A high-powered group of local tech execs and former government officials has started a company to build a $400 million national wireless broadband network.

The company, M2Z Networks, plans to sell high-speed bandwidth to Internet service providers while making slower access available to the general public at no cost.

M2Z, which has offices in Arlington and Menlo Park, Calif., has asked the Federal Communications Commission to grant the company a license for a portion of the public airwaves without auctioning the space off to the highest bidder, which is the usual procedure.

The wireless company also would provide free access to public safety agencies at rates six times as fast as dial-up connections, pay 5 percent of its revenue to the U.S. treasury and block illegal online content.

The network is expected to cover one-third of the country's population in three years, two-thirds in five years and 95 percent in 10 years, M2Z says. But there is no way to know how long it will take for the FCC to act on the company's request.




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