[WISPA] WISP Testifying before Congress Wednes - Kill NetNeutrality - What you can do!

2011-03-06 Thread Tom DeReggi
Reforwarding. Sorry for the repeat, I forgot to change the subject field 
appropriately, last Email send.

The House and Energy Committee will have a hearing this Wednesday, regarding 
H.J. Res 37, Disapproving the rule submitted by the Federal Communication 
Commission with respect to regulating the Internet and broadband industry 

I, Tom DeReggi, representing RapidDSL  Wireless, have accepted the honor of 
testifying before Congress at this hearing.
I'd like to note that this will be the second time a WISP will testfiy on this 
topic within a 2 week period, strengthening the relevence of our WISP Industry. 

In summary, if successful, and H.J. Res 37 is passed, it will reverse and 
nullify FCC's recent NetNEutrality rules.  This is our chance to kill the poor 
NetNeutrality rules instantly in its tracks.

Quick background.
  a.. On Monday, Chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee Fred Upton 
(MI-6) and Chairman of the Communications and Technology Subcommittee Greg 
Walden (OR-2) announced that on Wednesday they would markup H.J. Res. 37 . For 
those of you unfamiliar with the term markup, It means they would have limited 
debate followed by a vote on the resolution and any amendments . 
  b.. On Tuesday, Representatives Waxman (CA-30) and Eshoo (CA-14) sent a 
letter to the Chairs asking for them to hold a hearing on H.R. Res 37 before 
markup (as is standard practice). 
  c.. On Wednesday (march 2nd), the Communications and Technology Subcommittee 
announced that they would delay the markup, and hold a hearing on it at some 
point in the future. 
The future is this upcoming Wednesday the 9th!! Talkin about quick action!! 

Now it is our chance to send FCC Chairman Genacowski (and commissioners) a 
clear message. That we will NOT accept rule making that IGNORES the interests 
of small business WISPs, and that we will go over their heads, if they ignore 
us.  So why, am I so much against NetNeutrality? MANY REASONS. But the most 
obvious was that the FCC gave special consideration to mobile wirless carriers, 
but lumped Fixed Wireless Providers in with Fiber and wireline providers with 
out ANY consessions for our unique disadvantages industry. Giving reasonable 
network mangement and usage billing was NO WHERE NEAR ENOUGH to address 
WISP's  concerns. What the FCC really gave us was uncertainty, more 
regulations, more technical distractions, and more liabilty, that surely would 
lead to higher legal costs and  customer support frustrations. NetNEutrality 
empowered and entitled Content providers and Consumers to control our networks, 
but left Access Providers to Foot the Bill. We were no longer free to etablish 
our own business model, but instead forced to be an Advance Broadband Company 
(Streaming Video), if we wanted to offer broadband without legal consequences.  
We need to take our authority back as private business and network owners.   We 
actually have a really good chance to win Wednesday. Why, because the service 
provider industry (ILECS, CLECs, CableCos, WISPs, MobileWireless) is almost 
unaminously united in the fight against the FCC overstepping their bounds, and 
the committee is now majoirty Republican, and isn't obligated to follow the 
president's party. Verizon has already opened legal suit against the FCC as 
well, and threatening to stop investment. 

We need to convey several core messages, likely the top 3 most importance. That 
NetNeutrality rules (as-is) will..
1. reduce or slow Investment in broadband build out.
2. slow bringing broadband to all Americans and underserved areas
3. cause loss of jobs or reduce jobs. (counter democrat's claim that 
NetNEutrality will create jobs)
4. harm small business access providers, and stiffle innovation
5. harm our subscibers, or degrade service to our subscribers.
6. creates challenges in network management or operations, which rules are not 
reasable to comply with. (over burdening).
7. are a distraction that take us away from our more important goal, to deploy 

I'm still writing my presentation/testimony, so dont have it to share with 
membership yet.

Right now the Republicans are on a rampage to help us. Lets show them our 
support and that we are watching.   (Please note I am NOT endorsing a specific 
party and am not meaning to favor republicans or democrats. I am refering to 
them only in the context of my observations of where I've read that the 
majority in the party tend to stand currently on this specific topic/process)

I suggeset a plan of action for members.
To flood the House Committee members with support letters to PASS HJ RES 37. 

I've attached a list of the committee members to contact. A higher priority may 
be to convince democrat members.

I suggest sending these support letters Tuesday Morning. 
Simply state, that you are a  WISP, and that you SUPPORT  HJ Res 37, and 
encourage your representative to PASS the bill.to overturn the FCC's poor 
NetNEutrality rule making.

Re: [WISPA] WISP Testifying before Congress Wednes - Kill NetNeutrality- What you can do!

2011-03-06 Thread MDK
If you speak to to Walden, thank him for his efforts.   He's my congressman and 
has been at the very front of this the whole time.   


Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

From: Tom DeReggi 
Sent: Sunday, March 06, 2011 8:21 PM
To: WISPA General List 
Cc: legislat...@wispa.org ; fcccommit...@wispa.org 
Subject: [WISPA] WISP Testifying before Congress Wednes - Kill NetNeutrality- 
What you can do!

Reforwarding. Sorry for the repeat, I forgot to change the subject field 
appropriately, last Email send.

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