Re: [WISPA] Net Neutrality article by Robert X. Cringely

2006-06-26 Thread Pete Davis
Many of us use PPPOE connections for our subscribers. While this is not 
the same as a VPN, it is similar. Many home routers support PPTP (which 
IS VPN'ish), so I assume SOMEONE out there is doing it,  and I guess 
would make ONE connection to the AP, and cut down maybe on some of the 
problems associated with P2P software on the wireless client, where the 
802.11x standard makes it tough to deal with hundreds of users and 
hundreds of connections each.


Jeff Broadwick wrote:

I read through this, and it didn't square with my understanding in many ways.  I
ran it past one of my senior engineers and this is his response:

"Cringely clearly needs to learn some more about the subject before he spouts
technical pronouncements.  Any ISP using VPNs to limit traffic to a customer is
crazy as a loon.  Maybe they did that in the old days, but certainly not
anymore.  I'm amazed that he honestly thinks that NO ISPs in the U.S. limit
BitTorrent traffic.  It was the first sign that he's pretty clueless technically
and doesn't talk to very many ISPs."

"I do agree with him that Net Neutrality doesn't exist now, never existed in the
past, and that this will not change.  I disagree with a few other points: 1) I
don't think that the current system is "broken" or "bad", 2) comparing shaped
traffic with unshaped traffic is dumb, 3) comparing optimized BitTorrent traffic
with unoptimized is also dumb."


Jeff Broadwick
800-813-5123 x106
-Original Message-
Of Pete Davis
Sent: Monday, June 26, 2006 6:54 AM
Subject: [WISPA] Net Neutrality article by Robert X. Cringely

Sorry for the cross-post. Having not really been following the whole Neutrality
Debate, this clarified some stuff for me. I hope you enjoy it.

Copied from:

June 22, 2006
Net Neutered:
Why don't they tell us ending Net Neutrality might kill BitTorrent?

By Robert X. Cringely

Last week's column was about Bill Gates' announced departure from day-to-day
management at Microsoft and a broad view of the Net Neutrality issue. We'll get
back to Microsoft next week with a much closer look at the challenges the
company faces as it ages and what I believe is a clever and counter-intuitive
plan for Redmond's future success. But this week is all about Net Neutrality,
which turns out to be a far more complex issue than we (or Congress) are being

Net Neutrality is a concept being explored right now in the U.S. 
Congress, which is trying to decide whether to allow Internet Service Providers

to offer tiers of service for extra money or to essentially be prohibited from
doing so. The ISPs want the additional income and claim they are being under
compensated for their network investments, while pretty much everyone else
thinks all packets ought to be treated equally.

Last week's column pointed out how shallow are the current arguments, which
ignore many of the technical and operational realities of the Internet,
especially the fact that there have long been tiers of service and that ISPs
have probably been treating different kinds of packets differently for years and
we simply didn't know it.

One example of unequal treatment is whether packets connect from backbone to
backbone through one of the public Network Access Points
(NAPs) or through a private peering arrangement between ISPs or backbone
providers. The distinction between these two forms of interconnection is vital
because the NAPs are overloaded all the time, leading to dropped packets,
retransmissions, network congestion, and reduced effective bandwidth. Every ISP
that has a private peering agreement still has the right to use the NAPs and one
has to wonder how they decide which packets they put in the diamond lane and
which ones they make take the bus?

Virtual Private Networks are another example of how packets can be treated
differently. Most VPNs are created by ISP customers who want secure and reliable
interconnections to their corporate networks. VPNs not only encrypt content, but
to a certain extent they reserve bandwidth. But not all VPNs are created by
customers. There are some ISPs that use VPNs specifically to limit the bandwidth
of certain customers who are viewed as taking more than their fair share. My
late friend Roger Boisvert, a pioneer Japanese ISP, found that fewer than 5
percent of his customers at were using more than 70 percent of the ISP's
bandwidth, so he captured just those accounts in VPNs limited to a certain
amount of bandwidth. Since then I have heard from other ISPs who do the same.

As pointed out last week, though, there is only so much damage that an ISP can
do and most of it seems limited to Voice-over-IP (VoIP) telephone service w

RE: [WISPA] Net Neutrality article by Robert X. Cringely

2006-06-26 Thread Jeff Broadwick
I read through this, and it didn't square with my understanding in many ways.  I
ran it past one of my senior engineers and this is his response:

"Cringely clearly needs to learn some more about the subject before he spouts
technical pronouncements.  Any ISP using VPNs to limit traffic to a customer is
crazy as a loon.  Maybe they did that in the old days, but certainly not
anymore.  I'm amazed that he honestly thinks that NO ISPs in the U.S. limit
BitTorrent traffic.  It was the first sign that he's pretty clueless technically
and doesn't talk to very many ISPs."

"I do agree with him that Net Neutrality doesn't exist now, never existed in the
past, and that this will not change.  I disagree with a few other points: 1) I
don't think that the current system is "broken" or "bad", 2) comparing shaped
traffic with unshaped traffic is dumb, 3) comparing optimized BitTorrent traffic
with unoptimized is also dumb."


Jeff Broadwick
800-813-5123 x106
-Original Message-
Of Pete Davis
Sent: Monday, June 26, 2006 6:54 AM
Subject: [WISPA] Net Neutrality article by Robert X. Cringely

Sorry for the cross-post. Having not really been following the whole Neutrality
Debate, this clarified some stuff for me. I hope you enjoy it.

Copied from:

June 22, 2006
Net Neutered:
Why don't they tell us ending Net Neutrality might kill BitTorrent?

By Robert X. Cringely

Last week's column was about Bill Gates' announced departure from day-to-day
management at Microsoft and a broad view of the Net Neutrality issue. We'll get
back to Microsoft next week with a much closer look at the challenges the
company faces as it ages and what I believe is a clever and counter-intuitive
plan for Redmond's future success. But this week is all about Net Neutrality,
which turns out to be a far more complex issue than we (or Congress) are being

Net Neutrality is a concept being explored right now in the U.S. 
Congress, which is trying to decide whether to allow Internet Service Providers
to offer tiers of service for extra money or to essentially be prohibited from
doing so. The ISPs want the additional income and claim they are being under
compensated for their network investments, while pretty much everyone else
thinks all packets ought to be treated equally.

Last week's column pointed out how shallow are the current arguments, which
ignore many of the technical and operational realities of the Internet,
especially the fact that there have long been tiers of service and that ISPs
have probably been treating different kinds of packets differently for years and
we simply didn't know it.

One example of unequal treatment is whether packets connect from backbone to
backbone through one of the public Network Access Points
(NAPs) or through a private peering arrangement between ISPs or backbone
providers. The distinction between these two forms of interconnection is vital
because the NAPs are overloaded all the time, leading to dropped packets,
retransmissions, network congestion, and reduced effective bandwidth. Every ISP
that has a private peering agreement still has the right to use the NAPs and one
has to wonder how they decide which packets they put in the diamond lane and
which ones they make take the bus?

Virtual Private Networks are another example of how packets can be treated
differently. Most VPNs are created by ISP customers who want secure and reliable
interconnections to their corporate networks. VPNs not only encrypt content, but
to a certain extent they reserve bandwidth. But not all VPNs are created by
customers. There are some ISPs that use VPNs specifically to limit the bandwidth
of certain customers who are viewed as taking more than their fair share. My
late friend Roger Boisvert, a pioneer Japanese ISP, found that fewer than 5
percent of his customers at were using more than 70 percent of the ISP's
bandwidth, so he captured just those accounts in VPNs limited to a certain
amount of bandwidth. Since then I have heard from other ISPs who do the same.

As pointed out last week, though, there is only so much damage that an ISP can
do and most of it seems limited to Voice-over-IP (VoIP) telephone service where
latency, dropouts, and jitter are key and problematic. Since VoIP is an Internet
service customers are used to paying extra for (that, in itself, is rare), ISPs
want that money for themselves, which is the major reason why they want
permission to end Net Neutrality--if it ever really existed.

The implications of this end to Net Neutrality go far beyond VoIP, though it is
my feeling that most ISPs don't know that. These are bit schleppers, remember,
and the advantages of traffic shapi

[WISPA] Net Neutrality article by Robert X. Cringely

2006-06-26 Thread Pete Davis
Sorry for the cross-post. Having not really been following the whole 
Neutrality Debate, this clarified some stuff for me. I hope you enjoy it.

Copied from:

June 22, 2006
Net Neutered:
Why don't they tell us ending Net Neutrality might kill BitTorrent?

By Robert X. Cringely

Last week's column was about Bill Gates' announced departure from 
day-to-day management at Microsoft and a broad view of the Net 
Neutrality issue. We'll get back to Microsoft next week with a much 
closer look at the challenges the company faces as it ages and what I 
believe is a clever and counter-intuitive plan for Redmond's future 
success. But this week is all about Net Neutrality, which turns out to 
be a far more complex issue than we (or Congress) are being told.

Net Neutrality is a concept being explored right now in the U.S. 
Congress, which is trying to decide whether to allow Internet Service 
Providers to offer tiers of service for extra money or to essentially be 
prohibited from doing so. The ISPs want the additional income and claim 
they are being under compensated for their network investments, while 
pretty much everyone else thinks all packets ought to be treated equally.

Last week's column pointed out how shallow are the current arguments, 
which ignore many of the technical and operational realities of the 
Internet, especially the fact that there have long been tiers of service 
and that ISPs have probably been treating different kinds of packets 
differently for years and we simply didn't know it.

One example of unequal treatment is whether packets connect from 
backbone to backbone through one of the public Network Access Points 
(NAPs) or through a private peering arrangement between ISPs or backbone 
providers. The distinction between these two forms of interconnection is 
vital because the NAPs are overloaded all the time, leading to dropped 
packets, retransmissions, network congestion, and reduced effective 
bandwidth. Every ISP that has a private peering agreement still has the 
right to use the NAPs and one has to wonder how they decide which 
packets they put in the diamond lane and which ones they make take the bus?

Virtual Private Networks are another example of how packets can be 
treated differently. Most VPNs are created by ISP customers who want 
secure and reliable interconnections to their corporate networks. VPNs 
not only encrypt content, but to a certain extent they reserve 
bandwidth. But not all VPNs are created by customers. There are some 
ISPs that use VPNs specifically to limit the bandwidth of certain 
customers who are viewed as taking more than their fair share. My late 
friend Roger Boisvert, a pioneer Japanese ISP, found that fewer than 5 
percent of his customers at were using more than 70 percent of 
the ISP's bandwidth, so he captured just those accounts in VPNs limited 
to a certain amount of bandwidth. Since then I have heard from other 
ISPs who do the same.

As pointed out last week, though, there is only so much damage that an 
ISP can do and most of it seems limited to Voice-over-IP (VoIP) 
telephone service where latency, dropouts, and jitter are key and 
problematic. Since VoIP is an Internet service customers are used to 
paying extra for (that, in itself, is rare), ISPs want that money for 
themselves, which is the major reason why they want permission to end 
Net Neutrality--if it ever really existed.

The implications of this end to Net Neutrality go far beyond VoIP, 
though it is my feeling that most ISPs don't know that. These are bit 
schleppers, remember, and the advantages of traffic shaping are only 
beginning to dawn on most of them. The DIS-advantages are even further 
from being realized, though that will start to change right here.

The key question to ask is what impact will priority service levels have 
on the services that remain, those having no priority? In terms of the 
packets, giving priority to VoIP ought not to have a significant impact 
on audio or video downloads because those services are buffered and if 
they take a little longer, well that's just the price of progress, 
right? Wrong. Let's look at the impact of priority services on 
BitTorrent, the single greatest consumer of Internet bandwidth.

Though e-mail and web surfing are both probably more important to 
Internet users than BitTorrent, the peer-to-peer file transfer scheme 
uses more total Internet bandwidth at something over 30 percent. Some 
ISPs absolutely hate BitTorrent and have moved to limit its impact on 
their networks by controlling the amount of bandwidth available to 
BitTorrent traffic. This, too, flies in the face of our supposed current 
state of blissful Net Neutrality. A list of ISPs that limit BitTorrent 
bandwidth is in this week's links, though most of them are, so far, 
outside the United States.

BitTorrent blocking or limiting can be defeated by encrypting the 
torrents, but that i