This just in from WISPA's attorney Steve Coran.  We ended up with 120
filings.  Good Job to all those that voiced your opinions.


From: [] On Behalf
Of Stephen Coran
Sent: Wednesday, December 15, 2010 7:34 PM
Subject: [WISPA Members] Open Internet Update


Yesterday, I was asked by a member if the FCC bothers to read the letters
that are submitted to them in rulemaking proceedings.  Today, I can tell you
that they do.  More specifically, I can tell you that WISPA's letters in the
Open Internet proceeding have created a positive impact.


At about 5:30 this evening, I received a phone call from Julius Knapp, Chief
of the FCC's Office of Engineering & Technology, and Zach Katz, Chairman
Genachowski's point person on the open Internet proceeding.  I don't ever
recall receiving a call from the FCC Chairman's office on these sorts of
matters, much less one beginning beginning with "we've noticed that there
are quite a few letters that WISPs have written."  Because we are in the
quiet period where we can't advocate positions, my job was listen and take
notes.  Here's what I heard:


First, the rules the Chairman hopes to adopt (remember, he needs three
votes) should not require providers to make significant changes in their
network management practices.  The language in the draft Order will
acknowledge that "reasonable network management" should be a flexible
definition.  More to the point, the language in the draft Order recognizes
the "unique challenges" that unlicensed fixed users face, i.e., the fact
that they have no assured access to spectrum and do not control the
spectrum.  Zach said more than once that the rules the Chairman hopes to
adopt are a beginning and not an end and future changes will be made as the
competitive landscape evolves.  As Zach said -- with a nod to Julie for
being our "inside guy" (my words) -- the WISP community is not being


Second, the draft rules will distinguish between fixed and mobile networks.
Mobile is at an earlier stage than fixed and is evolving more rapidly based
on business models and relationships with content and application providers.
Zach also mentioned that open networks are evolving (e.g., 700 MHz C-block).
He emphasized that the rules the FCC adopts will stay constant for a long
period of time and that the FCC will monitor the marketplace.


The takeaways:

    - While I can't say that the draft Order is different than it was last
week, our advocacy campaign was effective enough to be noticed by Julie such
that he contacted the Chairman's office and the Chairman's office called me.
Its important for you, the members, to know that your voices were heard and
will have an impact in this important proceeding

    - The draft Order acknowledges the "unique challenges" that WISPs face
with respect to restrictions on bandwidth use.  Not all fixed networks are
the same.  That was one of our messages.

    - The draft Order will provide for flexibility in the way WISPs (and
others) manage networks.  Again, that was a key point in our letters.

    - Our previous and fairly frequent contacts with Julie have made him a
WISP advocate within the FCC with some degree of influence with the
Chairman's office.


Guess we are seeing how sausage is made, and looks like we are part of it.
Though there are a lot of details we don't yet know, for now its nice to
know that our collective brainpower and hard work can be effective.


More as I hear it.


Stephen E. Coran

Rini Coran, PC

1140 19th Street, NW, Suite 600 

Washington, D.C. 20036

202.463.4310 - voice

202.669.3288 - cell

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