The WISPA board has discussed this matter of Unauthorized Press Releases on
the WISPA listservs.  Our consensus is that if any WISP or Vendor wants to
make Press Releases they should send them to Rick Harnish
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or Matt Larsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] for release
on the WISPA Homepage.  People that want to read the press releases can do
so on the website without cluttering up everyone's email box and using
excessive bandwidth to send these out.  We will allow postings on the WISPA
listservs which include a link to a private webpage which contains the Press
Release or a link to the WISPA homepage.  This decision should adequately
solve everyone's goals and issues with minimal disruption.  If Matt or I are
not reelected in the upcoming election, I will notify the list for who the
responsible party will be.  The WISPA board will also reserve the right to
decide which press releases are to be published and which are to be denied.
We will not post financial information about a company on the webpage.

Rick Harnish

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