Re: roaming and ddns dynamic ip

2017-11-22 Thread d tbsky
2017-11-22 19:59 GMT+08:00 Jason A. Donenfeld :
> Hello,
> This is not a bug. DNS resolution is not done by the WireGuard module,
> but rather by the configuration tool. If you want to update an IP,
> you'll need to devise a mechanism for this. One popular one is this
> example script:
> ,
> but many other possibilities exist too.
> Jason

 I don't think it's a bug. as you said, that's by design.although it
means I need other tool to co-maintain the vpn connection.

if wireguard can be configured to disable roaming and always use the
static dns name as endpoint, maybe the problem can be solved
automatically. like openvpn can restart itself and resolve dns name
again when connection is broken.

but anyway I can live with the current situation. just need to figure
it out. thanks a lot for your clarification!

WireGuard mailing list

Re: roaming and ddns dynamic ip

2017-11-22 Thread d tbsky
2017-11-22 23:49 GMT+08:00 Lonnie Abelbeck <>:
> On Nov 22, 2017, at 6:51 AM, d tbsky <> wrote:
>> 2017-11-22 19:59 GMT+08:00 Jason A. Donenfeld <>:
>>> Hello,
>>> This is not a bug. DNS resolution is not done by the WireGuard module,
>>> but rather by the configuration tool. If you want to update an IP,
>>> you'll need to devise a mechanism for this. One popular one is this
>>> example script:
>>> ,
>>> but many other possibilities exist too.
>>> Jason
>> I don't think it's a bug. as you said, that's by design.although it
>> means I need other tool to co-maintain the vpn connection.
> Jason, question, if each endpoint had PersistentKeepalive enabled, does that 
> update the endpoint addresses via your roaming code ?  Or does actual tunnel 
> data traffic need to occur to update roaming endpoints ?
> If PersistentKeepalive updates roaming endpoints, then it would seem to be a 
> very rare situation when both endpoints had an address change within the 
> PersistentKeepalive window.
> Lonnie

when client is behind firewall via nat to internet, and server has
dynamic ip, I don't think keepalive will help. since the changed
server can not connect to client, it needs client to initial the
connection. under openvpn, keepalive can detect broken link and try to
restart itself, then client can reconnect to server automatically.

but if both site has public ip, maybe wireguard keepalive can do the work?

WireGuard mailing list

Re: multi-home difficulty

2017-11-23 Thread d tbsky
2017-11-23 7:35 GMT+08:00 Jason A. Donenfeld <>:
> On Tue, Nov 21, 2017 at 3:35 PM, d tbsky <> wrote:
>> thanks for the quick reply. my wireguard configuration is in the
>> previous mail, so I think the linux firewall part is what you want.
> Right. So if you can give me minimal instructions on how to set up a
> box that exhibits the buggy behavior you're seeing, I can try to fix
> it.
> Jason

sorry for the delay.  I try to make a minimal config to reproduce the
problem in our firewall, but it's not easy. the communication
sometimes works, sometimes failed. suddenly I remember many years ago
I got similar problems with openvpn. according the manual pages of

  Configure a multi-homed UDP server.  This option needs
to be used when a server has more  than  one  IP
  address  (e.g. multiple interfaces, or secondary IP
addresses), and is not using --local to force bind‐
  ing to one specific address only.  This option will add
some extra lookups to the packet path to ensure
  that  the UDP reply packets are always sent from the
address that the client is talking to. This is not
  supported on all platforms, and it adds more processing,
so it's not enabled by default.

  Note: this option is only relevant for UDP servers.

  Note 2: if you do an IPv6+IPv4 dual-stack bind on a
Linux machine with multiple IPv4  address,  connec‐
  tions  to  IPv4 addresses will not work right on kernels
before 3.15, due to missing kernel support for
  the IPv4-mapped case (some distributions have ported
this to earlier kernel versions, though).

  I forgot these. many strange things happen if you didn't bind
specific ip, even with "--multihome"

  finally I made a environment for you to test. my OS is rehl 7.4,
kernel version 3.10.0-693.5.2

  1. build a virtual rhel 7.4 box, bind 2 virtio nic to it. (single
nic won't show the problem, I don't now why).
  2. stop NetworkManager
  3. setup network environment like below(skip eth0, setup eth1 with
two ip addresses):

ip addr flush dev eth1
ip addr add dev eth1
ip addr add dev eth1
ip link set eth1 up
ip route add default via

ip link add wg0 type wireguard
ip addr add peer dev wg0
wg setconf wg0 /root/server.conf
ip link set wg0 up

/root/server.conf like below:
PrivateKey = 
ListenPort = 51820
PublicKey = 
AllowedIPs =

4. setup wireguard at client site. client.conf like below:

PrivateKey = 
ListenPort = 51820
PublicKey = 
Endpoint =
AllowedIPs =

5. at client site, "ping".

6. at server site, "modprobe nf_conntrack_ipv4;cat
/proc/net/nf_conntrack | grep 51820":

ipv4 2 udp  17 29 src= dst= sport=51820
dport=51820 [UNREPLIED] src= dst= sport=51820
dport=51820 mark=0 zone=0 use=2
ipv4 2 udp  17 29 src= dst= sport=51820
dport=51820 [UNREPLIED] src= dst= sport=51820
dport=51820 mark=0 zone=0 use=2

   I don't know if you can reproduce in your environment.
   hope  wireguard can bind to specific ip in the future..

WireGuard mailing list

Re: multi-home difficulty

2017-11-29 Thread d tbsky
2017-11-23 7:35 GMT+08:00 Jason A. Donenfeld <>:
> On Tue, Nov 21, 2017 at 3:35 PM, d tbsky <> wrote:
>> thanks for the quick reply. my wireguard configuration is in the
>> previous mail, so I think the linux firewall part is what you want.
> Right. So if you can give me minimal instructions on how to set up a
> box that exhibits the buggy behavior you're seeing, I can try to fix
> it.
> Jason

Hi jason:

are you still interested with the problem? today I try to use
multi-home client to connect server. and I found not only server, but
client suffered.
the problem seems at rhel linux kernel side, but I am not sure. since
wireguard was the only victim I met.

   I can create a virtual machine with ssh access  if you want to test
these strange problems.

  btw, is it possible that wireguard bind to specific ip in the
future? I think it will solve all the problems, but maybe you have
technical concerns.

  thanks a lot for your help.

WireGuard mailing list

Re: multi-home difficulty

2017-11-29 Thread d tbsky
2017-11-29 22:10 GMT+08:00 Jason A. Donenfeld :
> Hi tbskyd,
> This is on 4.14.2. Would you confirm that this is an issue on your
> kernel by actually _running that script and sending the output to the
> list_? It would also be helpful to have the output of uname -a.
> Jason

  Hi jason:

 sorry I misunderstand you. you mean I modify the script and run
in my environment to reveal the problem?
ok I will try to do it.

WireGuard mailing list

Re: multi-home difficulty

2017-11-29 Thread d tbsky
2017-11-29 21:51 GMT+08:00 Jason A. Donenfeld :
> Hi,
> I made a small script in order to reproduce this issue, but I was not
> able to replicate the results. Would you spend some time with the below
> code tweaking it so that it exhibits the broken behavior you're seeing?
> Jason

Hi jason:

may I ask what kernel/distribution are you using? since under my
testing, just add an unused nic shows the problem, so I think it's
some kind of racing or conflict. or simply RHEL7.4 kernel bug maybe.
I don't know how to modify the script to reveal the problem in your
environment. I will try to install mainline kernel to see if the
problem is the same. or I can build an RHEL 7.4 vm  and let you ssh in
for testing  if you don' t mind.

WireGuard mailing list

Re: multi-home difficulty

2017-11-29 Thread d tbsky
2017-11-30 14:22 GMT+08:00 d tbsky <>:
> 2017-11-30 14:15 GMT+08:00 d tbsky <>:
>> 2017-11-29 22:49 GMT+08:00 Jason A. Donenfeld <>:
>>> On Wed, Nov 29, 2017 at 3:16 PM, d tbsky <> wrote:
>>>>  sorry I misunderstand you. you mean I modify the script and run
>>>> in my environment to reveal the problem?
>>>> ok I will try to do it.
>>> Take what I sent you. Run it. If it breaks, send me the output and
>>> your kernel. If it doesn't break, mess with it until it breaks, and
>>> then send it back to me.
>> Hi jason:
>>  "uname -a" result:
>>  Linux localhost.localdomain 3.10.0-693.5.2.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Thu Oct
>> 19 10:13:14 CDT 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
>>  your original script runs fine under my environment.
>>  I add  three 3 lines before "ip1 link add veth1"  to reveal the problem:
>> ip1 link add dummy0 type dummy
>> ip1 addr add dev dummy0
>> ip1 link set dummy0 up
> sorry my fault. incorrect copy paste to email break the script. script
> as attachment.
> Regards,
> tbskyd

Hi jason:

   sorry the routing is not correct under the situation. I will add
more rules to see if I can make a normal environment to reveal the
WireGuard mailing list

Re: multi-home difficulty

2017-11-29 Thread d tbsky
2017-11-29 22:49 GMT+08:00 Jason A. Donenfeld <>:
> On Wed, Nov 29, 2017 at 3:16 PM, d tbsky <> wrote:
>>  sorry I misunderstand you. you mean I modify the script and run
>> in my environment to reveal the problem?
>> ok I will try to do it.
> Take what I sent you. Run it. If it breaks, send me the output and
> your kernel. If it doesn't break, mess with it until it breaks, and
> then send it back to me.

Hi jason:

 "uname -a" result:

 Linux localhost.localdomain 3.10.0-693.5.2.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Thu Oct
19 10:13:14 CDT 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

 your original script runs fine under my environment.
 I add  three 3 lines before "ip1 link add veth1"  to reveal the problem:

ip1 link add dummy0 type dummy
ip1 addr add dev dummy0
ip1 link set dummy0 up

= whole script below ==
set -e

exec 3>&1
export WG_HIDE_KEYS=never
pretty() { echo -e "\x1b[32m\x1b[1m[+] ${1:+NS$1: }${2}\x1b[0m" >&3; }
pp() { pretty "" "$*"; "$@"; }
maybe_exec() { if [[ $BASHPID -eq $$ ]]; then "$@"; else exec "$@"; fi; }
n1() { pretty 1 "$*"; maybe_exec ip netns exec $netns1 "$@"; }
n2() { pretty 2 "$*"; maybe_exec ip netns exec $netns2 "$@"; }
ip1() { pretty 1 "ip $*"; ip -n $netns1 "$@"; }
ip2() { pretty 2 "ip $*"; ip -n $netns2 "$@"; }
sleep() { read -t "$1" -N 0 || true; }
waitiface() { pretty "${1//*-}" "wait for $2 to come up"; ip netns
exec "$1" bash -c "while [[ \$(< \"/sys/class/net/$2/operstate\") !=
up ]]; do read -t .1 -N 0 || true; done;"; }

cleanup() {
set +e
exec 2>/dev/null
ip1 link del dev wg0
ip2 link del dev wg0
local to_kill="$(ip netns pids $netns1) $(ip netns pids $netns2)"
[[ -n $to_kill ]] && kill $to_kill
pp ip netns del $netns1
pp ip netns del $netns2

trap cleanup EXIT

ip netns del $netns1 2>/dev/null || true
ip netns del $netns2 2>/dev/null || true
pp ip netns add $netns1
pp ip netns add $netns2

key1="$(pp wg genkey)"
key2="$(pp wg genkey)"
pub1="$(pp wg pubkey <<<"$key1")"
pub2="$(pp wg pubkey <<<"$key2")"
psk="$(pp wg genpsk)"
[[ -n $key1 && -n $key2 && -n $psk ]]

configure_peers() {
ip1 addr add dev wg0
ip2 addr add dev wg0

n1 wg set wg0 \
private-key <(echo "$key1") \
listen-port 1 \
peer "$pub2" \
preshared-key <(echo "$psk") \
n2 wg set wg0 \
private-key <(echo "$key2") \
listen-port 2 \
peer "$pub1" \
preshared-key <(echo "$psk") \

ip1 link set up dev wg0
ip2 link set up dev wg0

n1 bash -c 'echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/disable_ipv6'
n2 bash -c 'echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/disable_ipv6'
n1 bash -c 'echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/default/disable_ipv6'
n2 bash -c 'echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/default/disable_ipv6'

ip1 link add dev wg0 type wireguard
ip2 link add dev wg0 type wireguard

ip1 link add dummy0 type dummy
ip1 addr add dev dummy0
ip1 link set dummy0 up

ip1 link add veth1 type veth peer name veth2
ip1 link set veth2 netns $netns2

ip1 addr add dev veth1
ip1 addr add dev veth1
ip2 addr add dev veth2

ip1 link set veth1 up
ip2 link set veth2 up
waitiface $netns1 veth1
waitiface $netns2 veth2

n1 iptables -A INPUT -m conntrack --ctstate ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
n2 iptables -A INPUT -m conntrack --ctstate ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT

n2 wg set wg0 peer "$pub1" endpoint
n2 ping -W 1 -c 5 -f
[[ $(n2 wg show wg0 endpoints) == "$pub110.0.0.1:1" ]]

n1 conntrack -L
n2 conntrack -L

n2 wg set wg0 peer "$pub1" endpoint
n2 ping -W 1 -c 5 -f
[[ $(n2 wg show wg0 endpoints) == "$pub110.0.0.2:1" ]]

n1 conntrack -L
n2 conntrack -L
WireGuard mailing list

Re: multi-home difficulty

2017-11-29 Thread d tbsky
2017-11-30 14:15 GMT+08:00 d tbsky <>:
> 2017-11-29 22:49 GMT+08:00 Jason A. Donenfeld <>:
>> On Wed, Nov 29, 2017 at 3:16 PM, d tbsky <> wrote:
>>>  sorry I misunderstand you. you mean I modify the script and run
>>> in my environment to reveal the problem?
>>> ok I will try to do it.
>> Take what I sent you. Run it. If it breaks, send me the output and
>> your kernel. If it doesn't break, mess with it until it breaks, and
>> then send it back to me.
> Hi jason:
>  "uname -a" result:
>  Linux localhost.localdomain 3.10.0-693.5.2.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Thu Oct
> 19 10:13:14 CDT 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
>  your original script runs fine under my environment.
>  I add  three 3 lines before "ip1 link add veth1"  to reveal the problem:
> ip1 link add dummy0 type dummy
> ip1 addr add dev dummy0
> ip1 link set dummy0 up

sorry my fault. incorrect copy paste to email break the script. script
as attachment.

Description: Bourne shell script
WireGuard mailing list

Re: multi-home difficulty

2017-11-30 Thread d tbsky
2017-11-29 22:49 GMT+08:00 Jason A. Donenfeld <>:
> On Wed, Nov 29, 2017 at 3:16 PM, d tbsky <> wrote:
>>  sorry I misunderstand you. you mean I modify the script and run
>> in my environment to reveal the problem?
>> ok I will try to do it.
> Take what I sent you. Run it. If it breaks, send me the output and
> your kernel. If it doesn't break, mess with it until it breaks, and
> then send it back to me.

Hi jason:

  during test in netns environment, I saw something that I never
saw at real world. the steps below:

1. client try connect to multi-home-server.
2. wait for conntrack session timeout both for client and server.
3. server try connect to client. server will use source ip at step1 to connect.

it means at step1, wireguard not only remember client's ip address,
but also remember self source ip address. even though the source
address didn't show at "wg wg0"  user interface.
is the assumption true? I didn't see this behavior in real world.

WireGuard mailing list

Re: multi-home difficulty

2017-11-21 Thread d tbsky
2017-11-21 22:15 GMT+08:00 Jason A. Donenfeld <>:
> On Tue, Nov 21, 2017 at 2:21 PM, d tbsky <> wrote:
>> so at first client connect to server
>> but then server use ip address) to reply and 51820
>> port is nat to 1085 so the communication is broken.
> The server should use to reply. If it's not, that's a bug that
> I should fix. Can you give me a minimal configuration for reproducing
> this setup, so that I can fix whatever issue is occurring?
> Thanks,
> Jason

thanks for the quick reply. my wireguard configuration is in the
previous mail, so I think the linux firewall part is what you want.
there is only one thing special in our firewall config. normally when
you use "ip route get", you will get a wan ip address through
main routing table(eg in above example) . but since we have
multiple routing tables and there is little entries in main routing
table,  "ip route get" will get (lan ip address)
in our firewall.

I don't know how wireguard decide its replying ip address, but it
seems wrong under the situation. maybe it decide it through main
routing table?

our linux firewall environment is RHEL 7.4 and wireguard version is
0.0.2017 from official repository.

thanks a lot  for help!

WireGuard mailing list

multi-home difficulty

2017-11-21 Thread d tbsky
   I tested wireguard and the speed is amazing. but when I try to
deploy it to our real linux firewall, I found it is hard to make it

   our current linux firewall have multiple interface and multiple
routing tables. local program will get lan ip address and nat to
correct wan ip address when goto internet.

  since wireguard can not bind to specific ip address, it sometimes
use wrong ip address to reply and the vpn communication can not be

for example:

config for client site: (assume wan ip is
interface: wg0
  public key: 
  private key: (hidden)
  listening port: 51820
  allowed ips:

config for server site: (assume wan ip is
interface: wg0
  public key: 
  private key: (hidden)
  listening port: 51820
  allowed ips:

when client initial connect to server, at server site I saw  flow like below:
"cat /proc/net/nf_conntrack | grep 51820"

ipv4 2 udp  17 23 src= dst= sport=51820
dport=51820 packets=1 bytes=120 [UNREPLIED] src= dst=
sport=51820 dport=1085 packets=0 bytes=0 mark=1 zone=0 use=2
ipv4 2 udp  17 23 src= dst= sport=51820
dport=51820 packets=1 bytes=176 [UNREPLIED] src= dst=
sport=51820 dport=51820 packets=0 bytes=0 mark=1 zone=0 use=2

so at first client connect to server
but then server use ip address) to reply and 51820
port is nat to 1085 so the communication is broken.

if wireguard can bind to specific ip address then there will be no problem.
or if wireguard can reply with the correct ip address.( eg: if client
connect to wireguard ip, then wiregurad should reply via ip
address then maybe there will be no problem.

WireGuard mailing list

Re: Feature Request for Multihomed Endpoints

2019-04-18 Thread d tbsky
Markus Grundmann 
> I wish the endpoint was able to pick a explicit outgoing IP address to 
> connect the other endpoint over the 802.3ad interface but the uplink 
> interface address is not recommend for me. What do you think about it?

if you search the mail list, you will find this had been discussed
several times these years.  last year under rhel7 I could  make a
multi-home environment which wireguard can not work reliably.  however
I can not reproduce it under netns so can not debug it further.

I wonder if there is simple netns configuration to force wireguard
binding specific ip address?
WireGuard mailing list