Re: [WinPcap-users] Criritcal issue: NIC stealing all ARP requests.

2004-12-13 Thread Gianluca Varenni

Hi Matthew.
I've read all the messages trying to find out what could cause 
the problem.
I want to add a couple of things:
1. winpcap does not install anything that modifies the 
behavior of a nic driver by changing registry entries or similar (although it 
does install a couple of registry entries for its own kernel driver npf.sys). 
Promiscuous mode is set when an adapter is open, when you close the adapter, 
promiscuous mode is disabled.
2. There is a sort of side effect in turning promiscuous mode 
on: basically the TCP/IP stack behaves differently with special promiscuous 
packets, and this "feature" is used by apps that are able to find the sniffers 
on a network. You can find a better explanation of this behavior here:
3. Some users suggested to use some sysinternals tools like 
pskill, pslist, process explorer, regmon. You can also use tcpview from 
sysinternals. Although it only shows tcp and udp infos, sometimes it's useful to 
discover "strange" applications that listen to some udp or tcp 
Have you tried sniffing the traffic between the machine and 
the switch with a third machine? You can install a hub between the two machines, 
and then use a third machine running windows + winpcap (being careful to remove 
tcp/ip from the network card use to sniff, so that the sniffer is *completely* 
invisible) or linux/bsd + libpcap.
Hope it helps

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Monday, November 29, 2004 1:52 
  Subject: [WinPcap-users] Criritcal issue: 
  NIC stealing all ARP requests.
  We have a machine in our datacenter that started stealing 
  ARP's request once we installed WinpCap and Traffic Statistic ( 
  Marcel Bartels the author  assures me it not related to his 
  application thus I'm wondering if any othe WinPCap users have heard of 
  Basically it is answering ARP's from the switch for IP's 
  that are not assigned to the machine. This had the effect of DOS'ing other 
  boxes on the same switch for which the IP did belong to. It was intermittent 
  because obviously the real box that owned the IP would sometimes beat the 
  rogue machine with an ARP reply.
  The very strange things is after winpcap and trafficstatstic 
  where uninstalled, it STILL continued to steal ARP's. Then we swapped out the 
  network card for an identical one, same problem. We eventually installed a 
  second card this time 1000mpbs Realtek and unplugged the 100mpbs from the 
  network. This solved it as a temporary measure.
  Also Promiscuous and Brodacast mode where unchecked in the 
  trafficstatistic software.
  Additional details:
  OS: Windows 2003
  Network: Realtek 100MBps
  Other software: Netlimiter (installed 1 week before the incident and 
  later uninstalled too along with winpcap).
  Off the top of my head I can suspect:
  - buggy drivers
  - winpcap bug
  - some low-level registry setting changed
  Thanks for any help

Re: [WinPcap-users] Criritcal issue: NIC stealing all ARP requests.

2004-12-02 Thread Terry Braun
Matthew Tagg wrote:
Hi Terry
My replies below.

A couple of things as I read this thread- based on speculation as I try
to understand what is going  on.
- some process must intercepting ARP replies and sending out incorrect
ARP reply packets

By this it take it you mean some application process? Can in not be the
windows networking subsystem?

This is a remote possibility of course, but unlikely at least in my 
thinking. I considered this and could come up with no reasonable 
scenario and it would be a major bug in the network code. One would 
*expect* the bug to have been found on other machines, by other users, 
so I would assign a low probability to this. Typically the drivers for a 
card are more suspect and changing the card type did fix your problem so 
perhaps there is some wierd interaction, but again I think this scenario 
is unlikely. If the other causes don't pan out then I would definitely 
try an experiment and see if the problem reoccurs when installed with a 
different driver.


- winpcap being installed around the time the problem started makes one
wonder if there was some sequence like (based on the fact that winpcap
by itself does nothing)
  -- program X installed
  -- X intercepts ARP requests and replies to them but works OK in
non-promiscuous mode (why? I don't know)
  -- install winpcap, some programs sets the card in promiscuous mode
  -- X now gets all ARP requests for all machines and sends replies- or
it has been sending ARP replies all along and in promiscuous mode they
actually get sent
  -- the uninstall doesn't work (because it wasn't run or had errors or
the wrong install or ...)
  -- some service fires up on reboot and sets card in reboot mode (this
explains why removing the card fixed the problem- the service could not
find it?)
Actually removing the card and replacing it with a different one (diff 
address) though exact same model, did NOT solve the problem. It was only
when I added a second card (DIFFERENT model - 1000GBps this time) and
disabled the first one did the problem go away.

Sorry, I was unclear, I meant to say "changing the card type" rather 
than "removing the card". My thought is that a service would not be able 
to find the card/type/driver and would not be able to start successfully.


Where X could be netlimiter, trafficstatisic or something else
Things to do and questions
-- which uninstall was run? (winpcap or trafstatistics)

Both and netlimiter uninstall

-- after uninstall if you searched the machine for the winpcap DLLs,
were they found?


-- if winpcap and tra..statistics were installed and netlimiter was not
installed, did the problem still occur?

I never tried that - this was a very urgent situation - my may concern 
to stop the DOS on the other machines while maintaining uptime on the 


-- did you run an anti-virus/spyware program?

I am going to run WinPCap and TrafficStatisic installs through a reg and
file sniffer to see exactly what gets modified.

Since Winpcap.dll was not found when arp packets, the only role I can 
imagine winpcap playing is  that putting the card in promiscous mode 
contributed to the problem. As someone pointed out early in the 
discussion, some monitor programs will try to do poison arp so that they 
can see all frames, perhaps even if you are only monitoring one 
address,- so perhaps there is some interaction between the monitor 
program and the card being put in promiscuous mode. Having no experience 
with the programs involved I don't know if this is possible or not.  If 
I was having the problem the other thing I would try is checking for 

Good luck, It would be interesting to know the resolution ..

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Re: [WinPcap-users] Criritcal issue: NIC stealing all ARP requests.

2004-12-02 Thread Matthew Tagg

Hi Terry

My replies below.

> A couple of things as I read this thread- based on speculation as I try
> to understand what is going  on.
> - some process must intercepting ARP replies and sending out incorrect
> ARP reply packets

By this it take it you mean some application process? Can in not be the
windows networking subsystem?

> - winpcap being installed around the time the problem started makes one
> wonder if there was some sequence like (based on the fact that winpcap
> by itself does nothing)
>-- program X installed
>-- X intercepts ARP requests and replies to them but works OK in
> non-promiscuous mode (why? I don't know)
>-- install winpcap, some programs sets the card in promiscuous mode
>-- X now gets all ARP requests for all machines and sends replies- or
> it has been sending ARP replies all along and in promiscuous mode they
> actually get sent
>-- the uninstall doesn't work (because it wasn't run or had errors or
> the wrong install or ...)
>-- some service fires up on reboot and sets card in reboot mode (this
> explains why removing the card fixed the problem- the service could not
> find it?)

Actually removing the card and replacing it with a different one (diff mac
address) though exact same model, did NOT solve the problem. It was only
when I added a second card (DIFFERENT model - 1000GBps this time) and
disabled the first one did the problem go away.

> Where X could be netlimiter, trafficstatisic or something else
> Things to do and questions
> -- which uninstall was run? (winpcap or trafstatistics)

Both and netlimiter uninstall

> -- after uninstall if you searched the machine for the winpcap DLLs,
> were they found?


> -- if winpcap and tra..statistics were installed and netlimiter was not
> installed, did the problem still occur?

I never tried that - this was a very urgent situation - my may concern was
to stop the DOS on the other machines while maintaining uptime on the rogue

> -- did you run an anti-virus/spyware program?


I am going to run WinPCap and TrafficStatisic installs through a reg and
file sniffer to see exactly what gets modified.

 This is the WinPcap users list. It is archived at

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Re: [WinPcap-users] Criritcal issue: NIC stealing all ARP requests.

2004-11-30 Thread Terry Braun
A couple of things as I read this thread- based on speculation as I try 
to understand what is going  on.

- some process must intercepting ARP replies and sending out incorrect 
ARP reply packets
- either malware or some combination of programs or some program gone crazy
- a good virus/spyware program should find the malware
- winpcap being installed around the time the problem started makes one 
wonder if there was some sequence like (based on the fact that winpcap 
by itself does nothing)
  -- program X installed
  -- X intercepts ARP requests and replies to them but works OK in 
non-promiscuous mode (why? I don't know)
  -- install winpcap, some programs sets the card in promiscuous mode
  -- X now gets all ARP requests for all machines and sends replies- or 
it has been sending ARP replies all along and in promiscuous mode they 
actually get sent
  -- the uninstall doesn't work (because it wasn't run or had errors or 
the wrong install or ...)
  -- some service fires up on reboot and sets card in reboot mode (this 
explains why removing the card fixed the problem- the service could not 
find it?)

Where X could be netlimiter, trafficstatisic or something else
Things to do and questions
-- which uninstall was run? (winpcap or trafstatistics)
-- after uninstall if you searched the machine for the winpcap DLLs, 
were they found?
-- if winpcap and tra..statistics were installed and netlimiter was not 
installed, did the problem still occur?
-- did you run an anti-virus/spyware program?

Matthew Tagg wrote:
Ok I could try that.. but it is difficult because its a production machine.
Can't risk it grabbing IP's again. I could image the drive, but then I
couldnt be assured that with diff hardware it would happen.
It could have been a some arbitary process, however the fact that it
happened straight after I installed trafficstatistic and WinPCap points
almost undeniably to the source of the problem.
The fact that it continued *afterwards* I can conlcude then:
- In my haste I did not reset the switch after uninstalling and thus the
switch was generating false ARP responses to the router.
- Some low-level windows driver was modified in a permanent way by means of
.ini /registry file.
- The uninstall program failed and it was still capturing.
I can't think of any other plausible explanations.
The fact that no-one else has heard of this might indicate a unique software
incompatibility that arose, eg between Netlimiter and WinPCap and the
Realtek windows driver.
- Original Message - 
From: "Stef" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2004 2:59 PM
Subject: Re: [WinPcap-users] Criritcal issue: NIC stealing all ARP requests.


I just realized - reading more of this thread - that you were
experiencing the problem even when not running a capture program. Then
look at my suggestion below the other way around: start with the state
of "stealing" IPs, and remove - one at a time - various programs
running, until the process stops (no more ARP responses). You can use
pslist and pskill
( for that
(or task manager?!?), in conjunction with procexp ... a second non-IP
bound trace could also help ...
On Tue, 30 Nov 2004 06:49:32 -0600, Stef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Could you possibly run
then start a trace/capture from your system, and see who's the
"perpetrator"? It would also be nice if you could run a second trace,
from a  system with no IP address associated with it (*nix/*BSD?!?),
sniffing traffic on the same switch(es) your Win-based system tends to
"steal" IPs from, to understand what is exactly the process of ARP
response, "seen" from a "neutral" system?!?
On Tue, 30 Nov 2004 10:30:39 +0200, Matthew Tagg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


1. The refresh period is never generally > 5 minutes, and the problem
existed much longer than that.
2. We cleared ARP tables on the managed switch constantly.
3. We also cleared ARP on the windows machine "ARP -D *"


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This is the WinPcap users list. It is archived at
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Re: [WinPcap-users] Criritcal issue: NIC stealing all ARP requests.

2004-11-30 Thread Matthew Tagg
Ok I could try that.. but it is difficult because its a production machine.
Can't risk it grabbing IP's again. I could image the drive, but then I
couldnt be assured that with diff hardware it would happen.

It could have been a some arbitary process, however the fact that it
happened straight after I installed trafficstatistic and WinPCap points
almost undeniably to the source of the problem.

The fact that it continued *afterwards* I can conlcude then:

- In my haste I did not reset the switch after uninstalling and thus the
switch was generating false ARP responses to the router.
- Some low-level windows driver was modified in a permanent way by means of
.ini /registry file.
- The uninstall program failed and it was still capturing.

I can't think of any other plausible explanations.

The fact that no-one else has heard of this might indicate a unique software
incompatibility that arose, eg between Netlimiter and WinPCap and the
Realtek windows driver.

- Original Message - 
From: "Stef" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2004 2:59 PM
Subject: Re: [WinPcap-users] Criritcal issue: NIC stealing all ARP requests.

> I just realized - reading more of this thread - that you were
> experiencing the problem even when not running a capture program. Then
> look at my suggestion below the other way around: start with the state
> of "stealing" IPs, and remove - one at a time - various programs
> running, until the process stops (no more ARP responses). You can use
> pslist and pskill
> ( for that
> (or task manager?!?), in conjunction with procexp ... a second non-IP
> bound trace could also help ...
> Stef
> On Tue, 30 Nov 2004 06:49:32 -0600, Stef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Could you possibly run
> >
> > then start a trace/capture from your system, and see who's the
> > "perpetrator"? It would also be nice if you could run a second trace,
> > from a  system with no IP address associated with it (*nix/*BSD?!?),
> > sniffing traffic on the same switch(es) your Win-based system tends to
> > "steal" IPs from, to understand what is exactly the process of ARP
> > response, "seen" from a "neutral" system?!?
> >
> > Stef
> >
> > On Tue, 30 Nov 2004 10:30:39 +0200, Matthew Tagg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > >
> > > 1. The refresh period is never generally > 5 minutes, and the problem
> > > existed much longer than that.
> > > 2. We cleared ARP tables on the managed switch constantly.
> > > 3. We also cleared ARP on the windows machine "ARP -D *"
> > 
> >
> ==
>  This is the WinPcap users list. It is archived at
>  To unsubscribe use
>  mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ==

 This is the WinPcap users list. It is archived at

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Re: [WinPcap-users] Criritcal issue: NIC stealing all ARP requests.

2004-11-30 Thread Stef
I just realized - reading more of this thread - that you were
experiencing the problem even when not running a capture program. Then
look at my suggestion below the other way around: start with the state
of "stealing" IPs, and remove - one at a time - various programs
running, until the process stops (no more ARP responses). You can use
pslist and pskill
( for that
(or task manager?!?), in conjunction with procexp ... a second non-IP
bound trace could also help ...


On Tue, 30 Nov 2004 06:49:32 -0600, Stef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Could you possibly run
> then start a trace/capture from your system, and see who's the
> "perpetrator"? It would also be nice if you could run a second trace,
> from a  system with no IP address associated with it (*nix/*BSD?!?),
> sniffing traffic on the same switch(es) your Win-based system tends to
> "steal" IPs from, to understand what is exactly the process of ARP
> response, "seen" from a "neutral" system?!?
> Stef
> On Tue, 30 Nov 2004 10:30:39 +0200, Matthew Tagg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > 1. The refresh period is never generally > 5 minutes, and the problem
> > existed much longer than that.
> > 2. We cleared ARP tables on the managed switch constantly.
> > 3. We also cleared ARP on the windows machine "ARP -D *" 

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Re: [WinPcap-users] Criritcal issue: NIC stealing all ARP requests.

2004-11-30 Thread KanjiSoft Systems
Does the behavior repeat itself if you put the problem systems on a hub? 
In other words, is the problem on the switch? If so, then that would 
eliminate any software installed on the pc's.

Matthew Tagg wrote:
1. The refresh period is never generally > 5 minutes, and the problem 
existed much longer than that.
2. We cleared ARP tables on the managed switch constantly.
3. We also cleared ARP on the windows machine "ARP -D *"

- Original Message -
*From:* KanjiSoft Systems <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
*Sent:* Tuesday, November 30, 2004 3:46 AM
    *Subject:* Re: [WinPcap-users] Criritcal issue: NIC stealing all
ARP requests.
Switches keep track of which mac addresses are on which port for
that switch, i.e. you have a table on the switch of mac
address/port. It's possible that there are two entries in the
switch table for the same mac address but different port. This
could happen if you switched a mac card, for example. Switch
tables are supposed automatically obselete their entries after a
while, not sure on the details. Another idea is clear the arp
table on your originating host, which will trigger an arp
broadcast which might reset the switch table entry for the
mac address in question.

- Original Message -
*From:* Matthew Tagg <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
*Sent:* Monday, November 29, 2004 7:52 AM
*Subject:* [WinPcap-users] Criritcal issue: NIC stealing all
ARP requests.
We have a machine in our datacenter that started stealing
ARP's request once we installed WinpCap and Traffic Statistic
( Marcel Bartels the
author  assures me it not related to his application thus I'm
wondering if any othe WinPCap users have heard of this.
Basically it is answering ARP's from the switch for IP's that
are not assigned to the machine. This had the effect of
DOS'ing other boxes on the same switch for which the IP did
belong to. It was intermittent because obviously the real box
that owned the IP would sometimes beat the rogue machine with
an ARP reply.
The very strange things is after winpcap and trafficstatstic
where uninstalled, it STILL continued to steal ARP's. Then we
swapped out the network card for an identical one, same
problem. We eventually installed a second card this time
1000mpbs Realtek and unplugged the 100mpbs from the network.
This solved it as a temporary measure.
Also Promiscuous and Brodacast mode where unchecked in the
trafficstatistic software.
Additional details:
OS: Windows 2003
Network: Realtek 100MBps
Other software: Netlimiter (installed 1 week before the
incident and later uninstalled too along with winpcap).
Off the top of my head I can suspect:
- buggy drivers
- winpcap bug
- some low-level registry setting changed
Thanks for any help

Regards, Matthew 

This is the WinPcap users list. It is archived at
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Re: [WinPcap-users] Criritcal issue: NIC stealing all ARP requests.

2004-11-30 Thread Stef
Could you possibly run
then start a trace/capture from your system, and see who's the
"perpetrator"? It would also be nice if you could run a second trace,
from a  system with no IP address associated with it (*nix/*BSD?!?),
sniffing traffic on the same switch(es) your Win-based system tends to
"steal" IPs from, to understand what is exactly the process of ARP
response, "seen" from a "neutral" system?!?


On Tue, 30 Nov 2004 10:30:39 +0200, Matthew Tagg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 1. The refresh period is never generally > 5 minutes, and the problem
> existed much longer than that. 
> 2. We cleared ARP tables on the managed switch constantly. 
> 3. We also cleared ARP on the windows machine "ARP -D *" 

 This is the WinPcap users list. It is archived at

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Re: [WinPcap-users] Criritcal issue: NIC stealing all ARP requests.

2004-11-30 Thread Matthew Tagg

1. The refresh period is never generally > 5 minutes, and 
the problem existed much longer than that.
2. We cleared ARP tables on the managed switch constantly. 

3. We also cleared ARP on the windows machine "ARP -D 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2004 3:46 
  Subject: Re: [WinPcap-users] Criritcal 
  issue: NIC stealing all ARP requests.
  Switches keep 
  track of which mac addresses are on which port for that switch, i.e. you 
  have a table on the switch of mac address/port. It's possible that 
  there are two entries in the switch table for the same mac address 
  but different port. This could happen if you switched a mac card, for example. 
  Switch tables are supposed automatically obselete their entries after a while, 
  not sure on the details. Another idea is clear the arp table on your 
  originating host, which will trigger an arp broadcast which might reset 
  the switch table entry for the mac address in question.
- Original Message - 

Sent: Monday, November 29, 2004 7:52 
Subject: [WinPcap-users] Criritcal 
issue: NIC stealing all ARP requests.

We have a machine in our datacenter that started stealing 
ARP's request once we installed WinpCap and Traffic Statistic ( 
Marcel Bartels the author  assures me it not related to his 
application thus I'm wondering if any othe WinPCap users have heard of 
Basically it is answering ARP's from the switch for IP's 
that are not assigned to the machine. This had the effect of DOS'ing other 
boxes on the same switch for which the IP did belong to. It was intermittent 
because obviously the real box that owned the IP would sometimes beat the 
rogue machine with an ARP reply.
The very strange things is after winpcap and 
trafficstatstic where uninstalled, it STILL continued to steal ARP's. Then 
we swapped out the network card for an identical one, same problem. We 
eventually installed a second card this time 1000mpbs Realtek and unplugged 
the 100mpbs from the network. This solved it as a temporary 
Also Promiscuous and Brodacast mode where unchecked in the 
trafficstatistic software.
Additional details:
OS: Windows 2003
Network: Realtek 100MBps
Other software: Netlimiter (installed 1 week before the incident and 
later uninstalled too along with winpcap).
Off the top of my head I can suspect:
- buggy drivers
- winpcap bug
- some low-level registry setting changed
Thanks for any help

Re: [WinPcap-users] Criritcal issue: NIC stealing all ARP requests.

2004-11-29 Thread KanjiSoft Systems

Switches keep 
track of which mac addresses are on which port for that switch, i.e. you 
have a table on the switch of mac address/port. It's possible that 
there are two entries in the switch table for the same mac address but 
different port. This could happen if you switched a mac card, for example. 
Switch tables are supposed automatically obselete their entries after a while, 
not sure on the details. Another idea is clear the arp table on your 
originating host, which will trigger an arp broadcast which might reset 
the switch table entry for the mac address in question.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Monday, November 29, 2004 7:52 
  Subject: [WinPcap-users] Criritcal issue: 
  NIC stealing all ARP requests.
  We have a machine in our datacenter that started stealing 
  ARP's request once we installed WinpCap and Traffic Statistic ( 
  Marcel Bartels the author  assures me it not related to his 
  application thus I'm wondering if any othe WinPCap users have heard of 
  Basically it is answering ARP's from the switch for IP's 
  that are not assigned to the machine. This had the effect of DOS'ing other 
  boxes on the same switch for which the IP did belong to. It was intermittent 
  because obviously the real box that owned the IP would sometimes beat the 
  rogue machine with an ARP reply.
  The very strange things is after winpcap and trafficstatstic 
  where uninstalled, it STILL continued to steal ARP's. Then we swapped out the 
  network card for an identical one, same problem. We eventually installed a 
  second card this time 1000mpbs Realtek and unplugged the 100mpbs from the 
  network. This solved it as a temporary measure.
  Also Promiscuous and Brodacast mode where unchecked in the 
  trafficstatistic software.
  Additional details:
  OS: Windows 2003
  Network: Realtek 100MBps
  Other software: Netlimiter (installed 1 week before the incident and 
  later uninstalled too along with winpcap).
  Off the top of my head I can suspect:
  - buggy drivers
  - winpcap bug
  - some low-level registry setting changed
  Thanks for any help

Re: [WinPcap-users] Criritcal issue: NIC stealing all ARP requests.

2004-11-29 Thread Rob Henningsgard
Pardon me for jumping in, but if you're trying to keep traffic
statistics while connected to a switch port (as opposed to a hub),
how does your traffic statistic program convince the switch to
forward all of the network's packets to its port?  I am far
from expert in this area, but it seems to me that the switch
would _have_ to "think" that machines of all active IP's existed
on that leg, or it would never forward the packets to it.
Isn't that why they call it a "switch" in the first place?

This hint might shed a glimmer of light on the problem (and then
again, it probably won't).


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Re: [WinPcap-users] Criritcal issue: NIC stealing all ARP requests.

2004-11-29 Thread Matthew Tagg
Hi Loris,

Thanks or your help, much appreciated.

The wierd thing is the problem occured within 10 minutes of installing
WinPCap and trafficstatstic, with no other configuration changes on the

Is it not possible that there is some undocumented windows registry setting
that could have been modified related to the way packets are handled? If not
I guess it must lie with Marcel Bartel's application.

At first I thought it was promiscuous mode gone wrong

- Original Message - 
From: "Loris Degioanni" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 29, 2004 8:41 PM
Subject: RE: [WinPcap-users] Criritcal issue: NIC stealing all ARP requests.

> Matthew,
> WinPcap by itself is not able at all to answer to ARP requests: winpcap is
> packet library that receives and sends raw traffic. An application that
> WinPcap could answer to ARP requests, by I think this is not your case,
> because it looks that the problems persists even if you uninstall WinPcap.
> Check if you have other programs installed on your machine, and if the
> Windows networking doesn't have misconfigurations.
> Loris
> Also Promiscuous and Brodacast mode where unchecked in the
> software.

 This is the WinPcap users list. It is archived at

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RE: [WinPcap-users] Criritcal issue: NIC stealing all ARP requests.

2004-11-29 Thread Loris Degioanni
WinPcap by itself is not able at all to answer to ARP requests: winpcap is a
packet library that receives and sends raw traffic. An application that uses
WinPcap could answer to ARP requests, by I think this is not your case,
because it looks that the problems persists even if you uninstall WinPcap.
Check if you have other programs installed on your machine, and if the
Windows networking doesn't have misconfigurations.


From: Matthew Tagg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, November 29, 2004 4:52 AM
Subject: [WinPcap-users] Criritcal issue: NIC stealing all ARP requests.

We have a machine in our datacenter that started stealing ARP's request once
we installed WinpCap and Traffic Statistic
( Marcel Bartels the author  assures me it
not related to his application thus I'm wondering if any othe WinPCap users
have heard of this.
Basically it is answering ARP's from the switch for IP's that are not
assigned to the machine. This had the effect of DOS'ing other boxes on the
same switch for which the IP did belong to. It was intermittent because
obviously the real box that owned the IP would sometimes beat the rogue
machine with an ARP reply.
The very strange things is after winpcap and trafficstatstic where
uninstalled, it STILL continued to steal ARP's. Then we swapped out the
network card for an identical one, same problem. We eventually installed a
second card this time 1000mpbs Realtek and unplugged the 100mpbs from the
network. This solved it as a temporary measure.
Also Promiscuous and Brodacast mode where unchecked in the trafficstatistic
Additional details:
OS: Windows 2003
Network: Realtek 100MBps
Other software: Netlimiter (installed 1 week before the incident and later
uninstalled too along with winpcap).
Off the top of my head I can suspect:
- buggy drivers
- winpcap bug
- some low-level registry setting changed
Thanks for any help
Regards, Matthew  

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