I added version info into built-in oleaut32.dll, but here another problem arised:
LoadLibraryExA explicitly checks for LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE, and then uses 
to locate a dll. Since SearchPathA can't find built-in dlls LoadLibraryExA returns 0.

With the attached patch my test program is now able to retrieve version info for
built-in oleaut32.dll, but I didn't manage to avoid resolving imports for built-in
dlls, because they are register themself from the code generated by winebuild.

I tried to propagate 'flags' starting from BUILTIN_LoadLibraryExA, but failed.

Now the question: How to load built-in dll without resolving its imports?


Re: [PATCH] Version info for comctl32.dll

2001-03-15 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov


  Now the question: How to load built-in dll without resolving its imports?
 Where's the harm in resolving the imports of the builtin?

 In this case, the app has already loaded and used oleaut32 before it
 gets around to asking about its version.

If the dll already loaded, then there is no harm at all. But if not,
there is huge penalty in performance and memory usage. Take into account
that currently built-in dlls are never unloaded. In the case of oleaut32,
ole32 and advapi32 also will be loaded. If an application doesn't use them,
but simply does query its version, there is more harm, than the good.

 I tried this patch, and unreverted the GetFileVersionInfo(Size) patch,
 but juno still isn't happy.  With the native dll present, the app asks
 for its version info and gets the builtin.  The ver trace looks a little
 strange to me - maybe it will make sense to you?

 About.exe returns the builtin oleaut32 version, but _only_ if the native
 oleaut32 is present (if I move it away, About.exe gets size 0), and only
 if it is given the native dll's filename.  Give it the builtin filename
 and it gets size 0.  I think the latter is probably not a problem, but
 it seems strange to me.

Strange, I tested my patch with About.exe and it worked for me.

You could try replace version.rc by the following version resource, and
to see if it will help (even better try to use both and report the result):

oleaut32.dll from the original win95:

  BLOCK "StringFileInfo"
BLOCK "040904E4"
  VALUE "CompanyName",   "Microsoft Corporation"
  VALUE "FileDescription",   "Microsoft OLE 2.1 for Windows NT(TM) Operating 
  VALUE "FileVersion",   "2.1"
  VALUE "InternalName",  "OLEAUT32.DLL"
  VALUE "LegalCopyright","Copyright c Microsoft Corp. 1993-1995."
  VALUE "LegalTrademarks",   "MicrosoftR is a registered trademark of Microsoft 
Windows NT(TM) is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation."
  VALUE "ProductName",   "Microsoft OLE 2.1 for Windows NT(TM) Operating 
  VALUE "ProductVersion","2.1"
  VALUE "Comments",  "Microsoft OLE 2.1 for Windows NT(TM) Operating 
  BLOCK "VarFileInfo"
VALUE "Translation", 0x409, 1252

oleaut32.dll from the win2000 SP1:

  BLOCK "StringFileInfo"
BLOCK "040904E4"
  VALUE "CompanyName",   "Microsoft Corporation"
  VALUE "FileVersion",   "2.40.4514"
  VALUE "InternalName",  "OLEAUT32.DLL"
  VALUE "LegalCopyright","Copyright c Microsoft Corp. 1993-1998."
  VALUE "ProductVersion","2.40.4514"
  BLOCK "VarFileInfo"
VALUE "Translation", 0x409, 1252

Re: [PATCH] Version info for comctl32.dll

2001-03-14 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

"gerard patel" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 * dlls/comctl32/rsrc.rc
Add version info.

 +FILEVERSION 4, 72, 0, 0
 +PRODUCTVERSION 4, 72, 0, 0
 + VALUE "FileVersion", "0.01\000"
 + VALUE "ProductVersion", "1.00\000"

I thought that include/wine/wine_common_ver.rc will serve as the quite reasonable
defaults for all built-in Wine dlls. If not, it should be changed for ALL dlls
in ONE place.

Besides that:
1. I believe that version numbers should be equal in both numerical field and
in the string value (0.01 != 4.72 and 1.00 != 4.72).
2. There is no need for excessive \000 at the end of the string value.
3. All well behaving programs do read "VarFileInfo"/"Translation" before
retrieving other version information. LANGUAGE does nothing here.
4. Did you try to use my sample application showing version info?
5. Version resources in kernel, user, gdi for both 16 and 32-bit dlls could serve
as an example of adding version resources into built-in dlls.

Re: Edit control notification fix

2001-03-09 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

"Andreas Mohr" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  That hack cured the application, but Andreas
 Well, that's not exactly true.
 You did not do it "for edit control". You did it for *all* controls
 in DIALOG_GetControl16() (at least in the patch you sent me).
 That's why I objected. I just had to :)

Sure :-)

 OK. I can't really judge whether that's correct, as I'm not too much into
 these kinds of things.
 Hopefully it's correct :)

Well, you can always write your own test app and prove or contest my patch :-)
It is really not so hard as it seemed to be...

First, using spy++ I discovered that ALL edit controls of that installer have 0x200
style under win2000: therefore style got not corrected or masked upon dialog creation.

Second, I took some thought, and wrote test app.

My test application sends WM_SETTEXT to the edit control (parent is dialog), then
reparents that edit to button (!) in that dialog, makes edit size to be equal new
parent client size, brings edit to front and then sends WM_SETTEXT to the edit again.
Also I did editing of the text in that edit before and after change of parent,
did change focus to and from edit using keyboard and mouse, did copy and paste...
All messages to and from dialog and all its controls were spyed and analyzed.

That's all.

Re: [PATCH] 16 bits print dialog

2001-02-25 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

"gerard patel" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 As it's rather unlikely anyone will craft 16 bits specific resources now, I have
 mapped the 32 bits resource into 16 bit ones
 I did not test if 16 bits printing still works, but the print dialog box displays 
 at least.
 There is also a minor fix to cast the return value for the 16 bits hook to 16 bits.
 * dlls/commdlg/printdlg.c
 maps 32 bits resource for 16 bits print dialog.

Gerard, your patch is fine, but I have one tiny comment:
in Win32 hInstance and hModule are the same thing, unlike in Win16.

So, instead of GetModuleHandleA("COMDLG32") you can safely use COMMDLG_hInstance32.

Re: New EnumPrinterDataEx

2001-02-12 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

"Ian Pilcher" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 + * The Win32 doc says that RegCloseKey and HeapFree can fail, but it's hard to
 + * imagine why either of them would.  And what is the calling function supposed
 + * to do about it anyway?
 + */
 +#define REGCLOSEKEY(X) \
 +{ \
 +DWORD ret; \
 + \
 +ret = RegCloseKey (X); \
 +if (ret != ERROR_SUCCESS) \
 + WARN ("RegCloseKey returned %li\n", ret); \
 +#define HEAPFREE(X,Y,Z) \
 +{ \
 +if (HeapFree ((X), (Y), (Z)) == 0) \
 + WARN ("HeapFree failed with code %li\n", GetLastError ()); \

Certainly RegCloseKey and HeapFree can fail if someone will feed garbage to them,
but if you really know that parameters you pass are valid, there is no reason to
check the returned values. Please use simple RegCloseKey and HeapFree instead of
monster macros.

Re: Misc / Unicode

2001-02-06 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

"Francois Gouget" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I checked the other cases and I have this question. Why does everyone
 use 0 instead of '\0', 0 instead of FALSE, and '\0' instead of NULL? MS
 even does the reverse and uses NULL in places where '\0' or 0 would have
 been more appropriate. Man, if you know what you're doing prove it and
 use the appropriate form: either 0, '\0' or NULL.
 I know this comes from from someone who just forgot to put a trailing
 '\0'. But still.

IMO it doesn't matter in the most cases, if you do not mix pointer data type
(NULL) and others. '\0' == 0, and even better to use 0, because it automatically
get casted by the compiler to the appropriate data type.

Re: psdrv: map Courier New to Courier

2001-02-01 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

Gavriel State [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

It's at

It hasn't been updated in quite a while, and the last import from 
WineHQ was back in December '99, I believe.  In addition to the 
font/printing work, there may still be a few other outstanding fixes
that haven't made it into the Wine tree - but the only way to tell
is probably going to be manual inspection of the diffs.

Yes, this is a pain to do for instance
cvs log -N corelwine/windows/defwnd.c defwnd.c.log
then inspect it for some interesting log message, then do
cvs log -N -r1.3 corelwine/windows/defwnd.c defwnd.c.patch
cvs diff -u -r 1.2 -r 1.3 corelwine/windows/defwnd.c defwnd.c.patch
especially if the patch actually changed several files.

Re: Support for dead keys

2001-01-24 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

Joao clemente [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

: 2. There are two approaches in implementing support for DK:
: a. Do all the character composing in Wine itself, completely ignoring X.

You mean, having to write something like those tables that exist to handle
the keyboard?

Not at all. Those tables already exist and widely used in Wine.

I really don't approve that (I still haven't got why can't wine use the X11
I think that using this aproach means having more trouble, having more
source code, and depending on a lot of external help to get things to work
with every keyboard that has deadkeys... You just don't know by yourself the
DK that exist spread all over the world!

Really all standard compositing pairs (defined by Unicode) will work. Any
user-defined custom DKs will not. As far as I understand there is a possibility
to define any character sequence and assign it to some DK.

: b. Delegate all the character composing tasks to Xlib. This will allow the
: to have his/her familiar environment, but will lead to some cases, when

I like this one better...
I think that wine will need less source code to work, and one only needs to
have X11 configured properly so that he has all keys working right. That way
is ONE place do get the keyboard to work (at X11 keyb config), ONE less
place to worry about maintenance of wine...

On the one hand you are right. Having Xlib to do all DK composition is an easy
way to go. But there are (at least in theory) another drivers. Having DK support
in Wine itself will simplify creating those drivers, assuming that new driver
should not worry about character composing, only deliver keystrokes.
But such an internal support for DKs in Wine core should not affect any driver
at all: driver just will never say "I have DK for processing", it just will
silently process it itself.

In other words, I think this is more "wine developer friendly" and "wine
user friendly"

Bug report: LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE and accessing resources

2001-01-21 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

Hello all.

Some time ago, when I was testing standard USER controls with the new unicode
stuff, I encountered the following problem not related to controls at all.

One of my test applications is Adobe PageMaker 6.5. It loads its plugins and
initializes menu with strings loaded from the plugin module resources and
describes functionality of that plugin. Currently menu has only garbage.

Investigation showed, that PM loads module with LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE and
then does LoadStringA to retrieve needed data. The problem is that affected
module has file alignment 0x200 and all resource functions in Wine use
VirtualAddress instead of PointerToRawData.

Moreover, currently there is no way in Wine to distinguish module loaded normally
from module loaded as data file. Quick test in Win2000 shows that if no flags are
specified, module gets loaded at address as in headers, if LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE
is specified, module gets loaded at arbitrary base address and returned to application
hModule is incremented by 1.

I'll just not dare to fix this issue myself because too many places in Wine should
be correctly addressed, but I'm not expert in the Wine PE loader.

Re: I've tried to change keyboard table.. No good...

2001-01-21 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

"Joao clemente" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I was thinking of changing the keybord settings in X11 so that I try to find
 out something else about this matter...
 Do you think it's worth triying? ( lame question : I do that in Xf86config
 file, right?)
 Btw... do you think I can read some documentation on something so that I can
 be of more assistance for this? Maybe some X11 documentation or so?

I think that XLookupString call should be replaced by XmbLookupString or even
better by XwcLookupString. But I can not find good sample how to use them:
information about input method and input context is missing in the man.

Re: I've tried to change keyboard table.. No good...

2001-01-18 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

Ove Kaaven [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 2. Accent characters in different code pages has different mappings to
 unicode characters. Perhaps we just have to create internal table with
 mapping [combining character in code page] - [combining character in unicode]?

Since the last deadkey is stored by the keyboard driver, it should have
been possible to just use the X11 deadkey stuff instead of Unicode
composition, but whatever...

Sure, X11 should do it for us. Hints, please: what X11 dead-key stuff?
I'll try to implement proper dead-key handling then...

Re: I've tried to change keyboard table.. No good...

2001-01-18 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

Ove Kaaven [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Sure, X11 should do it for us. Hints, please: what X11 dead-key stuff?

 That's a good question. I don't really know, and don't have time to read
 the Xlib manual right now (have to catch a flight in a few hours), but I
 suspect it might have something to do with this XComposeStatus parameter
 to XLookupString.

Could anybody check, whether this tiny patch helps use dead keys?

--- cvs/wine/windows/x11drv/keyboard.c  Wed Jan  3 06:39:15 2001
+++ wine/windows/x11drv/keyboard.c  Thu Jan 18 23:22:12 2001
@@ -1469,6 +1469,7 @@
 INT ret;
 int keyc;
 BYTE lpChar[2];
+static XComposeStatus cs;
 if (scanCode==0) {
 /* This happens when doing Alt+letter : a fake 'down arrow' key press
@@ -1525,7 +1526,7 @@
 else TRACE("Found keycode %d (0x%2X)\n",e.keycode,e.keycode);
-ret = TSXLookupString(e, (LPVOID)lpChar, 2, keysym, NULL);
+ret = TSXLookupString(e, (LPVOID)lpChar, 2, keysym, cs);
 if (ret == 0)
BYTE dead_char;
@@ -1599,7 +1600,7 @@
 TRACE_(key)("ToUnicode about to return %d with char %x %s\n",
-   ret, bufW ? bufW[0] : 0, bufW ? "" : "(no buffer)");
+   ret, (bufW  ret) ? bufW[0] : 0, bufW ? "" : "(no buffer)");
 return ret;

Re: I've tried to change keyboard table.. No good...

2001-01-17 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

"Francois Gouget" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Well, I'm not in France but I do sometimes use my qwerty keyboard in
 'US-International' mode so that I can get some of these French
 characters... via dead-keys. Of course it seems like half the Unix
 applications don't support dead keys and the other half don't support

Actually support for dead keys can be implemented now, since Alexandre
added support for composite unicode characters. I even wrote several tests
to prove the concept and do 2-1 and 1-2 character conversions in
WideCharToMultiByte and MultiByteToWideChar. But I have some problems:
1. Actually I don't know how to generate dead key sequence that will
modify next character, because cyrillic has no this "feature".
2. Accent characters in different code pages has different mappings to
unicode characters. Perhaps we just have to create internal table with
mapping [combining character in code page] - [combining character in unicode]?

Then in x11drv.ToUnicode just do check: if previous pressed key was a dead key,
then convert both characters to unicode and do WideCharToMultiByte to combine
them into a single character and MultiByteToWideChar to convert combined
character to unicode?

It was my thoughts. It they are too messy for you, excuse me - I have no strong
understanding of dead keys at all, just results of reading DDK and trial and error.

Bug report: command line for 16-bit application

2001-01-16 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

Hello all.

While working on the problems with scrolling in the 16-bit notepad,
I tried to avoid loading file via File-Load-etc, but use command line
instead: wine -debugmsg +edit,+scroll notepad -- new.txt  ~/notepad.log.
Unfortunately notepad seems to not correctly understand its command line and
asks to create "ew.txt". I didn't look at it yet (perhaps later), but I'm
using a workaround now: instead of new.txt I type " new.txt" and it works.

Re: Solve remaining problems with scroll messages in the edit control

2001-01-15 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

"gerard patel" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Could you please add
 if(!(es-style  ES_MULTILINE)) return;
 at the start of EDIT_UpdateScrollInfo and try that patch again?
 Yes, it works  with this change; this is not surprising, do you intend
 this as a test or as a real fix ?

It was suggested as a test for the sake of finding real fix.

 In the latter case, I have tried to do a small app creating a window with a scrollbar
 and create a multiline control with no scrollbar; in this specific case, the 
 is not disabled, but  its range is changed - this does not happen with the same
 app under NT4.

This means, that the whole fix for 16-bit notepad is a hack around bugs in 16-bit 
Now I wonder how similar 16-bit test application will behave under 3.1/95/98/NT/2000.
Perhaps my wishes are unreal.

 As it's a test app I wrote with Bcb4, I can send it to you if you
 want it.

I want 16-bit test now. Could you make this one please? I'll try to find bc3.1 

Re: Solve remaining problems with scroll messages in the edit control

2001-01-14 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

"gerard patel" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 While your patch makes the scrolling behaviour of the edit control better,
 are you sure you could not get the same effect without this change ?

Yes, all works fine with this line in place. Alexandre, please ignore this
one-liner change for scroll.c. Or should I resend the whole patch?

Re: Solve remaining problems with scroll messages in the edit control

2001-01-14 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

"gerard patel" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Wait, there is at least another problem with this patch.
 It's about the access  to the edit's parent control. Try this 
 with your patch : use any 32 bit program (I tested with
 the Word 97 viewer, this happens also with Forte Free
 Agent32) to open a file; select a file and click a second
 time, the file name is edited (the listview control creates an
 edit control to allow this). The scrollbar for the listview is
 immediately disabled.

Could you please add

if(!(es-style  ES_MULTILINE)) return;

at the start of EDIT_UpdateScrollInfo and try that patch again?

Re: Edit control 16 bits (was : Combobox fix)

2001-01-09 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

This patch works fine for me. Could you please test it too?

--- cvs/wine/controls/edit.cFri Jan  5 15:21:35 2001
+++ wine/controls/edit.cTue Jan  9 22:13:46 2001
@@ -1482,25 +1482,22 @@
if (!es-text) {
CHAR *textA = NULL;
-   INT countA = 0;
+   UINT countA = 0;
BOOL _16bit = FALSE;
-   /*TRACE("Locking 32-bit UNICODE buffer\n");*/
-   es-text = LocalLock(es-hloc32W);
TRACE("Synchronizing with 32-bit ANSI buffer\n");
-   countA = LocalSize(es-hloc32A);
textA = LocalLock(es-hloc32A);
+   countA = strlen(textA) + 1;
else if(es-hloc16)
TRACE("Synchronizing with 16-bit ANSI buffer\n");
-   countA = LOCAL_Size(wnd-hInstance, es-hloc16);
textA = LOCAL_Lock(wnd-hInstance, es-hloc16);
+   countA = strlen(textA) + 1;
_16bit = TRUE;
@@ -1511,7 +1508,31 @@
-   MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, textA, countA, es-text, 
+   HLOCAL hloc32W_new;
+   UINT countW_new = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, textA, countA, NULL, 
+   TRACE("%d bytes translated to %d WCHARs\n", countA, countW_new);
+   if(countW_new  es-buffer_size + 1)
+   {
+   UINT alloc_size = (countW_new * sizeof(WCHAR) + GROWLENGTH - 1)  
+   TRACE("Resizing 32-bit UNICODE buffer from %d+1 to %d WCHARs\n", 
+es-buffer_size, countW_new);
+   hloc32W_new = LocalReAlloc(es-hloc32W, alloc_size, LMEM_MOVEABLE 
+   if(hloc32W_new)
+   {
+   es-hloc32W = hloc32W_new;
+   es-buffer_size = LocalSize(hloc32W_new)/sizeof(WCHAR) - 1;
+   TRACE("Real new size %d+1 WCHARs\n", es-buffer_size);
+   }
+   else
+   WARN("FAILED! Will synchronize partially\n");
+   }
+   }
+   /*TRACE("Locking 32-bit UNICODE buffer\n");*/
+   es-text = LocalLock(es-hloc32W);
+   if(textA)
+   {
+   MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, textA, countA, es-text, 
+es-buffer_size + 1);
LOCAL_Unlock(wnd-hInstance, es-hloc16);
@@ -2140,25 +2161,60 @@
if (es-hloc32W) {
CHAR *textA = NULL;
BOOL _16bit = FALSE;
-   INT countA = 0;
+   UINT countA = 0;
+   UINT countW = strlenW(es-text) + 1;
+   UINT countA_new = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, es-text, countW, 
TRACE("Synchronizing with 32-bit ANSI buffer\n");
+   TRACE("%d WCHARs translated to %d bytes\n", countW, countA_new);
countA = LocalSize(es-hloc32A);
+   if(countA_new  countA)
+   {
+   HLOCAL hloc32A_new;
+   UINT alloc_size = (countA_new + GROWLENGTH - 1)  ~(GROWLENGTH 
+- 1);
+   TRACE("Resizing 32-bit ANSI buffer from %d to %d bytes\n", 
+countA, alloc_size);
+   hloc32A_new = LocalReAlloc(es-hloc32A, alloc_size, 
+   if(hloc32A_new)
+   {
+   es-hloc32A = hloc32A_new;
+   countA = LocalSize(hloc32A_new);
+   TRACE("Real new size %d bytes\n", countA);
+   }
+   else
+   WARN("FAILED! Will synchronize partially\n");
+   }
textA = LocalLock(es-hloc32A);
else if(es-hloc16)
+   UINT countA_new = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, es-text, countW, 
TRACE("Synchronizing with 16-bit ANSI buffer\n");
+   TRACE("%d WCHARs translated to %d bytes\n", countW, countA_new);
countA = LOCAL_Size(wnd-hInstance, es-hloc16);
+   if(countA_new  countA)
+   {
+   HLOCAL16 hloc16_new;
+   UINT alloc_size = (countA_new + GROWLENGTH - 1)  ~(GROWLENGTH 
+- 1);
+   TRACE("Resizing 16-bit ANSI buffer from %d to %d bytes\n", 
+countA, alloc_size);
+   hloc16_new = LOCAL_ReAlloc(wnd-hInstance, es-hloc16, 
+alloc_size, LMEM_MOVEABLE | 

Re: Combobox fix

2001-01-08 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

"gerard patel" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Do you have an application that doesn't work after the edit control rewrite?
 Notepad 16 bits. The version I use for testing was coming with Wfw 3.11 I think.
 I have searched a bit and the problem seems to be the buffer length.

The problem is that current code doesn't synchronize the sizes
of external and internal unicode buffers.

 Did you consider to keep an ansi buffer for ansi apps ? I don't know how easy
 a double compilation would be to implement inside Wine (like it's done for 
 with a call like GetText generating GetTextA or GetTextW according to the state
 of the UNICODE flag), but maybe it could have made the code simpler and somewhat 
 more efficient.

Really it was an approach that I've tried to implement first. But look,
there are multibyte characters out there. So working with multibyte buffer
is very ugly by CharNext() etc., and even more slower than simple synchronization
(WideCharToMultiByte and MultiByteToWideChar are quite fast).

Please try this patch (I have no 16-bit notepad):

--- cvs/wine/controls/edit.cFri Jan  5 15:21:35 2001
+++ wine/controls/edit.cMon Jan  8 18:28:28 2001
@@ -1482,14 +1482,12 @@
if (!es-text) {
CHAR *textA = NULL;
-   INT countA = 0;
+   UINT countA = 0;
BOOL _16bit = FALSE;
+   UINT countW_new;
-   /*TRACE("Locking 32-bit UNICODE buffer\n");*/
-   es-text = LocalLock(es-hloc32W);
TRACE("Synchronizing with 32-bit ANSI buffer\n");
@@ -1509,6 +1507,22 @@
+   countW_new = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, textA, countA, NULL, 0);
+   if(countW_new  es-buffer_size)
+   {
+   HLOCAL hloc32W_new;
+   UINT alloc_size = (countW_new * sizeof(WCHAR) + GROWLENGTH - 1)  
+   TRACE("Resizing 32-bit UNICODE buffer to %d bytes\n", alloc_size);
+   hloc32W_new = LocalReAlloc(es-hloc32W, alloc_size, LMEM_MOVEABLE | 
+   if(hloc32W_new)
+   es-hloc32W = hloc32W_new;
+   else
+   WARN("FAILED! Will Synchronize partially\n");
+   }
+   /*TRACE("Locking 32-bit UNICODE buffer\n");*/
+   es-text = LocalLock(es-hloc32W);
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, textA, countA, es-text, 
@@ -2140,18 +2154,39 @@
if (es-hloc32W) {
CHAR *textA = NULL;
BOOL _16bit = FALSE;
-   INT countA = 0;
+   UINT countA = 0;
+   UINT countA_new = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, es-text, 
+es-buffer_size, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
TRACE("Synchronizing with 32-bit ANSI buffer\n");
countA = LocalSize(es-hloc32A);
+   if(countA_new  countA)
+   {
+   HLOCAL hloc32A_new;
+   TRACE("Resizing 32-bit ANSI buffer to %d bytes\n", countA_new);
+   hloc32A_new = LocalReAlloc(es-hloc32A, countA_new, 
+   if(hloc32A_new)
+   es-hloc32A = hloc32A_new;
+   else
+   WARN("FAILED! Will Synchronize partially\n");
+   }
textA = LocalLock(es-hloc32A);
else if(es-hloc16)
TRACE("Synchronizing with 16-bit ANSI buffer\n");
countA = LOCAL_Size(wnd-hInstance, es-hloc16);
+   if(countA_new  countA)
+   {
+   HLOCAL16 hloc16_new;
+   TRACE("Resizing 16-bit ANSI buffer to %d bytes\n", countA_new);
+   hloc16_new = LOCAL_ReAlloc(wnd-hInstance, es-hloc16, 
+   if(hloc16_new)
+   es-hloc16 = hloc16_new;
+   else
+   WARN("FAILED! Will Synchronize partially\n");
+   }
textA = LOCAL_Lock(wnd-hInstance, es-hloc16);
_16bit = TRUE;

Re: Edit control 16 bits (was : Combobox fix)

2001-01-08 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

"gerard patel" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Please try this patch (I have no 16-bit notepad):
 snip edit patch
 I have tested it a bit, it seems to work fine as long as I edit text and
 use disk access; I have tried clipboard (pasting text from the clipboard
 into Notepad 16) and it was not pretty though (basically I got garbage;
 before the patch it seemed to work)
 I have to admit I have not yet investigated, not even tested very 
 seriously. If you don't have a brillant idea on why, as far as I am
 concerned this problem can wait next until next week end.

I'll try to find somewhere and borrow 16-bit notepad. If the problem
will not be solved within this week, welcome to fix it yourself.

Re: Combobox fix

2001-01-06 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

"gerard patel" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Do you have an unicode version of listbox in the works ?

Yes, I'm working on it right now. After a general way of testing
I'll send it to wine-patches.

 Since the combobox  is unicode, cb_findtext* apis
 seem to have problems; I think it should not happen if listbox is unicode,
 but if an unicode listbox is not done in a near future, these could be fixed
 at the combobox  level...

After listbox will be unicoded, welcome to report any bugs...

 While talking about unicode...
 The edit control buffer is unicode now, are Ansi apps that are
 accessing the buffer directly (EM_GETHANDLE) supposed to
 work ?

Even 16-bit EM_GETHANDLE16 should work. It works by allocating alias buffer
on EM_GETHANDLE/EM_GETHANDLE16 call and does synchronization with external
buffer every time when internal unicode buffer is accessed.

Do you have an application that doesn't work after the edit control rewrite?

Re: [PATCH] clipboard

2000-12-22 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

"gerard patel" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 - in X11DRV_IsClipboardFormatAvailable a call to 
  CLIPBOARD_IsPresent had disappeared; adding it again
 get back the text exchange between Wine applications.

X11 clipboard driver should call only exported win32 functions IMO.
Driver doesn't need to know about internal clipboard cache at all.
All it should do is to provide a way of setting clipboard data
to the X buffer and a way of getting data from it. Not more not less.
Anyway when driver is called, CLIPBOARD_IsPresent should be already
tested. Except this your patch looks right for me.

Re: GlobalAlloc/GlobalReAlloc/GlobalLock fixes

2000-12-19 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

"Alexandre Julliard" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  GlobalAlloc/GlobalReAlloc: Make allocations with granularity 32
  Clear error on success in GlobalLock as Windows does.

 What version does this? NT 4 definitely doesn't set last error on
 success (and it doesn't seem to round up the size either).

I got this results running my test app that creates unicode and ansi edit
and dumps their contents. Memory blocks are always 32-byte aligned.
I explicitly check last error after EM_GETHANDLE and LocalLock on it.
Both NT4 and Win2000 return 0 for GetLastError.


Re: GlobalAlloc/GlobalReAlloc/GlobalLock fixes

2000-12-19 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

"Alexandre Julliard" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I got this results running my test app that creates unicode and ansi edit
  and dumps their contents. Memory blocks are always 32-byte aligned.
 Couldn't this be because the edit control does the rounding?

I made another test and it confirmed that you are right. I'll send an update
for the edit control.

  I explicitly check last error after EM_GETHANDLE and LocalLock on it.
  Both NT4 and Win2000 return 0 for GetLastError.
 This could be because it was already 0 before the call, or because
 some other function cleared it. LocalLock definitely does not set last
 error on my machine.

You are right again. Test confirms that too. Probably I spent too many time
with edit and forgot about simple things around...


Re: ANNOUNCE patch

2000-12-04 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

Nerijus Baliunas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Sorry, I didn't know that. I thought it is/was the same [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Updated patch:
-Patches should be submitted to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]".  Please don't
+Patches should be submitted to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]".  Please don't

Do you know that to post to wine-patches someone MUST be subscribed first?
It is a bad idea to FORCE casual contributor to subscribe to a high traffic
mailing list. I believe that the point was to avoid that.

Re: Locale Question

2000-11-28 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov


I'm having a problem implementing locale related functionality for crtdll. 
Basically, I need to get an LCID from a locale string, rather than from a 
locale id as used by the MAKELCID macro.

Which crtdll function does need this?

There doesn't appear to be a way to 
do this using the (documented) windows API.

I think that Win32 API should satisfy nearly any crtdll function implementation.

Looking in ole/ole2nls.c I see that GetUserDefaultLangID seems to do the 
processing I want, but it reads from environment variables instead of a 
passed in string. Given that I'm not supposed to call internal functions from 
the dll, does anyone have any ideas how best to do this? Is it OK to add a 
suitable function to ole2nls.c and then call it from crtdll?

As Patrik already replied - no. Although functions in that file belong to kernel32,
not to 16-bit ole2nls.

Re: Generate unicode CHAR messages

2000-11-24 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov


OOPS, sorry.  I have email only.  Because there is www4mail, that means
I have ftp (if I know where) and limited http.  If I have wasted your
time with a bug that ia already fixed, I am sorry, I really hoped I
could help.  And busted my arse to do it.  But I would like to know,
where is the patch I missed :-).

Sorry, you have missed too many patches. To name one of them:

ChangeSet ID: 974329997975647440180182
CVSROOT: /opt/cvs-commit
Module name: wine
Changes by: julliard@wine2. 00/11/15 18:13:17

Modified files:
include: winproc.h
windows: message.c winproc.c

Log message:
Dmitry Timoshkov [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Added mapping to/from unicode for WM_CHAR, WM_DEADCHAR, WM_SYSCHAR,


Revision  ChangesPath
1.6  +2 -2  wine/include/winproc.h
1.80 +4 -3  wine/windows/message.c
1.44 +60 -9 wine/windows/winproc.c

Re: Generate unicode CHAR messages

2000-11-22 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov


On Thu, 16 Nov 2000, Dmitry Timoshkov wrote:


 Dmitry Timoshkov [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Always generate unicode CHAR messages.

Good day!

This broke my mail app.  I have been running with it 'til now, so I
guess you could say it isn't very broke, but if I have to change my
phone number I am SOL.  It won't accept input in one text-entry item
(?) of a dailog.  I have before and after +message,+key,+text logs, but
even after removing the beginning stuff and grepping out the
GetTextExtentPoint they are still to big to mail, unless you don't mind
gzipped and split.

If I have missed a correction or some later patch that sets it right,
please point it out.  I just pick from wine-patches and hope for the

Probably this is a case where ANSI - Unicode message conversions don't
work correctly. I already mailed to Alexandre my preliminary patch (which
doesn't work) for suggestions. CreateWindowExA/W should always allocate new
window proc and subclass window in the case if class was registered with a
not compatible function type (A instead of W and vice versa).
IsWindowUnicode should return TRUE for windows created by CreateWindowExW
without reference to by which version of RegisterClass (A or W) base class
was registered. Currently in Wine winproc handling does something wrong.
Right now I'm investigating it further. Until it will be fixed, switching
to unicode of the internal USER classes risks break too many applications.

But perhaps it is completely unrelated problem. Could you send me both
traces: before and after my patch was applied (+relay,+key,+message)?

Re: DlgDirList() in civ2

2000-11-19 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

Ove Kaaven [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The first crash in civ2 that I didn't have a patch for goes like this:

First, it creates (hidden) windows and stuff, and

Call USER.100: DLGDIRLIST(0x01bc,0x07771dca "*.*",0x0064,0x,0x4000) ret=03e7:0ed8 
Ret  USER.100: DLGDIRLIST() retval=0x0001 ret=03e7:0ed8 ds=0777


Someone know what must be done with DlgDirList() (LB_DIR) to make this
work, or at least how it's supposed to behave?

Apparently if only the DDL_DRIVES (0x4000) flag is set, nothing should be listed
except drives (at least according to old bcw 3.1 doc)...

Re: Fix for selected bitmap menu items

2000-10-30 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

Okay, things are simpler than they look.
Eyes are afraid - hands are doing (russian byword).

I have wrote a very simple sample that demonstrates bitmaps
in the menu (mono and 16 colors, you can add your own of course).

Selected color bitmaps are inverted in both win95 and win98,
but monochrome look very different. Do we need *exact* emulation here?


Re: a patch for supporting DBCS

2000-10-25 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov


fix for supporting DBCS.

First, I should say that it is a wrong way to fix DBCS. You could note,
that work in progress on converting the standard USER controls to unicode.
The same should be done for a common controls dll.

Second, you are somewhat strange mixing WtoA/AtoW functions (that should not
be used at all IMHO) with WideCharToMultiByte/MultiByteToWideChar.


Re: PolyDraw implementation

2000-10-21 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

mark dufour [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Here's another implementation, for the PolyDraw function. Like AngleArc, this 
 is NT-only. I installed NT for the occasion and tried out all possible 
 situations I could think of. I also found a bug in my AngleArc 
 implementation, so I'm submitting that one again in the same patch. My 
 previous AngleArc patch hasn't made into the CVS tree yet, so I didn't know 
 whether to send the full implementation again or not.

 +if( dwRadius  0 ) return FALSE;

Sorry, I have not pointed out to this earlier, but DWORD == unsigned long,
and therefore just can't be  0. And it would be a good idea to not use
C++ comments in the pure C code.


Re: ForteFreeAgent32 accelerators broken

2000-10-17 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

Ove Kaaven [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Gerard is from France. French keyboards don't have a QWERTY layout, they
have AZERTY. I suspect Gerard just got the key reassigned to W...

Ah! It expalains all of it! I should notice it earlier by examining more
carefully the keyboard layouts (particularly main_key_FR). Sorry. Gerard,
if you have no time to patch keyboard.c I'll send the patch tomorrow.


Re: Keyboard input and current locale: first attempt

2000-10-04 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

Ove Kaaven [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Some problems that I tried to solve:
 1. I didn't find way to make to work XLookupString with setlocale(LC_CTYPE,"").

I don't know exactly how this works, but what is your locale settings? I
know that glibc and Xlib disagrees somewhat on the format of the strings,
and that there are aliasing hacks to work around that...

I tried nearly all possible settings and their combinations for
LANG and LC_ALL: ru_RU, ru_SU, ru_RU.koi8-r, ru_SU.koi8-r,
ru_RU.iso-8859-5, ru_SU.iso-8859-5 ... but without success.
Does Wine need that setlocale()? All works without it fine.

 2. I modified keyboard detection code to assign virtual key codes along with
 the found scan codes because virtual key codes are always the same for
 english keyboard layout and other (russian for me) keyboard layout in windows.

But for some reason I doubt this is the case for DVORAK layouts, or German
QWERTZ layouts, is it? (Admittedly, no DVORAK layouts have been added yet,
but maybe someday someone wants to run Terminal Server Client using a
DVORAK keyboard...)

Good point. I definitely missed it.

I suggest adding a couple of fields to the main_key_tab structure...

- WORD x11_codepage, where you can put those cp20866 values. The
ansi_codepage was supposed to be the Windows codepage and match the locale
settings (although neither ansi_codepage nor oem_codepage is actually used
for anything at the moment).

I believe that keyboard layouts should have layout_cp field, that actually
will replace those misleading ansi_codepage and oem_codepage, and possibly
lang too. Perhaps all layouts should have name field or comment, which will
be displayed in message "Your keyboard layout was not found... we will use
"Polish (programmer's) keyboard layout" instead". What do you think?

 The keyboard detection could perhaps add a
ansi_codepage == GetACP() check someday, for example...

I think it is not needed. Field layout_cp should serve for it.

- const int (*vkey)[MAIN_LEN], which could point to e.g. main_vkey_qwerty,
main_vkey_qwertz, main_vkey_dvorak, etc, instead of having just one

Yes, very good proposal. I'll make main_vkey_qwerty, but I have no idea about
others. And how about main_key_scan_querty, main_key_scan_dvorak and others?

BTW, did I make any errors while restoring VK_* key codes for your keyboard?


Re: Disabled windows can't be resized by WM

2000-09-22 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

gerard patel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I investigated further, without great success.
It's difficult to trace since the end of the trace disappear, I ended up adding
a sync() call at this point. What happens is that the main window (the one being
disabled) get an UnmapNotify event almost immediately after the new size is set.
That's incorrect as it's not what the program asked.
If I comment only the line setting the min and max height,  the main window is not
unmapped and the app works correctly.

The only hack I found to eliminate the crash it to don't have min=max, for example :

size_hints-min_width = wnd-rectWindow.right - wnd-rectWindow.left;
size_hints-max_width = size_hints-min_width + 1;
size_hints-min_height = wnd-rectWindow.bottom -;
size_hints-max_height = size_hints-min_height + 1; 

No crash then...

I just can't believe! That means, that this code (already existing in x11drv), will
crash for you if, say, application shows "About" dialog and then will center it
relatively main window by SetWindowPos. Could you confirm it?

Though, this may mean, that wnd-rectWindow has wrong or just zero size for you.
If this is the case, then I couldn't help to trace it, it will be your job, sorry.


Re: Disabled windows can't be resized by WM

2000-09-22 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

James Hatheway [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I don't think your patch is causing these problems.  I have these two same

Balsam for my soul...

problems in the app that I am debugging, without your patch applied.
(I get this problem with KDE 1.1.2)  For me, when the app starts up
it has a normal rectangular window and only has the close button.  When
a region is applied to its window with SetWindowRgn(), and then
a normal rectangular window is restored with a SetWindowRgn() and a
NULL region, the window doesn't have a system menu or the close button.

... but I really see this only with my patch.

I don't have time to look at this bug at the moment, unfortunately.  I just
thought I'd let you know that I don't think your patch is the actual cause
of the problem.

I just hope, that this mystery bug will be fixed by the joint efforts.


Re: Disabled windows can't be resized by WM

2000-09-20 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

gerard patel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

If I test this patch with winedt (available from, my 
X-server crashes when I try to load the Options dialog box. Winedt is a 
program written in Delphi I think; Borland has a very special system to
simulate modal dialog boxes; I see the same problem with Bcb4.

It is very strange. Theoretically my patch should not affect on the any
windows specific features of program, it just instructs WM. I'll download
winedt and try to figure out what happens.

Attachment Converted: g:\eudora\eudora\attach\wnd1.dif

You can use diffs against the whole tree : it saves time for people wanting
to try your patches.

Sure, but usually I have much more then a couple of modified files in my tree
and not all of them belong to the same single patch.


Re: Disabled windows can't be resized by WM

2000-09-20 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

gerard patel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

If I test this patch with winedt (available from, my 
X-server crashes when I try to load the Options dialog box. Winedt is a 
program written in Delphi I think; Borland has a very special system to
simulate modal dialog boxes; I see the same problem with Bcb4.

I have downloaded WinEdt 5.1. But I didn't manage to crash it with my
patch. My WM is KDE 1.1.1. Although WinEdt doesn't crash for me, it
exhibits some flaws in the way Wine manages windows. For instance main
WinEdt window has only close box on it, though in Windows all three
standard buttons showed.

My patch adds another "feature": after any dialog box was shown, bitmap
on the system menu along with the sole close box on the main window caption
disappear and don't get restored after the main window was enabled back.

But I'm not a X programming expert, and I couldn't say what is happening wrong.
I just reused code, which already works in wine/windows/x11drv/wnd.c, lines 661-678,
and it worked fine for enabling/disabling windows in my test programs.

My experiments with replacing XGetWMSizeHints/XSetWMSizeHints by
XGetWMNormalHints/XSetWMNormalHints didn't change anything. Man page for them
doesn't mention any special tricks that could be used.


Problems with repainting menu

2000-09-14 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

Hello all.

My app have a problem with repainting its menu in managed mode.
Funny, but it can be reproduced with old 16-bit clock.exe
from windows 3.1.
How to reproduce: Double clicking on the client area switches
clock modes: with menu (and caption) and without menu (and caption
in not managed mode.) After switching to the mode with menu, menu
isn't shown until window is resized/minimized/maximized.

After several hours of attempts to find culprit, I was failed.
Can someone help here?


EnumResourceTypes and 16-bit modules

2000-09-13 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

Hello all.

The question is short: is EnumResourceTypes supposed to work with
16-bit modules?

I ask because I don't know what to do: simply avoid crashing by
checking HIWORD(hModule), or implement a full working solution.


Problems with inlined strlenW and gcc 2.95.2 with -O2

2000-09-12 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

Hello all.

Some traces +mdi and version of strlenW that prints result
before exit:

trace:mdi:MDI_UpdateFrameText AFTER lstrcpyW(lpBuffer): L"Adobe PageMaker 6.5"

trace:mdi:MDI_UpdateFrameText BEFORE strcatW(L"Adobe PageMaker 6.5", L" - [")
strlenW(): 19 -- right
trace:mdi:MDI_UpdateFrameText AFTER strcatW: L"Adobe PageMaker 6.5 - ["

trace:mdi:MDI_UpdateFrameText BEFORE strcatW(L"Adobe PageMaker 6.5 - [", L"")
strlenW(): 19 -- wrong
trace:mdi:MDI_UpdateFrameText AFTER strcatW: L"Adobe PageMaker 6.5"

trace:mdi:MDI_UpdateFrameText BEFORE strcatW(L"Adobe PageMaker 6.5", L"]")
strlenW(): 19 -- right
trace:mdi:MDI_UpdateFrameText AFTER strcatW: L"Adobe PageMaker 6.5]"

and more:

trace:mdi:MDI_UpdateFrameText AFTER lstrcpyW(lpBuffer): L"Adobe PageMaker 6.5"

trace:mdi:MDI_UpdateFrameText BEFORE strcatW(L"Adobe PageMaker 6.5", L" - [")
strlenW(): 19 -- right
trace:mdi:MDI_UpdateFrameText AFTER strcatW: L"Adobe PageMaker 6.5 - ["

trace:mdi:MDI_UpdateFrameText BEFORE strcatW(L"Adobe PageMaker 6.5 - [", L"Untitled-1")
strlenW(): 19 -- wrong
trace:mdi:MDI_UpdateFrameText AFTER strcatW: L"Adobe PageMaker 6.5Untitled-1"

trace:mdi:MDI_UpdateFrameText BEFORE strcatW(L"Adobe PageMaker 6.5Untitled-1", L"]")
strlenW(): 29 -- right
trace:mdi:MDI_UpdateFrameText AFTER strcatW: L"Adobe PageMaker 6.5Untitled-1]"

Some workarounds:
1. Without -O2 - all right.
2. Disabling assembly in strlenW - all right.



Re: Thunking problem is partially solved

2000-09-10 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

Ulrich Weigand [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I've now modified the CallTo16Register routines to save (some) register
values possibly modified by the called 16-bit routine back into the
CONTEXT86 structure.  Saving *all* registers is difficult (or at least
would create more overhead), so I decided to save only those registers
typically modified: EAX, EBX, ECX, EDX, EBP, and ESP.

This done, it is now possible to find out the proper number of popped
arguments from the SP value in the CONTEXT86.  I've updated the various
flat thunk routines accordingly.

Could you try out the appended patch, whether it fixes your problem?

Ulrich, thank you very much. Adobe PageMaker 6.52 is in a fully workable
state now. Page layout, fonts, images, metafiles - just all that I have
tested so far! CodeWeavers, time to call to Adobe?

Though very little patch should be applied after your one:

--- relay.c Mon Sep 11 13:42:06 2000
+++ relay.c Mon Sep 11 13:33:38 2000
@@ -341,7 +341,7 @@
 CONTEXT86 *context = (CONTEXT86 *)ret_val;
-DPRINTF("CallTo16() ss:sp=%04x:%04x\n",
+DPRINTF("CallTo16() ss:sp=%04x:%04x retval=0x%08x\n",
 OFFSETOF(NtCurrentTeb()-cur_stack), ret_val);
 DPRINTF(" AX=%04x BX=%04x CX=%04x DX=%04x BP=%04x SP=%04x\n",

Thank you again.

Re: Glibc

2000-09-03 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

gerard patel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

[big snip]

If other had similar experiences, it would probably a good thing
to include in the how-to or faq that while Wine will work
correctly for most programs with glibc 2.0, it works best with
glibc 2.1 (apart from the infamous Redhat 2.1.3 problem, of course)

I just want to say, that Wine has no problems with glibc, since it
no more uses glibc's unicode conversion routines.


PageMaker and thunking

2000-08-28 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

Hello all.

I'm still trying to solve problems with PageMaker and thunking...

Assuming, that problems arise with using QT_Thunk/SMapLS_IP_EBP_8/SUnMapLS_IP_EBP_8
functions (i.e. Win95 thunks), I guessed that -winver nt40 will solve at least some
part of the problem. But PM always used Win95 thunks: with nt40 or win95. Traces
showed, that PM uses GetProcAddress to decide, which type of thunking to use.
After commenting mentioned above functions in kernel32.spec, it confirmed my guess,
and PM now opens and actually draws the whole page layout! Though some problems
persist (with Syslevel locking in PlayMetaFile for instance), but progress is here!

Now I'm in embarrassment: to really continue hacking PageMaker, I need to choose
some way: either try to solve problems with Win95-type thunking (but nobody except
Andreas Mohr actually tried to help me with absolutely unknown for me subject), or
try to implement some sort of hack around GetProcAddress to simulate presence and
absence of the bunch of functions. The latter is very obscured idea and I don't
like it.

What to do?


Re: Small correction for path stripping in builtin32.c

2000-08-27 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

Alexandre Julliard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

"Dmitry Timoshkov" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Small correction for path stripping.

This breaks paths that contain both '/' and '\'. What are you trying
to fix?

Well, while I searched for a real culprit of crash with printer driver
loading in PageMaker (solved by "Fix buffer overflow in builtin.c" patch),
I found, that if driver name contains '/' and '\', BUILTIN32_dlopen will fail:
for instance, if name is "c:\path/driver.drv", BUILTIN32_dlopen will try
to load "libpath/".


Re: Small correction for path stripping in builtin32.c

2000-08-27 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

Alexandre Julliard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

BUILTIN32_dlopen seems correct to me. Are you sure the problem wasn't
rather with BUILTIN32_LoadLibraryExA?  We don't try to handle '/'
there, and maybe we should (but it has to be done the same way as in
BUILTIN32_dlopen, not the way you did it in your patch).

Sorry, perhaps I wasn't very clear, and you were confused by it.
It was not the real problem that I was encountered, but just a pseudo
problem. I decided to fix it, because I thought that BUILTIN32_dlopen
uses incorrect way of the stripping file name from path by searching first '/'
in the name, then from possibly found position it tries to search for '\'.
If you don't see any problem with current implementation, forget about my patch.


Re: Code page stuff is broken

2000-08-23 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

Alexandre Julliard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I don't have any Russian fonts on my Windows machine to test this, but
if I select an OEM font TextOut definitely uses the OEM codepage, not
the CP_ACP one. So we cannot assume that all strings passed to TextOut
are in current ANSI codepage; we have to take into account the font
codepage somehow.

Note 1: Until the last changes, ALL my fonts with ALL different encodings
worked in Wine just fine. I already noted in my previous mail, code page of
currently selected font is the problem of a dc driver (display, printer, etc.) ONLY.

Note 2:
Text feeded to TextOut can be received from the several different sources:
resource (unicode), message table (ansi/unicode), hard coded in the program
(I often use this one myself), entered from keyboard, created dinamically, etc.
I should add, that the derived text might easy be delivered to any other
text handling function (CharNext for instance). In ALL these cases APPLICATION
assumes that text is in current ansi code page for every single character.


Re: Code page stuff is broken(about system font)

2000-08-23 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov


I check original windows 98(Japanese edition; CP_ACP=cp932).

There are some system fonts that have codepage CP_ACP
(at least in my environments):
- System, FixedSys, Terminal
Probablly, these three 'reserved' fonts should be treated
as special font names and should have CP_ACP.

And all stock font objects should have codepage CP_ACP, too.
these stock objects seem to be hard-coded
(using ANSI_CHARSET) in objects/gdiobj.c,
but these should be fixed...

Hardcoding some code page for the FONT NAME is a very bad design, and
will introduce only additional hadaches and mess. In my opinion
(already mentioned several times), all font code pages is the problem
of a dc driver ONLY.


Code page stuff is broken

2000-08-22 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov


This patch broke correct displaying of cyrillic characters:
revision 1.28
date: 2000/08/20 20:08:35;  author: julliard;  state: Exp;  lines: +20 -14
Hidenori Takeshima [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Handle the codepage of fonts if supported by the graphics driver.

because of:
1. My app loads resources (russian text) from resources. Resources are in unicode,
loaded text is in ANSI (LoadStringA was used).

2. Then app displays the text using ExtTextOutA. Here the problems begin.
Now ExtTextOutA assumes, that ANSI code page and code page of currently
selected font is the same. It is wrong assumption. As it was many times
pointed out (at least by me).

Suggested fix:
Wine should always treat non-unicode text as it is in current ANSI code page.
Code page of font is an internal problem of display driver and hacks for
internal support of several code pages simultaneously should not be introduced.

Please, remove that patch!


Re: patch for animate.c

2000-08-22 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

Francois Methot [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

For the transparency issue, this patch implement a switch-case for the
bitcount (bit per pixel) of the animation files. With this switch different
line of code is executed for getting and setting the transparency color
whenever it's 2, 4, 8, 16, 24 or 32 bpp because different operation is
needed for each of those cases. For now, the switch-case implementation has
been made only for 8, 16, 24 and 32 bpp.

Just curious, I have never seen 2 bpp DIBs, only 1 (monochrome), 4 and so on.


Re: patch to remove sysmenu on toolwindow ...

2000-08-22 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

Francois Methot [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

This patch prevent a system menu from appearing on a docker by filtering the
Style and ExStyle of a window.
The system menu won't be displayed if a given window has the following

However to display it, it requires those:

I choosed these styles based on test I made with Window.

-if (pt.x = rect.left) return HTSYSMENU;
+if (pt.x  rect.left) {
+if ((wndPtr-dwStyle  WS_CAPTION)  !(wndPtr-dwExStyle  
+return HTSYSMENU;
+return HTCAPTION;

in winuser.h WS_CAPTION defined as
#define WS_CAPTION  0x00C0L /* WS_BORDER | WS_DLGFRAME  */

so, test "if (wndPtr-dwStyle  WS_CAPTION)" is not correct. Everywhere in Wine
the construction like "if ((wndPtr-dwStyle  WS_CAPTION) == WS_CAPTION)" is widely


Re: Code page stuff is broken

2000-08-22 Thread Dmitry Timoshkov

Alexandre Julliard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 2. Then app displays the text using ExtTextOutA. Here the problems begin.
 Now ExtTextOutA assumes, that ANSI code page and code page of currently
 selected font is the same. It is wrong assumption. As it was many times
 pointed out (at least by me).

It's not assuming they are the same, it's assuming that the app wants
TextOutA to display the string using the font codepage, which is not
entirely unreasonable (though I agree you can also argue that it
should assume CP_ACP instead).

Of course, I can :-). ExtTextOutA at wine/objects/text.c takes non-unicode
text and translates it to unicode using wrong code page. That's all.
The used code page will be always wrong, if currently selected font will have
another code page rather then current ANSI code page. Theoretically, the system
could have fonts with three different code pages: ANSI, OEM, MAC. I have even more
in addition to the mentioned ones: iso8859-1, iso8859-5, koi8-r, symbol. In my case
ANSI = 1251, OEM = 866, MAC = 10007. So, the question: Can the fonts with the
different code pages easy break everything?!

Maybe the problem is that we should always try to use the right font
charset for the current codepage unless specified explicitly?  Would a
patch like this improve the situation?

Unfortunately, the problem persist.


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