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> From: Sean Donelan <>
> Date: September 29, 2017 at 20:07:47 PDT
> To: "" <>
> Subject: Re: Hurricane Maria: Summary of communication status - and lack of
> The situation reports from Puerto Rico seems to be getting passed through 
> public relations, so I'll try to add some context.
> Public Safety
>   Primary Public Safety Answering Point (9-1-1) center generator ran out of 
> diesel fuel.  Switched to alternate PSAP.
>  San Juan Police Department has restored its radio repeaters and police radio 
> communications metro-wide. (translated from spanish, so I think I understood 
> the technical translation).
> Landline Central Offices
>    813,546 subscribers (CIA World Factbook)
>    390,000 subscribers in 52 municipalities with voice, data and long 
> distance (Claro)
>     Repaired fiber optic cable conntecting CO's in Fajardo and Rio Grande.
>     65% of inter-office Central Office connections restored island-wide.
>     Remaining CO's have only local voice calling.
>     Optico Fiber reports most of its infrastructure is intact, and has open 
> WiFi hotspots outside its offices.
> Wireless services
>    3,227,281 subscribers (CIA World Factbook)
>    29 municipalities have 0% working cell sites.  It appears carriers are 
> repairing one tower in each county/municipality to improve island-wide 
> coverage.  Several municipalities going from 0 to 1 cell site working.
>    310,000 subscribers in 28 municipalities with working cell towers (Claro)
>    34% of San Juan has working cell tower coverage (Claro)
>    Cell on Wheels in Ponce (4 mile radius) serving 6,000 calls per hour, 
> 35,000 texts per hour (AT&T)
>    Dorado, Tao Baja and Toa Alta have T-Mobile service (T-Mobile)
> I don't know what FCC and PRTRB are counting:
>    286 working cell sites out of 2671 (according to FCC report)
>    96 working cell sites out of 1600 (according to PR Telecommunications 
> Regulatory Board report)
>    For context, the number of cell sites repaired each day since the end of 
> Hurricane Maria is improving slowly - average less than 20 sites a day, but 
> some days its negative, i.e. more cell towers failing than repaired.
>    On U.S. Virigin Islands, the number of cell sites out of service decreased 
> initially, but has slowly increased for the last 5 days.
> I created a spreadsheet of the FCC wirelss outage data from hurricane Harvey, 
> Irma and Maria.
> There is no consistent pattern between states, territories or hurricanes. 
> Florida had the fatest wireless restoration, average 500 cell sites restored 
> a day; while U.S. Virgin Islands averaged less than 1 cell site restored.  
> But Florida was mostly restoring the electrical grid, which restored lots of 
> cell sites.  Harvey was slow to start restoring cell sites, the tropical 
> storm lasted for days; but less than 6% of cell sites were out of service.
> Cable systems
>     First official report from Liberty Cable Puerto Rico
>     Most cable headends or in good condition, with backup generators. 
> Internet connection to international circuits reconnected. Main fiber trunk 
> between San Juan and Luquillo completed. Working to repair infrastructure and 
> primary services such as physical plant, main repeater bases, fiber optic 
> ring and fiber to distribution stations in neighborhoods. (LibertyPR)
> Satellite Services and Satellite Phones
>   As more satellite phones are distributed, social media and news reporters 
> are saying satellite capacity is getting worse.  It may be user issues and 
> lack of training, or running out of satellite bandwidth in the area.
>   American Red Cross driving a VSAT station between shelters, and setting up 
> temporary hotspots for an hour at each shelter so people can contact family 
> members.
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