RE: [WISPA] Is this about Calea?

2007-09-07 Thread Rick Harnish
Kris Twomey posted the following on the FISPA list yesterday concerning the
same question.

>From a quick look, it doesn't impact CALEA. Subpoenas under CALEA are always
signed by a judge (or at least should be!).


Kristopher E. Twomey
Telecom/Internet Law & Regulatory Consulting

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Mario Pommier
Sent: Friday, September 07, 2007 2:56 PM
To: WISPA General List
Subject: [WISPA] Is this about Calea?

September 7, 2007

  Judge Voids F.B.I. Tool Granted by Patriot Act


A federal judge yesterday struck down the parts of the recently revised 
USA Patriot Act that authorized the Federal Bureau of Investigation 
to use informal secret demands called national security letters to 
compel companies to provide customer records.

The law allowed the F.B.I. not only to force communications companies, 
including telephone and Internet providers, to turn over the records 
without court authorization, but also to forbid the companies to tell 
the customers or anyone else what they had done. Under the law, enacted 
last year, the ability of the courts to review challenges to the ban on 
disclosures was quite limited.

The judge, Victor Marrero of the Federal District Court in Manhattan, 
ruled that the measure violated the First Amendment and the separation 
of powers guarantee.

Judge Marrero said he feared that the law could be the first step in a 
series of intrusions into the judiciary's role that would be "the 
legislative equivalent of breaking and entering, with an ominous free 
pass to the hijacking of constitutional values."

According to a report from the Justice Department's inspector general in 
March, the F.B.I. issued about 143,000 requests through national 
security letters from 2003 to 2005. The report found that the bureau had 
often used the letters improperly and sometimes illegally.

Yesterday's decision was a sequel to rulings by Judge Marrero in 2004 
and a federal judge in Connecticut in 2005, both of which enjoined an 
earlier version of the law. Congress responded last year by amending the 
law in reauthorizing it.

The earlier version of the measure barred all recipients of the letters 
from disclosing them. The amended law changed the ban slightly, now 
requiring the F.B.I. to certify in each case that disclosure might harm 
national security, criminal investigations, diplomacy or people's safety.

The law authorized courts to review those assertions, but under 
extremely deferential standards. In some cases, judges were required to 
treat F.B.I. statements "as conclusive unless the court finds that the 
certification was made in bad faith."

In yesterday's decision, Judge Marrero said that the revisions to the 
law did not go far enough in addressing the flaws identified in the 
earlier decisions and that in fact they created additional 
constitutional problems.

Recipients of the letters, he wrote, remain "effectively barred from 
engaging in any discussion regarding their experiences and opinions 
related to the government's use" of the letters. Indeed, the very 
identity of the Internet service provider that brought this case remains 

The judge said the F.B.I. might be entitled to prohibit disclosures for 
a limited time but afterward "must bear the burden of going to court to 
suppress the speech." Putting that burden on recipients of the letters, 
he said, violates the First Amendment.

The decision found that the secrecy requirement was so intertwined with 
the rest of the provision concerning national security letters that the 
entire provision was unconstitutional.

Judge Marrero used his strongest language and evocative historical 
analogies in criticizing the aspect of the new law that imposed 
restrictions on the courts' ability to review the F.B.I.'s determinations.

"When the judiciary lowers its guard on the Constitution, it opens the 
door to far-reaching invasions of privacy," Judge Marrero wrote, 
pointing to discredited Supreme Court 
decisions endorsing the internment of Japanese-Americans during World 
War II and racially segregated railroad cars in the 19th century.

"The only thing left of the judiciary's function for those Americans in 
that experience," he wrote, "was a symbolic act: to sing a requiem and 
lower the flag on the Bill of Rights."

Lawyers for the American Civil Liberties Union 

[WISPA] Is this about Calea?

2007-09-07 Thread Mario Pommier

September 7, 2007

 Judge Voids F.B.I. Tool Granted by Patriot Act


A federal judge yesterday struck down the parts of the recently revised 
USA Patriot Act that authorized the Federal Bureau of Investigation 
to use informal secret demands called national security letters to 
compel companies to provide customer records.

The law allowed the F.B.I. not only to force communications companies, 
including telephone and Internet providers, to turn over the records 
without court authorization, but also to forbid the companies to tell 
the customers or anyone else what they had done. Under the law, enacted 
last year, the ability of the courts to review challenges to the ban on 
disclosures was quite limited.

The judge, Victor Marrero of the Federal District Court in Manhattan, 
ruled that the measure violated the First Amendment and the separation 
of powers guarantee.

Judge Marrero said he feared that the law could be the first step in a 
series of intrusions into the judiciary's role that would be "the 
legislative equivalent of breaking and entering, with an ominous free 
pass to the hijacking of constitutional values."

According to a report from the Justice Department's inspector general in 
March, the F.B.I. issued about 143,000 requests through national 
security letters from 2003 to 2005. The report found that the bureau had 
often used the letters improperly and sometimes illegally.

Yesterday's decision was a sequel to rulings by Judge Marrero in 2004 
and a federal judge in Connecticut in 2005, both of which enjoined an 
earlier version of the law. Congress responded last year by amending the 
law in reauthorizing it.

The earlier version of the measure barred all recipients of the letters 
from disclosing them. The amended law changed the ban slightly, now 
requiring the F.B.I. to certify in each case that disclosure might harm 
national security, criminal investigations, diplomacy or people's safety.

The law authorized courts to review those assertions, but under 
extremely deferential standards. In some cases, judges were required to 
treat F.B.I. statements "as conclusive unless the court finds that the 
certification was made in bad faith."

In yesterday's decision, Judge Marrero said that the revisions to the 
law did not go far enough in addressing the flaws identified in the 
earlier decisions and that in fact they created additional 
constitutional problems.

Recipients of the letters, he wrote, remain "effectively barred from 
engaging in any discussion regarding their experiences and opinions 
related to the government's use" of the letters. Indeed, the very 
identity of the Internet service provider that brought this case remains 

The judge said the F.B.I. might be entitled to prohibit disclosures for 
a limited time but afterward "must bear the burden of going to court to 
suppress the speech." Putting that burden on recipients of the letters, 
he said, violates the First Amendment.

The decision found that the secrecy requirement was so intertwined with 
the rest of the provision concerning national security letters that the 
entire provision was unconstitutional.

Judge Marrero used his strongest language and evocative historical 
analogies in criticizing the aspect of the new law that imposed 
restrictions on the courts' ability to review the F.B.I.'s determinations.

"When the judiciary lowers its guard on the Constitution, it opens the 
door to far-reaching invasions of privacy," Judge Marrero wrote, 
pointing to discredited Supreme Court 
decisions endorsing the internment of Japanese-Americans during World 
War II and racially segregated railroad cars in the 19th century.

"The only thing left of the judiciary's function for those Americans in 
that experience," he wrote, "was a symbolic act: to sing a requiem and 
lower the flag on the Bill of Rights."

Lawyers for the American Civil Liberties Union 
which represented the Internet company, said Judge Marrero had confirmed 
a bedrock principle.

"A statute that allows the F.B.I. to silence people without meaningful 
judicial oversight is unconstitutional," said Jameel Jaffer, an A.C.L.U. 

Judge Marrero delayed enforcing his decision pending an appeal by the 
government. Rebekah Carmichael, a spokeswoman for the United States 
attorney's office in Manhattan, said the government had not decided 
whether to file one.
