W2i Philly: Competition Beneath the Collegiality As Wireless Business Begins to Mature
Dec 14, 2006  By Joshua Breitbart

As the nascent municipal wireless industry has boomed in the last two years, there has been a sense that a rising tide was raising all of the boats. No longer.

You could sense the competition beneath the collegiality at the Wireless Internet Institute's Digital Cities Convention, held December 5-6 in Philadelphia.

Conference-goers scooped their lunch from the buffet at the center of the room -- deli meats, assorted pastas, chicken, fish, and pot roast. The vendors --

some hopeful, others expectant -- stuck to their booths lining the walls, eyeing their potential customers and each other. The folks from Firetide touting their 5

ghz surveillance network had their sample camera trained on the "big spender" across the room: Earthlink.

"Some of these guys are on their fourth or fifth round of venture capital funding," the Motorola rep told me from behind a laptop at his booth. "That can't last."

He predicted many of the companies with booths at the conference would be out of business within six months.

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